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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2023

Les invasions barbares et le peuplement de l'Europe: Introduction à l'intelligence des derniers traités de paix. by Lot, Ferdinand
The History of Europe in Bite-Sized Chunks by Field, Jacob F.
The Burgundians: A Vanished Empire by Loo, Bart Van
A Short History Of England by Chesterton, G. K.
Portugal in a European Context: Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700 by
Utopia Between East and West in Hungarian Literature by Czigányik, Zsolt
Queer Voices in the Works of Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, 1883-1901 by Pretsell, Douglas
Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History: Colonial Rapacity, Holocaust Denial and the Crisis in Biological Sustainability by Polya, Gideon
H ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ (Our Life): Memories of a Young Village Boy from Kefalonia Greece by Garbis, Louis
H ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ (Our Life): Memories of a Young Village Boy from Kefalonia Greece by Garbis, Louis
Vorläufer der europäischen Idee - Kaiser Karl V. und Europa: Vortrag in Aachen im Rahmen der Ausstellung Der gekaufte Kaiser zum 500. Jahrestag der Kr by Pohl, Markus
The Culture of Western Europe: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Mosse, George L.
Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe by
Przemyslowa Concentration Camp: The Camp, the Children, the Trials by Steinert, Johannes-Dieter, Person, Katarzyna
The Fabric of Fear: Building Franco's New Society in Spain, 1936-1950 by Gomez Bravo, Gutmaro, Marco, Jorge
War, Communication, and the Politics of Culture in Early Modern Venice by Stouraiti, Anastasia
Engineering the Lower Danube: Technology and Territoriality in an Imperial Borderland, Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Gatejel, Luminita
Smollett's Britain by Black, Jeremy
Prussia in the Historical Culture of the German Democratic Republic: Communists and Kings by Colla, Marcus
Laternen oder Mondschein? Zur Strassenbeleuchtung in Zürichs 19. Jahrhundert by Feusi, Giovanna
1943, la chute du réseau de Sally Grynvogel by Lubek, Pierre
Uneheliche Kinder im badischen Emmendingen von 1650 bis 1800: Dirnen, Bastarde, Hurenkarren by Schoder, Jacqueline
Die bildliche Darstellung des Teufels im Christentum. Metamorphose vom blauen Engel im 6. Jahrhundert zum angsteinflößenden Teufel im 13. Jahrhundert by Schoder, Jacqueline
Sports Coaching in Europe: Cultural Histories by
The Making of European Security Policy: Between Institutional Dynamics and Global Challenges by
Cultural Histories of Ageing: Myths, Plots and Metaphors of the Senescent Self by
Food History: A Feast of the Senses in Europe, 1750 to the Present by
Children Born of War: Past, Present and Future by
Contact, Conquest and Colonization: How Practices of Comparing Shaped Empires and Colonialism Around the World by
Islam and Heritage in Europe: Pasts, Presents and Future Possibilities by
European Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Power by Szewczyk, Bart M. J.
A Forgotten Christian Deist: Thomas Morgan by Van Den Berg, Jan
Diplomatic Identity in Postwar Britain: The Deconstruction of the Foreign Office Type, 1945-1997 by Southern, James
Protest in the Long Eighteenth Century by
Nietzsche, Heidegger and Colonialism: Occupying South East Asia by Price, R. B. E.
Coding and Representation from the Nineteenth Century to the Present: Scrambled Messages by
The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies by
Experiences of War in Europe and the Americas, 1792-1815: Soldiers, Slaves, and Civilians by Lawrence, Mark
Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies: Contested Trade-Offs by
Sovereignty, Civic Participation, and Constitutional Law: The People Versus the Nation in Belgium by
Burgäschisee 5000-3000 V. Chr.: Siedlungsdynamik Und Mobilität, Landnutzung Und Subsistenz by
Burgäschisee 5000-3000 V. Chr.: Siedlungsdynamik Und Mobilität, Landnutzung Und Subsistenz by
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Révolution Française. Série 1. A-Aer by Decmanville, A. -V
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Relation Du Voyage d'Espagne. Tome 2 by D' Le Jumel de Barneville Baronne d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine
Cris de Guerre Et Devises Des États de l'Europe, Des Provinces Et Villes de France: Et Des Familles Nobles de France, d'Angleterre, Des Pays-Bas, d'It by Cohen de Vinckenhoef, Albert
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Bulletin de la Société Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts de la Corrèze by Societe de la Correze
Le Manuel Des Révolutions: Ou Considérations Politiques Sur Les Révolutions de la France, 178961815 by G L P
Anecdotes Relatives À Quelques Personnes: Et À Plusieurs Événemens Remarquables de la Révolution by Harmand, Jean-Baptiste
Twilight in the Lands of Disorder: Spain, France, and the Conquest of Morocco (1906-1927) by Plummer, Comer, III
Rev. James Fraser, 1634-1709: A New Perspective on the Scottish Highlands Before Culloden by Worthington, David
Francisco de Goya and the Art of Critique by Cascardi, Anthony J.
Visual Rhetorics of Communist Romania: Life Under the Totalitarian Gaze by Cordali, Adriana
Anti-Colonialism and the Crises of Interwar Fascism by Ortiz, Michael
Kanzler Und Minister 2013 - 2021: Biografisches Lexikon Der Deutschen Bundesregierungen by
Historicizing Life-Writing and Egodocuments in Early Modern Europe by
Lettres d'un Innocent: The Letters of Captain Dreyfus to His Wife by Dreyfus, Alfred
Die Erneuerung Des Abendlandes: Von Der Knechtschaft Zur Freiheit Durch Das Christentum Der Tat by Schwellenbach, Robert
Stadt Schkölen: Bauten und Menschen by Wirth, Eberhard
Russian Military Strategy: Organizing Operations for the Initial Period of War by Blanc, Alexis A., Geist, Edward, Reach, Clint
French Kiss: How the Americans and French Fell In and Out of Love During the Cold War by Bassett, Steve
French Kiss: How the Americans and French Fell In and Out of Love During the Cold War by Bassett, Steve
Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour: Memories of Soviet Russia by Lembersky, Galina, Lembersky, Yelena
Portuguese and Amsterdam Sephardic Merchants in the Tobacco Trade: Tierra Firme and Hispaniola in the Early Seventeenth Century by Schreuder, Yda
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century by Prak, Maarten
6722 Tyska renässanskonstnärer (6722 Deutsche Künstler der Renaissance) Del 2 by Kühlwein, Krister
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century by Prak, Maarten
Life in a Mediæval City: Illustrated by York in the XVth Century by Edwin Benson
Nooks and Corners of Shropshire by H Thornhill Timmins
Nooks and Corners of Pembrokeshire by Thornhill Timmins, H.
Nooks and Corners of Old London by Hemstreet and Hemstreet
Nooks and Corners of Old England by Fea, Allan
Nooks and Corners of Cornwall by A. Dawson Scott, C.
Life in the Roman World of Nero and St. Paul by G. Tucker, T.
Die Germania by Tacitus, Cornelius
Mary Tudor, Queen of France by Croom Brown, Mary
Mary Queen of Scots; Makers of History by Abbott, Jacob
Mary Queen of Scots in History by A. Campbell, C.
Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 by S. Rait, Robert
Walther von der Vogelweide: Ein altdeutscher Dichter by Uhland, Ludwig
Life, Letters, and Epicurean Philosophy of Ninon de L'Enclos: The Celebrated Beauty of the Seventeenth Century by Ninon de Lenclos
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History, Prehistory to 1500 by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History, 1500 to the Present by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization, Combined Edition: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
Jewish Consumer Cultures in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe and North America by
Media Discourse of Commemoration: The Centenary of World War One in Europe by
The Liberation of Italy, 1815-1870 by Evelyn, Countess
Gender and Organized Crime in Italy: Women's Agency in Italian Mafias by Ingrascì, Ombretta
The Colonial World: A History of European Empires, 1780s to the Present by Aldrich, Robert, Stucki, Andreas
Trading Power: West Germany's Rise to Global Influence, 1963-1975 by Gray, William Glenn
The People's Dictatorship by Steinweis, Alan E.
The Colonial World: A History of European Empires, 1780s to the Present by Aldrich, Robert, Stucki, Andreas
A Night in the Snow; or, A Struggle for Life by Donald Carr, E.
Erzählungen aus der Römischen Geschichte in biographischer Form by Stacke, L.
Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. Volume 1 by Otto Trevelyan, George
Mary by Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne
Nights with the Gods by Reich, Emil
Nights: Rome, Venice, in the Aesthetic Eighties; London, Paris, in the Fighting Nineties by Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Nights in London by Burke, Thomas
The Night Side of London by Ewing Ritchie, J.
Thüringen by Scobel, Albert
The Life and Times of Alfred the Great: Being the Ford lectures for 1901 by Plummer, Charles
The Life and Reign of Edward I by Benton Seeley, Robert
Reise durch England und Schottland by Schopenhauer, Johanna
Friedrich Nietzsche: Ein Kämpfer gegen seine Zeit by Steiner, Rudolf
Science of Arms: The Art of War in the Century of the Soldier 1672 - 1699: Volume 1 - Preparation for War & the Infantry by Carter, Stephen M.
The Brandt Commission and the Multinationals: Planetary Perspectives by Stråth, Bo
Stalin's Architect: Power and Survival in Moscow by Sudjic, Deyan
Stalin's Architect: Power and Survival in Moscow by Sudjic, Deyan
Bachs Musikalisches Universum: Die Meisterwerke in Neuer Perspektive by Wolff, Christoph
The Evolution of the Political, Social and Economic Life of Cyprus, 1191-1950 by Sakellaropoulos, Spyros
Fifty Years of Europe by Morris, Jan
Monumentality, Place-Making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus by Fisher, Kevin D.
Stalin and the Fate of Europe: The Postwar Struggle for Sovereignty by Naimark, Norman M.
The Emergence of the French Public Intellectual by Conner, Tom
Geschichte der Motette by Leichtentritt, Hugo
Corruption, Protection and Justice in Medieval Europe: A Thousand-Year History by Lyon, Jonathan R.
The Life and Journey of Neolithic Copper Objects: Transformations of the Neuenkirchen Hoard, North-East Germany (3800 Bce) by Skorna, Henry
The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914-1918 by Butler, William, Wheatley, Michael, Bowman, Timothy
The Fourth of August Regime and Greek Jewry, 1936-1941 by Lagos, Katerina
The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 by
The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 by
The French Revolution by Andress, David
The Reopening of the Western Mind: The Resurgence of Intellectual Life from the End of Antiquity to the Dawn of the Enlightenment by Freeman, Charles
Lexikon der lateinischen Wortformen by Georges, Karl Ernst
Early Ships and Seafaring: European Water Transport by McGrail, Seán
The Message by Hansen, Michael Ritivoi
Occupiers, Humanitarian Workers, and Polish Displaced Persons in British-Occupied Germany by Knapton, Samantha K.
Nationalism in Modern Europe: Politics, Identity, and Belonging Since the French Revolution by Hastings, Derek
Anglo-Dutch Connections in the Early Modern World by
Staline: De man van staal by Aude Perrineau
Mytholex: Nordisk Mythologisk Lexikon by Stålberg, Wilhelmina
The Life and Journey of Neolithic Copper Objects: Transformations of the Neuenkirchen Hoard, North-East Germany (3800 Bce) by Skorna, Henry
The Life of Hugo Grotius: With Brief Minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Netherlands by Charles Butler
Drug Smuggler Nation: Narcotics and the Netherlands, 1920-1995 by Snelders, Stephen
Genealogies of the West: Civilization, Religion, Consciousness by Aurell, Jaume
MacPherson the Historian: History Writing, Empire and Enlightenment in the Works of James MacPherson by MacPherson, Mairi, MacPherson, Jim
Enemy Archives: Soviet Counterinsurgency Operations and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement - Selections from the Secret Police Archive by
Jesuit Art and Czech Lands, 1556-1729: Missionizing through the Arts by
A Forgotten British War: The Accounts of Korean War Veterans by
The Atrocity of Hunger by Sinnreich, Helene J.
Frauen und Vormundschaft im Mittelalter im Frankenreich by Kreimendahl, Maida
Trade Union Activism in the Nordic Countries Since 1900 by
The Making of the Democratic Party in Europe, 1860-1890 by Heyer, Anne
MOST SECRET Romania in WW II: From the Files of British Intelligence and Bletchley Park by Dimancescu, Dan
The Story of Europe by Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth
The Story of Europe by Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth
From Allies to Enemies: Spain, Japan and the Axis in World War II by Rodao, Florentino
Forming the Modern Turkish Village: Nation Building and Modernization in Rural Turkey During the Early Republic by Sezer, Özge
Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955 by Jähner, Harald
The Diary Keepers: World War II in the Netherlands, as Written by the People Who Lived Through It by Siegal, Nina
1066 and Before All That: The Battle of Hastings, Anglo-Saxon and Norman England by West, Ed
Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War by Alexievich, Svetlana
Die Ruhlaer Mundart by Regel, Karl
Waffen-SS Dutch, Belgian, and Danish Volunteers by Baxter, Ian
The World and the Netherlands: A Global History from a Dutch Perspective by
Reinventing Europe: The History of the European Union, 1945 to the Present by
Sources of the Holocaust by Hochstadt, Steve
Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia: Serbian Nationalism and East Orthodox Christianity by Falina, Maria
Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: Language, Rhetoric and the Traditions of Hatred by Griech-Polelle, Beth A.
Η Reconquista: Επτά αιώνες αγώνα για τ by Parmentier, Romain
Erasmo: A figura do humanismo cristão by Cusin, David
La Reconquista: Sette secoli di lotta per la riconquista cristiana della Penisola Iberica by Romain Parmentier
Erasmo: La figura dell'umanesimo cristiano by David Cusin
Rivoluzioni industriali: La nascita del mondo moderno by Jérémy Rocteur
Ματωμένη Κυριακή: Η σφαγή του by Brassart, Pierre
A Reconquista: Sete séculos de luta pela reconquista cristã da Península Ibérica by Parmentier, Romain
Domingo Sangrento: O Massacre do Bogside by Brassart, Pierre
The World and the Netherlands: A Global History from a Dutch Perspective by
Domenica di sangue: Il massacro di Bogside by Pierre Brassart
Rekonkwista: Siedem wieków zmagań o chrześcijański podbój Pólwyspu Iberyjskiego by Romain Parmentier
Krwawa niedziela: Masakra w Bogside by Pierre Brassart
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