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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 1997

When Men Meet: Homosexuality and Modernity by Henning, Bech, Bech, Henning
Modernism, Gender, and Culture: A Cultural Studies Approach by
Sex Positives?: Cultural Politics of Dissident Sexualities by
Sex Positives?: Cultural Politics of Dissident Sexualities by
The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire, and Catalina de Erauso by Velasco, Sherry M.
Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice by
Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice by
Narratives of Nostalgia, Gender and Nationalism by
Language and Gender in American Fiction: Howells, James, Wharton and Cather by Nettels, Elsa
Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa by
Public Men and Virtuous Women: The Gendered Languages of Religion and Politics in Upper Canada, 1791-1850 by Morgan, Cecilia
Race/Sex: Their Sameness, Difference and Interplay by
The Gothic Body: Sexuality, Materialism, and Degeneration at the Fin de Siecle by Hurley, Kelly
Researching Women and Sport by
Women and Literature in Britain, 1150 1500 by
Researching Women and Sport by
Gender, Work and Labour Markets by Hatt, S.
Gender, Work and Labour Markets by Hatt, S.
Nostalgia, Gender, and Nationalism: Narrative Traditions by
Sex and Sexuality in Latin America: An Interdisciplinary Reader by Guy, Donna, Balderston, Daniel
Narratives of Nostalgia, Gender, and Nationalism by
Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture Volume 11 by Von Ankum, Katharina
Feminism and the New Democracy: Resiting the Political by
Femininity and Shame: Women, Men, and Giving Voice to the Feminine by Eurich-Rascoe, Barbara L.
Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work and Schooling by Gomersall, M.
Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work and Schooling by Gomersall, M.
Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change by Benokraitis, Nijole V.
Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change by Benokraitis, Nijole V.
Dick for a Day: What Would You Do If You Had One? by
Law, Land, and Family: Aristocratic Inheritance in England, 1300 to 1800 by Spring, Eileen
The Secret History of Gender: Women, Men, and Power in Late Colonial Mexico by Stern, Steve J.
Broken Silence: Voices of Japanese Feminism by Buckley, Sandra
The Courtship of Olivia Langdon and Mark Twain by Harris, Susan K.
The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire by Budd, Michael Anton
The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire by Budd, Michael Anton
Gender Blending: Transvestism (Cross-Dressing), Gender Heresy, Androgyny, Religion & the Cross- Dresser, Transgender Healthcare, Free E by
Xy: On Masculine Identity by Badinter, Elisabeth
Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined by
Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life by
Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements by Messner, Michael Alan
Frauen Und Männer Am Computer: Aspekte Geschlechtsspezifischer Technikaneignung by
Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life by
Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements by Messner, Michael Alan
Music, Gender, Education by Green, Lucy
Music, Gender, Education by Lucy, Green, Green, Lucy
Vessels of Meaning by Fasick, Laura
Becoming Male in the Middle Ages by
Women, Gender, and Christian Community by
Sex and Sensibility: Stories of a Lesbian Generation by Stein, Arlene
Our Vampires, Ourselves by Auerbach, Nina
Emancipation and Illusion: Rationality and Gender in Habermas's Theory of Modernity by Fleming, Marie
An Introduction to the Study of Sexuality by Horrocks, R.
Sappho Is Burning by DuBois, Page
The Struggle for the Breeches: Gender and the Making of the British Working Class Volume 23 by Clark, Anna
Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture by Oliver, Kelly
Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture by Oliver, Kelly
Affirmative Action on Trial by Urofsky, Melvin I.
New Sexual Agendas by
Real Heat: Gender and Race in the Urban Fire Service by Chetkovich, Carol
New Sexual Agendas by
New Sexual Agendas by
Blaustrumpf - Modestudentin - Anarchistin?: Deutsche Und Russische Medizinstudentinnen in Berlin 1896-1918. Ergebnisse Der Frauenforschung, Band 44 by Burchhardt, Anja
Mythen, Metaphern Und Metamorphosen: Weibliche Parodie in Der Zeitgenössischen Griechischen Literatur. Ergebnisse Der Frauenforschung, Band 45 by Prinzinger, Michaela
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan by Leupp, Gary
Gender and Representation in the Films of Ingmar Bergman by Blackwell, Marilyn Johns
Lustmord: Sexual Murder in Weimar Germany by Tatar, Maria
Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Illouz, Eva
The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: In the School of Anti-Slavery, 1840 to 1866 Volume 1 by
The Bear and His Sons: Masculinity in Spanish and Mexican Folktales by Taggart, James M.
Reconstructed Lives: Women and Iran's Islamic Revolution by Esfandiari, Haleh, Isfandiyari, Halah
Wages of Sin by Jacobs, Lea
Guyana: Fragile Frontier: Loggers, Miners and Forest People by Colchester, Marcus
Auf Dem Weg Zum Ziel?: Vom Gleichberechtigungsartikel Über Frauenförderung Zur Quote by Leicht-Scholten, Carmen
Schwangerschaft Im Fadenkreuz: Am Beispiel Von Pränataldiagnostik Und Erlanger Fall by Beermann, Astrid
Parias Und Heldentöchter: Bildungsaufstieg Und Sozialausbruch Von Frauen by Borkowski, Brigitte
Elisabeth Malo: Anfänge Feministischer Theologie Im Wilhelminischen Deutschland by Markert-Wizisla, Christiane
Voicing Power: Conversations With Visionary Women by Hanlon, Gail
Zur Konstruktion Von Weiblichkeit by Küchler, Petra
Open Learning in Der Weiterbildung Von Frauen: Auswertung Britischer Erfahrungen Für Die Deutsche PRAXIS by Christ, Gudrun
Gender in Eighteenth-Century England: Roles, Representations and Responsibilities by Barker, Hannah, Chalus, Elaine
Women and Work: Vol 6: Exploring Race, Ethnicity and Class by Romeo, Mary
Gender Transformations by Walby, Sylvia
Gender Transformations by Walby, Sylvia
Through The Looking Glass: Women And Borderline Personality Disorder by Becker, Dana
The Devil's Lane: Sex and Race in the Early South by
The Devil's Lane: Sex and Race in the Early South by
Speak My Name by
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman by Feinberg, Leslie
Two-Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality by
Nothing Bad Happens to Good Girls: Fear of Crime in Women's Lives by Madriz, Esther
Interzones: Black/White Sex Districts in Chicago and New York in the Early Twentieth Century by Mumford, Kevin
Gendered Colonialisms in African History by
Introducing Race and Gender into Economics by Bartlett, Robin L.
Naked Truths: Women, Sexuality and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology by
Introducing Race and Gender into Economics by Bartlett, Robin L.
An Introduction to the Study of Sexuality by Horrocks, R.
Intersecting Voices: Dilemmas of Gender, Political Philosophy, and Policy by Young, Iris Marion
Minorities and Girls in School: Effects on Achievement and Performance by Johnson, David H.
Founding Mothers & Fathers: Gendered Power and the Forming of American Society by Norton, Mary Beth
Who Supports the Family?: Gender and Breadwinning in Dual-Earner Marriages by Potuchek, Jean L.
Lone Mothers in European Walfare Regimes: Shifting Policy Logics by
Gender Politics In Sudan: Islamism, Socialism, And The State by Hale, Sondra
Who Supports the Family?: Gender and Breadwinning in Dual-Earner Marriages by Potuchek, Jean L.
Identity, Gender, and Poverty: New Perspectives on Caste by Unnithan-Kumar, Maya
Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings by Maddock, James Wm
Defining the Renaissance 'Virtuosa': Women Artists and the Language of Art History and Criticism by Jacobs, Fredrika H.
Economic Dimensions of Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective by
Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Davis-Floyd, Robbie E., Sargent, Carolyn Fishel
The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy by
Women, Seduction, and Betrayal in Biblical Narrative by Alice, Bach, Bach, Alice
Beauty and Power: Transgendering and Cultural Transformation in the Southern Philippines by Johnson, Mark
Beauty and Power: Transgendering and Cultural Transformation in the Southern Philippines by Johnson, Mark
Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender and Identity by McKinley, E. Graham
The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society by Tuzin, Donald
Creatures of Prometheus: Gender and the Politics of Technology by Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy V.
Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households, Gender Relations, and the Political Culture of the Antebellum South Carolina Low Country by McCurry, Stephanie
Milcah Martha Moore's Book: A Commonplace Book from Revolutionary America by
Advances in Gender Research by
Drama Trauma: Specters of Race and Sexuality in Performance, Video and Art by Murray, Timothy
Drama Trauma: Specters of Race and Sexuality in Performance, Video and Art by Murray, Timothy
Man Enough: Embodying Masculinities by Seidler, Victor J.
Petticoats and White Feathers: Gender Conformity, Race, the Progressive Peace Movement, and the Debate Over War, 1895-1919 by Kuhlman, Erika A.
Gender, Church and State in Early Modern Germany: Essays by Merry E. Wiesner by Wiesner, Merry E.
Articulations of Difference: Gender Studies and Writing in French by
Articulations of Difference: Gender Studies and Writing in French by
Creating G.I. Jane: Sexuality and Power in the Women's Army Corps During World War II by Meyer, Leisa
Race and Gender in the Making of an African American Literary Tradition by Twagilimana, Aimable
Gender and Addictions: Men and Women in Treatment by
Queer Fictions of the Past: History, Culture, and Difference by Bravmann, Scott
Queer Fictions of the Past by Bravmann, Scott
Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship by Weston, Kath
Yielding Gender: Feminism, Deconstruction and the History of Philosophy by Deutscher, Penelope
Yielding Gender: Feminism, Deconstruction and the History of Philosophy by Deutscher, Penelope
Translation and Gender: Translating in the 'Era of Feminism' by Flotow, Luise Von
The Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance, Morality, and Late-Victorian Society by Foldy, Michael S.
Women, Ethics and the Workplace by Fredrick, Candice, Atkinson, Camille
Universal Difference: Feminism and the Liberal Undecidability of 'Women' by Nash, K.
Women, Ethics and the Workplace by Fredrick, Candice, Atkinson, Camille, Unknown
Re-Dressing the Canon: Essays on Theatre and Gender by Solomon, Alisa
The Book of Hiding: Gender, Ethnicity, Annihilation, and Esther by Beal, Timothy K.
The Book of Hiding: Gender, Ethnicity, Annihilation, and Esther by Beal, Timothy K.
Re-Dressing the Canon: Essays on Theatre and Gender by Solomon, Alisa
Making Gender: The Politics and Erotics of Culture by Ortner, Sherry B.
Emotional Rescue: The Theory and Practice of a Feminist Father by Balbus, Isaac D.
Erect Men/Undulating Women: The Visual Imagery of Gender, "Race" and Progress in Reconstructive Illustrations of Human Evolution by Wiber, Melanie G.
Black Male Socialization: Revisited in the Minds of Respondents by
High Contrast: Race and Gender in Contemporary Hollywood Films by Willis, Sharon
Appropriating Gender: Women's Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia by
Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era by Edwards, Rebecca B.
Gender, Ethnicity and Political Ideologies by
Gender, Ethnicity and Political Ideologies by
Gender and Language in British Literary Criticism, 1660-1790 by Runge, Laura L.
The Trouble with Normal: Postwar Youth and the Making of Heterosexuality by Adams, Mary Louise
Gender and Catastrophe by
Getting Institutions Right for Women in Development by
Current Concepts in Transgender Identity by Denny, Dallas
Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis by Benjamin, Jessica
Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis by Benjamin, Jessica
Women, Islamisms and the State: Contemporary Feminisms in Egypt by Karam, A.
Islam, Gender, and Social Change by Haddad, Esposito
Family Man: Fatherhood, Housework, and Gender Equity by Coltrane, Scott
Women, Land and Authority: Perspectives from South Africa by
Capital Culture: Gender at Work in the City by McDowell, Linda
Capital Culture by McDowell, Linda
Negotiating the Glass Ceiling: Careers of Senior Women in the Academic World by
Negotiating the Glass Ceiling: Careers of Senior Women in the Academic World by