• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gardening in 2013

Tropical Gardens: Hidden Exotic Paradises by Roth, Manuela
Your Florida Guide to Shrubs: Selection, Establishment, and Maintenance by Black, Robert J., Brown, Sydney Park, Gilman, Edward
Balcony Gardening: Growing Herbs and Vegetables in a Small Urban Space by Haase, Jeff
From the Ground Up: Community Gardens in New York City and the Politics of Spatial Transformation. Efrat Eizenberg by Eizenberg, Efrat
Fine Gardening Beds & Borders: Design Ideas for Gardens Large and Small by Fine Gardening
Lilies for Every Garden by Preston, Isabella
A Year in a Lancashire Garden by Bright, Henry Arthur
Gardening for the Million by Pink, Alfred
Coastal Garden Plants: Florida to Virginia by Heizer, Roy
Gardening for the Million by Pink, Alfred
Bottle Trees... and the Whimsical Art of Garden Glass by Rushing, Felder
Intelligent Visual Inspection: Using Artificial Neural Networks by Rosandich, R.
The Backyard Parables: Lessons on Gardening, and Life by Roach, Margaret
The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture: Creating an Edible Ecosystem by Shein, Christopher
Starting Seeds: How to Grow Healthy, Productive Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers from Seed. a Storey Basics(r) Title by Ellis, Barbara W.
LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine by Bromley, H.
Hobby Hydroponics by Resh, Howard M.
How to Build a 12 x 14 Hoop Greenhouse with Electricity for $300 by Love, Jesse W.
Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Immunity by
The Translational Apparatus: Structure, Function, Regulation, Evolution by
The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest by Forkner, Lorene Edwards
Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City by Bates, Jonathan, Toensmeier, Eric
Urban Gardening FD by National Gardening Association
Computational Biology: A Practical Introduction to Biodata Processing and Analysis with Linux, Mysql, and R by Wünschiers, Röbbe
Biosynthetic Products for Cancer Chemotherapy: Volume 2 by
Visible Invisible: Landscape Works of Reed Hilderbrand by
Sustainable Market Farming: Intensive Vegetable Production on a Few Acres by Dawling, Pam
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada. Volume 24 by
Easily-Grown Hardy Perennials - Being a Description, with Notes on Habit and Uses, and Directions for Culture and Propagation, of Scotland Perennial a by Vos, George H.
The Flower Garden: Its Design, Formation, Planting and Management, Including the Description and Cultivation of all Hardy and Half-Hardy by Sanders, T. W.
Popular Hardy Perennials - Their Cultivation in Beds, Borders, the Wild and Woodland Garden and by the Waterside: and also their Propagation. With Des by Sanders, T. W.
The Encyclopaedia of Gardening - A Dictionary of Cultivated Plants, Giving in Alphabetical Sequence the Culture and Propagation of Hardy and Half-Hard by Sanders, T. W.
Bioreaction Engineering Principles by Villadsen, John, Nielsen, Jens
Rock Gardens and Alpine Plants by Jenkins, E. H.
The Complete Practical Fishpond Book: The complete practical guide to designing, building and maintaining your garden pond by Mathews B. Sc, Lloyd
Instructions in Gardening for Ladies by C. Loudon, Jane
Acoustical Imaging by
The Enzymes of Biological Membranes: Volume 4 Bioenergetics of Electron and Proton Transport by
Advances in Ocular Toxicology by
Bringing Scanning Probe Microscopy Up to Speed by Quate, Calvin F., Minne, Stephen C., Manalis, Scott R.
Current Directions in Insulin-Like Growth Factor Research by
Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard by Penick, Pam
Tobacco and Health by
Chrysanthemums for Garden and Greenhouse - A Practical Treatise on the Propagation and Culture of Early Flowering, Decorative, and Market Kinds; Inclu by Crane, D. B.
Window and Indoor Gardening - The Cultivation and Propagation of Foliage and Flowering Plants in Rooms, Window Boxes, Balconies and Verandahs; also on by Sanders, T. W.
Kitchen Garden and Allotment - A Simple Practical Guide to Home Food Production by Sanders, T. W.
Clinical Ultrasound of the Breast by
The Alphabet of Gardening - A Handbook for Amateur Gardeners Dealing with the Elementary Principles of Practical Gardening by Sanders, T. W.
Soilless Culture Simplified: Whittlesey House Garden Series by Laurie, Alex
A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast by Herbert, Lynn M.
Roof Terrace Gardening: Roof Terraces and Balcony Designs for Stunning Gardens in the Sky by Osborne, Michele
Cool Season Gardener: Extend the Harvest, Plan Ahead, and Grow Vegetables Year-Round by Thorness, Bill
Acoustic Imaging: Cameras, Microscopes, Phased Arrays, and Holographic Systems by
Guerrilla Yardwork: The First-Time Home Owner's Handbook by Korchnak, Peter
Uber Orchideen by Boyle, Frederick
The Tractor Buying Guide by Majeski, Hank
The Limbic System by Isaacson, Robert
Praktische Studien an der Familie der Orchideen by Beer, Joseph Georg
Yards: Turn Any Outdoor Space Into the Garden of Your Dreams by Goodnick, Billy
Handbook of Multimodal and Spoken Dialogue Systems: Resources, Terminology and Product Evaluation by
Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 6: North America by
The Management of Quality and Its Control by Tapiero, Charles
Periodic Solutions of Singular Lagrangian Systems by Coti-Zelati, V., Ambrosetti, A.
Fine Foliage: Elegant Plant Combinations for Garden and Container by Chapman, Karen, Salwitz, Christina
Anleitung zur Zimmer-Gärtnerei by Jubisch, Max
Gartenkunst und Gärten sonst und jetzt by Jäger, Hermann
A Guide to VHDL by Langstraat, Patricia, Mazor, Stanley
Fairy Gardening: Creating Your Own Magical Miniature Garden by Turner, Beverly, Bawden-Davis, Julie
Backyard Foraging: 65 Familiar Plants You Didn't Know You Could Eat by Zachos, Ellen
Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews: Volume 7 by
Everyman's Garden by Schling, Max
Backyard Chickens: The Beginner's Guide to Raising and Caring for Backyard Chickens by Johnson, Rashelle
Ask the Garden Guy: Science Based Answers to Garden Questions by Sakovich, Nick
Air Contamination Control in Hospitals by Luciano, J.
Perspectives in Biotechnology by
Multimedia Communications and Video Coding by
Optical Mineralogy: Principles and Practice by
Variowin: Software for Spatial Data Analysis in 2D by Pannatier, Yvan
Joseph Liouville 1809-1882: Master of Pure and Applied Mathematics by Lützen, Jesper
Biotechnology and Polymers by
Institutions in Transition: Vietnamese State Bank Reform by Román, Lisa
Full Bloom in Texas: Planter's Guide and Photos by Kuethe, Allan R.
Numerical Methods and Software Tools in Industrial Mathematics by
Protein Kinase Ck2 -- From Structure to Regulation by
Eating Free Food by Kalita, Mark F.
Spin Labeling: The Next Millennium by Berliner, Lawrence J.
Using Waves and VHDL for Effective Design and Testing: A Practical and Useful Tutorial and Application Guide for the Waveform and Vector Exchange Spec by Hanna, James P., Hillman, Robert G., Hirsch, Herb L.
Just Ask Wim!: Down-To-Earth Gardening Answers by Vander Zalm, Wim
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Illustration by Nicholson
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 1 by Nicholson
Book of Herbs: An Illustrated A-Z of the World's Most Popular Culinary and Medicinal Plants by Phillips, Barty
Queen Elizabeth in the Garden: A Story of Love, Rivalry, and Spectacular Gardens by Martyn, Trea
Climate-Resilient Horticulture: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies by
Gardening in Deer Country: For the Home and Garden by Drzewucki, Vincent
The Strawberry Story: How to grow great berries year-round in Southern California by Bawden-Davis, Julie
RaumZeitWärmePlastik - Der Begriff des Raumes bei Joseph Beuys by Kost, Jérôme
Landschaftsarchitektur und Heilpflanzen - Entwurf eines phytotherapeutischen Gartens by Wiesner, Sarah
Backyard Water Gardens: How to Build, Plant & Maintain Ponds, Streams & Fountains by Fowler, Veronica
Trellises, Planters & Raised Beds: 50 Easy, Unique, and Useful Projects You Can Make with Common Tools and Materials by Editors of Cool Springs Press
Backyard Winter Gardening: Vegetables Fresh and Simple, in Any Climate, Without Artificial Heat or Electricity - The Way It's Been Done for 2,000 by Warnock, Caleb
Planting: A New Perspective by Oudolf, Piet, Kingsbury, Noel
Gardening For Health: The Need to Know Guide to the Health Benefits of Horticulture by Youngman, Angela
The Woman Patient: Medical and Psychological Interfaces. Volume 1: Sexual and Reproductive Aspects of Women's Health Care by
Bladder Disease: Research Concepts and Clinical Applications by
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application VII by
Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste: Heirloom Seed Savers in Appalachia by Best, Bill
Landscaping with Conifers and Ginkgo for the Southeast by Ruter, John M., Cox, Tom
High Up in the Rolling Hills: A Living on the Land by Finch, Peter
High Up in the Rolling Hills: A Living on the Land by Finch, Peter
Computational Methods for Large Sparse Power Systems Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach by Pandit, Shubha, Soman, S. a., Khaparde, S. a.
A Computer-Assisted Analysis System for Mathematical Programming Models and Solutions: A User's Guide for Analyze(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Numerical Methods in Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization by Le Tallec, Patrick, Laporte, Emmanuel
Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems by Hannon, Bruce, Ruth, Matthias
Der Garten der Alten Nationalgalerie in Berlin und die Frage nach der Rekonstruktion by Wiesner, Sarah
Quiet Beauty: The Japanese Gardens of North America by Brown, Kendall H.
Infinite Spaces: The Art and Wisdom of the Japanese Garden; Based on the Sakuteiki by Tachibana No Toshitsuna by
The Gardens of England: Treasures of the National Gardens Scheme by Plumptre, George
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology by
The Cutting Garden: Growing and Arranging Garden Flowers by Raven, Sarah
Mineral Absorption in the Monogastric GI Tract by
Psychiatry the State of the Art: Volume 8 History of Psychiatry, National Schools, Education, and Transcultural Psychiatry by
Garden Meditation-Cultivating Peace by McKibben, Timothy David
Photobiology: The Science and Its Applications by
Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression by Westwater, Raymond, Furht, Borko, Greenberg, Joshua
New Trends in Systems Theory: Proceedings of the Università Di Genova-The Ohio State University Joint Conference, July 9-11, 1990 by Conte, Giuseppe, Perdon, Anna M., Wyman, Bostwick
Garden Guide - A No Nonsense, No PhD, No Fuss Guide to Great Gardens with Hand-Holding How To's for Beginners and Straightforward Instruction for Adva by Olver, Sarah
7 Myths About Aquaponics: An introduction to growing plants and fish together by Booth, Michelle
Fairy Garden Handbook by Walsh, Liza Gardner
The Amateur Garden by Cable, George Washington
Succulents Simplified: Growing, Designing, and Crafting with 100 Easy-Care Varieties by Baldwin, Debra Lee
Critical Stability Constants: Inorganic Complexes by
Building a Backyard Chicken Coop on the "Cheep": Volume 1: An Urban Farming Guide by Ralph, Seth W., Ralph, Kim M.
Human Growth: 2 Postnatal Growth by
A Garden on the Edge: Creating a Heritage Habitat Garden by Knapp, Lorin
A Garden on the Edge: Creating a Heritage Habitat Garden by Knapp, Lorin
Conjugate Direction Methods in Optimization by Hestenes, M. R.
The Vegetable Container Gardening Guide: How to Grow Food in a Container Garden by Anderson, Martin
The Secret of Non-Circulating Hydroponics: An Instructional Manual for Entrepreneurs and Hobbyists by Cadle, Terry Moore
Comprehensive guide to building Greenhouses by Rondic, Dino
Butterfly Gardening for Texas: Volume 46 by Ajilvsgi, Geyata
Gift from the Garden by Jones, Connie, Jones, Richard Merrick
Der Rosenfreund by Wesselhoft, Johannes
Aquaponics: Aquaponic Gardening Guide For Beginners by Tripp, Timothy
Survival Seeds: The Emergency Heirloom Seed Saving Guide by Anderson, M.
Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land: Lessons from Desert Farmers on Adapting to Climate Uncertainty by Nabhan, Gary Paul
Garden Bulbs for the South by Ogden, Scott
The New Book of Salvias: Sages for Every Garden by Clebsch, Betsy
Landscape and Garden Design: Lessons from History by Haynes, Gordon
Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology: Volume 5 by
Hidcote by Pearson, Graham
Horticultural Machinery: Equipment & Safety by Bello, Segun R.
Raised Bed Gardening: How to Build a Raised Bed Garden by Tripp, Timothy
Theorie der Gärtnerei by Lindley, John
Western North Carolina Farm and Garden Calendar: The Farming and Gardening Survival Guide by Shirley, Nancy C.
Die Kunst Der Pflanzenvermehrung Durch Samen, Stecklinge, Ableger Und Veredlung by Hartwig, Julius
Zimmer- Und Balkonpflanzen by Dannenberg, Paul
Das Konservieren Der Fruchte Mit Baumers Patentverschluss by Baumer, Ferdinand
Der Haus- Und Gemusegarten by Kraft, A.
Jpeg2000 Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice: Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice by Marcellin, Michael, Taubman, David
Treatment and Rehabilitation of the Chronic Alcoholic by
High-Integrity Software by
Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials by Di Bartolo, Baldassare, Armagan, Guzin
Gardening with Chickens For Du by Manion, Bonnie Jo, Ludlow, Robert T.
The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants by D'Amato, Peter
Gardening for the Birds: How to Create a Bird-Friendly Backyard by Adams, George
Quick, Easy & Cheap: Build Your Own Potting Bench: Volume 2: An Urban Farming Guide by Ralph, Seth, Ralph, Kim
The Most Simple Way to Create a Fairy Garden: How to Create a Fairy Garden with Fairies by St, Claire Marie, St Claire, Marie
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry by Mora, T., Traverso, C.
Intelligent Systems and Interfaces by
Angiotensin Receptors by
Summer Gardens: Picture Book by Lise, Shirley D.
The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies by Elwood, Don
Der praktische Rosenzüchter by Ehrenberg, Fritz
Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination by
Deutschlands Obst- und Beerenfrüchte by Calwer, Carl Gustav
Reminiscence, Motivation, and Personality: A Case Study in Experimental Psychology by Eysenck, Hans
Guia del jardinero profesional: Todo lo que necesitas saber para iniciar y administrar tu propia empresa de jardineria y paisajismo by Michaels, Greg
A Country Garden: Observations and Advice from Both Sides of the Garden Gate by Lutz, Gwen
Homemade Accumulating irrigation system for medium scale gardens, growing fields and small to large scale greenhouses: Complete guide by Rondic, Dino
A Bennington Backyard by Merriam, Ray
A Country Garden: Observations and Advice from Both Sides of the Garden Gate by Lutz, Gwen
Pharmacokinetics: Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to Metabolism and Distribution of Chemicals and Drugs by
Solid Hydrogen: Theory of the Properties of Solid H2, Hd, and D2 by Kranendonk, Jan
Le Champignon de Couche, Culture Bourgeoise Et Commerciale, Récolte Et Conservation by Lachaume, Jean
Design Ideas for Your Garden by Barber, Jacq
Florida Getting Started Garden Guide: Grow the Best Flowers, Shrubs, Trees, Vines & Groundcovers by Maccubbin, Tom, Tasker, Georgia
Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement by Agee, Alva
Plants from Test Tubes: An Introduction to Micropropogation by Kyte, Lydiane, Kleyn, John, Scoggins, Holly
There's a Moose in My Garden: Designing Gardens in Alaska and the Far North by Adams, Brenda C.
Apartment Gardening DIY - Only the Basics by Mayglothling, Rebecca
A Garden on the Brazos Green Thoughts in a Texas Garden by Inge, Dominique Cranmer
Book of Strains, Second Edition: The 65 Strains Most Commonly Found at Dispensaries by Young, Victoria, Griswell, Justin
Eating Wild by Lee, Robert F.
The Formal Garden in England by Blomfield, Reginald Theodore
Resource Selection by Animals: Statistical Design and Analysis for Field Studies by McDonald, L., Thomas, D. L., Manly, B. B.
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 4 by Nicholson
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 3 by Nicholson
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 2 by Nicholson
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 5 by Nicholson
Gardening Without Work: For the Aging, the Busy, and the Indolent by Stout, Ruth
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