• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Fiction in 1981

Pahije Jatiche by Tendulkar, Vijay
Ill Seen Ill Said by Beckett, Samuel
Ghar Haravleli Manasa by Kale, V. P.
Defoe's Early Life by Bastian, F.
Frieda Lawrence and Her Circle: Letters From, to and about Frieda Lawrence by Moore, Harry T., Montague, Dale B.
George Meredith: A Reappraisal of the Novels by Shaheen, Mohammad
The Reader in the Dickens World: Style and Response by Horton, Susan R.
The Colonial Experience in French Fiction: A Study of Pierre Loti, Ernest Psichari and Pierre Mille by Hargreaves, Alec
The Trollope Critics by
The Survival of the Novel: British Fiction in the Later Twentieth Century by McEwan, Neil
D. H. Lawrence by Page, Norman
D. H. Lawrence by Page, Norman
Thomas Hardy: Psychological Novelist by Sumner, Rosemary
The Folkstories of Children by Sutton-Smith, Brian
The Iron Heel by London, Jack
Graminta Sahitya Ani Vastav by Yadav, Anand
The River Horsemen by Williams, David
Mélanges Offerts À Juraj Andrassy: Essays in International Law in Honour of Juraj Andrassy/Festschrift Für Juraj Andrassy by
The Women on the Wall by Stegner, Wallace
The Nick Adams Stories by Hemingway, Ernest
Moby-Dick by Melville, Herman
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Irving, Washington
Real Mothers by Thomas, Audrey
The Fat Woman Next Door Is Pregnant by Tremblay, Michel
George Eliot: Romantic Humanist: A Study of the Philosophical Structure of Her Novels by Newton, K. M.
Shakespeare's Sisters: Feminist Essays on Women Poets by
Pavankhind by Desai, Ranjeet
The Half-Sisters by Seton, Cynthia Propper
Hard Times by Dickens, Charles
The Red Badge of Courage by Crane, Stephen
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy, Leo
Tar Baby by Morrison, Toni
The Southern Reporter and Other Stories by Corrington, John William
A Crown of Feathers by Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Firbank: Five Novels by Firbank, Ronald
Phantastes by MacDonald, George
The Dragon's Village: An Autobiographical Novel of Revolutionary China by Chen, Yuan-Tsung
Uncle Tom's Cabin: Or, Life Among the Lowly by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
The House of the Seven Gables by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Silas Marner by Eliot, George
The Jungle by Sinclair, Upton
David Copperfield by Dickens, Charles
Rabbit Is Rich by Updike, John
A Friend of Kissinger by Milofsky, David, Odd, Haddal
Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949 by
King Jesus by Robert, Graves
Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler by
Inquisitory by Pinget, Robert
Moby Dick; Or, the Whale, Deluxe Edition by Melville, Herman
Crowded Street by Holtby, Winifred
The Survival of the Novel: British Fiction in the Later Twentieth Century by McEwan, Neil
Higher Ground by Willis, Meredith Sue
Siddhartha by Hesse, Hermann
Frankenstein by Shelly, Mary Wollstonecraft
The Age of Wonders by Appelfeld, Aron, Appelfeld, Aharon
Saint Peter's Fair: The Fourth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael by Peters, Ellis