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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2001

Women's Rights and Human Rights: International Historical Perspectives by Holmes, K., Lake, M., Grimshaw, P.
Globalization and Social Movements by
The Political Economy of Gender in the Twentieth-Century Carribbean by Barriteau, V.
Feminist Popular Fiction by Makinen, M.
Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age by Horrocks, R.
Virginia Woolf and Fascism: Resisting the Dictators' Seduction by Pawlowski, Merry
Exploring the Body by
Mastering Soldiers: Conflict, Emotions, and the Enemy in an Israeli Army Unit by Ben-Ari, Eyal
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
Normalität, Behinderung Und Geschlecht: Ansätze Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by Schildmann
A Room of His Own: In Search of the Feminine in the Novels of Saul Bellow by Cronin, Gloria L.
Refashioning Iran: Orientalism, Occidentalism and Historiography by Tavakoli-Targhi, s.
Everything You Need to Know about Sexual Harassment by Bouchard, Elizabeth
Gender and Power in Prehispanic Mesoamerica by Joyce, Rosemary a.
Autonomy: Life Cycle, Gender, and Status Among Himalayan Pastoralists by Rao, Aparna
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
Understanding Homosexuality, Changing Schools by Lipkin, Arthur
Protest and Popular Culture: Women in the American Labor Movement by Triece, Mary
Beyond Common Sense: Sexuality and Gender in Contemporary Japan by Lunsing, Wim
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Women on the Polish Labor Market by Domański, Henryk
Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism: Evolution, Gender and Empire by Burdett, C.
The Living Goddesses by Gimbutas, Marija
Measuring Up: Staging Gender, Shaping Sound in Early Modern England by Shields, Vickie Rutledge
A History of Women's Writing in Italy by
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
The Rise of Professional Women in France by Clark, Linda L.
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
Bisexuality in the Lives of Men: Facts and Fictions by Steinman, Erich W., Beemyn, Brett Genny
A History of Women's Writing in Italy by
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Women Writers and the English Nation in the 1790s by Keane, Angela
Women, Power and the Academy: From Rhetoric to Reality by
Women, Power and the Academy: From Rhetoric to Reality by
Jews and Gender: The Challenge to Hierarchy by
Blake and Homosexuality by Hobson, C.
Feminist Consequences: Theory for the New Century by
Feminist Consequences: Theory for the New Century by
Gender and Sovereignty: Feminism, the State and International Relations by Hoffman, J.
Fair Sex, Savage Dreams: Race, Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference by Walton, Jean
Women, Writing and the Public Sphere, 1700 1830 by
Untying the Tongue: Gender, Power, and the Word by
Different but Equal: Communication Between the Sexes by Payne, Kay
Men's Work: Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Poetry, 1660-1784 by Zionkowski, L.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls: Gender in Film at the End of the Twentieth Century by
Home Matters: Longing and Belonging, Nostalgia and Mourning in Women's Fiction by Rubenstein, R.
Men and Social Work: Theories and Practices by
Young Women and the Body: A Feminist Sociology by Frost, L.
The Men and the Boys by Connell, R. W.
Women's Rights and Human Rights: International Historical Perspectives by Lake, M., Grimshaw, P., Holmes, K.
Gender, Peace and Conflict by
Gender, Peace and Conflict by
Constructing Gendered Bodies by
Reflections on Anger: Women and Men in a Changing Society by Reiser, Christa
Young Women and the Body: A Feminist Sociology by Frost, L.
Black Gay Man: Essays by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
Women and Men in the Prehispanic Southwest: Labor, Power, and Prestige by
Black Gay Man: Essays by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
Women and Men in the Prehispanic Southwest: Labor, Power, and Prestige by
Has Feminism Changed Science? by Schiebinger, Londa
Constructing Gendered Bodies by
Feminist Science Studies: A New Generation by
Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of American Sexual Thought, 1920 to 1982 by Gerhard, Jane
Gender, Emotion, and the Family by Brody, Leslie
Querelles. Jahrbuch Für Frauenforschung 2001: Band 6: Biographisches Erzählen by Ergebnisse Der Frauenforschung an Der Freien Universität Ber
Public Sentiments: Structures of Feeling in Nineteenth-Century American Literature by Hendler, Glenn
Masculine and Feminine: The Natural Flow of Opposites in the Psyche by Hill, Gareth S.
The Economics of Gender in Mexico: Work, Family, State, and Market by
Woman's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern by Harding, Esther
Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture by
Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875-1920 by Satter, Beryl
Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World by Salisbury, Joyce E., Salisbury
Masquerade and Identities: Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Marginality by Tseëlon, Efrat
Masquerade and Identities: Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Marginality by Tseëlon, Efrat
Gender, Ethnicity and Market Forces: Observations of Ethnic Chinese in Korea by Choi, Sheena
The Political Economy of Gender in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean by Barriteau, V.
Male and Female by Mead, Margaret
Sex and Temperament: In Three Primitive Societies by Mead, Margaret
The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism by
The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism by
The Cambridge Companion to D. H. Lawrence by
Complex Inequality: Gender, Class and Race in the New Economy by McCall, Leslie
Women and Men Police Officers: Status, Gender, and Personality by Gerber, Gwendolyn
Gender Setting: New Agendas for Media Monitoring and Advocacy by Gallagher, Margaret
Radical Feminism Today by Thompson, Denise
Frauen Und Verhältnisse: Eine Sozialpolitische Netzwerkanalyse by Knab, Maria
Anders ALS Normal: Illegale Drogen ALS Medium Der Biographischen Entwicklung Junger Frauen by Holzer, Alexandra
Worlds of Knowing: Global Feminist Epistemologies by Duran, Jane
Virginia Woolf and Fascism: Resisting the Dictators' Seduction by Pawlowski, Merry
The Cambridge Companion to D. H. Lawrence by
Worlds of Knowing: Global Feminist Epistemologies by Duran, Jane
Disappearing Acts: Gender, Power, and Relational Practice at Work by Fletcher, Joyce K.
Kate Chopin: A Literary Life by Walker, N.
Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time by Waldron, Mary
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do about It by Pease, Barbara, Pease, Allan
Gender and the Archaeology of Death by
The Lesbian History Sourcebook: Love and Sex Between Women in Britain from 1780-1970 by Oram, Alison, Turnbull, Annmarie
The Lesbian History Sourcebook: Love and Sex Between Women in Britain from 1780 to 1970 by Oram, Alison, Turnbull, Annmarie
Gender and the Archaeology of Death by
Schooling the Boys by Skelton, Christine, Skelton
Parity of the Sexes by Agacinski, Sylviane
Parity of the Sexes by Agacinski, Sylviane
Gender in Russian History and Culture by Edmondson, L.
A Question of Manhood: A Reader in U.S. Black Men's History and Masculinity by
The Graffiti Subculture: Youth, Masculinity and Identity in London and New York by MacDonald, N.
The Graffiti Subculture: Youth, Masculinity and Identity in London and New York by MacDonald, N.
Gender and Sexuality in Russian Civilisation by
Women and Religion in Old and New Worlds by
Women and Religion in Old and New Worlds by
Childrearing Values in the United States and China: A Comparison of Belief Systems and Social Structure by Xiao, Hong
Passing: Identity and Interpretation in Sexuality, Race, and Religion by
Encompassing Gender: Integrating International Studies and Women's Studies by
Women Who Become Men: Albanian Sworn Virgins by Young, Antonia
Gendering of Art Education by Dalton, Pen, Dalton
Challenging Violence in Schools by Mills, Martin, Mills, K.
Passing: Identity and Interpretation in Sexuality, Race, and Religion by
Dance, Space and Subjectivity by Briginshaw, V.
Dance, Space and Subjectivity by Briginshaw, V.
Reframing the Body by
Monsieur D'Eon is a Woman: A Tale of Political Intrigue and Sexual Masquerade by Kates, Gary
Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, and Life in a Half-Changed World by Orenstein, Peggy
Women Workers and Gender Identities, 1835-1913: The Cotton and Metal Industries in England by Morgan, Carol E.
Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging by Slevin, Kathleen F., Calasanti, Toni M.
Bound to Bond: Gender, Genre, and the Hollywood Romantic Comedy by Rubinfeld, Mark D.
Gender and Teaching by Maher, Frances a., Ward, Janie Victoria
Oscar Wilde in the 1990s: The Critic as Creator by Knox, Melissa
The Male Mind at Work: A Woman's Guide to Working with Men by Swiss, Deborah J.
Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era by
Gender and Social Movements by Kuumba, Bahati M.
Women Workers and Gender Identities, 1835-1913: The Cotton and Metal Industries in England by Morgan, Carol E.
Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do about It by Williams, Joan
Talking from 9 to 5: Women and Men at Work by Tannen, Deborah
Growing Up Girl: Psycho-Social Explorations of Gender and Class by Walkerdine, Valerie, Lucey, Helen, Melody, June
Off-White Hollywood: American Culture and Ethnic Female Stardom by Negra, Diane
Exploring the Body by
The Spectacle of Violence: Homophobia, Gender and Knowledge by Mason, Gail
The Spectacle of Violence: Homophobia, Gender and Knowledge by Mason, Gail
Working Families: The Transformation of the American Home by
The Private Roots of Public Action: Gender, Equality, and Political Participation by Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Verba, Sidney, Burns, Nancy
Under Construction by
The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd: Forgery and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century London by McGowen, Randall, Andrew, Donna T.
Women and Men As Friends: Relationships Across the Life Span in the 21st Century by Monsour, Michael
Women and Men As Friends: Relationships Across the Life Span in the 21st Century by Monsour, Michael
Women and Literature in Britain 1800 1900 by
Women and Literature in Britain 1800-1900 by
War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa by Goldstein, Joshua S.
Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study by Caspi, Avshalom, Rutter, Michael, Moffitt, Terrie E.
Nursing, Physician Control, and the Medical Monopoly: Historical Perspectives on Gendered Inequality in Roles, Rights, and Range of Practice by Group, Thetis M., Roberts, Joan I.
Refashioning Iran: Orientalism, Occidentalism and Historiography by Tavakoli-Targhi, s.
The Wicked Queen: The Origins of the Myth of Marie-Antoinette by Thomas, Chantal
The Ethics of Gender: New Dimensions to Religious Ethics by Parsons, Susan F.
The Ethics of Gender: New Dimensions to Religious Ethics by Parsons, Susan F.
State Feminism, Women's Movements, and Job Training: Making Democracies Work in the Global Economy by
Globalization and Social Movements by
Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History by
Religious Fundamentalisms and the Human Rights of Women by
Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study by Rutter, Michael, Moffitt, Terrie E., Caspi, Avshalom
Feminist Aesthetics in Music by MacArthur, Sally
The Psychology of Sex, Gender, and Jobs: Issues and Solutions by
Inventing Home: Emigration, Gender, and the Middle Class in Lebanon, 1870-1920 by Khater, Akram Fouad
Medical Careers and Feminist Agendas: American, Scandinavian and Russian Women Physicians by
Gender Gap: How Genes and Gender Influence Our Relationships by Barash, David P., Lipton, Judith Eve
Medical Careers and Feminist Agendas: American, Scandinavian and Russian Women Physicians by
Changing Women, Unchanged Men? by Delamont, Delamont, Sara
Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: An Exploration of the Comparative Method by
Growing Up Girl: Psycho-Social Explorations of Class and Gender by Melody, June, Walkerdine, Valerie, Lucey, Helen
Women, Gender, Religion: A Reader by
Traps by
The Irish Women's Movement: From Revolution to Devolution by Connolly, Linda
The Irish Women's Movement: From Revolution to Devolution by Connolly, Linda
Romantic Victorians: English Literature, 1824-1840 by Cronin, R.
Strip Show: Performances of Gender and Desire by Liepe-Levinson, Katherine
Strip Show: Performances of Gender and Desire by Liepe-Levinson, Katherine
Globalization, Gender, and Religion: The Politics of Women's Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts by Na, Na
Women in American Education, 1820-1955: The Female Force and Educational Reform by Edwards, June
Gender and French Cinema by
Women as Sacred Custodians of the Earth?: Women, Spirituality and the Environment by
Women as Sacred Custodians of the Earth?: Women, Spirituality and the Environment by
Speaking the Unspeakable: Religion, Misogyny, and the Uncanny Mother in Freud's Cultural Texts by Jonte-Pace, Diane
Women, Sexuality and War by Goodman, P.
Gender: A Sociological Reader by Scott, Sue, Jackson, Stevi
Gender: A Sociological Reader by Jackson, Stevi, Scott, Sue
Women's Contemporary Lives: Within and Beyond the Mirror by Hughes, Christina
Marital and Sexual Lifestyles in the United States: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Relationships in Social Context by Rouse, Linda P.
Gender Perspectives on Property and Inheritance by Cummings, Sarah
Gender, Development, and Money by
Gender, Development and Health by Sweetman, Caroline
Gender, Development, and Humanitarian Work by
Men's Involvement in Gender and Development Policy and Practice by
Ancient Maya Women by
The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Women's Writing by
The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Women's Writing by
Russian Masculinities in History and Culture by
A Field Guide to Boys and Girls: Differences, Similarities: Cutting-Edge Information Every Parent Needs to Know by Gilbert, Susan
Evangelical Women in Belfast: Imprisoned or Empowered? by Baillie, Sandra
Transforming Gender and Development in East Asia by
Transforming Gender and Development in East Asia by
In Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches by
At Home in the Studio: The Professionalization of Women Artists in America by Prieto, Laura R.