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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2016

Gender, Rhetoric and Regulation: Women's Work in the Civil Service and the London County Council, 1900-55 by Glew, Helen
Girlhood and the Politics of Place by
The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Choson Korea by Kim, Jisoo M.
Girlhood and the Politics of Place by
Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics by
Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science by
Contract Children. Questioning Surrogacy by Danna, Daniela
Contract Children: Questioning Surrogacy by Danna, Daniela
The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer: Gender Training and Gender Expertise by
Revisiting Gender Inequality: Perspectives from the People's Republic of China by Dongchao, Min, Wang, Qi
Gender Inequalities and Development in Latin America During the Twentieth Century by Camou, María Magdalena, Maubrigades, Silvana, Thorp, Rosemary
Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Sex Workers and Criminalization in North America and China: Ethical and Legal Issues in Exclusionary Regimes by Orchard, Treena, Dewey, Susan, Zheng, Tiantian
The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development: Critical Engagements in Feminist Theory and Practice by
Revisiting Gender Inequality: Perspectives from the People's Republic of China by Dongchao, Min, Wang, Qi
Recovering Armenia: The Limits of Belonging in Post-Genocide Turkey by Ekmekcioglu, Lerna
Recovering Armenia: The Limits of Belonging in Post-Genocide Turkey by Ekmekcioglu, Lerna
Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen mit Behinderungen: Ausmaße, Entstehungsbedingungen und Strategien zum Abbau von Gewalt im Kontext von Geschlechts-, Sexua by Hiemstra, Heike
Bondage of Self: Second Edition by Riordan, Kaitlin Sine
Intersectionality: An Intellectual History by Hancock, Ange-Marie
Women: The Last Chance For The Africa by Igodo, Christian
Gender-Neutral Language Reform. Necessary Process, or Mere Demand of Hypersensitive Feminists? by Amthor, Juliane
Women, Employment and the Family in the International Division of Labour by
Gender Equality in Context: Policies and Practices in Switzerland by
Pandita Ramabai: Life and landmark writings by Kosambi, Meera
Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film by Smith, Carol R., Davies, Jude
Of Women 'Inside': Prison Voices from India by Shankardass, Rani Dhavan
Rethinking Agency: Developmentalism, Gender and Rights by Madhok, Sumi
Novelist Tagore: Gender and Modernity in Selected Texts by Chakravarty, Radha
Escaping the World: Women Renouncers among Jains by Sethi, Manisha
Beyond the Apsara: Celebrating Dance in Cambodia by
Gender & Social Protection Strategies in the Informal Economy by Kabeer, Naila
Medicine and Morality in Egypt: Gender and Sexuality in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries by Gadelrab, Sherry Sayed
The National Body in Mexican Literature: Collective Challenges to Biopolitical Control by Janzen, Rebecca
Queer International Relations: Sovereignty, Sexuality and the Will to Knowledge by Weber, Cynthia
Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa: Narratives of Triumph and Loss by Morojele, Naleli Mpho Soledad
Gender, Artwork and the Global Imperative: A Materialist Feminist Critique by Dimitrakaki, Angela
Women's Rights and Human Rights: International Historical Perspectives by Holmes, K., Lake, M., Grimshaw, P.
Overcoming Gender Inequalities through Technology Integration by
Frauen - Männer - Karrieren: Eine Sozialpsychologische Perspektive Auf Frauen in Männlich Geprägten Arbeitskontexten by Steffens, Melanie, Ebert, Irena D.
Sneakers: Fashion, Gender, and Subculture by Kawamura, Yuniya
Ovid on Cosmetics: Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts by Johnson, Marguerite
Ovid on Cosmetics: Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts by Johnson, Marguerite
Violence and the Pornographic Imaginary: The Politics of Sex, Gender, and Aggression in Hardcore Pornography by Purcell, Natalie
The Politics of Knowledge on African Sexualities and its Effect on Women's Health. A Case of the Sabiny Female Genital Mutilation by Kisitu, Gyaviira
De l'assujettissement des femmes by Mill, John Stuart
Gender: ascesa e dittatura della teoria che "non esiste" La storia, l'evoluzione, i dati, la verità by Di Pietro, Carlo, Pace, Aurelio
Fashioning Diaspora: Beauty, Femininity, and South Asian American Culture by Reddy, Vanita
Gendered Geographies in Puerto Rican Culture: Spaces, Sexualities, Solidarities by Rangelova, Radost
Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of Femininity by
Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Steelworkers by Balay, Anne
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion-Dollar Customer by Shekar, S., Ellwood, I.
The Separation Solution?: Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality by Williams, Juliet A.
The Separation Solution?: Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality by Williams, Juliet A.
Maid in the USA: 10th Anniversary Edition by Romero, Mary
Mainstream AIDS Theatre, the Media, and Gay Civil Rights: Making the Radical Palatable by Juntunen, Jacob
Doing Gender Discourse: Subjektivation Von Mädchen Und Jungen in Der Schule by Jäckle, Monika, Eck, Sandra, Schnell, Meta
All Dolled Up by Meier, Anika
Ethnographie - Pädagogik - Geschlecht: Projekte Und Perspektiven Aus Der Kindheits- Und Jugendforschung by
Gender-Rhetorik: Persuasionsstrategische Differenzen Weiblicher Und Männlicher Studierender by De Luca-Hellwig, Zarah
Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe Since the Long 1960s by
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion Dollar Customer by Ellwood, I., Shekar, S.
Learning Bodies: The Body in Youth and Childhood Studies by
Queer Youth, Suicide and Self-Harm: Troubled Subjects, Troubling Norms by McDermott, E., Roen, K.
Women and the Media in Asia: The Precarious Self by
Irre Ärzte Gott Und Teufel - Perdulcis' Psychiatrie Im Ideenfeld Der Frühen Neuzeit by Steiner, Luna Gertrud
Pops in Pop Culture: Fatherhood, Masculinity, and the New Man by
Women Educators, Leaders and Activists: Educational Lives and Networks 1900-1960 by Fitzgerald, Tanya, Smyth, Elizabeth M.
Negotiating Respect: Pentecostalism, Masculinity, and the Politics of Spiritual Authority in the Dominican Republic by Thornton, Brendan Jamal
A History of Virility by
Women, Political Struggles and Gender Equality in South Asia by
Regulating Women: Policymaking and Practice in the UK by Cooper, Sarah
The Face of the Firm: Corporate Hegemonic Masculinity at Work by Gregory, Michele Rene
Women Doing Life: Gender, Punishment and the Struggle for Identity by Lempert, Lora Bex
Women Doing Life: Gender, Punishment and the Struggle for Identity by Lempert, Lora Bex
Women, Work and Sociability in Early Modern London by Reinke-Williams, T.
Regulating Women: Policymaking and Practice in the UK by Cooper, Sarah
Raising Ryland by Whittington, Hillary
Weiblichkeit in Japan. Sexualität, Ehe, Gesellschaft, Ausbildung und Arbeitsmark by Mester, Anita
Country Boys and Redneck Women: New Essays in Gender and Country Music by
Being and Becoming. Gender, Culture and Shifting Identity in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The Face of the Firm: Corporate Hegemonic Masculinity at Work by Gregory, Michele Rene
Intersex Narratives: Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture by Amato, Viola
Violent Women in Contemporary Cinema by Loreck, Janice
The Future of Men: Men on Trial by Myers, Jack
Transnationale Unternehmen Und Geschlecht: Eine Praxeologische Organisationsanalyse by Gruhlich, Julia
Gender Und Burnout: Erlebte Gerechtigkeit Bei Männern Und Frauen Im Berufs- Und Privatleben by Esser, Vera
The Body: A Very Short Introduction by Shilling, Chris
Medizin - Gesundheit - Geschlecht: Eine Gesundheitswissenschaftliche Perspektive by
Health Inequities Related to Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: The Role of Social Policy in the United States, Germany, and Norway by Larsen, Mandi M.
Feminist Political Theory by Bryson, Valerie
Reading from Behind: A Cultural Analysis of the Anus by Allan, Jonathan A.
The Big Move: Life Between the Turning Points by Karpen, Ruth Ray, Kivnick, Helen Q., Wyatt-Brown, Anne M.
Abstinence Cinema: Virginity and the Rhetoric of Sexual Purity in Contemporary Film by Kelly, Casey Ryan
Gender Quotas and Democratic Participation: Recruiting Candidates for Elective Offices in Germany by Davidson-Schmich, Louise K.
Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men: Bi Men By Women by Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria
Abstinence Cinema: Virginity and the Rhetoric of Sexual Purity in Contemporary Film by Kelly, Casey Ryan
Five Bells: Being LGBT in Australia by Papalexandris, Jenny
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Serano, Julia
Staged Seduction: Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club by Takeyama, Akiko
Bei Mir Bist Du Schön...: Kritische Reflexionen Über Konzepte Von Schönheit Und Körperlichkeit by
Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society: The Fathers' Perspective by Ruspini, Elisabetta, Crespi, Isabella
Staged Seduction: Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club by Takeyama, Akiko
Studies in Feminism by Biswas, Lilack
Diversity Among Architects: From Margin to Center by Wilkins, Craig
Social Security and Wage Poverty: Historical and Policy Aspects of Supplementing Wages in Britian and Beyond by Grover, Chris
Reading from Behind: A Cultural Analysis of the Anus by Allan, Jonathan A.
Critical Trauma Studies: Understanding Violence, Conflict and Memory in Everyday Life by
Critical Trauma Studies: Understanding Violence, Conflict and Memory in Everyday Life by
Diversity Among Architects: From Margin to Center by Wilkins, Craig
Motherhood and Work in Contemporary Japan by Junko, Nishimura
Gender, Power and Political Speech: Women and Language in the 2015 UK General Election by Cameron, Deborah, Shaw, Sylvia
Normative Orientierungen in Berufs- Und Lebensentwürfen Junger Frauen by Plößer, Melanie, Geipel, Karen, Micus-Loos, Christiane
Straight Talk About Homosexuality: The Other Side of Tolerance by Cohen, Richard
Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/Homo Normativities by
Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/Homo Normativities by
Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern Europe: A History from the French Revolution to the Present Day by Timm, Annette F., Sanborn, Joshua A.
Women in Politics and Media: Perspectives from Nations in Transition by
Religion, Gender and Citizenship: Women of Faith, Gender Equality and Feminism by Nyhagen, Line, Halsaa, B.
The Political Battle of the Sexes: Exploring the Sources of Gender Gaps in Policy Preferences by Caughell, Leslie A.
The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations by
Rebalancing the World: Why Women Belong and Men Compete and How to Restore the Ancient Equilibrium by Flinders, Carol L.
Die Türkei Im Spannungsfeld Von Kollektivismus Und Diversität: Junge Perspektiven Der Türkeiforschung in Deutschland by
Human Rights Education Through Ciné Débat: Film as a Tool to Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation in Burkina Faso by Richter, Johanna
Die Emanzipation der Frau in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Geschichtlicher Rückblick und aktuelle Entwicklung by Tavornik, Johanna Stephanie
Beyond Machismo: Intersectional Latino Masculinities by Hurtado, Aída, Sinha, Mrinal
Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform by Xu, F.
Gender Considerations in Online Consumption Behavior and Internet Use by
Women, Dance and Revolution: Performance and Protest in the Southern Mediterranean by Martin, Rose
Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns, 1780-1870 by Midgley, Clare
Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality by
Etre Transboy Quand Rosie devient Louis: Quand Rosie devient Louis by Boisvert, Benoit
Challenging the Myth of Gender Equality in Sweden by
Gendering Women: Identity and Mental Wellbeing Through the Lifecourse by Clisby, Suzanne, Holdsworth, Julia
Irrsinnig Weiblich - Psychische Krisen Im Frauenleben: Hilfestellung Für Die PRAXIS by
New Feminism in China: Young Middle-Class Chinese Women in Shanghai by Zheng, Jiaran
As Long as We Both Shall Love: The White Wedding in Postwar America by Dunak, Karen M.
Statistical Profiles of Women's and Men's Status in the Economy, Science and Society by
Women in the Academy: Learning from Our Diverse Career Pathways by
Your Trojan Whorse: The Manual of Female Ownership by LaFond, James
Women of Ice and Fire: Gender, Game of Thrones and Multiple Media Engagements by
The Making of Masculinities (Routledge Revivals): The New Men's Studies by Brod, Harry
Gender and Crime: A Human Rights Approach by Crowther-Dowey, Chris, Silvestri, Marisa
Gender and Crime: A Human Rights Approach by Crowther-Dowey, Chris, Silvestri, Marisa
Women of Ice and Fire: Gender, Game of Thrones and Multiple Media Engagements by
Global Women Leaders: Studies in Feminist Political Rhetoric by
The Knotted Subject: Hysteria and Its Discontents by Bronfen, Elisabeth
Dueling: The Cult of Honor in Fin-De-Siècle Germany by McAleer, Kevin
Divine Decadence: Fascism, Female Spectacle, and the Makings of Sally Bowles by Mizejewski, Linda
The Changing Role of Women in Bengal, 1849-1905 by Borthwick, Meredith
The Experiences of Tiresias: The Feminine and the Greek Man by Loraux, Nicole
Remaking Manhood: Stories From the Front Lines of Change by Greene, Mark C.
Gender and Forests: Climate Change, Tenure, Value Chains and Emerging Issues by
Male-To-Female Crossdressing in Early Modern English Literature: Gender, Performance, and Queer Relations by Chess, Simone
The King's Mindset: Twenty Mindsets to Transform Ordinary Men into Kings by Liu, Min
Die Frau im Orient aus der Sicht des Okzidents. Entsprechen die westlichen Stereotype der tatsächlichen Stellung der orientalischen Frau? by Gökce, Ayse
Gender and Family in East Asia by
Language and Masculinities: Performances, Intersections, Dislocations by
Engendering the Buddhist State: Territory, Sovereignty and Sexual Difference in the Inventions of Angkor by Thompson, Ashley
Men and Their Dogs: A New Understanding of Man's Best Friend by
Kinship, Love, and Life Cycle in Contemporary Havana, Cuba: To Not Die Alone by Härkönen, Heidi
Indecent Exposure: Gender, Politics, and Obscene Comedy in Middle English Literature by Sidhu, Nicole Nolan
Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Cultures by Ozyegin, Gul
Gender Transitions Along Borders: The Northern Borderlands of Mexico and Morocco by
Japanische Populärkultur Und Gender: Ein Studienbuch by
Crossing the Gulf: Love and Family in Migrant Lives by Mahdavi, Pardis
Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life by Garber, Marjorie
Houses, Secrets, and the Closet: Locating Masculinities from the Gothic Novel to Henry James by Bauer, Gero
Sociology of the Body: A Reader by Malacrida, Claudia, Low, Jacqueline
Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography by
Routledge Handbook of Sport, Gender and Sexuality by
Dancing the Feminine: Gender and Identity Performances by Indonesian Migrant Women by Winarnita, Monika Swasti
Behind the Wireless: A History of Early Women at the BBC by Murphy, Kate
Teaching Gender and Sex in Contemporary America by
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on LGBT Workforce Diversity by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Discrimination: Gender Bias in Personnel Selection by Keinert-Kisin, Christina
Übergänge Von Der Schule in Ausbildung Und Beruf: Junge Frauen Mit Migrationshintergrund Zwischen Anpassung Und Distanzierung by Lichtwardt, Nina Theresa
Diskurse Über Migrantinnen in Schweizer Integrationsprojekten: Zwischen Normalisierung Von Prekarität Und Konditionierung Zur Markttauglichkeit by Bachmann, Susanne
Female Business Owners in Public Relations: Constructing Identity at Home and at Work by Weidhaas, Allison
The Changing Dynamics of Bisexual Men's Lives: Social Research Perspectives by McCormack, Mark, Anderson, Eric
Gender(ed) Identities: Critical Rereadings of Gender in Children's and Young Adult Literature by
A Single Guy's Guide to Predatory Women (Vol. 1, Lipstick and War Crimes Series): Navigating Survival, Heart Break and the Media Matrix by Songtree, Ray
West and the World, 1400 to Present by Reilly, Kevin
Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis by
Understanding Gender in Maldives: Toward Inclusive Development by Elhorr, Jana, Pande, Rohini P.
Women in Revolutionary Egypt: Gender and the New Geographics of Identity by Abouelnaga, Shereen
Beyond the Binary: Thinking about Sex and Gender by Dea, Shannon
Equality: The Impossible Quest by Van Creveld, Martin
Frauen im Rechtsextremismus. Untersuchung mit den Schwerpunkten Sexismus und Feminismus by Watterott, Nadine
Gender Identity and Research Relationships by
Hochschulorganisation Und Geschlecht in Veränderten Bildungswelten: Eine Modernisierungstheoretische Verortung by Franzke, Astrid
Current Concepts in Transgender Identity by Denny, Dallas
India's Women: Domestic Violence and Condom Acceptability in India: The Perspective of Married Women in the Slums of Mumbai by Walia Talwar, Rachna
Gendering European Integration Theory: Engaging New Dialogues by
Tonsetzerinnen: Zur Rezeption Von Komponistinnen in Deutschland Um 1800 by Heckmann, Ruth
Race, Gender, and Class in the Tea Party: What the Movement Reflects about Mainstream Ideologies by Burke, Meghan A.
Gender and Genre: German Women Write the French Revolution by Hilger, Stephanie M.
A Herstory of Transmasculine Identities: An Annotated Anthology by Brown, Michael Eric
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