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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2012

Aspasia - Volume 6: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History by
Intersections Between Feminist and Queer Theory by
Women and Fluid Identities: Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women by
Approaches to Gender and Spoken Classroom Discourse by Sauntson, Helen
Sex, Power and the Games by Woodward, K.
Reading 'Bollywood': The Young Audience and Hindi Films by Banaji, S.
Women and the Military in Europe: Comparing Public Cultures by Eulriet, I.
Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods: Spaces Lost, Spaces Gained by Harcourt, Wendy
Sex, Gender and the Conservative Party: From Iron Lady to Kitten Heels by Childs, S., Webb, P.
The Female Figure in Contemporary Historical Fiction by
Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change by Corneliussen, H.
Negotiating Boundaries: Gender, Violence and Transformation in Brazil by Wilding, P.
Language, Sex and Social Structure: Analysing Discourses of Sexuality by Clark, J.
Repression, Integrity and Practical Reasoning by Jaeger, G.
Mighty Lewd Books: The Development of Pornography in Eighteenth-Century England by Peakman, J.
Dirty Work: Concepts and Identities by
Dyke/Girl: Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group by Jones, L.
Feminisms, HIV and AIDS: Subverting Power, Reducing Vulnerability by Tallis, V.
Women and the Media in Asia: The Precarious Self by
Secrecy and Sapphic Modernism: Reading Romans À Clef Between the Wars by Nair, S.
LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media by Pullen, Christopher
Gender Capital at Work: Intersections of Femininity, Masculinity, Class and Occupation by Huppatz, K.
Institutionalizing Intersectionality: The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes by
British Asian Muslim Women, Multiple Spatialities and Cosmopolitanism by Bhimji, F.
Gender, Work and Community After De-Industrialisation: A Psychosocial Approach to Affect by Walkerdine, V., Jimenez, L.
Intersexuality and the Law: Why Sex Matters by Greenberg, Julie A.
Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science by Bluhm, Robyn, Maibom, Heidi Lene
Gender in Transitional Justice by
The Independent Man: Citizenship and Gender Politics in Georgian England by McCormack, Matthew
The Business of Everyday Life: Gender, Practice and Social Politics in England, C.1600-1900 by Lemire, Beverly
Cosmetic Surgery Narratives: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women's Accounts by Gimlin, Debra
The Surplus Woman: Unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 by Dollard, Catherine L.
The Male In Analysis: Psychoanalytic and Cultural Perspectives by Gaitanidis, Anastasios
Transnational Feminism in Film and Media by
Business Networking and Sex: Not What You Think by Misner, Ivan, Walker, Hazel M., De Raffelle Jr, Frank J.
Die Berufsfeuerwehr - ein klassischer Männerberuf?: Über die Ursachen der Marginalität von Frauen in der Berufsfeuerwehr am Beispiel der Berufssfeuerw by Reichert-Baierlein, Katrin
Gender, Livelihoods and Migration in Africa by Dugbazah, Justina
Gender, Livelihoods and Migration in Africa by Dugbazah, Justina
Shortchanged: Why Women Have Less Wealth and What Can Be Done about It by Chang, Mariko Lin
Plight and Fate of Women During and Following Genocide by Totten, Samuel
Power, Change, and Gender Relations in Rural Java: A Tale of Two Villages Volume 125 by Tickamyer, Ann R.
Gender and Power in Sierra Leone: Women Chiefs of the Last Two Centuries by Day, L.
Gender, Work and Community After De-Industrialisation: A Psychosocial Approach to Affect by Walkerdine, V., Jimenez, L.
Gender and Power in Sierra Leone: Women Chiefs of the Last Two Centuries by Day, L.
Retiring Men: Manhood, Labor, and Growing Old in America, 1900-1960 by Wood, Gregory
Women's Agency; Overcoming Violence by Working for Peace in Kashmir by Noble, Linda
Inequality by Southgate, Darby E., Keister, Lisa A.
Teaching Gender by
Teaching Gender by
Berufsfindung Und Geschlecht: Mädchen in Technisch-Handwerklichen Projekten by Schmid-Thomae, Anja
Love, Sex, and Democracy in Japan During the American Occupation by McLelland, M.
Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science by Bluhm, Robyn, Maibom, Heidi Lene
Love, Sex, and Democracy in Japan During the American Occupation by McLelland, M.
Sex Role Attitudes and Cultural Change by
Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland by Duggan, Marian
Gender and Society in Turkey: The Impact of Neoliberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession by
Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture by Orenstein, Peggy
Globalization, Technology Diffusion and Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICTs by
Sex for Life: From Virginity to Viagra, How Sexuality Changes Throughout Our Lives by
The Discreet Guide for Executive Women: How to Work Well with Men (and Other Difficulties) by Crittenden, Jennifer K.
Gender Violence at the U.S.-Mexico Border: Media Representation and Public Response by
Dismantling the Dream Factory: Gender, German Cinema, and the Postwar Quest for a New Film Language by Baer, Hester
Sex for Life: From Virginity to Viagra, How Sexuality Changes Throughout Our Lives by
No Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How We Think about Power by Feldt, Gloria
Experiences of Women Students with Disabilities in Kenyan Universities by Bathseba, Opini
Vom Elfenbeinturm Ins Rampenlicht: Prominente Wissenschaftler in Populären Massenmedien by
The Media and the Models of Masculinity by Moss, Mark
Über die Plausibilität und Aktualität des Phänomens der De-Institutionalisierung der Geschlechterdifferenzen by Mietusch, Alexandra
Neue Heldinnen - neue Chancen?: Zur Darstellung gewalttätiger Frauen in Filmen und ihrer Bedeutung für die feministische Filmtheorie by Dannhauer, Susann
Labels are Gay - Love is for All by Hansen, Alice Mary
Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements by
Firms, Boards and Gender Quotas: Comparative Perspectives by
A Thesaurus of Women: From Cherry Blossoms to Cell Phones by Zeitz Ma, Barbara Joan
Gender by Franklin, Leanne
A Thesaurus of Women: From Cherry Blossoms to Cell Phones by Zeitz Ma, Barbara Joan
Japanese Women and Sport: Beyond Baseball and Sumo by Kietlinski, Robin
Being Boys: Youth, Leisure and Identity in the Inter-War Years by Tebbutt, Melanie
Love, Mortality and the Moving Image by Wilson, E.
Sport, Masculinities and the Body by Wellard, Ian
Doubting Sex: Inscriptions, Bodies and Selves in Nineteenth-Century Hermaphrodite Case Histories by Mak, Geertje
Women of Katrina by
Women of Katrina by
Colonial Discourse and Gender in U.S. Criminal Courts: Cultural Defenses and Prosecutions by Braunmühl, Caroline
Gender Violence and Hiv/AIDS in Post-Conflict West Africa: Issues and Responses by Ahonsi, Babatunde A.
Sexuality, Equality and Diversity by Richardson, Diane, Monro, Surya
Feminist Popular Education in Transnational Debates: Building Pedagogies of Possibility by
Gender, Sex, and the City: Urdu Rekhti Poetry in India, 1780-1870 by Vanita, R.
Gender, Sex, and the City: Urdu Rekhti Poetry in India, 1780-1870 by Vanita, R.
LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media by Pullen, Christopher
Feminist Popular Education in Transnational Debates: Building Pedagogies of Possibility by
Cultural Dynamics of Women's Lives by
Cultural Dynamics of Women's Lives (Hc) by
The Erotic Margin: Sexuality and Spatiality in Alterist Discourse by Schick, Irvin C.
New American Teenagers: The Lost Generation of Youth in 1970s Film by Brickman, Barbara Jane
Tools of Justice: Non-discrimination and the Indian Constitution by Kannabiran, Kalpana
Everywhere and Nowhere: Contemporary Feminism in the United States by Reger, Jo
Konflikte Im Betriebsrat ALS Lernanlass by Hocke, Simone
Varieties of Feminism: German Gender Politics in Global Perspective by Ferree, Myra
Varieties of Feminism: German Gender Politics in Global Perspective by Ferree, Myra
The Reproduction of Difference: Gender and the Global Division of Labour by
Gender, Heterosexuality, and Youth Violence: The Struggle for Recognition by Messerschmidt, James W.
When Sexual Harassment Feels Like Prostitution by Lafayette, J. Anita, Lafayette, Jacqueline A.
Relaciones de Género en Cultura Mapuche, ámbito familiar y productivo by Rozas Manquecoy Fernanda
Passionate Friendship: The Aesthetics of Girl's Culture in Japan by Shamoon, Deborah M.
Fitting into Place?: Class and Gender Geographies and Temporalities by Taylor, Yvette
Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue by Teich, Nicholas
Erkenntnis Und Methode: Geschlechterforschung in Zeiten Des Umbruchs by
Im Widerstreit: Feministische Theorie in Bewegung by Knapp, Gudrun-Axeli
Born Southern: Childbirth, Motherhood, and Social Networks in the Old South by Kennedy, V. Lynn
Barriers Between Women by Caplan, P. J.
Gender, Heterosexuality, and Youth Violence: The Struggle for Recognition by Messerschmidt, James W.
Manly Meals and Mom's Home Cooking: Cookbooks and Gender in Modern America by Neuhaus, Jessamyn
Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders by Ladin, Joy
The Manhood Test: A guide, how to help boys pass the manhood tests & rites-of-passage, to become a man, a mature adult, citizen, husband by Lavelle, William A. tony
Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook by
The Foundations of Female Entrepreneurship: Enterprise, Home and Household in London, C. 1800-1870 by Kay, Alison
Gender and Culture in Psychology by Magnusson, Eva, Marecek, Jeanne
Gender and Culture in Psychology by Magnusson, Eva, Marecek, Jeanne
Exile Through a Gendered Lens: Women's Displacement in Recent European History, Literature, and Cinema by Zinn, G.
Exile Through a Gendered Lens: Women's Displacement in Recent European History, Literature, and Cinema by Zinn, G.
Towards Equity in Mathematics Education: Gender, Culture, and Diversity by
Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior by
From the Dress-Up Corner to the Senior Prom: Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in Prek-12 Schools by Bryan, Jennifer
Women and the Military in Europe: Comparing Public Cultures by Eulriet, I.
Challenging the NGOS Women, Religion and Western Dialogues in India by Bradley, Tamsin
The Christian View of Sexual Behavior: A Reaction to the Kinsey Report by Pittenger, William Norman
The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling by Hochschild, Arlie Russell
Aventures de l'Abbé de Choisy Habillé En Femme (Éd.1884) by de Choisy, François-Timoléon
Little F'd Up: Why Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word by Zeilinger, Julie
African Literature: Gender Discourse, Religious Values, and the African Worldview by Salami-Boukari, Safoura
Fernsehheldinnen als Alltagsorientierung: Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu "Disney's Kim Possible" by Wolter, Angela
The Schooling of Girls in Britain and Ireland, 1800- 1900 by McDermid, Jane
Marriage, Property, and Women's Narratives by Livingston, S.
Sexuality, Equality and Diversity by Richardson, Diane, Monro, Surya
Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State by
Wise and Foolish Virgins: White Women at Work in the Feminized World of Primary School Teaching by Galman, Sally
Race, Social Science and the Crisis of Manhood, 1890-1970: We Are the Supermen by Lindquist, Malinda Alaine
James Joyce and the Revolt of Love: Marriage, Adultery, Desire by Utell, J.
James Joyce and the Revolt of Love: Marriage, Adultery, Desire by Utell, J.
The Administration of Old Age Assistance by Long, Elizabeth, Leisy, Agnes, Lansdale, Robert Tucker
Gender, Sexualities and Law by
Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World by Fausto-Sterling, Anne
Cultures of the Erotic in Spain, 1898-1939 by Zubiaurre, Maite
Reflecting on Cosmetic Surgery: Body Image, Shame and Narcissism by Northrop, Jane
Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World by Fausto-Sterling, Anne
One Marriage Under God: The Campaign to Promote Marriage in America by Heath, Melanie
Bist du ein Mädchen oder ein Junge? Ich bin ich!: Wie Kinder Geschlecht lernen by Verdianz, Cornelia
Media Representations of Gender and Torture Post-9/11 by Gronnvoll, Marita
Empowering Nigerian Women in the 21st Century: Measuring the Gap by Chinedu Ojoh, Akudo
Westliche Interventionen Im Irak: Die Britische Irakpolitik (1914-1922) Und Die Amerikanische Irakpolitik (2003-2009) Im Vergleich by Feickert, Hauke
700 Millions de Gays by Tijani, Chekib
700 Millions de Gays by Tijani, Chekib
Gendered Spaces in Argentine Women's Literature by Sierra, M.
Womanism Against Socially Constructed Matriarchal Images: A Theoretical Model Toward a Therapeutic Goal by Hill, M.
Masculinities in Contemporary Argentine Popular Cinema by Rocha, Carolina
Gendered Spaces in Argentine Women's Literature by Sierra, M.
Manthropology: The Science of Why the Modern Male Is Not the Man He Used to Be by McAllister, Peter
Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods: Spaces Lost, Spaces Gained by Harcourt, Wendy
Heikle Fragen in Interviews: Eine Validierung Der Randomized Response-Technik by Wolter, Felix
Frontier of Freedom: The Soul and Substance of America Portrayed in One Extraordinary Village, Old Deerfield, Massachusetts by Chamberlain, Samuel, Flynt, Henry N.
Women, Power and Politics in 21st Century Iran by Povey, Tara
Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe: A Feminist Perspective by Vieten, Ulrike M.
The War of the Sexes: How Conflict and Cooperation Have Shaped Men and Women from Prehistory to the Present by Seabright, Paul
Muscular Nationalism: Gender, Violence, and Empire in India and Ireland, 1914-2004 by Banerjee, Sikata
Man's Estate: Landed Gentry Masculinities, 1660-1900 by French, Henry, Rothery, Mark
Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation by Muraco, Anna
Love, Sex, and Gender in the World Religions by Runzo, Joseph, Martin, Nancy M.
Gender and the Negotiation of Daily Life in Mexico, 1750-1856 by Lipsett-Rivera, Sonya
Ambiguous Pleasures: Sexuality and Middle Class Self-Perceptions in Nairobi by Spronk, Rachel
Recalling the Scent of Memory: Celebrating 100 Issues of Feminist Review: Feminist Review: Issue 100 by
Space Oddities: Women and Outer Space in Popular Film and Culture, 1960-2000 by Lathers, Marie
Shifting Sands by Gitaa, Moraa, Moraa, Gitaa
Gender and Community Under British Colonialism: Emotion, Struggle and Politics in a Chinese Village by Cheung, Siu Keung
Reshaping the Work-Family Debate: Why Men and Class Matter by Williams, Joan C.
Upside Down: The Paradoxes of Gender in the Twenty-first Century by Waring, Robert L.
Brothers Born of One Mother: British-Native American Relations in the Colonial Southeast by LeMaster, Michelle
Murder, Gender and the Media: Narratives of Dangerous Love by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The New Gilded Age: The Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time by
The New Gilded Age: The Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time by
Ethnocinema: Intercultural Arts Education by Harris, Anne M.
Utopian Images and Narratives in Advertising: Dreams for Sale by
Männerpolitik: Was Jungen, Männer Und Väter Stark Macht by
Gender and Genetics: Sociology of the Prenatal by Reed, Kate
Housewives of Japan: An Ethnography of Real Lives and Consumerized Domesticity by Goldstein-Gidoni, O.
Social Change and Intersectional Activism: The Spirit of Social Movement by Doetsch-Kidder, Sharon
A Monarchy of Letters: Royal Correspondence and English Diplomacy in the Reign of Elizabeth I by Allinson, Rayne
Social Change and Intersectional Activism: The Spirit of Social Movement by Doetsch-Kidder, Sharon
Three Medieval Queens: Queenship and the Crown in Fourteenth-Century England by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Encyclopedia of Gender in Media by
Looking South: Race, Gender, and the Transformation of Labor from Reconstruction to Globalization by Frederickson, Mary E.
Teaching "Race" with a Gendered Edge by
Women and the Media in Asia: The Precarious Self by
The Language of Men: A Memoir by D'Aries, Anthony
Global Perspectives on Migration and Development: Gfmd Puerto Vallarta and Beyond by
Regulation of Sexual Conduct in Un Peacekeeping Operations by Simic, Olivera
Queer Youth Suicide, Culture and Identity: Unliveable Lives? by Cover, Rob
Exposing Feminism: The Thirty Years' War Against Men by O'Pie, Swayne
The Book of Esther by Brodie, Leanna
Holy Motherhood: Gender, Dynasty and Visual Culture in the Later Middle Ages by L'Estrange, Elizabeth
Gender and Media Diversity Journal. Gender, Popular Culture and Media Freedom by
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