• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Fiction in 1992

Turtle Meat and Other Stories by Bruchac, Joseph
Delicate Bodies by Moses, Daniel David
Rendezvous at Dieppe by Langford, Ernest
Niyateechya Bailala by Tendulkar, Vijay
Lone Star Preacher: Being a Chronicle of the Acts of Praxiteles Swan, M.E. Church South, Sometime Captain, 5th Texas Regiment, Confederate by Thomason, John
Mabel in Her Twenties by Appel, Rosaire
Heart's Rest by Popio, Kathryn
Tale of Tamari by Chinodya, Shimmer
James Joyce and the Russians by Cornwell, Neil
The Public Eye: Ideology and the Police Procedural by Mellerski, Nancy C., Winston, Robert P.
From Bow Street to Baker Street: Mystery, Detection and Narrative by Kayman, Martin A.
Flight 800 by Fulani, Dan
Dust on Her Tongue by Rey Rosa, Rodrigo
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, James
The Price of Eggs by Panning, Anne
Mogador: The Names of the Air by Ruy Sánchez, Alberto
The Terrible Girls by Brown, Rebecca
Hot Chicken Wings by Lynn Felman, Jyl
Rupa Book of Geography Quiz by Muthiah, S.
Queen of October by Mickle, Shelley Fraser
Mulanvarche Sanskar by Kashyape, S. V.
Bullet Park by Cheever, John
Ranimashi by Limbale, Sharankumar
Anywhere But Here by Simpson, Mona
The Virgin in the Garden by Byatt, A. S.
Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat and Kid by Sakai, Stan
The Surgeon's Mate by O'Brian, Patrick
The Road Into the Open by Schnitzler, Arthur
In the Castle of My Skin by Lamming, George
Royal Highness by Mann, Thomas
The Holy Sinner by Mann, Thomas
Mind Tryst by Carr, Robyn
Judith by Mosley, Nicholas
The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal by Braun, Lilian Jackson
The Pillar of Salt by Memmi, Albert
Collected Short Stories by Huxley, Aldous
Birdy by Wharton, William
U and I: A True Story by Baker, Nicholson
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Nabokov, Vladimir
The Invisible Man by Wells, H. G.
The Necklace and Other Short Stories by Maupassant, Guy De
The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories by Henry, O.
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
A Hoard of Coins from Eastern Parthia by Koch, Heidemarie
The Pagan Wall by Arnason, David
Mrs. Blood by Thomas, Audrey
Rebels: The Irish Rising of 1916 by de Rosa, Peter
Summerland by Ryga, George
Notes from the Underground by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Overcoat and Other Short Stories by Gogol, Nikolai
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories by Cisneros, Sandra
Blackness and the Adventure of Western Culture by Kent, George
Philadelphia Family: The Houstons and Woodwards of Chestnut Hill by Contosta, David R.
Tide Is Right by Charteris, Hugo
Middle Kingdom by Barrett, Andrea
Of Human Bondage by Maugham, W. Somerset
Lie Down in Darkness by Styron, William
Sophie's Choice by Styron, William
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept by Smart, Elizabeth
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories: And Other Stories by Cisneros, Sandra
Children of Light by Stone, Robert
A Flag for Sunrise by Stone, Robert
Lord Jim: Introduction by Norman Sherry by Conrad, Joseph
Pale Fire: Introduction by Richard Rorty by Nabokov, Vladimir
The Mixquiahuala Letters by Castillo, Ana
Viernes by Garrido B., Javier
Jernigan by Gates, David
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man: The Early Years by Mann, Thomas
Waterland by Swift, Graham
Stories of God by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Black Thunder: Gabriel's Revolt: Virginia, 1800 by Bontemps, Arna Wendell
Flashman and the Mountain of Light by Fraser, George MacDonald
In the Springtime of the Year by Hill, Susan
A Burnt-Out Case by Greene, Graham
Jazz by Morrison, Toni
The Bridges of Madison County by Waller, Robert James
Red Badge of Courage by Crane, Stephen
The Caine Mutiny: A Novel of World War II by Wouk, Herman
This Is My God by Wouk, Herman
The Far Side of the World by O'Brian, Patrick
Treason's Harbour by O'Brian, Patrick
The Sea and Poison by Endo, Shusaku
To Know a Woman by Oz, Amos
Too Loud a Solitude by Hrabal, Bohumil
The Uncollected Stories of Mary Wilkins Freeman by
Old Floating Cloud: Two Novellas by
Shadows of Yesterday by Brown, Sandra
Mao II by Delillo, Don
Philosopher or Dog? by Machado De Assis, Joaquim Maria, de Assis, Machado
The Unquiet Earth by Giardina, Denise
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, James
Suttree by McCarthy, Cormac
Wuthering Heights by Brontë, Emily
The Fictions of Anita Brookner: Illusions of Romance by Skinner, John
The Production of Culture: Media and the Urban Arts by Crane, Diana
Mortal Engines by Lem, Stanislaw
Charmed Life by McCarthy, Mary, McCarthy
Don't Stop the Carnival by Wouk, Herman
City Boy by Wouk, Herman
Rainbow: Volume 4 by Mao, Dun
The Space Trap: Alan Swift Leaves Home by McGinn, Colin
Madoc: A Mystery by Muldoon, Paul
Tristessa by Kerouac, Jack
Big Sur by Kerouac, Jack
The Collected Short Stories by Rhys, Jean
Nostromo: Introduction by Tony Tanner by Conrad, Joseph
Jordan County by Foote, Shelby
Such a Long Journey by Mistry, Rohinton
Love in a Dry Season by Foote, Shelby
Hard Times: Introduction by Phil Collins by Dickens, Charles
Mansfield Park: Introduction by Peter Conrad by Austen, Jane
The Lilac Bus: Stories by Binchy, Maeve
His Manifest Presence: Spanish by Nori, Donald F., Nori, Don, Jr.
James Joyce and the Russians by Cornwell, Neil
Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?: Stories by Carver, Raymond
The Apostle Virus by Triffet, Terry
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Fictions of Anita Brookner: Illusions of Romance by Skinner, John
Marjorie Morningstar by Wouk, Herman
What Was Mine: & Other Stories by Beattie, Ann
Fifty Stories by Boyle, Kay
The Time and the Place and Other Stories by Mahfouz, Naguib
Possessing the Secret of Joy by Walker, Alice
The Salt Eaters by Bambara, Toni Cade
Gorilla, My Love by Bambara, Toni Cade
In My Father's House by Gaines, Ernest J.
The Trial: Introduction by George Steiner by Kafka, Franz
A Gathering of Old Men by Gaines, Ernest J.
Mer de Glace by Fell, Alison
A Whole New Light by Brown, Sandra
Steelwork by Sorrentino, Gilbert
The Rainbow Stories by Vollmann, William T.
The Third Man and The Fallen Idol by Greene, Graham
Strange Fruit by Smith, Lillian
Women of Sand and Myrrh by Al-Shaykh, Hanan
Ever Since Darwin: Reflections on Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
The Age of Reason by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Troubled Sleep by Sartre, Jean-Paul
The Reprieve by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Quartet in Autumn by Pym, Barbara
The Reverse of the Medal by O'Brian, Patrick
British Fiction in the 1930s by Gindin, James
Airlift: Short Stories by Seale, Jan Epton
How Far She Went: Stories by Hood, Mary
Beulah by Evans, Augusta Jane
Macaria: Or, Altars of Sacrifice by Evans, Augusta Jane
The Snapper by Doyle, Roddy
This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen by Borowski, Tadeusz
Inner City Hoodlum by Goines, Donald
Plan B for the Middle Class: Stories by Carlson, Ron
The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom by Krasicki, Ignacy
Asphodel by Doolittle (H D. )., Hilda
The Last Jew: A Novel of the Spanish Inquisition by Gordon, Noah
The Letter of Marque by O'Brian, Patrick
The Thirteen Gun Salute by O'Brian, Patrick
Hannah Fowler by Giles, Janice Holt
Fiela's Child by Matthee, Dalene
Collected Short Stories: Volume 1 by Maugham, W. Somerset
The Gentleman from San Francisco and Other Stories by Bunin, Ivan
Winesburg, Ohio by Anderson, Sherwood
Whites by Rush, Norman
Mating: A Novel (National Book Award Winner) by Rush, Norman
The Reivers by Faulkner, William
The Sound and the Fury: The Corrected Text with Faulkner's Appendix by Faulkner, William
Like Water for Chocolate by Esquivel, Laura
Tolkien: A Critical Assessment by Rosebury, B.
The Matter Is Life by Cooper, J. California
Cast a Cold Eye by McCarthy, Mary, McCarthy
None Shall Look Back by Gordon, Caroline
Remember by Bradford, Barbara Taylor
Malkeh and Her Children by Edelson, Marjorie
Time's Arrow by Amis, Martin
The Nouveau Roman: Fiction, Theory and Politics by Britton, Celia
East of Eden by Steinbeck, John
Maud Martha by Brooks, Gwendolyn
American Fiction Since 1940 by Hilfer, Tony
A View by the Sea by Yasuoka, Shōtarō
Riverside Remembered by Briggs, Wallace Neal
The Venerable Bead by Condon, Richard
A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories by O'Connor, Flannery, O'Connor
Talking It Over by Barnes, Julian
Metroland by Barnes, Julian
Voices from Asia by Hahn, Moo-Sook
Encounter: A Novel of Nineteenth-Century Korea Volume 5 by Hahn, Moo-Sook
Fire the Bastards! by Green, Jack
Durango by Keane, John B.
The Bodhran Makers: A Novel of Ireland by Keane, John B.
The Whistling Song by Beachy, Stephen
Stranded by Tusquets, Ester, Tusquets, Esther
Sarah's Sin by Hoag, Tami
Yes by Bernhard, Thomas
Almanac of the Dead by Silko, Leslie Marmon
The Hellion Bride by Coulter, Catherine
Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals by Pirsig, Robert
To the Lighthouse: Introduction by Julia Briggs by Woolf, Virginia
The Awakening: Introduction by Elaine Showalter by Chopin, Kate
The Castle: Introduction by Irving Howe by Kafka, Franz
Oliver Twist: Introduction by Michael Slater by Dickens, Charles
A Passage to India: Introduction by P. N. Furbank by Forster, E. M.
Northanger Abbey: Introduction by Claudia Johnson by Austen, Jane
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