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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gardening in 1985

Constructive Methods for the Practical Treatment of Integral Equations: Proceedings of the Conference at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwol by Hämmerlin, G., Hoffmann, K. H.
Chemical Mössbauer Spectroscopy by Herber, R. H.
The Electronic Structure of Complex Systems by
Coloprotology: by Nicholls, R. J., Nicholls, Gill
Inequality Problems in Mechanics and Applications: Convex and Nonconvex Energy Functions by Panagiotopoulos, P. D.
Optimal Decisions Under Uncertainty: Methods, Models, and Management by Sengupta, J. K.
The Economics of the Shadow Economy: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Economics of the Shadow Economy, Held at the University of Bie by
Stationary Sequences and Random Fields by Rosenblatt, Murray
Secrets of Plant Propagation: Starting Your Own Flowers, Vegetables, Fruits, Berries, Shrubs, Trees, and Houseplants by Hill, Lewis
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
1984 by
Seabed Mechanics: Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, Sponsored Jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( by International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Molecular Components of Hepatitis B Virus by Feitelson, M.
Drug Determination in Therapeutic and Forensic Contexts by Reid, Eric, Wilson, Ian D.
Information and Efficiency in Economic Decision by SenGupta, Jati
Orthomodular Lattices: Algebraic Approach by Beran, L.
Experimental and Clinical Progress in Cancer Chemotherapy by
The Cancer Patient and Supportive Care: Medical, Surgical, and Human Issues by
Mathematics in Biology and Medicine: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Bari, Italy, July 18-22, 1983 by
Microeconomic Models of Housing Markets by
Contributions to Operations Research: Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research Held in Oberwolfach, West Germany February 26 - March 3, 19 by
Common Infections by
Alvin Plantinga by
Virtue and Medicine: Explorations in the Character of Medicine by
Pathogenesis of Stress-Induced Heart Disease: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, June 26-29, 1984, Winnipeg, Cana by
Risk Analysis and Scientific Method: Methodological and Ethical Problems with Evaluating Societal Hazards by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin
RNA Tumor Viruses, Oncogenes, Human Cancer and Aids: On the Frontiers of Understanding: Proceedings of the International Conference on RNA Tumor Virus by
Stress and Heart Disease: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, June 26-29, 1984 Winnipeg, Canada by
Viral Messenger RNA: Transcription, Processing, Splicing and Molecular Structure by
Semiotic PRAXIS: Studies in Pertinence and in the Means of Expression and Communication by Mounin, Georges
Musik Und Mathematik: Salzburger Musikgespräch 1984 Unter Vorsitz Von Herbert Von Karajan by
Decision Making with Multiple Objectives: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Multiple-Criteria Decision Making, Held at the Case Wes by
Appropriate Waste Management for Developing Countries by Curi, Kriton
Screening for Biological Response Modifiers: Methods and Rationale by Fidler, Isaiah J., Oldham, R. K., Talmadge, James E.
Dialogue Games: An Approach to Discourse Analysis by Carlson, L.
Biochemistry of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by
Prostaglandins and Immunity by
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism and Tumor Promotion by
Laser Photobiology and Photomedicine by Martellucci, S., Chester, A. N.
Thermal Conductivity 18 by Smith, David R., Ashworth, T.
Infinitely Divisible Statistical Experiments by Strasser, Helmut, Janssen, Arnold, Milbrodt, Hartmut
Inositol and Phosphoinositides: Metabolism and Regulation by Bleasdale, John E., Eichberg, Joseph, Hause, George
Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1984 by
Biology and Therapy of Acute Leukemia: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Detroit Cancer Symposium Detroit, Michigan -- April 12-13, 1984 by
Developments in Geophysical Exploration Methods by
Econometric Models of Asian Link by
Coloproctology: Diagnosis and Outpatient Management by Nicholls, R. J.
Prenatal Gliogenesis in the Neopallium of the Rat by Wolff, Joachim R., Rickmann, Michael
Of Plants and People by Heiser, Charles B.
The Plant Viruses: Polyhedral Virions with Tripartite Genomes by
Macromodels of the National Economy of the USSR: Methodological Aspects by Kolbin, V. V.
Protophysics of Time: Constructive Foundation and History of Time Measurement by Janich, P.
Stability of the Solar System and Its Minor Natural and Artificial Bodies by
Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition by Lowe, D.
Social System Accounts: Linking Social and Economic Indicators Through Tangible Behavior Settings by Fox, K.
Jelle Zijlstra, a Central Banker's View: Selected Speeches and Articles by
Dynamic Feature Space Modelling, Filtering and Self-Tuning Control of Stochastic Systems: A Systems Approach with Economic and Social Applications by Otter, Pieter W.
Biomechanics of the Primate Skull Base by Demes, Brigitte
Econometric Models of Asian Link by
Liquids and Solids by Sprackling, Michael
Monoclonal Antibodies and Breast Cancer: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Monoclonal Antibodies and Breast Cancer San Francisco, Californi by
Stochastic Space--Time Models and Limit Theorems by
Numerical Solutions of the N-Body Problem by Marciniak, A.
Pathobiology of Cardiovascular Injury: From the Proceedings of the Meeting of the American Section of the International Society for Heart Research (Is by
Philosophy and the Absolute: The Modes of Hegel's Speculation by McRae, R. G.
Supersymmetry by
The Agp System: Manual for the Documentation of Psychopathology in Gerontopsychiatry by
Electrochemistry on Liquid/Liquid Interfaces by Vanysek, Petr
Gwai-84: 8th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Wingst/Stade, October 8-12, 1984 by
Directed Drug Delivery: A Multidisciplinary Problem by Borchardt, Ronald T., Repta, Arnold J., Stella, Valentino J.
Radiology of Liver Circulation by L'Herminé, C.
Biochemistry of Dioxygen by Ingraham, Lloyd L., Meyer, Damon L.
The Physical Chemistry of Membranes: An Introduction to the Structure and Dynamics of Biological Membranes by Silver, B.
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Cementitious Composites by
Essential Oils and Aromatic Plants: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Held in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, July by
Liver Cancer by
Alphonse Merrheim: The Emergence of Reformism in Revolutionary Syndicalism, 1871 - 1925 by Papayanis, N.
Mass Loss from Red Giants: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of California at Los Angeles, U.S.A., June 20-21, 1984 by
Perspectives in Particles and Fields: Cargèse 1983 by
The Chondrocranium of Cryptoprocta Ferox by Köhncke, Michael
Methodical Problems in Early Detection Programmes: Symposium Held by the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Medizinische Dokumentation, Informatik Und Statisti by
On the Use of Stochastic Processes in Modeling Reliability Problems by Birolini, Alessandro
Probability and Statistical Inference: Volume 1: Probability by Kalbfleisch, J. G.
Radiology of the Heart: Cardiac Imaging in Infants, Children, and Adults by Spindola-Franco, Hugo, Fish, Bernard G.
Self-Reference and Modal Logic by Smorynski, Craig
Hazardous Air Emissions from Incineration by Brunner, Calvin R.
Chorological Phenomena in Plant Communities: Proceedings of 26th International Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, Held by
Psychiatry the State of the Art: Volume 6 Drug Dependence and Alcoholism, Forensic Psychiatry, Military Psychiatry by
Supportive Therapy in Haematology by
Monoclonal Antibody Therapy of Human Cancer by
Alvin Plantinga by
Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Vol 1 by
Morality and Universality: Essays on Ethical Universalizability by
Light in Einstein's Universe: The Role of Energy in Cosmology and Relativity by Prokhovnik, R.
Science, Action, and Reality by Tuomela, R.
The Ventricle: Basic and Clinical Aspects by
Diagnosis and Management of Malignant Solid Tumors in Infants and Children by Green, Daniel M.
Clinical Problems in Sexually Transmitted Diseases by
The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics: Studies in Social Structure, Interests, and Ideas by Restivo, S.
Ethical Issues in Preventive Medicine by
Composite Structures 3 by
Radioglaciology by Bentley, C. R., Bogorodsky, V. V.
Evaluation of Continuing Education in the Health Professions by
Homogeneous Catalysis with Compounds of Rhodium and Iridium by Dickson, R.
Ethics and Critical Care Medicine by
Population Genetics in Forestry: Proceedings of the Meeting of the Iufro Working Party "Ecological and Population Genetics" Held in Göttingen, August by
Chemoarchitecture of the Brain by Nieuwenhuys, R.
Convexity and Duality in Optimization: Proceedings of the Symposium on Convexity and Duality in Optimization Held at the University of Groningen, the by
Stochastic Models of Air Pollutant Concentration by Grandell, Jan
Immune Regulation by Mitchison, N. A., Feldmann, Marc
Analysis of Approximation Methods for Differential and Integral Equations by Reinhardt, Hans-Jürgen
Generalized Linear Models: Proceedings of the Glim 85 Conference Held at Lancaster, Uk, Sept. 16-19, 1985 by
Which Babies Shall Live? by Caplan, Arthur L., Murray, Thomas H.
The Art of Planning: Selected Essays of Harvey S. Perloff by
Accountancy: Aib Textbook by
Comparison of AB Initio Quantum Chemistry with Experiment for Small Molecules: The State of the Art Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Philadelphia, P by
Interregional Air Pollution Modelling by Dam, J. Van, Zwerver, S.
Infinite Programming: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Infinite Dimensional Linear Programming Churchill College, Cambridge, Uni by
Resource Management: Proceedings of the Second Ralf Yorque Workshop Held in Ashland, Oregon, July 23-25, 1984 by
In Search of Meaning: A Psychotherapy of Small Steps by Peseschkian, Nossrat
The Promise Is by Zegers, Kip
Human T Cell Clones: A New Approach to Immune Regulation by Feldmann, Marc, Lamb, Jonathan R., Woody, James N.
Mechanisms of Cancer Metastasis: Potential Therapeutic Implications by
Replacement of Renal Function by Dialysis: A Textbook of Dialysis by
Cosmic Radiation in Contemporary Astrophysics by
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Routing by Joobbani, R.
Adenovirus DNA: The Viral Genome and Its Expression by
Jean Buridan's Logic: The Treatise on Supposition the Treatise on Consequences by
Interrelationship Among Aging, Cancer and Differentiation: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Hel by
Mount Etna: The Anatomy of a Volcano by Guest, J. E., Chester, D. K., Duncan, A. M.
Acoustical Imaging by
Growing Food in the High Desert Country by Weinberg, Julie Behrend
Linear Multivariable Control: A Geometric Approach by Wonham, W. M.
Cardiovascular Disease by Lorimer, A. R., Williams, William Stewart
Laser/Optoelektronik in Der Technik / Laser/Optoelectronics in Engineering: Vorträge Des 7 Internationalen Kongresses / Proceedings of the 7th Interna by
Laser/Optoelektronik in Der Medizin / Laser/Optoelectronics in Medicine: Vorträge Des 7. Internationalen Kongresses Laser 85 Optoelektronik Mit/Procee by
Growing Food in the High Desert Country by Weinberg, Julie Behrend
Extracerebral Collections by
Lesions of the Cerebral Midline: 9th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery (Espn), October 10-13, 1984, Vienna by
Nonlocal Quantum Field Theory and Stochastic Quantum Mechanics by Namsrai, K. H.
Logic Programming: A Classified Bibliography by
Comic Rays in Interplanetary Magnetics Fields by Toptygin, I. N.
Human Nature and Natural Knowledge: Essays Presented to Marjorie Grene on the Occasion of Her Seventy-Fifth Birthday by
Adverbial Modification: Interval Semantics and Its Rivals by Cresswell, M. J.
Decision-Oriented Educational Research by Bickel, William, Cooley, William