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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2024

Historia de la guerra de Granada by Hurtado De Mendoza, Diego
Libro de Palacio by López de Ayala, Pero
Mártires de la Alpujarra by Antolín Hitos, Francisco
Vida de Carlos III by Gutiérrez de Los Ríos, Carlos
Historia del año 1883 by Castelar y. Ripoll, Emilio
Historia de la rebelión y castigo de los moriscos del Reino de Granada by Mármol Carvajal, Luis del
Crónica internacional by Castelar y. Ripoll, Emilio
Mis doce primeros años by Santa Cruz Y. Montalvo, Mercedes
The Campaign in Russian Poland by Standing, Percy Cross
Holidays In Eastern France by Betham-Edwards, Matilda
The Conquest of the Americas: A Captivating Guide to the Discovery of the New World, European Colonization, and Indigenous Resistance by History, Captivating
The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust by Dynner, Glenn
The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Environmental Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century by Marks, Robert B.
Średniowiecze by Sochacki, Wlodzimierz
Baden, Kostolac, Vucedol and Vinkovci: The Late Eneolithic, Transition Period, and Early Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin and the Western Balkans by Brnic, Zelimir
Ancient Egyptian Clothing: Studies in Late Period Private Representations: Volume 1 by Hallmann, Aleksandra
Utopia Between East and West in Hungarian Literature by Czigányik, Zsolt
Portugal in a European Context: Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700 by
Queer Voices in the Works of Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, 1883-1901 by Pretsell, Douglas
Discovering Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Comprehensive Guide to Relocation by Jones, William
English National Identity and the Image of the Dutch: From the Armada to the Glorious Revolution by Fleck, Andrew
Przemyslowa Concentration Camp: The Camp, the Children, the Trials by Steinert, Johannes-Dieter, Person, Katarzyna
La Commune de Paris de 1588 by Maury, Alfred
L'Administration française avant la Révolution de 1789 by Maury, Alfred
Safe Haven: The United Kingdom's Investigations Into Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice by Silverman, Jon, Sherwood, Robert
Religious Entanglements Between Germans and Indians, 1800-1945 by
Stigma: Marking Skin in the Early Modern World by
An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry by Classical Scholars by
Visual Rhetorics of Communist Romania: Life Under the Totalitarian Gaze by Cordali, Adriana
The Cambridge History of the European Union: Volume 1, European Integration Outside-In by
The Cambridge History of the European Union: Volume 2, European Integration Inside-Out by
The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Environmental Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century by Marks, Robert B.
Discover Croatia: A Traveler's Guide by Jones, William
Moving to Cyprus: A Comprehensive Guide by Jones, William
Where Is "god" When Men Weep?: Tracking the Lies, Absurdities, and Unspeakable Crimes Committed by Gutman, W. E.
Confronting the Nation: Jewish and Western Nationalism by Mosse, George L.
The Caretakers: War Graves Gardeners and the Secret Battle to Rescue Allied Airmen in World War II by Deangelis, Caitlin Galante
Alpine Passes of Switzerland: Journey to Modernity by
Albineana 2023,35: Migrations Et Identites Dans l'Europe Humaniste (Xvie-Xviie Siecles) by
Le Drame macédonien by de la Gravière, Jurien
Teologiens hovedemner 1535: Melanchthons dogmatik 1535 by
The God Behind the Marble: The Fate of Art in the German Aesthetic State by Goff, Alice
Blacks of Tunis in Al-Timbuktāwī's Hatk Al-Sitr: A West African Jihadist's Perspectives on Bori, Religious Deviance, and Race and Enslavemen by Montana, Ismael M.
Paulhaguet: Au coeur de l'Auvergne by Laporte, Alain
How to Move to Czechia by Jones, William
Carri armati della guerra civile spagnola - Vol. 3 by Malavoglia, Gabriele
Discovering Cyprus: A Traveler's Guide by Jones, William
Thirty Years' War History for Beginners Circumstances, Course and Effects of the Thirty Years' War and the Long Road to Peace by Neustedt, Markus
If Eddy Became King: An Homage to All Victims of the 2 Great Wars That Devastated Humanity, 1914-1945 by Benton, Nicholas F.
Harte Wahrung Beton: Eine Kulturgeschichte Des Massenwohnungsbaus Im Sozialistischen Jugoslawien Und Seinen Nachfolgestaaten by Horvat, Lea
Guerre de Trente Ans Histoire pour les débutants Circonstances, déroulement et conséquences de la guerre de Trente Ans et le long chemin vers la paix by Neustedt, Markus
The Significance of Archaeological Textiles: Papers of the International Online Conference 24th-25th February 2021. Thefbo Volume II by
Theatre Censorship in Contemporary Europe: Silence and Protest by
The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism by
The Holocaust: An Unfinished History by Stone, Dan
Guerra dei Trent'anni Storia per principianti Circostanze, corso ed effetti della Guerra dei Trent'anni e il lungo cammino verso la pace by Neustedt, Markus
Climbing on the Himalaya and Other Mountain Ranges by Collie, Norman
Twentieth-Century Europe: 1900 to the Present by Richards, Michael D., Waibel, Paul R.
Liberalism and Socialism Since the Nineteenth Century: Tensions, Exchanges, and Convergences by
Roots: Prehistoric Link To Scandinavian Peasantries by Kauppi, P. K.
The British and American Intelligence Divisions in Occupied Germany, 1945-1955: A Secret System of Rule by Daly-Groves, Luke
The History of Turkey by Howard, Douglas A.
The Shaping of French National Identity by D'Auria, Matthew
Mass Atrocities and the Police: A New History of Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Nielsen, Christian Axboe
Frontiers of Empire by Nelson, Robert L.
Norse Mythology: A Concise Guide to Gods and Beliefs of Norse Mythology (A Guide Into Norse Gods and Goddesses, Viking Warriors and Magical Creatures) by Gregory, Alfred
La loi des Vikings: Entre assemblée et duel by de Visme, Grégoire
The History of Russia by Ziegler, Charles E.
The Household Cavalry at War: The Story of the Second Household Cavalry Regiment by Orde, Roden
The History of Belgium: Belgium's Historical Chronicles by Hansen, Einar Felix, Rehn, Nuria
Discovering Czechia: A Traveler's Guide by Jones, William
How to Move to Finland: A Step-by-Step Guide by Jones, William
Photography, Reconstruction and the Cultural History of the Postwar European City by Allbeson, Tom
Nordic Histories of Human Rights by
Machtkirche Zwischen Diktatur Und Demokratie: Eine Geschichte Der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche (1918-2023) by Schmitt, Oliver Jens
Les Femmes touristes de la Grande Bretagne by Chasles, Philarète
Kurgane Der Frühen Bis Späten Bronzezeit Im Bezirk Jambol, Südostbulgarien by Iliev, Ilija K., Bakărdziev, Stefan
Ideas Into Politics: Aspects of European History 1880- 1950 by
Exploring Georgia: A Comprehensive Travel Guide by Jones, William
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology by Murray, Margaret Alice
Malta Through the Ages: A Concise Guide by Miller-Yianni, Martin
Women and Family Property by
Alejandro Magno: Una apasionante guía sobre el surgimiento del Imperio macedonio, su gobernante y sus conquistas by Wellman, Billy
From Lower Deck to Pulpit by Cowling, Henry
European History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Europe's Past by Publications, Ahoy
Stepfamilies Across Europe and Overseas, 1550-1900 by
Who's Black and Why?: A Hidden Chapter from the Eighteenth-Century Invention of Race by
European History Stories: 50 True and Fascinating Tales of Major Events and People from Europe's Past by Publications, Ahoy
Jewish Soldiers in Nazi Captivity: American and British Prisoners of War During the Second World War by Linenberg, Yorai
Suicide by Proxy in Early Modern Germany: Crime, Sin and Salvation by Stuart, Kathy
A Black History Month Book: The Inside Story Behind the Celebration of African-Americans and Impacts to the Society by Pierce, Daniel
The Fourth of August Regime and Greek Jewry, 1936-1941 by Lagos, Katerina
How to Move to Iceland: A Step-by-Step Guide by Jones, William
The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History by Black, Jeremy
El Monstruo de los lagos Ness, Storsjön y Lagarfljót: Una propuesta multidisciplinar y definitiva sobre sus orígenes, identidades y naturalezas by González Celdrán, José Alfredo
The Killing Ground: A Biography of Thermopylae by Cole, Myke, Livingston, Michael
Citizens and Sodomites: Persecution and Perception of Sodomy in the Southern Low Countries (1400-1700) by Roelens, Jonas
The Diary Keepers: World War II Written by the People Who Lived Through It by Siegal, Nina
The World of Your Ancestors - Dates - Volume Seven by Wirth, Carol A.
A History of Bread: Consumers, Bakers and Public Authorities Since the 18th Century by Scholliers, Peter
The Book of Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) and the Path to Joyous Living by Perry, T. A.
Death and Burial in Socialist Yugoslavia: The Politicization of Cemeteries and Ethnic Conflict in the Balkans by Lilly, Carol S.
A Brief History of France: Empires, Kings, and Revolutions by Haynes, Dominic
The Roman and the Teuton by Kingsley, Charles
Insights from the Plan Blue 21 Game: Examining the Role of Sensing and Partner and Allied Contributions to Competition with Russia in the Arctic by Edenfield, Nathaniel, Bartels, Elizabeth M., Ochmanek, David A.
A Brief History of France: Empires, Kings, and Revolutions by Haynes, Dominic
A History of the Netherlands: From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day by Wielenga, Friso
Revolutionäre Zellen, Rote Zora, Oir: Die Geschichte Der "Anderen" Des Deutschen Linksterrorismus by Vukadinovic, Vojin Sasa
Public History on the Battlefields of Europe: Experiences of Dealing with Painful Pasts in Former Yugoslavia by
Investigating Forty Years of French Politics Through Value Changes by
Lost Fatherland: Europeans Between Empire and Nation-States, 1867-1939 by Vushko, Iryna
The Conquest of Mexico: 500 Years of Reinventions by
They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence by Benton, Lauren
Women, Children, and the Collective Face of Conflict in Europe, 1900-1950 by
Neither Here Nor There by Docherty, C. G.
Country Jumper in Monaco by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume One: From Ancient Times to the Mid-1800s by Hodges, Miles H.
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume Two: From the Mid-1800s to the Present by Hodges, Miles H.
Tulcea in sec XIX: istorie, masonerie şi tradiţie by Bănică, Cătălin Tudor
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume One: From Ancient Times to the Mid-1800s by Hodges, Miles H.
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume Two: From the Mid-1800s to the Present by Hodges, Miles H.
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume Two: From the Mid-1800s to the Present by Hodges, Miles H.
A Moral History of Western Society - Volume One: From Ancient Times to the Mid-1800s by Hodges, Miles H.
A Forgotten British War: The Accounts of Korean War Veterans by
Trade Union Activism in the Nordic Countries Since 1900 by
The Eastern International: Arabs, Central Asians, and Jews in the Soviet Union's Anticolonial Empire by Kirasirova, Masha
Building Networks: Exchange of Knowledge, Ideas and Materials in Medieval and Post-Medieval Europe by
Histoire de l'Europe des invasions au XVIe siècle: Illustré by Pirenne, Henri
Ideas Across Borders: Translating Visions of Authority and Civil Society in Europe C.1600-1840 by
Ideas Across Borders: Translating Visions of Authority and Civil Society in Europe C.1600-1840 by
Anglo-Prussian Relations 1701-1713: The Reciprocal Production of Status Through Ceremony, Diplomacy, and War by Matthews, Crawford
My Disappearing Uncle: Europe, War and the Stories of a Scattered Family by Henderson, Kathy
Noviembre 1942: Cómo Se Decidió El Destino del Mundo / November 1942: An Intimat E History of the Turning Point of World War II by Englund, Peter
Remembering Peasants: A Personal History of a Vanished World by Joyce, Patrick
The Shining Path in Huancavelica, Peru: Conflict and the Legacy of Exclusion by Robins, Nicholas a.
Between Neutrality and Solidarity: Swiss Good Offices in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992 by Stadler, Liliane
From Allies to Enemies: Spain, Japan and the Axis in World War II by Rodao, Florentino
Power and Urban Space in Pre-Modern Holland: Arenas of Appropriation in the Netherlands, 1500-1850 by Lesger, CLé
An Intellectual History of Liberal Catholicism in Western Europe, 1789-1870 by
Daily Life of Victorian Women by Murdoch, Lydia
The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide by Winstone, Martin
Serbia Through the Ages: A Concise Guide by Miller-Yianni, Martin
Daily Life in Victorian England by Mitchell, Sally
Gender, Space and Illicit Economies in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Uncontrolled Crossings by Montenach, Anne
Voicing Memories, Unearthing Identities: Studies in the Twenty-First-Century Literatures of Eastern and East-Central Europe by
Snorre Sturlason og Sturlungerne by Paasche, Fredrik
Exploring Iceland: A Comprehensive Travel Guide by Jones, William
Gender and Cultural Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century: Women Across Borders by
Those Absent On the Great Hungarian Plain: Winner of the Canadian Jewish Literary Award for Biographies/Memoirs 2024 by Culiner, Jill
Love between Enemies by Scheck, Raffael
War Narratives in Post-Conflict Societies: Keeping the Past Alive in the Former Yugoslavia by Mochtak, Michal
History of Ireland: A Captivating Guide to Irish Courage and the Story of a Nation's Rise from Hard Times to New Hopes by History, Captivating
Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Greek Literature by
British Society and Its Three Crises: From 1970s Globalisation, to the Financial Crash of 2007-8 and the Onset of Brexit in 2016 by Kirk, Neville
The Bosniaks: Nationhood After Genocide by Mujanovic, Jasmin
Tracing Private Conversations in Early Modern Europe: Talking in Everyday Life by
The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: Russian Foreign and Security Policy, from the End of the USSR to the War in Ukraine by Wilcox, Mark
Christianity in the Middle Ages: A Captivating Guide to the Tales of Templars, Trials of Faith, and the Tumult of Crusades by History, Captivating
The Silk Road: An Enthralling Overview of the Ancient Trade Routes That Connected China to Europe by Wellman, Billy
A Russian Gentleman by Aksakov, S. T.
They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence by Benton, Lauren
The Silk Road and Black Death: An Enthralling Guide to the Routes That Connected Continents and the Event That Redefined Them by Wellman, Billy
They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence by Benton, Lauren
John Bradstreet's Raid, 1758: A Riverine Operation of the French and Indian War Volume 74 by McCulloch, Ian MacPherson
Protestant Empires by
Social Justice in Twentieth-Century Europe by
The History of Germany Unveiled: The Historical Evolution of the Germans by Press, Verity
Musik Und Politik Im Europa Der Fruhen Neuzeit: Methodische Offnung Und Interdisziplinare Vernetzung an Der Schnittstelle Von Geschichts- Und Musikwis by
Eight Controversial Questions of History: A Critical Examination by Doti, Bob
Lenin Lives? by Read, Christopher
The Societal Basis for National Competitiveness: Chinese and Russian Perspectives by Heath, Timothy R., Reach, Clint, Mazarr, Michael J.
Madrid: A Traveller's Reader by Thomas, Hugh
Agents of European Overseas Empires: Private Colonisers, 1450-1800 by
No Neighbors' Lands in Postwar Europe: Vanishing Others by
What Remains?: The Dialectical Identities of Eastern Germans by Mushaben, Joyce Marie
Utopia of the Uniform: Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav People's Army by Petrovic, Tanja
Utopia of the Uniform: Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav People's Army by Petrovic, Tanja
Hitler's Personal Prisoner: The Life of Martin Niemöller by Brocks, Christine, Ziemann, Benjamin
Cost of the Ukraine War for Russia by Shatz, Howard J., Reach, Clint
The Silk Road and Black Death: An Enthralling Guide to the Routes That Connected Continents and the Event That Redefined Them by Wellman, Billy
La Ilustración: Una guía apasionante de un periodo de disertación científica, política y filosófica de la historia europea by Wellman, Billy
Patterns in the History of Polycentric Governance in European Cities: From Antiquity to the 21st Century by
Montes Latini: Lateinisches aus dem Bergischen Land by
Discovering Kosovo: A Travel Guide by Jones, William
Die Marokkaner in Wien: Interkulturelle Diplomatie Und Stadtische Offentlichkeit Im Zeitalter Josephs II. by Haberlein, Mark
A Transnational History of Forced Migrants in Europe: Unwilling Nomads in the Age of the Two World Wars by
Reformations Compared by
Risks in Renaissance Art by Zeckhauser, Richard J., Nelson, Jonathan K.
The Church of St. Polyeuktos at Constantinople by Stroth, Fabian
A Nation Fermented: Beer, Bavaria, and the Making of Modern Germany by Terrell, Robert Shea
Reformations Compared by
The Church of St. Polyeuktos at Constantinople by Stroth, Fabian
Risks in Renaissance Art by Nelson, Jonathan K., Zeckhauser, Richard J.
Transatlantic Liverpool: Shades of the Black Atlantic by Christian, Mark
Lost Fatherland: Europeans Between Empire and Nation-States, 1867-1939 by Vushko, Iryna
Lost Fatherland: Europeans Between Empire and Nation-States, 1867-1939 by Vushko, Iryna
European Cities: Modernity, Race and Colonialism by
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
DK Switzerland by Dk Travel
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