• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Fiction in 1993

The Wide, Wide World by Warner, Susan
Haywire by Caplette, Jim
Leaving Home by Janeway, Elizabeth
The End of This Day's Business by Burdekin, Katharine
Beyond the Stars 3: The Material World in American Popular Film by
Women and Appletrees by Martinson, Moa
Am I a Hindu by Viswanathan, Ed
Beyond the Stars 4: Locales in American Popular Film by
Quest by Hull, Helen R.
The Riverhouse Stories: How Pubah S. Queen and Lazy Larue Save the World by Carlisle, Andrea
Nehanda by Vera, Yvonne
Guardian Angel and Other Stories by Latimer, Margery
The Daughters of Danaus by Caird, Mona
Annie Oakley's Girl by Brown, Rebecca
History Quiz by Basu, Anuradha
The Exalted Heroine and the Triumph of Order: Class, Women and Religion in the English Novel, 1740-1800 by Hall, K. G.
Mary Shelley's Early Novels: 'This Child of Imagination and Misery' by Blumberg, Jane
Thomas Hardy and the Proper Study of Mankind by Gatrell, Simon
Tales from the Masnavi by Arberry, A. J.
Henry James: The Contingencies of Style by Cross, Mary
Ken Saro-Wiwa: A Bio-Critical Study by Ojo-Ade, Femi
Vicente Blasco Ibanez: The Holding (La Barraca) by Clark, Lester, Farrington Birchall, Eric Farrington, McDermott, Patricia
The Wide, Wide World by Warner, Susan
The Unforgetting Heart: An Anthology of Short Stories by African American Women (1859-1993) by
Truth Tales: Contemporary Stories by Women Writers of India by
The Daughters of Danaus by Caird, Mona
Cows and Horses by Wilson, Barbara
The Changelings by Sinclair, Jo
A Woman of Genius by Austin, Mary
An Estate of Memory by Karmel, Ilona
Spunk: Three Tales by Zora Neale Hurston by Hurston, Zora Neale
Married to a Stranger by Rachlin, Nahid
Ripening: Selected Work Second Edition by Le Sueur, Meridel
Black American Short Stories: A Century of the Best by
Not So Quiet...: Stepdaughters of War by Smith, Helen Zenna
Sultana's Dream: And Selections from the Secluded Ones by Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat
Folklore from the Adirondack Foothills by
Sandeh by Matkari, Ratnakar
Daughters of Memory by Arnold, Janis
Set This House on Fire by Styron, William
The Fat Man in History by Carey, Peter
Jihad by Hussain, Jamadar
Phukat by D. M. Mirasdar
Night by Wiesel, Elie
Marathiche Vyakaran by Leela, Govilkar
Golmaal by Phondke, Dr Bal
The Lost Father by Simpson, Mona
The Tale of Genji: Introduction by Edward G. Seidensticker by Murasaki Shikibu
The Complete Stories of Edgar Allan Poe: Introduction by John Seelye by Poe, Edgar Allan
Contemporary British Women Writers: Narrative Strategies by
Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show by Maruo, Suehiro
Contemporary British Women Writers: Narrative Strategies by
The Family in Question: Changing Households and Familiar Ideologies by Gittins, Diana
Vox by Baker, Nicholson
The Woman of the Pharisees by Mauriac, Francois, Mauriac
The Panorama of Hell by Hino, Hideshi
Beverly Hills Butler by Ross, Ian
The Deal Decade: What Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts Mean for Corporate Governance by
The Missing Person by Grumbach, Doris
Way Men ACT (Original) by Lipman, Elinor
Line of Fire by Griffin, W. E. B.
All Around the Town by Clark, Mary Higgins
The Red Pony by Steinbeck, John
The Pearl by Steinbeck, John
Dalkey Archive by O'Brien, Flann
The Orchard Keeper by McCarthy, Cormac
Cambridge by Phillips, Caryl
A Week Like Any Other: Novellas and Stories by Baranskaya, Natalya
Dreaming in Cuban by García, Cristina
Main Brides by Scott, Gail
Trees Are Lonely Company by O'Hagan, Howard
The Angel of Solitude by Blais, Marie-Claire
Songs My Mother Taught Me by Thomas, Audrey
Scar Lover by Crews, Harry
Mrs. Dalloway: Introduction by Nadia Fusini by Woolf, Virginia
The Stranger: Introduction by Keith Gore by Camus, Albert
Days on Earth: The Dance of Doris Humphrey by Siegel, Marcia B.
Ava by Maso, Carole
Man Walking on Eggshells by Simmons, Herbert
Sugar Cage by Fowler, Connie
Collected Short Stories: Volume 4 by Maugham, W. Somerset
Man, Woman, and Child by Segal, Erich
Revelation Countdown by Mazza, Cris
Sab and Autobiography by Avellaneda Y. Arteaga, Gertrudis Gómez de
The Mind-Body Problem by Goldstein, Rebecca
The Sweet-Shop Owner by Swift, Graham
Box Socials by Kinsella, W. P.
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Murakami, Haruki
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Silas Marner: Introduction by Rosemary Ashton by Eliot, George
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (Large Print Edition) by Flagg, Fannie
Lolita: Introduction by Martin Amis by Nabokov, Vladimir
Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade by Djebar, Assia
Australian Literature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under by Edelson, Phyllis Fahrie
Great Short Works of Willa Cather by Miller, Robert K.
Mary Shelley's Early Novels: 'This Child of Imagination and Misery' by Blumberg, Jane
Brightness Falls by McInerney, Jay
Catherine Carmier by Gaines, Ernest J.
Things That Go Bump in the Night by Jones, Louis C.
Future and Other Stories by Thurman, Ralph Cheo
The Surleighwick Effect: A Modern Comedy by Cutting, Charles H.
Allende by Alegría, Fernando
My Life as a Dog by Jonsson, Reidar
Monkfish Moon: Short Stories by Gunesekera, Romesh
The Shadow of the Sun by Byatt, A. S.
The Education of Harriet Hatfield / A Novel by May Sarton by Sarton, May
Nine Guardians by Castellanos, Rosario
Dubliners by Joyce, James
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, James
Dubliners by Joyce, James
The Secret Sharer and Other Stories by Conrad, Joseph
Treasure Island by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Later Fiction of Nadine Gordimer by
The Beast in the Jungle and Other Stories by James, Henry
Sleeping Dogs by Perry, Thomas
Where Love Goes by Maynard, Joyce
After Henry by Didion, Joan
Not the End of the World by Stowe, Rebecca
Let the Dog Drive by Bowman, David
Hotel Lambosa by Koch, Kenneth
Mr. Mani by Yehoshua, A. B.
Black Water by Oates, Joyce Carol
Zapata by Steinbeck, John
The Famished Road: Man Booker Prize Winner by Okri, Ben
The Lover by Yehoshua, Abraham B.
Mr. Mani by Yehoshua, Abraham B.
City of Truth by Morrow, James
A Late Divorce by Yehoshua, Abraham B.
The Open Boat and Other Stories by Crane, Stephen
Poor White by Anderson, Sherwood
Selected Short Stories by Faulkner, William
The Creek by Glisson, J. T.
The Mayor of Casterbridge: Introduction by Craig Raine by Hardy, Thomas
Crime and Punishment: Introduction by W J Leatherbarrow by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Animal Farm: Introduction by Julian Symons by Orwell, George
Ficciones: Introduction by John Sturrock by Borges, Jorge Luis
The Hand of the Arch-Sinner: Two Angrian Chronicles of Branwell Brontë. a Reader's Edition by Brontë, Branwell
Deadly Justice by Bernhardt, William
Peace Under Heaven: A Modern Korean Novel: A Modern Korean Novel by Chae, Man-Sik, Chun, Kyung-Ja
Peace Under Heaven: A Modern Korean Novel: A Modern Korean Novel by Chun, Kyung-Ja, Chae, Man-Sik
Loving Daughters by Masters, Olga
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Gabler, Hans Walter, Joyce, James
Honey Moon by Phillips, Susan Elizabeth
Poetic Justice: Filmmaking South Central Style by Singleton, John
Anecdotes of Destiny and Ehrengard by Dinesen, Isak
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler: Introduction by Peter Washington by Calvino, Italo
Up in the Old Hotel by Mitchell, Joseph
Winter's Tales by Dinesen, Isak
Twenty-one Stories by Greene, Graham
Rest in Pieces: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery by Brown, Rita Mae
Dubliners by Joyce, James
Let the Dead Bury Their Dead by Kenan, Randall
Collected Short Stories: Volume 3 by Maugham, W. Somerset
Some Champions: Sketches and Fiction from a Humorist's Career by Lardner, Ring
Blue Glass by Tyler, Sandra
The I Quest by Triffet, Terry
Circle by Poyer, David
The Real Thing: Stories and Sketches by Lessing, Doris
A Tiler's Afternoon by Gustafsson, Lars
Mirror Bride by Peart, Jane
Morland Dynasty 15: The Reckoning by Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia
All the Pretty Horses: Border Trilogy 1 (National Book Award Winner) by McCarthy, Cormac
Outer Dark by McCarthy, Cormac
Child of God by McCarthy, Cormac
Illum by Patil, Shankar
Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica by Slung, Michelle
A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Flannery O'Connor by
Tierra Amarilla: Stories of New Mexico / Cuentos de Nuevo Mexico by Ulibarrí, Sabine R.
Talking to the Dead by Watanabe, Sylvia
Scruples Two by Krantz, Judith
The Heiress Bride: Bride Series by Coulter, Catherine
Easy Way Out by McCauley, Stephen
Christ in Concrete by Di Donato, Pietro
Vladimir Nabokov by Rampton, David
A Defoe Companion by Hammond, J.
Best English Short Stories IV by
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker by Smollett, Tobias
The Ice-Shirt: Volume One of Seven Dreams: A Book of North American Landscapes by Vollmann, William T.
The Road to the Bazaar by Bond, Ruskin
Maggie Cassidy by Kerouac, Jack
Visions of Cody by Kerouac, Jack
The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories by London, Jack
Maybe the Moon by Maupin, Armistead
A Vagabond in Mexico by Guzman-C, S.
Your Blues Ain't Like Mine by Campbell, Bebe Moore
Wonderland Avenue by Sugerman, Danny
A southern Harvest by Hariharan, Gita
Tales of Mystery & Imagination by Poe, Edgar Allan
The Old Man and the Boy by Ruark, Robert
Black American Cinema by
Tongues of Flame by Brown, Mary Ward
Lempriere's Dictionary by Norfolk, Lawrence
Bailey's Cafe by Naylor, Gloria
Princess Hoppy, Or, the Tale of Labrador: Or, the Tale of Labrador by Roubaud, Jacques
Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck, John
The Tale of the Body Thief by Rice, Anne
Leviathan by Auster, Paul
Paraja by Mohanty, Gopinath, Das, Bikram K.
The Later Fiction of Nadine Gordimer by
Short Cuts: Selected Stories by Carver, Raymond
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