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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2020

Musée de la Révolution, Histoire Chronologique de la Révolution Française: Collection de Sujets Dessinés Par Raffet Et Gravés Sur Acier Par Frilley by Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Marie, de Montgaillard, Guillaume-Honoré Rocques, Thiers, Adolphe
Angleterre, Écosse, Irlande, Voyage Pittoresque by Gavarni, Enault, Louis
Essais Sur La Guerre Russo-Japonaise by de LaCroix, Henri, de Saligny, Louis
Histoire Du Parlement d'Angleterre. Partie 2 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Histoire Du Parlement d'Angleterre. Partie 1 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Comment La Russie Amena La Guerre, Histoire Complète by Pepin, Frédéric, Suyematsu, Kenchio
Considérations Politiques Pour Entreprendre La Guerre Contre l'Espagne. Traduit de l'Anglois by Bacon, Francis
Documents Particuliers, En Forme de Lettres, Sur Napoléon Bonaparte: D'Après Des Données Fournies Par Napoléon Lui-Même Et Des Personnes Qui Ont Vécu by Napoléon Ier
La France En 1789, La Société, Le Gouvernement, l'Administration: Avec Cartes Des Traites Et Des Gabelles d'Après Necker by Pizard, Alfred
Mes Relations Avec Le Duc de Reichstadt, Mémoire Posthume by Von Prokesch-Osten, Anton, Prokesch Von Osten, Anton
The Elusive Case of Lingua Franca: Fact and Fiction by Nolan, Joanna
Western Democracy: The History and Legacy of Representative Governments in the West from the Ancient World to Today by Charles River
Western Democracy: The History and Legacy of Representative Governments in the West from the Ancient World to Today by Charles River
Sexual Culture in Germany in the 1970s: A Golden Age for Queers? by
Childhood, Youth and Religious Minorities in Early Modern Europe by
The Media, European Integration and the Rise of Euro-Journalism, 1950s-1970s by Herzer, Martin
Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican II and Its Impact by
Student Revolt in 1968: France, Italy and West Germany by Mercer, Ben
Medieval Meteorology: Forecasting the Weather from Aristotle to the Almanac by Lawrence-Mathers, Anne
Designing Memory by Tanovic, Sabina
Die Deutschen in Cisleithanien und deren Wege zum "nationalen Erwachen" von den theresianisch-josephinischen Reformen bis zum Untergang der Habsburger by Hammer, Martin
On to Victory: The Canadian Liberation of the Netherlands, March 23-May 5, 1945 by Zuehlke, Mark
Une Dernière Page d'histoire romaine by Duruy, Victor
La Edad Media: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Europa, desde la caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente a través de la Peste Negr by History, Captivating
Second Treatise of Government by Locke, John
Our Gigantic Zoo: A German Quest to Save the Serengeti by Lekan, Thomas M.
The Dawning of Christianity in Poland and across Central and Eastern Europe: History and the Politics of Memory by
History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (Volume II) A.D. 568-800 by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Erik the Red: A Captivating Guide to the Viking Who Founded the First Norse Settlement in Greenland by History, Captivating
La Edad Media: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Europa, desde la caída del Imperio Romano de Occidente a través de la Peste Negr by History, Captivating
Stambul und das moderne Türkentum: Politische, soziale und biographische Bilder von einem Osmanen by Mordtmann, Andreas David
Der Euergetismus zur Zeit der römischen Republik. Urbanisierung und Romanisierung Italiens by Otto, Tanja
Zur Stabilisierung des Prinzipats unter Tiberius. Die Rolle des Piso-Prozesses by Otto, Tanja
Hassegau: Geschichtliches zwischen Saale und Unstrut by Bruns, Steffan
Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter den Karolingern, 751-918 by Böhmer, Johann Friedrich, Mühlbacher, Engelbert, Lechner, Johann
Second Treatise of Government by Locke, John
The Convent of Wesel by Spohnholz, Jesse
In Die Töpfe Geschaut: Biochemische Und Kulturgeschichtliche Studien Zum Früheisenzeitlichen Essen Und Trinken by
Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history by Ploetz, Carl
D-Day: Storming Fortress Europe by Hendrix, Erik, Chambers, Jack
Die Entwicklung und das Ende der Großen Koalition von 1928 bis 1930 und die Rolle von Interessen by Kulbarsch, Henning
Zum Umgang der Londoner Times mit der regierungskritischen Kampagne von Emily Hobhouse: "Irresponsible investigators with a pro-Boer bias" by Binder, Sebastian
My Opposition by Kellner, Friedrich
de Sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries by
Fortune's Bond by Black, Robert Ray
The Dodo: The History and Legacy of the Extinct Flightless Bird by Charles River
The Dodo: The History and Legacy of the Extinct Flightless Bird by Charles River
Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth by Teter, Magda
The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won by Hanson, Victor Davis
History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (Volume VIII) Part I by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Die Entnazifizierung Richard Wagners: Die Programmhefte Der Bayreuther Festspiele 1951-1976 by Bermbach, Udo
Muslim-Christian Relations in Late-Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect by Freas, Erik
Privauté, gouvernement et souveraineté: Castille, XIIIe-XIVe siècle by Foronda, François
Brexit Handbook: Management of Civil Society for Embassies and Diplomats by Viens, Jeannette, Rahman-Figueroa, Talyn
Les Alliés Naturels de la France. La Triple-Alliance de Demain: La Neutralité Suisse, 15 Novembre 1889 by Collectif
Journal, Vingt-Cinq ANS À Paris, 1826-1850. Tome 1. 1826-1830 by Apponyi, Rudolf
Journal, Vingt-Cinq ANS À Paris, 1826-1850. Tome 4. 1844-1852 by Apponyi, Rudolf
Journal, Vingt-Cinq ANS À Paris, 1826-1850. Tome 2. 1831-1834 by Apponyi, Rudolf
Histoire Militaire de la Campagne de Russie En 1812. Tome 2 by Boutourlin, Dimitri Petrovitch
Histoire Militaire de la Campagne de Russie En 1812. Tome 1 by Boutourlin, Dimitri Petrovitch
L'Histoire Et La Légende de Jean Cleberger, Dit Le Bon Allemand, 1485-1546 by Vial, Eugène
Mémoire Sur l'Exploitation Et Le Matériel Des Chemins Anglais En 1865 by Morandière, A. -Jules
Chroniques Impériales by Barginet, Alexandre
La Lutte Pour l'Empire de la Mer, Exposé Et Critique by Daveluy, René
Le Gouvernement Occulte de la France, Pétition Adressée Au Sénat Le 3 Septembre 1879 by Faligan, Ernest
Des Événements Qui Ont Amené La Fin Du Règne de Napoléon Ier by Saint-Nexant de Gagemon, Charles
L'État Des Esprits À La Fin Du XIXe Siècle: La France d'Hier, La France d'Aujourd'hui Et La France de Demain by Cabanié, E. -Auguste
Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican II and its Impact by
French Senegal: The History of the French Colony and Senegal's Transition to Independence by Charles River
Medieval Ukraine: The History of the Region and the Civilizations that Fought to Control It Before the Advent of the Russian Empire by Charles River
French Senegal: The History of the French Colony and Senegal's Transition to Independence by Charles River
Aberdeen Travel Guide, Scotland, United Kingdom: Travel and Tourism, History, People and Culture by Bennett, Alex
Celtic People History and Culture: The Origin, Custom, Language by Richardson, Kai
Studies in the History of the English Feudal Barony by Painter, Sidney
William Marshal: Knight-Errant, Baron, and Regent of England by Painter, Sidney
Stevens' Poetry of Thought by Doggett, Frank
Den gamle Edda by Hjort, Vilhelm B.
Museo del Hermitage: La historia y legado del famoso ícono ruso del arte y la cultura by Charles River
Museo del Hermitage: La historia y legado del famoso ícono ruso del arte y la cultura by Charles River
The Grande Armée and Wellington's Scum: The History and Legacy of the French and British Armies during the Napoleonic Wars by Charles River
The Grande Armée and Wellington's Scum: The History and Legacy of the French and British Armies during the Napoleonic Wars by Charles River
Medieval Ukraine: The History of the Region and the Civilizations that Fought to Control It Before the Advent of the Russian Empire by Charles River
The Lost History of Liberalism: From Ancient Rome to the Twenty-First Century by Rosenblatt, Helena
Liberty, Slavery and the Law in Early Modern Western Europe: Omnes Homines Aut Liberi Sunt Aut Servi by Batselé, Filip
Emotions of Internationalism: Feeling International Cooperation in the Alps in the Interwar Period by Scaglia, Ilaria
Geschichte Der Deutschen Forstverwaltung by Franz, Thorsten
The historical reference book; comprising a chronological table of universal history; a chronological dictionary of universal history; a biographical by Heilprin, Louis
Exiled Among Nations: German and Mennonite Mythologies in a Transnational Age by Eicher, John P. R.
A People's Music: Jazz in East Germany, 1945-1990 by Kaldewey, Helma
Baha'u'llah, the West, and the Birth of Modernity: An Essay on the Awakening of Humanity by Beebe, Stephen
Black Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism by Rowe, Erin Kathleen
Digest by Curtius, Quintus
The Rise of Bolshevism and Its Impact on the Interwar International Order by
La Edad Media: Una Guía fascinante del período de la historia entre la caída del Imperio romano y el Renacimiento by History, Captivating
Digest by Curtius, Quintus
Renaissance in Italy: The Catholic Reaction (Part II) by Addington Symonds, John
Triumph Der Mitte: Die Mäßigung Der Old Whigs Und Der Aufstieg Des Britischen Liberalkonservatismus, 1750-1850 by Oppermann, Matthias
Rethinking the Enlightenment: Between History, Philosophy, and Politics by
Papsturkunden in Spanien: Vorarbeiten Zur Hispania (Iberia) Pontificia. III. Kastilien by
British Clandestine Activities in Romania During the Second World War by Deletant, Dennis
Casapound Italia: Contemporary Extreme-Right Politics by Froio, Caterina, Castelli Gattinara, Pietro, Bulli, Giorgia
Die römische Armee als sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Faktor: Die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsstruktur des Römischen Reiches by Olczyk, Hans-Joachim
CasaPound Italia: Contemporary Extreme-Right Politics by Froio, Caterina, Castelli Gattinara, Pietro, Bulli, Giorgia
Argentina and Peronism: The History and Legacy of Argentina's Transition from Juan Perón to Democracy by Charles River
The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West 2 Volume Hardback Set by
Argentina and Peronism: The History and Legacy of Argentina's Transition from Juan Perón to Democracy by Charles River
German Soldiers and the Occupation of France, 1940-1944 by Torrie, Julia S.
English Convents in Catholic Europe, C.1600-1800 by Kelly, James E.
The Canons of the Third Lateran Council of 1179: Their Origins and Reception by Summerlin, Danica
St Petersburg Dialogues: Or Conversations on the Temporal Government of Providence by Maistre, Joseph De
The Untold Story of Western Civilization: Vol.4: The Age of Merchant Capitalists by Paprocki, Thomas, Paprocki, Chuck
Petroglifos de Los Aulagares by Mouronval Morales, Pierre Marie
Du Projet d'indemnité, sous le rapport de la justice relative by La Gervaisais-N L M M
The Wars of the Roses and the English Civil War: The History and Legacy of England's Most Important Domestic Conflicts by Charles River
The Wars of the Roses and the English Civil War: The History and Legacy of England's Most Important Domestic Conflicts by Charles River
History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (Volume III) by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Cypriot Nationalisms in Context: History, Identity and Politics by
Rethinking Prokofiev P by McAllister, Rita
A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism by Hanebrink, Paul
The Anglo-Zulu War: The History and Legacy of the British Empire's Conflict with the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa by Charles River
Fear in the German-Speaking World, 1600-2000 by
Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East by Calandri, Elena, Caviglia, Daniele, Varsori, Antonio
Die Gründe des römischen Druidenverbots. Widerstandsbekämpfung, Missionseifer oder Zivilisationsabsicht? by Kerkmann, Tim R.
The Anglo-Zulu War: The History and Legacy of the British Empire's Conflict with the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa by Charles River
Hexenverfolgung in der Region. Die Hexenprozesse in Rothenburg ob der Tauber by Anonym
British Policy Towards Poland, 1944-1956 by Mason, Andrea
Forests in Revolutionary France by Matteson, Kieko
Die patriotischen Frauenvereine der Befreiungskriege 1813-1815 in der öffentlichen Darstellung des Rheinischen Merkurs by Weber, Marcia
M.D.T. - Territorial Defense Militia and Civic Guards in the O.Z.A.K. 1943-1945 by Crippa, Paolo, Cucut, Carlo
Le Waffen SS germaniche sul fronte italiano by Peruffo, Alberto
Edward I: New Interpretations by
Germanic Waffen SS on the Italian front. The "Reichsführer" and "Karstjäger" divisions" by Peruffo, Alberto
Reformbewegungen. Kulturpessimismus, Avantgarde, Jugend- und Lebensreformbewegung im späten Kaiserreich by Rasche, Ullrich Michael
Nature's Mutiny: How the Little Ice Age of the Long Seventeenth Century Transformed the West and Shaped the Present by Blom, Philipp
Material Christianity: Western Religion and the Agency of Things by
Transformation on the Southern Ukrainian Steppe: Letters and Papers of Johann Cornies, Volume II: 1836-1842 by
El Danubio by Magris, Claudio
Israël destructeur d'Empires by de Poncins, Léon
Paradoxes of Populism: Troubles of the West and Nationalism's Second Coming by Hedetoft, Ulf
Turkey's Nationalist Course: Implications for the U.S.-Turkish Strategic Partnership and the U.S. Army by Flanagan, Stephen J., Larrabee, F. Stephen, Binnendijk, Anika
Description Géologique Des Environs de Paris. Nouvelle Édition: Lieux de l'Allemagne, La Suisse, l'Italie Avec Des Terrains Analogues À Ceux Du Bassin by Brongniart, Alexandre, Cuvier, Georges
Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique Ou Le Mélange Curieux de l'Histoire Sacrée Et Profane. Tome 5 by Moreri, Louis, Du Pin, Louis-Ellies
Oeuvres Posthumes. Tome 2 by de Rulhière, Claude-Carloman, Auguis, Pierre-René
Oeuvres Posthumes. Tome 4 by Auguis, Pierre-René, de Rulhière, Claude-Carloman
Relation de la Campagne de 1815 by de Grouchy, Emmanuel
Oeuvres Posthumes. Tome 3 by Auguis, Pierre-René, de Rulhière, Claude-Carloman
Défense de la Pologne Ou Histoire Morale, Politique Et Littéraire de CET Ancien État by de Despots de Zenowicz, Georges
Enfance de Napoléon Ier by Marandet, J.
L'Île de Sakhaline by Joûbert, Joseph
Histoire de la Prétendue Révolution de Pologne, Avec Un Examen de la Nouvelle Constitution by Méhée de la Touche, Jean-Claude-Hippolyte
Épisode de l'Histoire de Russie, Les Faux Démétrius. 3e Édition by Mérimée, Prosper
Miraculous Realism: The French-Walloon Cinéma Du Nord by Niessen, Niels
Merg: The TRUE story of a WWII soldier's selfless act of valor and sacrifice that one town never forgot. by Lion, Peter
La Edad Media: Una Guía fascinante del período de la historia entre la caída del Imperio romano y el Renacimiento by History, Captivating
Into Russian Nature: Tourism, Environmental Protection, and National Parks in the Twentieth Century by Roe, Alan D.
European Landed Elites in the Nineteenth Century by Spring, David
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Hochschild, Adam
Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine by Strauss, Barry
Ap(r) European History Crash Course, Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time by Harrold, Patti, Krieger, Larry
Verdeutlichen oder Verschleiern. Karten manipulieren Weltbilder und politische Entscheidungen by Costa-Patry, Judit
Western Civilization: A Brief History by Waibel, Paul R.
Der Albigenserkreuzzug: Inwieweit untergrub der Katharismus die Autorität der römisch-katholischen Kirche und wie reagierte diese darauf? by Anonymous
Writing the Early Medieval West by
The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought by
The Holocaust in Greece by
Wine, Sugar, and the Making of Modern France by Heath, Elizabeth
Thieves in Court by Habermas, Rebekka
Learning in a Crusader City by Rubin, Jonathan
Turkish Germans in the Federal Republic of Germany by Thomsen Vierra, Sarah
Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland by Karch, Brendan
The Stigmata in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Muessig, Carolyn
Beauty or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900-2000 by Theunissen, Bert
Jews and Protestants: From the Reformation to the Present by
Las trabajadoras españolas en la RFA (1960-1973): El género e intereses contradictorios entre la demanda en la RFA y la oferta en la España franquista by Kerkmann, Tim R.
Von der zionistischen Jugendbewegung zu der Organisation "Jugend-Alijah": Inwiefern gab es einen Wandel von einer Interessengemeinschaft zu einer Zwan by Heinig, Janina
Die Bedeutung von Caesars Darstellungen für die Ausprägung eines antiken Germanenbildes/-topos by Anonymous
Jeanne d'Arc. Schuf die Kirche eine Heilige, eine Ketzerin und wiederum eine Heilige? by Bock, Elena
Geschichte des Freiherrenstandes im Kanton Bern by Moll, Heinz J.
Under A Darkening Sky: The American Experience in Nazi Europe: 1939-1941 by Lyman, Robert
The Appeals of the Nobility and People of Malta: to the Justice, Public Faith, and Policy of the British Government, for the fulfilment of the conditi by Various Authors, (anon ).
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1660-1783) by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Legio-X-Gemina. Geschichte einer römischen Legion by Endres, Matthias
A Concise History of Imperial Russia by Volkov, Sergey, Krishchyunas, Alexander
Women's Criminality in Europe, 1600-1914 by
Magical, Mundane or Marginal?: Deposition Practices in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik Culture by
Die römische Tetrarchie und die konstantinische Dynastie. Höhensiedlungen, Kastelle und Körpergräberfelder by Richardt, Daniel
Anticorruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era by
Skates Made of Bone: A History by Thurber, B. a.
Dignity, Justice, and the Nazi Data Debate: On Violating the Violated Anew by Quinn, Carol V. a.
Hvordan man skal forholde sig ved epidemier by Luther, Martin
Frederic the Great and Kaiser Joseph: an episode of war & diplomacy in the eighteenth century by Temperley, Harold
"Recht ist bey mir Recht, und Unrecht ist Unrecht". Johann Jacob Mosers unpolitisches Verhalten während des württembergischen Ständekonflikts by Lauer, Alexander
Europe: A Natural History by Flannery, Tim
Rural Inventions: The French Countryside After 1945 by Farmer, Sarah
Extraña Radio: Una colección de transmisiones de espionaje, estaciones no identificadas y otros misterios de las ondas radiales by Charles River
Der Erste Weltkrieg im Museum. Kriegsdarstellung zwischen Gesinnungsbildung und Erlebnisorientierung by Anonymous
Cyprus in the 1930s: British Colonial Rule and the Roots of the Cyprus Conflict by Rappas, Alexis
A History of Czechoslovakia Between the Wars: From Versailles to Hitler's Invasion by Crowhurst, Patrick
Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring Liminality by
The Pan-Hellenic Games in Ancient Greece: The History of the Olympics and the Other Major Greek Competitions by Charles River
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