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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2021

Sur l'Ambulance de l'Ambassade d'Autriche-Hongrie. Paris, 20 Septembre 1870-31 Janvier 1871 by Von Mundy, Jaromir Freiherr
Le Bois de Boulogne by Jeunesse, Auguste
Études Sur l'Allemagne, Renfermant Une Histoire de la Peinture Allemande. Tome 1 by Michiels, Alfred
Études Sur l'Allemagne, Renfermant Une Histoire de la Peinture Allemande. Tome 2 by Michiels, Alfred
Les Crises Sociales de l'Italie by Joly, Henri
L'Observateur Anglois Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'eye Et Milord All'ear. Tome 1 by Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
La Révolution Russe Et Les Nouvelles Républiques Transcaucasiennes. Bolchévisme Et Antibolchévisme by Loris Melicof, Jean, Thomas, Albert
L'Observateur Anglois Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'eye Et Milord All'ear. Tome 3 by Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
Questions Du Temps Présent. Triple Alliance Et Alsace-Lorraine, 29 Juillet 1892 by de Dartein, Fernand
Les Huguenots En Comminges. Fascicule 15 by Lestrade, Jean
Les Huguenots En Comminges. Fascicule 14 by Lestrade, Jean
Relation Du Voyage de Moscovie by Olearius, Adam, Von Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht
Les Huguenots Dans Le Diocèse de Rieux, Documents Inédits by Lestrade, Jean
Dernière Défaite, Novembre 1890 by Gay, Ernest
Les Peintures Murales de la Maladrerie de Poissy by Mareuse, Edgar
Lettres de Jules Ferry, 1846-1893 by Ferry, Jules
L'Indépendance Des Gaules Et l'Allemagne by de Jouvencel, Paul
The Elusive Case of Lingua Franca: Fact and Fiction by Nolan, Joanna
War and Migration 1860-2020: The Ruin of Western Civilization and the American Way of War by Egan, John Henry
Miraculous Realism: The French-Walloon Cinéma du Nord by Niessen, Niels
Den ældre Edda by Winkel Horn, Frederik
The Congress of Vienna by Vick
Love Between Enemies: Western Prisoners of War and German Women in World War II by Scheck, Raffael
After the Deportation: Memory Battles in Postwar France by Nord, Philip
Eduard Bernstein on Socialism Past and Present: Essays and Lectures on Ideology by Ostrowski, Marius S.
The Power Of The Pope During The Middle Ages: Or, An Historical Inquiry Into The Origin Of The Temporal Power Of The Holy See And The Constitutional L by Gosselin, M.
What Has Left Since We Left: Six Takes on Europe by
Christianity and the New Age by Dawson, Christopher
Christianity and the New Age by Dawson, Christopher
Sammlung von Instruktionen der königlich sächsischen Armee: 1810 - 1815 (Teil VI) by
So, about Modern Europe...: A Conversational History from the Enlightenment to the Present Day by Imhoof, David
Mission des souverains by D'Alveydre, Saint-Yves
So, about Modern Europe...: A Conversational History from the Enlightenment to the Present Day by Imhoof, David
Die Berichte der sächsischen Truppen aus dem Feldzug 1806 (VII): Brigade Trützschler by
The Ottoman-Russian Wars of the 19th Century: The History of the Conflicts Between Russia and the Ottoman Empire Leading Up to World War I by Charles River
Nested Nationalism by Goff, Krista A.
Heirs of the Vikings: History and Identity in Normandy and England, C.950-C.1015 by Cross, Katherine
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?: Volume 2: Ecumenical and Practical Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue by
Weisheit Und Alter in Der Spätantike: Die Konstruktion Von >Sapientiasenectus by Kreutzer, Caroline Sophia
Bronze Age Lives by Harding, Anthony
Crusading against Christians: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Church's Crusades against Other Christians during the Middle Ages by Charles River
The Dream in Western Culture by Parman, Susan
Crusading against Christians: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Church's Crusades against Other Christians during the Middle Ages by Charles River
Saving Europe: A Tale of Two 'Dark Ages' at the Twilight of the Pax Europa by Vyner-Brooks, Henry
The Story of Sidonie C.: Freud's famous "case of female homosexuality" by Voigt, Diana, Rieder, Ines
Remaking Ukraine after World War II by Slaveski, Filip
Los misterios de Eleusis: la historia de los ritos religiosos más famosos de la antigua Grecia by Charles River
Los misterios de Eleusis: la historia de los ritos religiosos más famosos de la antigua Grecia by Charles River
Questions of Order: Confederation and the Making of Modern Canada by Price, Peter
Außendienst: Eine Undiplomatische Zeitreise by Weber-Lortsch, Christian-Ludwig
The Dark Worship by Newton, Toyne
Saving Europe by Vyner-Brooks, Henry
The History of Germany: A Fascinating Guide to the Past, A Look at the Culture, and Famous Historical Events by Green, Andrew
Una idea de la vida en Blanca alrededor del año 1900 by Westerveld, Govert, Ríos Martínez, Ángel
The Russo-Turkish Wars: The History and Legacy of the Conflicts Between the Russian Empire and Ottoman Empire by Charles River
The Russo-Turkish Wars: The History and Legacy of the Conflicts Between the Russian Empire and Ottoman Empire by Charles River
Soviet Strategy Toward Western Europe by
How War Might Spread to Europe by Nincic, Miroslav
Making Journeys: Archaeologies of Mobility by
The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization by Daly, Jonathan
Reorienting Histories of Medicine: Encounters Along the Silk Roads by Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit
The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization by Daly, Jonathan
Autobiographical Cultures in Post-War Italy: Life-Writing, Communism and Feminism by Baroni, Walter S.
Special Operations in Norway: SOE and Resistance in World War II by Herrington, Ian
German and United States Colonialism in a Connected World: Entangled Empires by
Geschichte der Stadt Teschen by Peter, Anton
Gaius Marius: The Life and Legacy of the General Who Reformed the Roman Army by Charles River
Gaius Marius: The Life and Legacy of the General Who Reformed the Roman Army by Charles River
L'Etat de la France. Tome 2. Des Qualités Et Prérogatives Du Roi. Généalogie de la Maison Royale by Collectif
L'Etat de la France. Tome 3. Des Qualités Et Prérogatives Du Roi. Généalogie de la Maison Royale by Collectif
Petite Bibliothèque Économique Et Portative Ou Collection de Résumés Sur l'Histoire Et Les Sciences: Tome XXV. Histoire de la Révolution d'Angleterre by Collectif
Histoire de Napoléon. Tome 1. République, Consulat by Delandine de Saint-Esprit, Jérôme
Histoire de Napoléon. Tome 2. Empire, Restauration by Delandine de Saint-Esprit, Jérôme
de la Pologne Sur Les Bords de la Vistule Et Dans l'Émigration by Raspail, François-Vincent
Renée Sintenis, Sculpteurs Allemands by Crevel, René, Aubert, Georges
Soviet Art House: Lenfilm Studio Under Brezhnev by Kelly, Catriona
Van Gogh Vincent by Duret, Théodore
Manifeste de la République Confédérée de Pologne, 15 Novembre 1769. Traduit Du Polonois by Bohusz, Ignacy, Pologne, Pac, Michel Jean
Quelques Remarques Sur La Révolution Russe Et Le Péril Allemand. Tracts de l'Union Française by Demidovski, P.
La France Jugée Par La Russie by Delines, Michel
La Nuit Du 4 Août, 1789-1889 by Modeste, Victor
La République Ouverte by Remy de Simony, H.
La Guerre inutile, réponse à La Guerre nécessaire de M. C. Dreyfus by Langlois, E.
La Démocratie et les démocrates chrétiens by Naudet, Paul
Paris Pendant La Guerre. Impressions by Laudet, Fernand
La Fin d'Un Régime, 1789-1793: Montbéliard, Belfort Et La Haute-Alsace Au Début de la Révolution Française by Sahler, Léon
Drug Smuggler Nation: Narcotics and the Netherlands, 1920-1995 by Snelders, Stephen
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?: Volume 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue by
In the Footsteps of Generals: A Travel Guide to the Battlefields of France by Mosteau, Jd
Empires of the Mind by Gildea, Robert
Literary Circles in Byzantine Iconoclasm by Prieto Domínguez, Óscar
In the Circles of Hell: Stories from Victims of Communist Dictatorship by Pervizi, Lek
In the Circles of Hell: Stories from Victims of Communist Dictatorship by Pervizi, Lek
Les étoiles scintillent en Europe: Les piliers d'une civilisation by Terral, François
Portraiture and Friendship in Enlightenment France by Fripp, Jessica
Mini dictionnaire de l'Histoire de France: Tome 4: La Revolution Francaise by Bedei, Philippe
Liberty, Slavery and the Law in Early Modern Western Europe: Omnes Homines Aut Liberi Sunt Aut Servi by Batselé, Filip
Römische Strassen in Bosnien und der Hercegovina by Ballif, Philipp
Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism by
The Rise of Bolshevism and Its Impact on the Interwar International Order by
The Mediatization of War and Peace: The Role of the Media in Political Communication, Narratives, and Public Memory (1914-1939) by
Germans in the Antarctic by Lüdecke, Cornelia
100 Jaar Belgische Schaakgeschiedenis: Een Persoonlijk Eerbetoon Aan de Koninklijke Belgische Schaakbond Met 50 Partijen by Hoffmeister
100 ANS d'Histoire Des Échecs En Belgique: Un Hommage Personnel À La Fédération Royale Belge Des Echecs Avec 50 Parties by Hoffmeister
Marxist Left Review #21 by
La peste negra: Una guía fascinante de la pandemia más letal de la Europa medieval y de la historia de la humanidad by History, Captivating
La peste negra: Una guía fascinante de la pandemia más letal de la Europa medieval y de la historia de la humanidad by History, Captivating
Cleopatra's Needles: The Lost Obelisks of Egypt by Brier, Bob
Island i fristatstiden by Gudmundsson, Valtyr
Los aborígenes: la historia y el legado de los pueblos indígenas de Australia by Charles River
Forschungen zur Geschichte von Florenz. by Davidsohn, Robert
Forschungen zur Geschichte von Florenz: 2. Teil by Davidsohn, Robert
The Philological And Biographical Works Of Charles Butler (Volume IV) by Butler, Charles
The Philological And Biographical Works Of Charles Butler (Volume V) by Butler, Charles
A General History Of The House Of Guelph, Or Royal Family Of Great Britain, From The Earliest Period In Which The Name Appears Upon Record To The Acce by Halliday, Andrew
The Philological And Biographical Works Of Charles Butler (Volume I) by Butler, Charles
The Philological And Biographical Works Of Charles Butler (Volume III) by Butler, Charles
From Waterloo to the Peninsula: Vol. I by Sala, George Augustus
Oxi: The Battle Cry that Led the Greeks to Save the World by Zoumberis, Nikitis
Prussian Needle Guns: Guideline for prospective Collectors and Shooters by Finze, Wolfgang
Portugal's Political Development: A Comparative Approach by Opello Jr, Walter C.
Communism and Political Systems in Western Europe by Albright, David
In from the Cold: Germany, Russia, and the Future of Europe by Baranovsky, Vladimir
Berlin Between Two Worlds by
The Exeter Cloth Dispatch Book, 1763-1765 by
Blick zurück auf 70 Jahre: vom Leben in Deutschland zwischen 1942-2012 by Kiewat, Rainer
From Waterloo to the Peninsula: Vol. II by Sala, George Augustus
Watchman on the Walls of Zion: The Life and Influence of Simon van Velzen by Engelsma, Joshua
Three Ordinary Girls: The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins--And WWII Heroes by Brady, Tim
Estamos na 3 Guerra Mundial: Você deve saber como foi o passado para entender o presente by Stewart, Adilson
The Reformation of Common Learning: Post-Ramist Method and the Reception of the New Philosophy, 1618 - 1670 by Hotson, Howard
An Accurate Historical Account Of All The Orders Of Knighthood At Present Existing In Europe. To Which Are Prefixed A Critical Dissertaion Upon The An by Hanson, Levett
Internationalists in European History: Rethinking the Twentieth Century by
Sicily and the Enlightenment: The World of Domenico Caracciolo, Thinker and Reformer by Campbell, Angus
The Politics of Diplomacy: Britain, France and the Balkans in the First World War by Dutton, David
Beyond the Mother Country: West Indians and the Notting Hill White Riots by Pilkington, Ed
State Formation and Shared Sovereignty by Close, Christopher W.
Milan Rastislav Stefánik and Those Who Followed Him by Michálek, Slavomír
Die Hofordnungen der Herzoege von Burgund: Band 2: Die Hofordnungen Herzog Karls des Kuehnen 1467-1477 by
Family, Taboo and Communism in Poland, 1956-1989 by
Oil in Putin's Russia: The Contests Over Rents and Economic Policy by Vatansever, Adnan
The Jewish Experience of the First World War by
Chronicles Of England, Scotland And Ireland (Volume Vi) by Holinshed, Raphael
Tales from the Caucasus: Captivating Myths and Legends from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia by Clayton, Matt
Narratives and Rituals of the Nightmare Hag in Scandinavian Folk Belief by Raudvere, Catharina
Reading the Early Modern English Diary by Nandi, Miriam
Res, Artes et Religio: Essays in Honour of Rudolf Simek by
Magical Symbolism: Runes, Bindrunes, Galdrastafir, and Astrological Symbols for Magic by Embleton, Matthew Leigh
Jugement Philosophique, Politique Et Historique Sur Napoléon Le Grand by Poullain, Édouard
Les Pleurs de la Patrie, Récits Des Temps Du Siège by Spes, Léo
Mémoires Sur Le Consulat, 1799-1804: Par Un Ancien Conseiller d'État by Thibaudeau, Antoine-Clair
Francisco Goya, Étude Biographique Et Critique: Suivie de l'Essai d'Un Catalogue Raisonné de Son Oeuvre Gravé Et Lithographié by Lefort, Paul
L'Empire Des Sarmates Aujourd'huy Royaume de Pologne by Jab Onowski, Józef Aleksander
Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe: From the Ancien Régime to the Present Day by Berman, Sheri
"Bethink Yourselves!" by Tolstoy, Leo
Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813 by Leggiere, Michael V.
Inszenierung des Fremden innerhalb europäischer Völkerschauen. Völkerschauen und Wissenschaften by Rudolf, Hannah
Opposition, Repression, and Cold War: The Case of the 1956 Student Movement in Timisoara by Snitar, Corina
Achiever: Exam Prep Guide for AP* European History by Freiler, Christopher
Diversion and Deception: Dudley Clarke's "A" Force and Allied Operations in World War I by Bendeck, Whitney T.
Switzerland - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Culture Smart!, Hunter, Kendall
A Fistful of Shells: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution by Green, Toby
Los misterios de Mitra: la historia y el legado del culto religioso más misterioso de la antigua Roma by Charles River
Sicherheit Und Humanität Im Ersten Und Zweiten Weltkrieg: Der Umgang Mit Zivilen Feindstaatenangehörigen Im Ausnahmezustand by Bauerkämper, Arnd
People, Nations and Traditions in a Comparative Frame: Thinking about the Past with Jonathan Steinberg by
The Painter of the Camps of Death: Album by Pervizi, Lek
Auschwitz, the Allies and Censorship of the Holocaust by Fleming, Michael
Mother to a Prince: Mahidevran Sultan by Akbay, Ridvan
Poland and the Origins of the Second World War: A Study in Diplomatic History (1938-1939) by
Manuel II Palaiologos (1350-1425) by Çelik, Siren
The Mandate for Mesopotamia: The History and Legacy of British Occupation and Iraq's Independence after World War I by Charles River
The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa by
Nordisk religion og Religionsskiftet i Norden by Grønbech, Vilhelm
Europe and The Faith by Belloc, Hilaire
Die geheimnisvolle Kultur der alten Kelten: Von Druiden, Fürstensitzen und der Lebensart unserer frühgeschichtlichen Vorfahren by Grupp, Georg
Tales from the Caucasus: Captivating Myths and Legends from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia by Clayton, Matt
Political and Military Leadership in the World Wars: The Closest Concert by Hodge, Carl Cavanagh
Machiavelli: His Life and Times by Lee, Alexander
L'Aisne pendant la grande guerre: Le quotidien d'un département sous le feu de 1914-1918 by Hanotaux, Gabriel
Europe in an Era of Growing Sino-American Competition: Coping with an Unstable Triangle by
The History of Switzerland: A Fascinating Guide to this Wonderful Country in Central Europe by Green, Andrew
Oil in Putin's Russia: The Contests Over Rents and Economic Policy by Vatansever, Adnan
Europe: Volume 2: A Literary History, 1348-1418 by
Europe: Volume 1: A Literary History, 1348-1418 by
Vorträge der Detlefsen-Gesellschaft 21 by
Europe: A Literary History, 1348-1418 by
The Siege of Vienna (1529): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle that Prevented the Ottoman Empire's Expansion into Western Europe by Charles River
The Siege of Vienna (1529): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle that Prevented the Ottoman Empire's Expansion into Western Europe by Charles River
AP European History 2021 and 2022 Study Guide: AP Euro Prep Book with Practice Test Questions for the Advanced Placement Exam [2nd Edition] by Rueda, Joshua
Der Charme Der Schizophrenie: Psychiatrie, Krieg Und Gesellschaft Im Kroatisch-Serbischen Raum by Karge, Heike
The Life And Letters Of Madame Bonaparte by Lemoine Didier, Eugène
The Soviet Union and Cold War Neutrality and Nonalignment in Europe by
Breslau: Freizeit Und Konsum by
Der Reichstag Zu Nürnberg 1543 by
Annibal dans les Alpes: une étape majeure de la marche vers l'Italie de l'armée d'Hannibal Barca, réalisée à la fin de l'année 218 av. J.-C., by Chappuis, Charles
The Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany, 1952-1974: The Quest for Atlanticism by Zetsche, Anne
The King and the Crown of Thorns: Kingship and the Cult of Relics in Capetian France by Pysiak, Jerzy
Cultivating the City in Early Medieval Italy by Goodson, Caroline
Agrarianism as Modernity in 20th-Century Europe: The Golden Age of the Peasantry by Toshkov, Alex
Spain at War: Society, Culture and Mobilization, 1936-44 by
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