• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Fiction in 1968

Balcony Stories by King, King, Grace Elizabeth
A Walk in the Night and Other Stories by La Guma, Alex
The Lean Lands by Yáñez, Agustín
A Mauriac Reader: Including a Kiss for the Leper, Genetrix, the Desert of Love, the Knot of Vipers, and Woman of the Pharisees by Mauriac, Francois
The Norther by Carballido, Emilio
The Circus in the Attic: And Other Stories by Warren, Lenoard Ed, Warren, Robert Penn
M'Hashish by Mrabet, Mohammed
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog: Stories by Thomas, Dylan
The Setting Sun by Dazai, Osamu
Elementarmathematik Vom Höheren Standpunkte Aus, III: Präzisions- Und Approximationsmathematik by Klein, Felix
The Education of H*y*m*a*n K*a*p*l*a*n by Ross, Leonard, Rosten, Leo Calvin
Mama's Bank Account by Forbes, Kathryn
Japun Tak Paul by Kale, V. P.
First Love and Other Tales by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
The Subversive by Rizal, Jose, Guerrero, Leon
Adventures in the Skin Trade: Play Adaptation by
Tales of Ise: Lyrical Episodes from Tenth-Century Japan by
Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method by Burke, Kenneth
The Hawk's Done Gone: And Other Stories by Haun, Mildred
Pyramid by Golding, William