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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Fiction in 2017

Daisy Miller and Other Tales by James, Henry
Decapitation: Kubikiri Cycle by Nisioisin
Opportunity Beckons by Singh, Gurjit
Luthers Leben by Köstlin, Julius
Edelweiss: Eine Erzählung by Auerbach, Berthold
Benjamin Franklin - ein Lebensbild by Venedey, Jacob
El corazón oscuro by Anaya, Carmelo
Donbridge: The Lost Princess of Lenape Valley by Vincent, Rd
The Last Gambit by Swami, Om
Historias extranas de Japon by Traves, Ana
The Replicants by Burke, Gerry
The Replicants by Burke, Gerry
The Devil and the Pack Mule by Lange, William
The Shadow Line. By: Joseph Conrad: The Shadow-Line is a short novel based at sea by Joseph Conrad; it is one of his later works, being wri by Conrad, Joseph
The Mirror of the Sea (1906). By: Joseph Conrad: First published in 1906, The Mirror of the Sea was the first of Joseph Conrad's two autobiographical by Conrad, Joseph
The last of the Mohicans. historical NOVEL by: J. Fenimore Cooper. by Cooper, J. Fenimore
Cemento by Anaya, Carmelo
A Family Anchored in Love: The Beginning by Greenberg, Jaime, Kennedy, Margaret
The brown owl, a fairy story (1892). By: Ford H. Madox Hueffer, illustrated By: F. Madox Brown: ONCE upon a time, a long while ago-in fact long before by Brown, F. Madox, Hueffer, Ford H. Madox
Before Adam (1906) historical NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
Prinzessin Ilse: Ein Märchen aus dem Harzgebirge by Petersen, Marie
El diablo de la botella by Stevenson, Robert
The Minister of Evil: The Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia by Le Queux, William
The Cathedral by Walpole, Hugh
The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke (1901) by: Jack London by London, Jack
Die Einbrecherin, die nichts stehlen wollte by Wittendorf, Alexander
The Iron Heel (1907) dystopian NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
The Little Lady of the Big House . NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
Lost Face (1910) by: Jack London by London, Jack
White Fang (1906) NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
Gesammelte Erzählungen by Wei, Ernst
Desperate Remedies (1871) NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
When God laughs, and other stories by: Jack London 1876-1916 by London, Jack
Under the Greenwood Tree: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School . NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
The Inheritors (1901). By: Joseph Conrad and Ford Hermann Hueffer (Ford Madox Ford): The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story (1901) is a quasi-scien by Hueffer, Ford Hermann, Conrad, Joseph
The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
Martin Eden (1909) NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
Algunos cuentos para contarlos a mis dos nietas by Llanos Roldan, Walther
All I Ever Wanted by Smith, Victorious
Endless by Tschudy, Roy
Hole in the Sky: and Other Stories by Farson, James
Fair by Rosenfeld, Francis
Penelope Delta, Sta Mystika Tou Valtou by Delta, Penelope
A Son of the Sun (1912) NOVEL by: Jack London by London, Jack
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1891) NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
Under Western Eyes (1911). By: Joseph Conrad: Under Western Eyes (1911) is a novel by Joseph Conrad. by Conrad, Joseph
Jude the Obscure (1895) NOVEL by: Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
The Reluctant Dragon by Grahame, Kenneth
Chance: a tale in two parts. By: Joseph Conrad: Novel (World's classic's) by Conrad, Joseph
Wunden: Eine Familiengeschichte by Schacht, Ulla
Flug der Feder by Schumann, Alexandra
Joh. Heinrich Waser: der zürcherische Volkswirtschafter des 18. Jahrhunderts... by Müller, Casper Karl
Kantiana - Beiträge zu Immanuel Kants Leben und Schriften by Reicke, Rudolf
Änne und Friedchen by Riemer, Jutta
Hämnden på Rivieran by Wiström, Jerk
Tod eines Walk-on-Girls: Ein Dartkrimi by Bormann-Ervens, Denise
Tod eines Walk-on-Girls: Ein Dartkrimi by Bormann-Ervens, Denise
In A Flash by Westgard, Clint
The note by Isme, Fignole R., Sr.
The Beacons of Larkin Street by Favor, Judith
Im Zwielicht by Rodenbach, Georges
We Fight for Oil. By: Ludwell Denny by Denny, Ludwell
Wilhelm von Bippen: Ein Lebensbild by Deecke, Wilhelm
Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy by Dickens, Charles
Martin Luther, sein Leben: dem deutschen Volke erzählt by Junge, Friedrich
Denkwürdiges aus meinem Leben: I. Band. by Bluntschli, J. C.
Lessings Werke: mit einer Auswahl aus seinen Briefen und einer Skizze seines Lebens by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Luise, Königin von Preußen: In ihren Briefen by Luise, Queen
Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben: Erster Band by Friesen, Richard
Andr. Rud. v. Planta: Ein republikanischer Staatsmann by Planta, Peter Conradin Von
Christoph, Herzog zu Wirtemberg: Erster Band by Kugler, Bernhard
Going Down Hard by Phillips, Carly
Joseph im Schnee: Eine Erzählung by Auerbach, Berthold
The Beauty Shop: A WWII Novel by Henderson, Suzy
Devil Smile: Bolshevism as it was by Zakariyya, Yadigar
Holy Matrimony and Let's Make a Move Two Plays by Philip, J. D.
Down By the Creek - Ripples and Reflections by Stansbury, Paul
Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben: 3. Band by Friesen, Richard
Johannes Janssen, 1829-1891: ein Lebensbild vornehmlich nach den ungedruckten Briefen und Tagebüchern desselben entworfen by Anonymous
Leben und Taten des Joseph Balsamo,: sogenannten Grafen Cagliostro - 1. Band by Marcello, Stefano
Fra Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole: Sein Leben und seine Werke by Beissel, Stephan
Atal Bihari Vajpayee A Man For All Seasons by Nag, Kingshuk
Love Triangle: Me, God and My Man by Proctor, Shaunté L.
In His Eyes: Heartwarming Small Town Beach Romance by Lohr, Barbara
Romance; a novel. By: Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Hueffer: Romance is a novel written by Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Ford(born Ford Hermann Hueffer) by Hueffer, Ford Madox, Conrad, Joseph
Bananas Make Me Wanna Dance!: HEALTHY FOOD IS FUN FIND THE BANANAS!: Rhyming Picture Book, Interactive, Early Reader, Preschool by Birtwell, Carol Ann Ashley
Biographische Denkmale: 1. Band - 5. Teil by Varnhagen Von Ense, Karl August
Volkstümliches aus Schwaben by Birbinger, Anton
Briefwechsel des Herzogs Christoph von Wirtemberg: Zweiter Band: 1553 - 1554 by
Wendunmuth by Kirchhof, Hans Wilhelm, Oesterley, Hermann
Joseph von Görres: aus Anlass seiner hundertjährigen Geburtsfeier in seinem Leben und Wirken dem deutschen Volk geschildert by Galland, Joseph
My Lonely Room by Vikara, John a.
Grace in October by Semeniuk, Kevin
Abraham Lincoln - Sein Leben, Wirken und Sterben by Bungener, Félix
Der Bauernspiegel: Lebensgeschichte des Jeremias Gotthelf by Vetter, Ferdinand, Gotthelf, Jeremias
The Labyrinth: A Journey to True Happiness by Aimé, Elizabeth
La hispaniola: El reino del zombí by Mendoza, Félix Darío
La hispaniola: El reino del zombí by Mendoza, Félix Darío
The Grey Knight: A Story of Love in Troubled Times by Devaney, Patrick
Marina de la Cruz: Radiografía de una emigrante by Mendoza, Félix Darío
Marina de la Cruz: Radiografía de una emigrante by Mendoza, Félix Darío
Kismet by Ward, Belinda M.
Remembrance by Brotherton, Velda
The Trees of Pride (1922) by: Gilbert Keith Chesterton by Chesterton, G. K.
South Sea Tales (1911). By: Jack London: South Sea Tales (1911) is a collection of short stories written by Jack London. Most stories are set in i by London, Jack
The Star Rover (1915). By: Jack London: Novel by London, Jack
The Mutiny of the Elsinore (1914). By: Jack London: The Mutiny of the Elsinore is a novel by the American writer Jack London first published in 1914. by London, Jack
North and South (1854) NOVEL by: Elizabeth Gaskell by Gaskell, Elizabeth
Tales of the Fish Patrol (1905). By: Jack London: Novel (Original Classics) by London, Jack
The Night-born (1913). By: Jack London: Novel (World's classic's) by London, Jack
Bunner Sisters (1916) by: Edith Wharton by Wharton, Edith
The Valley of the Moon (1913). By: Jack London: The Valley of the Moon (1913) is a novel by American writer Jack London (as well as the mythic and rom by London, Jack
Ethan Frome (1911) NOVEL by: Edith Wharton by Wharton, Edith
Wives and Daughters (1865) NOVEL by: Elizabeth Gaskell by Gaskell, Elizabeth
The Age of Innocence is a 1920 NOVEL by: Edith Wharton which won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize. by Wharton, Edith
Passi in libertà: Storie di vita by Kallco, Arjan Th
The glimpses of the moon. by: Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937 by Wharton, Edith
The people of the abyss. By: Jack London, and By: James Russell Lowell (with many illustrations from photographs): The People of the Abyss (1903) i by Lowell, James Russell, London, Jack
The Story of Mankind (1921), By Hendrik Willem van Loon (illustrated): World history (Children's literature) by Loon, Hendrik Willem Van
The House of Pride (1919), by: Jack London: Originally published in 1912, this collection contains six stories: - The House of Pride - Koolau the Lep by London, Jack
The touchstone. NOVEL by: Edith Wharton by Wharton, Edith
The Human Drift (1917). By: Jack London: Socialist utopia (Political) by London, Jack
The Mad King by Winters, Jovee
The Red One (1918). By: Jack London: "The Red One" is a short story by Jack London. It was first published in the October 1918 issue of The Co by London, Jack
Störtebecker by Klabund
The Iron Heel (1907). By: Jack London: The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London, first published in 1908. by London, Jack
Mary Barton (1848) NOVEL by: Elizabeth Gaskell by Gaskell, Elizabeth
The Little Lady of the Big House (1916). By: Jack London: The Little Lady of the Big House (1915) is a novel by American writer Jack London. It was hi by London, Jack
Lost Face (1910). By: Jack London: Lost Face is a collection of seven short stories by Jack London. by London, Jack
Martin Eden (1909). By: Jack London: Novel by London, Jack
The Scarlet Plague (1912). By: Jack London: The Scarlet Plague is a post-apocalyptic fiction novel written by Jack London and originally published in by London, Jack
A Son of the Sun (1912). by: Jack London: Novel by London, Jack
Wife of a Misfit 3: The Finale by Jones, Jade
The Forest of Deen by Dowling, Liam
Manalive (1912) by: Gilbert Keith Chesterton by Chesterton, G. K.
Coffee & A Story: Short, Short Story by Glassman, Peter
East Lynne (1861) by: Ellen Wood by Wood, Ellen
He's a Bad Boy but I Love Him by Shatavia
A felhõk ölében by Szabó Angela
Das Teufelshaus by Friedmann, Stefan
Das Teufelshaus by Friedmann, Stefan
Toxicus by Jurow-Janßen, Anita
ATLAS in REVOLT: American Secession (Book II) by Phillips, Gregory C.
The Black Princess by Voysey Paun, Maggie
Seductions Errantes by Osso, Johnny
Abenteuer der sieben Schwaben und des Spiegelschwaben by Aurbacher, Ludwig
Working for Her Dad's Best Friend by Zaftig, Alyse
Forget-Me-Not Child by Bennett, Anne
Running Tape by Kowalla, Jake
The Flying Inn (1914) NOVEL by: Gilbert Keith Chesterton by Chesterton, G. K.
The custom of the country. NOVEL by. Edith Wharton by Wharton, Edith
Storie d'amore: microracconti con immagini by Enea, Guglielmo
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Ein Jahr meines Lebens, 1848-1849 by Hübner, Alexander
Abraham Lincoln: Sein Leben, Wirken und Sterben by Bungener, Félix
Leben und Wirken von Albrecht Friedrich May, Staatsschreiber von Bern by Lauterburg, Ludwig
G. G. Gervinus Leben by Gervinus, Georg Gottfried
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Kinderseele mit Zweitwohnung: Wie innere Spielwelten helfen zu überleben by Berndt, Norbert
La manipulatrice by Modvareil
Asphaltkinder by Busch, Kornelia
Waters of the River Red by Boykins, Susane L.
Tempt by Twomey, Mary E.
Summer (1917) NOVEL by: Edith Wharton by Wharton, Edith
Gambino and Pocahontas: A Ghetto Love Story by Jones, Jade
On the Makaloa Mat: Island Tales. By: Jack London: On the Makaloa Mat is a collection of seven short stories by Jack London, all of which by London, Jack
Ethics, or the Science of Conduct by Traumear
Philosophy for our Day by Traumear
Pathos by Traumear
Friendship by Traumear
70 Under 70 by Mena Arana, Hernan
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Philosophy and Religion by Traumear
The Garden of Lost Remembering by Conn, Billy
Life of Colonel Jack. ( include )VOLUME 1, AND 2 By: Daniel Defoe by Defoe, Daniel
The Road (1907). By: Jack London: The Road is an autobiographical memoir by Jack London, first published in 1907. by London, Jack
Jack London - The Science Fiction Stories - Volume 2: "I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and perm by London, Jack
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Friedrich Christoph Schlosser: Erinnerungsblätter aus seinem Leben und Wirken by Weber, Georg
Aus dem Leben Theodor von Bernhardis by Bernhardi, Theodor Von
Family Code: Death Is Not The End by Meyer, Marianne E.
Esting: Codex Primus - Book I by Schaffrath, Stephan
Revolution and Other Essays (1909). By: Jack London: Although best known for his adult fiction, Jack London wrote in almost every corner available fro by London, Jack
Autopsy manual. By: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (U.S.) by Pathology (U S. )., Armed Forces Institute
It Happens by Knipple, Ken
Hans Sachs und seine Zeit: ein Lebens- und Kulturbild aus der Zeit der Reformation by Genée, Rudolf
Luthers Leben by Köstlin, Julius Theodor
Die Götter und Heroen des klassischen Alterthums: Populäre Mythologie der Griechen und Römer by Stoll, H. W.
Wendelin von Höllenstein: Eine Geistergeschichte by Gleich, Joseph Alois
Ernst Moritz Arndt: Sein Leben und Arbeiten für Deutschlands Freiheit, Ehre und Größe by Thiele, Rudolf
Curious, If True: Strange Tales by Cleghorn Gaskell, Elizabeth
Japanese Fairy Tales by Ozaki, Yei Theodora
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Wallace, Lewis
Greed & Gunplay: The Diary of a Stickup Boy by Grey, Dorian
Falling For A Savage 2: Soraya & Jadyn's Story by Koya
Tempt by Twomey, Mary E.
Potomac Review Issue 60 by
Kid Flame by Cento, Giancarlo
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