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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gardening in 2022

Forest Flora of British Burma; Volume 2 by Kurz, Sulpiz
Hevea Brasiliensis, or Para Rubber, its Botany, Cultivation, Chemistry and Diseases by Wright, Herbert
Hevea Brasiliensis, or Para Rubber, its Botany, Cultivation, Chemistry and Diseases by Wright, Herbert
A Practical Treatise On the Cultivation of the Grape Vine by Thomson, William
Forest Flora of British Burma; Volume 2 by Kurz, Sulpiz
Pomologia Britannica: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties of Fruit Cultivated in Great Britain; Volume 1 by Lindley, John
Pomologia Britannica: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties of Fruit Cultivated in Great Britain; Volume 1 by Lindley, John
The Encyclopedia Of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System Of Commercial Horticulture, Covering The Practical And Scientific Phases Of Horticultur by Worthington, William
Official Guide to the Botanic Gardens, Dominica: Illustrated: With an Index of the Principal Plants by Gardens, Botanic
The Encyclopedia Of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System Of Commercial Horticulture, Covering The Practical And Scientific Phases Of Horticultur by Worthington, William
Journal of a Recent Visit to the Principal Vineyards of Spain and France by Busby, James
Journal of a Recent Visit to the Principal Vineyards of Spain and France by Busby, James
The Encyclopedia of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System of Commercial Horticulture, Covering the Practical and Scientific Phases of Horticultur by Lowther, Granville, Worthington, William
The Fruit Cultivator's Manual, Containing Ample Direction by Bridgeman, Thomas
Dendrologie: Baume, Straucher Und Halbstraucher, Welche in Mittel- Und Nord-Europa Im Freien Kultivirt Werden, Erster Theil by Koch, Karl Heinrich Emil
Dendrologie: Baume, Straucher Und Halbstraucher, Welche in Mittel- Und Nord-Europa Im Freien Kultivirt Werden, Erster Theil by Koch, Karl Heinrich Emil
The Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London: Their History and Associations by Sexby, John James
Classification Des Saules D'europe Et Monographie Des Saules De France; Volume 1 by Camus, Edmond-Gustave, Camus, Aimée
The Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening, a Practical and Scientific Encyclopedia of Horticulture for Gardeners and Botanists; Volume 1 by Trail, J. W. H. 1851-1919, Nicholson, George, Garrett, John
The Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening, a Practical and Scientific Encyclopedia of Horticulture for Gardeners and Botanists; Volume 1 by Garrett, John, Trail, J. W. H. 1851-1919, Nicholson, George
The Culture of the Beet, and Manufacture of Beet Sugar by Child, David Lee
Scented Isles and Coral Gardens: Torres Straits, German New Guinea and the Dutch East Indies by Mackellar, C. D.
The Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London: Their History and Associations by Sexby, John James
How Plants Are Trained To Work For Man: Grafting And Budding by Burbank, Luther
Scented Isles and Coral Gardens: Torres Straits, German New Guinea and the Dutch East Indies by Mackellar, C. D.
The Culture of the Beet, and Manufacture of Beet Sugar by Child, David Lee
The Fruit Cultivator's Manual, Containing Ample Direction by Bridgeman, Thomas
Children and Gardens by Jekyll, Gertrude
La rose dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge. Histoire, légendes et symbolisme by Joret, Charles
Garden Architecture and Landscape Gardening by Hughes, John Arthur
American Grape Growing and Wine Making by Husmann, George
The Forests and Gardens of South India by Cleghorn, Hugh Francis Clarke
The Forests and Gardens of South India by Cleghorn, Hugh Francis Clarke
Traité De La Composition Et De L'ornement Des Jardins: Avec Cent Soixante Et Une Planches, Représentant ... Des Plans De Jardins, Des Fabriques Propre by Audot, Louis-Eustache
The War Garden Victorious by Pack, Charles Lathrop
Narratives of South America, Illustrating Manners, Customs, and Scenery: Containing Also Numerous Facts in Natural History: Collected During a Four Ye by Empson, Charles
Remarks On Forest Scenery and Other Woodland Views by Gilpin, William
Scottish Gardens by Maxwell, Herbert
Tea Culture: The Experiment in South Carolina by Shepard, Charles Upham
The Parks, Gardens, Etc., of London and Its Suburbs, Described and Illustrated, for the Guidance of Strangers by Kemp, Edward
The Book of the Seasons, or, The Calendar of Nature by Howitt, William
A Plan of Mr. Pope's Garden,: As It Was Left at His Death: With a Plan and Perspective View of the Grotto by Serle, John
The Book of the Seasons, or, The Calendar of Nature by Howitt, William
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Or, Flower-garden Displayed: In Which The Most Ornamental Foreign Plants, Cultivated In The Open Ground, The Green-house, by Sims, John
The Gardens of Aphrodite by Edgar, Saltus
Landscape Gardening: Notes and Suggestions on Lawns and Lawn Planting by Parsons, Samuel
The Gardens of Aphrodite by Edgar, Saltus
Field Experiments With Corn, 1891 by Morrow, George Espy
Field Experiments With Corn, 1891 by Morrow, George Espy
Landscape Gardening: Notes and Suggestions on Lawns and Lawn Planting by Parsons, Samuel
The Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening by Major, Joshua
The Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening by Major, Joshua
A History of English Gardening, Chronological, Biographical, Literary, and Critical: Tracing the Progress of the Art in This Country From the Invasion by Johnson, George William
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Or, Flower-garden Displayed: In Which The Most Ornamental Foreign Plants, Cultivated In The Open Ground, The Green-house, by Sims, John
Holly, Yew & Box: With Notes on Other Evergreens by Dallimore, William
Gardening for the Million by Pink, Alfred
Sweet's Hortus Britannicus: Or a Catalogue of Plants Cultivated in the Gardens of Great Britain, Arranged in Natural Orders by Sweet, Robert
What England can Teach us About Gardening by Miller, Wilhelm
Scottish Gardens by Maxwell, Herbert
On the Varieties, Properties and Classification of Wheat by Couteur, John Le
Sweet-Scented Flowers and Fragrant Leaves: Interesting Associations Gathered From Many Sources, With Notes On Their History and Utility by McDonald, Donald
Classification Des Saules D'europe Et Monographie Des Saules De France; Volume 1 by Camus, Aimée, Camus, Edmond-Gustave
Hortus Kewensis, Or a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew; Volume 1 by Aiton, William Townsend
The English Physician by Culpeper, Nicholas, Parkins
L'art De Greffer: Arbres Et Arbustes Fruitiers, Arbres Forestiers Ou D'ornement, Plantes Coloniales, Reconstitution Du Vignoble by Baltet, Charles
What England can Teach us About Gardening by Miller, Wilhelm
Official Guide to the Botanic Gardens, Dominica: Illustrated: With an Index of the Principal Plants by Gardens, Botanic
The Parks, Gardens, Etc., of London and Its Suburbs, Described and Illustrated, for the Guidance of Strangers by Kemp, Edward
Tea Culture: The Experiment in South Carolina by Shepard, Charles Upham
How Plants Are Trained To Work For Man: Grafting And Budding by Burbank, Luther
Children and Gardens by Jekyll, Gertrude
Intensive Culture of Vegetables on the French System. With a Concise Monthly Calendar of Operations by Aquatias, P.
American Grape Growing and Wine Making by Husmann, George
A Practical Treatise On the Cultivation of the Grape Vine by Thomson, William
American Ginseng: Its Commercial History, Protection, And Cultivation by Nash, George Valentine
The Culture of the Grape, and Wine-making by Buchanan, Robert
Manual of American Grape-growing by Hedrick, U. P.
Sweet-Scented Flowers and Fragrant Leaves: Interesting Associations Gathered From Many Sources, With Notes On Their History and Utility by McDonald, Donald
The law of Allotments and Allotment Gardens (England and Wales) With Rules and Regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Together With by Mitchell, E. Lawrence
Ichnographia Rustica; or, The Nobleman, Gentleman, and Gardener's Recreation. Containing Directions for The General Distribution of a Country Seat Int by Switzer, Stephen
The Pinetum: Being a Synopsis of All the Coniferous Plants at Present Known, With Descriptions, History and Synonyms, and Comprisin by Gordon, George
L'art De Greffer: Arbres Et Arbustes Fruitiers, Arbres Forestiers Ou D'ornement, Plantes Coloniales, Reconstitution Du Vignoble by Baltet, Charles
Reconstitution Des Vignobles Par Les Plants Américains, Résistance, Adaptation, Choix Des Cépages, Cultures, Greffages, Frais, Récoltes by Courty, Étienne
Making the Grounds Attractive With Shrubbery by Tabor, Grace
The Book of Market Gardening by Castle, R. Lewis
La Coulure du Raisin: Ses Causes et Effets, Moyens de L'Empêcher by Baltet, Charles
A Manual of Weeds: With Descriptions of All the Most Pernicious and Troublesome Plants in the United States and Canada, Their Habits of G by Georgia, Ada Eljiva
Additional Facts and Information in Relation to the Catalpa Tree: Catalpa Bignonioides and Its Variety? Speciosa by Barney, E. E.
Additional Facts and Information in Relation to the Catalpa Tree: Catalpa Bignonioides and Its Variety? Speciosa by Barney, E. E.
Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken; a Chapter for Consumpt by Lanier, Sidney
A Manual of Weeds: With Descriptions of All the Most Pernicious and Troublesome Plants in the United States and Canada, Their Habits of G by Georgia, Ada Eljiva
Manuel Complet Du Jardinier, Maraicher, Pépiniériste, Botaniste, Fleuriste, Et Paysagiste, Volume 1... by Noisette, Louis Claude
Massey's Garden Book for the Southern States by Massey, W. F.
The Pinetum: Being a Synopsis of All the Coniferous Plants at Present Known, With Descriptions, History and Synonyms, and Comprisin by Gordon, George
The War Garden Victorious by Pack, Charles Lathrop
A Treatise On Hemp, Including a Comprehensive Account of the Best Modes of Cultivation and Preparation As Practised in Europe, Asia, and America: With by Wissett, Robert
Reconstitution Des Vignobles Par Les Plants Américains, Résistance, Adaptation, Choix Des Cépages, Cultures, Greffages, Frais, Récoltes by Courty, Étienne
Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken; a Chapter for Consumpt by Lanier, Sidney
Bridge Whist; How to Play It With Full Directions, Numerous Examples, Analyses, Illustrative Deals, Etc., and a Complete Code of Laws, With Notes Indi by Leigh, Lennard
City Tree Planting: The Selection, Planting and Care of Trees Along City Thoroughfares by Phillips, T. Glenn
City Tree Planting: The Selection, Planting and Care of Trees Along City Thoroughfares by Phillips, T. Glenn
A Nature Study Reader for the Philippine Islands by Coulter, John Gaylord
Hortus Kewensis: Or a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivted in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew by Aiton, William
Les Plantes Dans L'antiquité Et Au Moyen Âge, Histoire, Usages Et Symbolisme ... by Joret, Charles
With the Wild Flowers From Pussy-willow to Thistledown: A Rural Chronicle by Hardinge, E. M.
American Ginseng: Its Commercial History, Protection, And Cultivation by Nash, George Valentine
On the Varieties, Properties and Classification of Wheat by Couteur, John Le
A Garden of Pleasure by Boyle, Eleanor Vere
The Shakespeare Garden by Singleton, Esther
Les Eucalyptus: Aire Géographique De Leur Indigénat Et De Leur Culture, Historique De Leur Découverte, Description De Leurs Propriétés by Sahut, Félix
Beeton's Gardening Book by Beeton, Samuel Orchart
Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall: Or, a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes Lately Found in Norfolk by Browne, Thomas
The Small Place: Its Landscape Architecture by Rehmann, Elsa
Pomologia Britannica: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties of Fruit Cultivated in Great Britain; Volume 2 by Lindley, John
The Planning & Planting of Little Gardens by Dillstone, George
Beeton's Gardening Book by Beeton, Samuel Orchart
Olive Growing in the Southwestern United States by Kinman, Charles Franklin
Olive Growing in the Southwestern United States by Kinman, Charles Franklin
L'art De Greffer Les Arbres, Arbrisseaux Et Arbustes Fruitiers Forestiers Ou D'ornement: Pour Les Multiplier, Les Former Ou Les Mettre À Fruit by Baltet, Charles
The law of Allotments and Allotment Gardens (England and Wales) With Rules and Regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Together With by Mitchell, E. Lawrence
The Planning & Planting of Little Gardens by Dillstone, George
Woodlawn by Anonymous
Arbustrum Americanum: The American Grove by Marshall, Humphry
An Essay On the Culture and Manufacture of Indigo: To Which Was Awarded the Prize of Eight Hundred Rupees by the Madras Government, 1860: With a Hindo by Shortt, John
Bermuda: Its History, Geology, Climate, Products, Agriculture, Commerce, and Government, From the Earliest Period to the Presen by Godet, Theodore L.
How Plants are Trained to Work for man; Volume 2 by Burbank, Luther
Mescal Buttons: Anahalonium Lewinii--Hennings (Lophophora Williamsii Lewin-Ii--Coulter) by Prentiss, D. W.
Mescal Buttons: Anahalonium Lewinii--Hennings (Lophophora Williamsii Lewin-Ii--Coulter) by Prentiss, D. W.
The Apple and its Varieties: Being a History and Description of the Varieties of Apples Cultivated in the Gardens and Orchards of Great Britain by Hogg, Robert
The Unheated Greenhouse by Davidson, K. L.
How Plants are Trained to Work for man; Volume 2 by Burbank, Luther
The Apple and its Varieties: Being a History and Description of the Varieties of Apples Cultivated in the Gardens and Orchards of Great Britain by Hogg, Robert
An Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of tea in China: Derived From Personal Observation During an Official Residence in That Country From 180 by Ball, Samuel
Bermuda: Its History, Geology, Climate, Products, Agriculture, Commerce, and Government, From the Earliest Period to the Presen by Godet, Theodore L.
Ten Acres Enough: A Practical Experience, Showing how a Very Small Farm May be Made to Keep a Very L by Morris, Edmund
A History of English Gardening, Chronological, Biographical, Literary, and Critical: Tracing the Progress of the Art in This Country From the Invasion by Johnson, George William
The Rose Book: A Practical Treatise On the Culture of the Rose. Comprising the Formation of the Rosarium, the Characters of Species a by Hibberd, Shirley
With the Wild Flowers From Pussy-willow to Thistledown: A Rural Chronicle by Hardinge, E. M.
Remarks On Forest Scenery and Other Woodland Views by Gilpin, William
Reboisement in France: Or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps by Brown, John Croumbie
Bridge Whist; How to Play It With Full Directions, Numerous Examples, Analyses, Illustrative Deals, Etc., and a Complete Code of Laws, With Notes Indi by Leigh, Lennard
Manual of American Grape-growing by Hedrick, U. P.
Plant-Breeding by Gilbert, Arthur Witter, Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Intensive Culture of Vegetables on the French System. With a Concise Monthly Calendar of Operations by Aquatias, P.
The English Physician by Culpeper, Nicholas, Parkins
The Encyclopedia of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System of Commercial Horticulture, Covering the Practical and Scientific Phases of Horticultur by Worthington, William, Lowther, Granville
Les Plantes Dans L'antiquité Et Au Moyen Âge, Histoire, Usages Et Symbolisme ... by Joret, Charles
Garden Planning by Rogers, William Snow
A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the Management of Orchards and Cider; With Accurate Descriptions of the Most Estimable Varieties of Nati by Coxe, William
The American Gardener's Calendar: Adapted to the Climates and Seasons of the United States: Containing a Complete Account of all the Work Necessary to by M'Mahon, Bernard
The Book of Market Gardening by Castle, R. Lewis
Woodlawn by Anonymous
Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall: Or, a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes Lately Found in Norfolk by Browne, Thomas
Garden Planning by Rogers, William Snow
Les Eucalyptus: Aire Géographique De Leur Indigénat Et De Leur Culture, Historique De Leur Découverte, Description De Leurs Propriétés by Sahut, Félix
The Rose Book: A Practical Treatise On the Culture of the Rose. Comprising the Formation of the Rosarium, the Characters of Species a by Hibberd, Shirley
Pomologia Britannica: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties of Fruit Cultivated in Great Britain; Volume 2 by Lindley, John
A Nature Study Reader for the Philippine Islands by Coulter, John Gaylord
Massey's Garden Book for the Southern States by Massey, W. F.
Traité De La Composition Et De L'ornement Des Jardins: Avec Cent Soixante Et Une Planches, Représentant ... Des Plans De Jardins, Des Fabriques Propre by Audot, Louis-Eustache
Ichnographia Rustica; or, The Nobleman, Gentleman, and Gardener's Recreation. Containing Directions for The General Distribution of a Country Seat Int by Switzer, Stephen
Sweet's Hortus Britannicus: Or a Catalogue of Plants Cultivated in the Gardens of Great Britain, Arranged in Natural Orders by Sweet, Robert
The Unheated Greenhouse by Davidson, K. L.
Flax and Hemp: Their Culture and Manipulation by Dixon, Edmund Saul
Garden-Making: Suggestions for the Utilizing of Home Grounds by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Garden-Making: Suggestions for the Utilizing of Home Grounds by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Flax and Hemp: Their Culture and Manipulation by Dixon, Edmund Saul
An Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of tea in China: Derived From Personal Observation During an Official Residence in That Country From 180 by Ball, Samuel
A Plan of Mr. Pope's Garden,: As It Was Left at His Death: With a Plan and Perspective View of the Grotto by Serle, John
My New Zealand Garden by Lady, Suffolk
The American Gardener's Calendar: Adapted to the Climates and Seasons of the United States: Containing a Complete Account of all the Work Necessary to by M'Mahon, Bernard
The Small Place: Its Landscape Architecture by Rehmann, Elsa
Handbook of Foliage and Foreground Drawing by Barnard, George
L'art De Greffer Les Arbres, Arbrisseaux Et Arbustes Fruitiers Forestiers Ou D'ornement: Pour Les Multiplier, Les Former Ou Les Mettre À Fruit by Baltet, Charles
A Treatise On Hemp, Including a Comprehensive Account of the Best Modes of Cultivation and Preparation As Practised in Europe, Asia, and America: With by Wissett, Robert
The Culture of the Grape, and Wine-making by Buchanan, Robert
A Narrative Of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity by Allen, Ethan
Hortus Kewensis: Or a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivted in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew by Aiton, William
Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History by Lanier, Sidney
Maison Rustique Du Xixe Siècle: Agriculture Proprement Dite. 1835. Cultures Industrielles Et Animaux Domestiques. 1837... by Bixio, Alexandre, Malepeyre, François, Bailly, Charles
The Yew-Trees of Great Britain and Ireland by Lowe, John
Around the Year in the Garden by Rockwell, Frederick Frye
A Garden of Pleasure by Boyle, Eleanor Vere
Gardening in Egypt: A Handbook of Gardening for Lower Egypt by Draper, Walter
Narratives of South America, Illustrating Manners, Customs, and Scenery: Containing Also Numerous Facts in Natural History: Collected During a Four Ye by Empson, Charles
The Encyclopedia of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System of Commercial Horticulture, Covering the Practical and Scientific Phases of Horticultur by Lowther, Granville
The Shakespeare Garden by Singleton, Esther
Gardening in Egypt: A Handbook of Gardening for Lower Egypt by Draper, Walter
Plant-Breeding by Gilbert, Arthur Witter, Bailey, Liberty Hyde
La rose dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge. Histoire, légendes et symbolisme by Joret, Charles
Reboisement in France: Or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps by Brown, John Croumbie
The Encyclopedia of Practical Horticulture: A Reference System of Commercial Horticulture, Covering the Practical and Scientific Phases of Horticultur by Lowther, Granville
Garden Architecture and Landscape Gardening by Hughes, John Arthur
La Coulure du Raisin: Ses Causes et Effets, Moyens de L'Empêcher by Baltet, Charles
Around the Year in the Garden by Rockwell, Frederick Frye
English Walnuts; by Allen, Walter Fox
Dinkum Complete Guide: Best Tips, Tricks and Strategies to Become a Pro Player by Harber, Guido
The Yew-Trees of Great Britain and Ireland by Lowe, John
Holly, Yew & Box: With Notes on Other Evergreens by Dallimore, William
A Narrative Of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity by Allen, Ethan
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