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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2007

Numinous Subjects: Engendering the Sacred in Western Culture, An Essay by Tatman, Lucy
Gender, Culture and Society: Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities by Haywood, C.
The Other by Hiltmann, Gabrielle, Olkowski, Dorothea, Fielding, Helen
The Laws of Love: A Brief Historical and Practical Manual by Goodrich, P.
Online Matchmaking by
Working-Class Lesbian Life: Classed Outsiders by Taylor, Yvette
Gender, Equality and Difference During and After State Socialism by
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by
Modern Couples Sharing Money, Sharing Life by Halleröd, Björn, Stocks, Janet
Suffrage Outside Suffragism: Britain 1880-1914 by
Metafiction and Metahistory in Contemporary Women's Writing by Heilmann, A., Llewellyn, M.
Postfeminist Gothic: Critical Interventions in Contemporary Culture by
What Women Want from Work: Gender and Occupational Choice in the 21st Century by Woodfield, R.
Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate by Freedman, J.
Language, Sexualities and Desires: Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Kyratzis, Sakis
Grief in Wartime: Private Pain, Public Discourse by Acton, C.
Intimacy and Responsibility: The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission by Weait, Matthew
Gender, Culture and Society: Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities by Haywood, C.
Engendering Human Security: Feminist Perspectives by
Self-Made Man: One Woman's Year Disguised as a Man by Vincent, Norah
Sex and Ethics: Essays on Sexuality, Virtue and the Good Life by
Gender and Fatherhood in the Nineteenth Century by Broughton, Trev Lynn, Rogers, Helen
Väter Im Aufbruch?: Deutungsmuster Von Väterlichkeit Und Männlichkeit Im Kontext Von Väterinitiativen by Wolde, Anja
Auf Dem Weg Zur Macht?: Zur Unterrepräsentation Von Frauen Im Deutschen Und U.S.-Amerikanischen Regierungssystem by Kinzig, Silke
Studies In The Psychology Of Sex V6: Sex In Relation To Society by Ellis, Havelock
Personal Rights And Sexual Wrongs by Dawson, Oswald
Sex In Education Or, A Fair Chance For The Girls by Clarke, Edward H.
Exposition Of The False Medium And Barriers Excluding Men Of Genius From The Public by Horne, Richard Henry
Progressive Men, Women And Movements Of The Past Twenty-Five Years by Flower, B. O.
Woman, In All Ages And Nations by Nichols, Thomas L.
Studies In The Psychology Of Sex by Ellis, Havelock
Crossing Into Manhood: A Men's Studies Curriculum by Mason, Christopher P.
(Un)Heimliche Lust: Über Den Konsum Sexueller Dienstleistungen by Grenz, Sabine
Victorian Honeymoons by Michie, Helena
Postfeminist Gothic: Critical Interventions in Contemporary Culture by
Grief in Wartime: Private Pain, Public Discourse by Acton, C.
Gender and Fatherhood in the Nineteenth Century by Broughton, Trev Lynn, Rogers, Helen
A Belle Epoque?: Women and Feminism in French Society and Culture 1890-1914 by
Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States by Deveaux, Monique
Egypt as a Woman: Nationalism, Gender, and Politics by Baron, Beth
Africa After Gender? by
Gender in Motion: Genderdimensionen Der Zukunftsgesellschaft by
Heteronormativität: Empirische Studien Zu Geschlecht, Sexualität Und Macht by
Gender Designs It: Construction and Deconstruction of Information Society Technology by
On the Origins of Gender Inequality by Huber, Joan
The Fabric of Gender: Working-Class Culture in Third Republic France by Chenut, Helen
She's Not the Man I Married: My Life with a Transgender Husband by Boyd, Helen
Gender and Work in Urban China: Women Workers of the Unlucky Generation by Liu, Jieyu
The Lost Patriarch: Towards a New Mythology of Manhood by Duke, Stephen
Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil by Townes, Emilie M.
Society and Identity: Toward a Sociological Psychology by Teitge, J. Smith, Teitge, Dennis W., Weigert, Andrew J.
The Economics of Gender by Jacobsen, Joyce
Anxieties and Management Responses in International Business by
Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions: International Perspectives by
Women's Rights: Struggles and Feminism in Britain C1770-1970 by Montgomery, Fiona
The Story Of Tobacco In America by Robert, Joseph C.
Grace, Tenacity and Eloquence: The Struggle for Women's Rights in Africa by
Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England by Levin, Carole, Larsen, Anne, Robin, Diana
Identity and Networks: Fashioning Gender and Ethnicity Across Cultures by
Identity and Networks: Fashioning Gender and Ethnicity Across Cultures by
Facts About Nudism: The Real Truth About The Nudist Movement by Morris, Hugh
Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges by
Vice In German Monasteries: The Amazing Facts Regarding What Has Come To Be Known As Celibacy-Disease by McCabe, Joseph
Online Matchmaking by
Cartographies of Desire: Male-Male Sexuality in Japanese Discourse, 1600-1950 by Pflugfelder, Gregory M.
Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence, with a New Preface by Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette
Sexuality and the Law: Feminist Engagements by
Sexuality and the Law: Feminist Engagements by
Women in China's Long Twentieth Century by Hershatter, Gail
Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche by Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella
Facing Old Age: A Study Of Old Age Dependency In The United States And Old Age Pensions by Epstein, Abraham
The Principles Of Beauty by Symonds, John Addington
The Bohemian Body: Gender and Sexuality in Modern Czech Culture by Thomas, Alfred
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by
Dictatorship of Sex: Lifestyle Advice for the Soviet Masses by Bernstein, Frances Lee
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by
Postmodern Chick Flicks: The Return of the Woman's Film by Garrett, R.
Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, Performance by Goddard, Lynette
Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, Performance by Goddard, Lynette
Postmodern Chick Flicks: The Return of the Woman's Film by Garrett, R.
Interpersonal Communication Between Black Men and Women in the Family by Hitchens, Ed D. Melvin, Sr.
Fragmented Identities: Popular Culture, Sex, and Everyday Life in Postcommunist Romania by Roman, Denise
Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration by
Romanticism, Maternity, and the Body Politic by Kipp, Julie, Julie, Kipp
Political Hystories: Feminist Review 85 by
Oh Boy!: Masculinities and Popular Music by
Trafficking in Women in the European Union: Norms, Advocacy-Networks and Policy-Change by Locher, Birgit
The Other by Olkowski, Dorothea, Fielding, Helen, Hiltmann, Gabrielle
Oh Boy!: Masculinities and Popular Music by
Sceptical History: Feminist and Postmodern Approaches in Practice by Bowen Raddeker, Hélène
In the Shadows: Sexuality, Pedagogy, and Gender Among Japanese Teenagers by Castro-Vazquez, Genaro
The Sexual Demon of Colonial Power: Pan-African Embodiment and Erotic Schemes of Empire by Thomas, Greg
To Hell with All That: Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife by Flanagan, Caitlin
Race, Ethnicity, and Gender: Selected Readings by
Sceptical History: Feminist and Postmodern Approaches in Practice by Bowen Raddeker, Hélène
Hijas Americanas: Beauty, Body Image, and Growing Up Latina by Molinary, Rosie
Is Philosophy Androcentric? by Landau, Iddo
Dis/Kontinuitäten: Feministische Theorie by
Gendering Citizenship in Western Europe: New Challenges for Citizenship Research in a Cross-National Context by Williams, Fiona, Anttonen, Anneli, Lister, Ruth
Gender and Empire by Levine, Philippa
Gender and the Southern Body Politic by
Female Hierarchies by
Women and Race in Contemporary U.S. Writing: From Faulkner to Morrison by Reames, K. Lynch
Women and Race in Contemporary U.S. Writing: From Faulkner to Morrison by Reames, K. Lynch
Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and the Aesthetics of Trauma by Moran, P.
Women's Sexualities and Masculinities in a Globalizing Asia by
Religion, Gender, and Culture in the Pre-Modern World by Cuffel, A., Britt, B.
Imperialism Within the Margins: Queer Representation and the Politics of Culture in Southern Africa by Spurlin, W.
Identity and Subsistence: Gender Strategies for Archaeology by
Importing Madame Bovary: The Politics of Adultery by Amann, E.
Importing Madame Bovary: The Politics of Adultery by Amann, E.
Gender and the Public Sector by
Identity and Subsistence: Gender Strategies for Archaeology by
The Invention of Heterosexuality by Katz, Jonathan Ned
We Boys Together: Teenagers in Love Before Girl-Craziness by Dennis, Jeffery P.
Women and New Labour: Engendering Politics and Policy? by
Social Psychology of Gender by
Geschlechtliche Ungleichheit in Systemtheoretischer Perspektive by
The Global Political Economy of Sex: Desire, Violence, and Insecurity in Mediterranean Nation States by Agathangelou, A.
Women in Science: A Social and Cultural History by Watts, Ruth
Muscular Judaism: The Jewish Body and the Politics of Regeneration by Presner, Todd Samuel
Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man's Most Precious Fluid by Moore, Lisa Jean
As If Silent and Absent: Bonds of Enslavement in the Islamic Middle East by Toledano, Ehud R.
Höflichkeit im geschichtlichen Kontext. Von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit by Patzke Salgado, Anna
Sexing the Soldier: The Politics of Gender and the Contemporary British Army by Woodward, Rachel, Winter, Trish
Sexing the Soldier: The Politics of Gender and the Contemporary British Army by Winter, Trish, Woodward, Rachel
Feminismus und Rassismus - Der Mythos vom friedlichen Geschlecht by Lederer, Karin
Frauen und ihre Handlungen und Haltungen im Nationalsozialismus by Lederer, Karin
The Sexual Self: The Construction of Sexual Scripts by
The Sexual Self: The Construction of Sexual Scripts by
Modern Couples Sharing Money, Sharing Life by Halleröd, Björn, Stocks, Janet
Arbeit Und Geschlecht Im Umbruch Der Modernen Gesellschaft: Forschung Im Dialog by
Gendered Discourse in the Professional Workplace by Mullany, L.
Working-Class Lesbian Life: Classed Outsiders by Taylor, Yvette
Becoming an Unwed Mother: A Sociological Account by Rains, Prudence Mors
Engendering Transitions: Women's Mobilization, Institutions, and Gender Outcomes by Waylen, Georgina
Engendering Transitions: Women's Mobilization, Institutions and Gender Outcomes by Waylen, Georgina
What is Gender?: Sociological Approaches by Holmes, Mary
Zurück zu den Wurzeln? Wieder entdeckte, weibliche Muster als Chance für einen emanzipatorischen Lebensentwurf von Frauen? by Menow, Petra
Male and Female by Woodford, Jack
Mismatch: The Growing Gulf Between Women and Men by Hacker, Andrew
Gender Differences by Chang, Fengbin
The Latino Body: Crisis Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory by Lima, Lazaro
Professional Identities: Policy and Practice in Business and Bureaucracy by
The Latino Body: Crisis Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory by Lima, Lazaro
Marriage, Sexuality, and Gender by West, Robin
Gendering Modern German History: Rewriting Historiography by
Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry by Agustin, Laura María
Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry by Agustin, Laura María
Imagining Transgender: An Ethnography of a Category by Valentine, David
Gender Violence, 2nd Edition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Gender Violence, 2nd Edition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Gendering Bodies by Crawley, Sara L., Foley, Lara J., Shehan, Constance L.
Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism by Song, Sarah
Women in Central and Eastern Europe - Measuring Gender Inequality Differently by Schnepf, Sylke Viola
Know Your ASEAN by Severino, Rodolfo C.
Early Modern Tragedy, Gender and Performance, 1984-2000: The Destined Livery by Barker, Roberta
Die "heilige Ordnung" Der Männer: Hierarchie, Gruppendynamik Und Die Neue Rolle Der Frauen by Schwarz, Gerhard
Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild by Siegel, D.
Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild by Siegel, D.
Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place, and Knowledges by
Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism by Song, Sarah
Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place, and Knowledges by
On the Origins of Gender Inequality by Huber, Joan
Beyond Bad Girls: Gender, Violence and Hype by Chesney-Lind, Meda, Irwin, Katherine
The New Politics of Gender Equality by Squires, Judith
The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia by Zarkov, Dubravka
Being Single On Noah's Ark by Cargan, Leonard
Being Single On Noah's Ark by Cargan, Leonard
Judith Butler: From Norms to Politics by Lloyd, Moya
The New Politics of Gender Equality by Squires, Judith
Beyond Bad Girls: Gender, Violence and Hype by Chesney-Lind, Meda, Irwin, Katherine
Transforming Gender: Transgender Practices of Identity, Intimacy and Care by Hines, Sally
The Spinning Woman Of The Sky: Poems by Corbin, Alice
Masculine Jealousy and Contemporary Cinema by Yates, C.
Revisioning Women and Drug Use: Gender, Power and the Body by Ettorre, E.
Masculine Jealousy and Contemporary Cinema by Yates, C.
Body, Femininity and Nationalism: Girls in the German Youth Movement 1900-1934 by De Ras, Marion E. P.
The Politics of American Feminism: Gender Conflict in Contemporary Society by Bennett, James T.
The Future of Gender by
The Future of Gender by
Textual Construction of the Female Body: A Critical Discourse Approach by Jeffries, L.
The Literary Subversions of Medieval Women by Chance, Jane
Dickens and the Daughter of the House by Schor, Hilary M.
Sex, Race, and Family in Contemporary American Short Stories by Bostrom, M.
Loving the Body: Black Religious Studies and the Erotic by
Gender, Race, and Nationalism in Contemporary Black Politics by Alexander-Floyd, N.
Female Exiles in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Europe by
Loving the Body: Black Religious Studies and the Erotic by
"Vision Und Mission" - Die Integration Von Gender in Den Mainstream Europäischer Forschung by Metz-Göckel, Sigrid, Zimmermann, Karin
Gender and Family Among Transnational Professionals by
Töchter Ägyptens - Die Geschichte der Frauen am Nil by Bergmann, Elisabeth
The Talented Women of the Zhang Family by Mann, Susan
The Violence of Liberation: Gender and Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Post-Mao China by Makley, Charlene E.
The No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity by Baird, Vanessa
Afghan Women: Identity and Invasion by Rostami-Povey, Elaheh
Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and the Posthuman Body by Toffoletti, Kim
Afghan Women: Identity and Invasion by Rostami-Povey, Elaheh
Reproductive Disruptions: Gender, Technology, and Biopolitics in the New Millennium by
The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference by Battersby, Christine
See More