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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 1999

Annie Ernaux: An Introduction to the Writer and Her Audience by Thomas, Lyn
Women, Work and Inequality: The Challenge of Equal Pay in a Deregulated Labour Market by
Identity in Northern Ireland: Communities, Politics and Change by McCall, C.
Sex, Love, Race: Crossing Boundaries in North American History by
Women and Political Change: Perspectives from East-Central Europe by
Women's Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900 by
Women's Poetry in the Enlightenment: The Making of a Canon, 1730-1820 by
Kurdish Diasporas: A Comparative Study of Kurdish Refugee Communities by Wahlbeck, Ö.
Positioning Women in Malaysia: Class and Gender in an Industrializing State by Ng, Cecilia
The Irish Language in Northern Ireland: The Politics of Culture and Identity by O'Reilly, Camille C.
The Male Image: Representations of Masculinity in Postwar Poetry by
Those Who Play with Fire: Gender, Fertility and Transformation in East and Southern Africa by
Masking Selves, Making Subjects: Japanese American Women, Identity, and the Body by Yamamoto, Traise
Why So Slow?: The Advancement of Women by Valian, Virginia
Making War, Not Love: Gender and Sexuality in Russian Humor by Draitser, Emil
Gender and Immigration by
The Limits of Eroticism in Post-Petrarchan Narrative: Conditional Pleasure from Spenser to Marvell by Stephens, Dorothy
Advancing Gender Research Across, Beyond and Through Disciplines and Paradigms by
Ethnicity, Gender and Social Change by Fenton, Steve, Bradley, Harriet
States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States by Shaver, Sheila, Orloff, Ann Shola, O'Connor, Julia S.
Differences That Matter: Feminist Theory and Postmodernism by Ahmed, Sara
Differences That Matter: Feminist Theory and Postmodernism by Ahmed, Sara, Sara, Ahmed
States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States by O'Connor, Julia S., Shaver, Sheila, Orloff, Ann Shola
Transformation -- Unternehmensreorganisation -- Geschlechterforschung by
Abortion in the Developing World by
Talking Leadership: Conversations with Powerful Women by
Ethnicity, Gender and Social Change by Bradley, Harriet, Fenton, Steve
Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J. by Bordo, Susan
Nature Displayed: Gender, Science and Medicine 1760-1820 by Jordanova, L. J.
Deviant Modernism by Lamos, Colleen
Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai by Hershatter, Gail
Identity in Northern Ireland: Communities, Politics and Change by McCall, C.
Manifesting Power: Gender and the Interpretation of Power in Archaeology by
Manifesting Power: Gender and the Interpretation of Power in Archaeology by
Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation by Moane, Geraldine
Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation by Moane, Geraldine
Gender and Literacy on Stage in Early Modern England by Sanders, Eve Rachele
Gender and Immigration by
Other Modernities: Gendered Yearnings in China After Socialism by Rofel, Lisa
Gender and Immigration by
Bicycle Citizens: The Political World of the Japanese Housewife Volume 1 by LeBlanc, Robin M.
A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China's Medical History: 960-1665 by Furth, Charlotte
Kurdish Diasporas: A Comparative Study of Kurdish Refugee Communities by Wahlbeck, Ö.
Making Sense of Prostitution by Phoenix, J.
Apartment Stories: City and Home in 19th Century Paris and London by Marcus, Sharon
Gender, Sex, and Subordination in England, 1500-1800 by Fletcher, Anthony
Changing Family Values: Difference, Diversity and the Decline of Male Order by
Military Trade by Zeeland, Steven
Romanticism and Masculinity: Gender, Politics and Poetics in the Writing of Burke, Coleridge, Cobbett, Wordsworth, de Quincey and Hazlitt by Fulford, T.
Rewriting the Sexual Contract by Dench, Geoff
Culture, Biology, and Sexuality by
The Secret Politics of Our Desires: Innocence, Culpability and Indian Popular Cinema by
Sexuality by
Gender Issues in International Education: Beyond Policy and Practice by
Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California by Hurtado, Albert L.
The Wicked Queen: The Origins of the Myth of Marie-Antoinette by Thomas, Chantal
Positioning Women in Malaysia: Class and Gender in an Industrializing State by Ng, Cecilia
'Mon Cas n'Est Pas Unique': Der Homosexuelle Diskurs in Französischen Autobiographien Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Schrader, Sabine
Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India by Doniger, Wendy
Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the Frenzy of the Visible, Expanded Edition by Williams, Linda
Reflections on Anger: Women and Men in a Changing Society by Reiser, Christa
Women, Work and Inequality: The Challenge of Equal Pay in a Deregulated Labour Market by
Gender and Modernity in Andean Bolivia by Stephenson, Marcia
Querelles. Jahrbuch Für Frauenforschung 1999.: Band 4. Androgynie: Vielfalt Und Möglichkeiten. by Ergebnisse Der Frauenforschung an Der Freien Universität Ber
The Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in Media, Society, and Politics by
Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation by Moane, Geraldine
Making Sense of Prostitution by Phoenix, J.
Male Envy: The Logic of Malice in Literature and Culture by Nicholson, Mervyn
The Virgin and the Bride: Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity by Cooper, Kate
Writing Masculinities: Male Narratives in Twentieth-Century Fiction by Knights, Ben
Gender, Power and the Household by
Gender, Power and the Household by
New Agendas for Women by
Feminist Debates: Issues of Theory and Political Practice by Bryson, Valerie
Misogyny in the Western Philosophical Tradition: A Reader by Clack, B.
Misogyny in the Western Philosophical Tradition: A Reader by Clack, B.
The Women's Suffrage Movement: A Reference Guide 1866-1928 by Crawford, Elizabeth
New Agendas for Women by
Legalizing Gender Inequality: Courts, Markets and Unequal Pay for Women in America by Bridges, William, Nelson, Robert L.
Handbook of the Sociology of Gender by
The Trials of Masculinity: Policing Sexual Boundaries, 1870-1930 by McLaren, Angus
Women, Citizenship and Difference by
ReMembering Osiris: Number, Gender, and the Word in Ancient Egyptian Representational Systems by Hare, Tom
Inside the Citadel: Men and the Emancipation of Women 1850-1920 by Symonds, R.
Sex, Religion, and the Making of Modern Madness: The Eberbach Asylum and Germany Society, 1815-1849 by Goldberg, Ann
Islam, Nationalism and the West: Issues of Identity in Pakistan by Malik, I.
Frauen Und Nachhaltige Ländliche Entwicklung: III. Internationaler Workshop Women in Rural Development by Teherani-Krönner, Parto, Schultz, Ulrike, Hoffmann-Altmann, Uta
Ethnicity: Racism, Class and Culture by Fenton, Steve
Woman, Body, Desire in Post-Colonial India: Narratives of Gender and Sexuality by Puri, Jyoti
Sex/Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender, and Technology by
Hobbies: Leisure and the Culture of Work in America by Gelber, Steven
Women's Lives Into Print: The Theory, Practice and Writing of Feminist Auto/Biography by
Women and Property in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel by London, April, April, London
The Gendering of American Politics: Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers, and Political Patriarchy by Kann, Mark E.
The Gendering of American Politics: Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers, and Political Patriarchy by Kann, Mark E.
Dangerous Dames: Women and Representation in Film Noir and the Weimar Street Film by Wager, Jans B.
Gypsies in Madrid: Sex, Gender and the Performance of Identity by Gay Y. Blasco, Paloma
ReMembering Osiris: Number, Gender, and the Word in Ancient Egyptian Representational Systems by Hare, Tom
The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and Power by Counihan, Carole M.
Cybersexualities: A Reader in Feminist Theory, Cyborgs and Cyberspace by Wolmark, Jenny
Bodies and Pleasures by McWhorter, Ladelle
Women, Research and Careers by
Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question by
Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology: An Interdisciplinary Reader by
Gender and Mental Health by Prior, Pauline
Reproducing the State by Stevens, Jacqueline
Gender and Mental Health by Prior, Pauline
Women, Research and Careers by
Rural Women and Triple Exploitation in Korean Development by Gills, D.
Gender and Power in Britain 1640-1990 by Kingsley Kent, Susan
Taking Care of Men: Sexual Politics in the Public Mind by McMahon, Anthony
Women in the United States, 1830-1945 by Kleinberg, S. J.
Citizen-Soldiers and Manly Warriors: Military Service and Gender in the Civic Republican Tradition by Snyder, Claire R.
Creating the New Soviet Woman: Women's Magazines as Engineers of Female Identity, 1922-53 by Attwood, L.
(Re)Defining Traditions: Gender and Canadian Foreign Policy by Keeble, Edna, Smith, Heather A.
The Heart Is Unknown Country: Love in the Changing Economy of Northeast Brazil by Rebhun, L. A.
Feminist Debates: Issues of Theory and Political Practice by Bryson, Valerie
The Mountain Is Moving: Japanese Women's Lives by Morley, Patricia
Women Succeeding in the Sciences: Theories and Practices Across Disciplines by
The Global Construction of Gender: Home-Based Work in the Political Economy of the 20th Century by Prügl, Elisabeth
Reinventing Identities by
Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse by
The Global Construction of Gender: Home-Based Work in the Political Economy of the 20th Century by Prügl, Elisabeth
Caring and Gender by Cancian, Francesca M., Oliker, Stacey J.
Reading Desire by Moddelmog, Debra A.
Reading Desire by Moddelmog, Debra A.
Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition by Risman, Barbara J.
Women's Voices in a Man's World: Women and the Pastoral Tradition in Northern Somali Orature, C. 1899-1980 by Kapteijns, Lidwien
A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present Volume I by Anderson, Bonnie S., Zinsser, Judith P.
A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present Volume II by Anderson, Bonnie S., Zinsser, Judith P.
King James VI and I and the History of Homosexuality by Young, M.
Ein Plädoyer Für Die Rechte Der Frau: Aus Dem Englischen Übertragen Von Irmgard Hölschermit Einem Nachwort Von Barbara Sichtermann by Wollstonecraft, Mary
Sex, Gender and Health by
Sex, Gender and Health by
Unheard Voices: The Effects of Silence on Lesbian and Gay Educators by Sanlo, Ronni L.
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World: Beauty Pageants and National Identity by Banet-Weiser, Sarah
The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader by
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1997, Volume 45: Gender and Motivation by Nebraska Symposium
Shady Practices: Agroforestry and Gender Politics in the Gambia Volume 5 by Schroeder, Richard A.
This Is a Chair by Churchill, Caryl
Organising Feminisms: The Micropolitics of the Academy by Morley, L.
Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue by Feinberg, Leslie
Sentimental Men: Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture by
The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English by
The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English by
Gender Consciousness and Privilege by Gosetti, Penny Poplin, Brody, Celeste, Fuller, Kasi Allen
"Licentious Liberty" in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region: Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Sabará, Minas Gerais by Higgins, Kathleen J.
The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together by Maccoby, Eleanor E.
Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory by Haug, Frigga
Political Economy, Power and the Body: Global Perspectives by
Restructuring Gender Relations and Employment: The Decline of the Male Breadwinner by
Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past by Gilchrist, Roberta
Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past by Gilchrist, Roberta
Gender Consciousness and Privilege by Gosetti, Penny Poplin, Brody, Celeste, Fuller, Kasi Allen
A Question of Manhood, Volume 1: A Reader in U.S. Black Men's History and Masculinity, Manhood Rights: The Construction of Black Male History and Manh by
Simone de Beauvoir, Gender and Testimony by Tidd, Ursula
Political Economy, Power and the Body: Global Perspectives by
The Culture of Sewing: Gender, Consumption and Home Dressmaking by
A Dangerous Knowing by
Men and Women Equal Yet Different: A Brief Study of the Biblical Passages on Gender by Strauch, Alexander
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender, Updated Edition by Chodorow, Nancy J.
Coming of Age in Academe: Rekindling Women's Hopes and Reforming the Academy by Martin, Jane Roland
Coming of Age in Academe: Rekindling Women's Hopes and Reforming the Academy by Martin, Jane Roland
Gender, Policy and Educational Change: Shifting Agendas in the UK and Europe by
Gender, Policy and Educational Change: Shifting Agendas in the UK and Europe by
Heterographies: Sexual Difference in French Autobiography by Hughes, Alex
Dress, Gender and Cultural Change: Asian American and African American Rites of Passage by Lynch, Annette
From Rugs to Riches: Housework, Consumption and Modernity in Germany by Loehlin, Jennifer Ann
Fixed for Life: The True Saga of How Tom Became Sally by Preiss, Irene
Dress, Gender and Cultural Change: Asian American and African American Rites of Passage by Lynch, Annette
Masculinities at School by Lesko, Nancy
Call Me Kate: The Story of Katherine Marlowe, a Transexual by Nelson
Intimate Selving: Gender, Self and Identity in Arab Families by
Gender and Society in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema by Foster, David William
Refusing to Be a Man: Essays on Social Justice by Stoltenberg, John
Refusing to Be a Man: Essays on Social Justice by Stoltenberg, John
Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran by Mir-Hosseini, Ziba
Gendered Policies in Europe: Reconciling Employment and Family Life by
Why Different?: A Culture of Two Subjects by Irigaray, Luce
Women Speak by Oxfam
Manual de Formacao Em Genero Da Oxfam: (Portuguese Language Version) by Williams, Suzanne
Liberalism in the Bedroom: Quarreling Spouses in Nineteenth-Century Lima by Hunefeldt, Christine
Utopian Bodies and the Politics of Transgression by Sargisson, Lucy
American Archives: Gender, Race, and Class in Visual Culture by Smith, Shawn Michelle
Utopian Bodies and the Politics of Transgression by Sargisson, Lucy
Social Change for Women and Children by
Race, Gender, And Discrimination At Work by Cohn, Samuel