• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2018

Queer Argentina: Movement Towards the Closet in a Global Time by Edwards, Matthew J.
Shikhandi by Pattanaik, Devdutt
Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements by Singh, Julietta
Developing the Right to Social Security - A Gender Perspective by Goldblatt, Beth
Sexuality, Gender, and Policy: Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 2017 by de Los Reyes, Guillermo
Dolly Parton, Gender, and Country Music by Edwards, Leigh H.
Dolly Parton, Gender, and Country Music by Edwards, Leigh H.
Celebrating Performance: Cabaret Performing Artists of Koh Samui, Thailand by Project, Performing Dignity, Le Grange, J. J.
Genderqueer and Non-Binary Genders by
Pandita Ramabai: Life and landmark writings by Kosambi, Meera
Finding a Voice: Asian Women in Britain (New and Expanded Edition) by Wilson, Amrit
Political Correctness. Language Change from Above by Tokarev, Valera
Domestic Violence in Hollywood Film: Gaslighting by Shoos, Diane L.
Being and Becoming Professionally Other: Identities, Voices, and Experiences of U.S. Trans* Academics by Pitcher, Erich N.
The Social Life of Gender by Ray, Raka, Carlson, Jennifer, Andrews, Abigail
The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century Russia and the Soviet Union by
Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture by
A man wearing a dress by Koenig, Glenn C.
Passagen Des Exils / Passages of Exile by
Gender, Conflict, Peace, and UNSC Resolution 1325 by
Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict by Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala
Aesthetic Labour: Rethinking Beauty Politics in Neoliberalism by
Berliner Entmündigungsverfahren Gegen Frauen Von 1900-1933: "Geisteskrank, Lügenhaft Und Sexuell Verwahrlost" by Carri, Christiane
Drag Queens I Big Kids Coloring Book: Adult Coloring Book by Schroeder, K. a.
Violent Women in Contemporary Theatres: Staging Resistance by Taylor Porter, Nancy
Fierce Feminine Divinities of Eurasia and Latin America: Baba Yaga, Kālī, Pombagira, and Santa Muerte by Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, Malgorzata
Familie - Beruf - Karriere: Daten, Analysen Und Instrumente Zur Vereinbarkeit by
Gesundheit Hinter Gittern: Gesundheitsförderung Und -Versorgung Aus Sicht Von Inhaftierten Frauen by Ochmann, Nadine
Supporting Young Men as Fathers: Gendered Understandings of Group-Based Community Provisions by Hanna, Esmée
Rape on the Contemporary Stage by Fitzpatrick, Lisa
Trans: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability Volume 3 by Halberstam, Jack
Same-Sex Marriage and Social Media: How Online Networks Accelerated the Marriage Equality Movement by Gibson, Rhonda
Female Mobility and Gendered Space in Ancient Greek Myth by Konstantinou, Ariadne
Hitchcock's Appetites: The Corpulent Plots of Desire and Dread by McKittrick, Casey
Gender, Care and Migration in East Asia by
Same-Sex Marriage and Social Media: How Online Networks Accelerated the Marriage Equality Movement by Gibson, Rhonda
Early Childhood, Aging, and the Life Cycle: Mapping Common Ground by Silin, Jonathan G.
it gets cold by Avery, J.
Antifeminismus in Bewegung by
Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte der Gesundheitsförderung bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen by Weber, Steffen
Being and Becoming Professionally Other: Identities, Voices, and Experiences of U.S. Trans* Academics by Pitcher, Erich N.
Female Bodies and Sexuality in Iran and the Search for Defiance by Sharifi, Nafiseh
Women in European Holocaust Films: Perpetrators, Victims and Resisters by Lewis, Ingrid
Compensated Dating: Buying and Selling Sex in Cyberspace by Chu, Cassini Sai Kwan
Sexualities and Genders in Education: Towards Queer Thriving by Greteman, Adam J.
Gender Before Birth: Sex Selection in a Transnational Context by Bhatia, Rajani
Gender Before Birth: Sex Selection in a Transnational Context by Bhatia, Rajani
Transsexuelles Outing. Auswirkungen auf das Individuum und dessen Umfeld by Ernst, Sannah
Kinder in Regenbogenfamilien by Mannes, Jeff
Rethinking Difference in Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Music: Theory and Politics of Ambiguity by
Gender, Age, and Digital Games in the Domestic Context by Harvey, Alison
Frenemies: Feminists, Conservatives, and Sexual Violence by Whittier, Nancy
Lesbian Geographies: Gender, Place and Power by Browne, Kath, Ferreira, Eduarda
Poverty and Social Exclusion During and After Poland's Transition to Capitalism: Four Generations of Women in a Post-Industrial City Tell Their Life S by
Flâneuse: Women Walk the City in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Venice, and London by Elkin, Lauren
Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression by Diplacidi, Jenny
Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University: Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures by
Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers: Gender, Sex, and Power in Popular Culture by
Gender Representation in Learning Materials: International Perspectives by
Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research by
Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research by
101 Lies Men Tell Women -- And Why Women Believe Them by Hollander, Dory
Go the Way Your Blood Beats: On Truth, Bisexuality and Desire by Amherst, Michael
Postfeminism and the Fatale Figure in Neo-Noir Cinema by Lindop, Samantha
Gender, Sex, and Sexualities: Psychological Perspectives by
Contemporary Cinema and 'Old Age': Gender and the Silvering of Stardom by Dolan, Josephine
Researching Sex and Sexualities by
Researching Sex and Sexualities by
The Gender Effect: Capitalism, Feminism, and the Corporate Politics of Development by Moeller, Kathryn
Citizens by Degree: Higher Education Policy and the Changing Gender Dynamics of American Citizenship by Rose, Deondra
The Gender Effect: Capitalism, Feminism, and the Corporate Politics of Development by Moeller, Kathryn
After Difference: Queer Activism in Italy and Anthropological Theory by Heywood, Paolo
Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity 'Fraud': Reframing the Legal and Ethical Debate by Sharpe, Alex
Everyday Gender at Work in Taiwan by Chin, Ting-Fang
Maybe He's Not Gay -- Second Edition by Harvey, Linda
A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe by
Alter Und Geschlecht: Soziale Verhältnisse Und Kulturelle Repräsentationen by
The Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination of the LGBT Community. A Comparison Between the United States and Kenya by Nyaguthi, Michelle
Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment by
Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives by
The Vocation of Sara Coleridge: Authorship and Religion by Schofield, Robin
Clever Girls and the Literature of Women's Upward Mobility by Eagleton, Mary
New Approaches in History and Theology to Same-Sex Love and Desire by
Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing by Hicks, Mar
Väterforschung Und Väterarbeit in Der Migrationsgesellschaft: Rassismuskritische Und Intersektionale Perspektiven by Tunç, Michael
A History of Child Welfare by Merkel-Holguin, Lisa
Perceptions of Self, Power, & Gender Among Muslim Women: Narratives from a Rural Community in Bangladesh by Alam, Sarwar
Where the Millennials Will Take Us: A New Generation Wrestles with the Gender Structure by Risman, Barbara J.
Pourquoi les femmes utilisent-elles internet en afrique? by Tagne-E
Autonomisation de la femme mariée en matière professionnelle by Lumingu-Y
Eve En Solitudes by Hoste-J
Le Masque Et Le Visage by Adell-N
Le Genre Dans Le Champ Associatif by Hountin-S
Les Francs-Maçonnes: Des Frères Pas Comme Les Autres by Petitbon-F
Femme Touarègue Face Aux Inégalités Du Système Éducatif Moderne by Aboubacrine-T
Le Vécu de Femmes Vivant La Maternité En Dépression Majeure by Darisse-N
La Sexua-Logie: Une Proposition Pour Étudier La Sexualité by Viola-F
Etre Femme Immigrée Latino-Américaine En Espagne by Willaume-A
Femmes Aux Postes de Gestion En Tunisie Et Au Maroc by Briere-S
Capital Social, Instrument d''autonomisation Des Femmes by Traore-F
Femmes Sourdes: Contraception Et Éducation À La Sexualité by Clavel-M
Pratiques, Représentations Et Attentes Contraceptives Des Hommes by Desjeux-C
Les Femmes Et Les Processus de Paix by Kerkeni-L
Violences Familiales À l'Encontre Des Femmes Mariées Qui Travaillent by Houria Zmiri-A
Poétique de la Séduction Dans Les Nouvelles de María de Zayas by Costa Pascal-A
Les Femmes Et La Création de l''identité Nationale Roumaine by Barascu-A
Femmes Sans Enfants by Paltineau-M
de l''encadrement À La Dimension Du Genre: Les Femmes À La Sncf by Mallet-I
La Qualité de l''emploi Selon Une Typologie En 12 Groupes by Cloutier-L
La Bourgeoise Respectable by B. Lu
Inégalités de Mortalité Des Enfants Selon Le Sexe Au Congo Brazzaville by DIMI-A
Expérience Du Corps, Expérience de l'Espace by Fournand-A
Les Femmes Entrepreneuses En Ville de Butembo by Kasula-F
Quand Le Genre s'En Mèle by Samii-C
Women in the Military by
Women in Austria by Bischof, Gunter
Excision Et Rapports Sociaux de Sexe En Afrique de l'Ouest by Oliveros-F
Le Tabou Linguistique: Étude Sociolinguistique by Nedjai-F
Femmes Et Gouvernance Locale En Côte d'Ivoire by Mobio-L
Cinéma Et Représentation Des Femmes À La Cour de Louis XIV by Cuif-J
Vécu de l'Accouchement Et Reprise de la Sexualité Dans Le Postpartum by Brulebois-M
Genre et stéréotypes de sexe by Maini-K
Millennial Age of Chivalry by Parker, Brice
Millennial Age of Chivalry by Parker, Brice
Confessions Of A Melanated Queen: Complexities Of The Modern Black Woman by Meeks, Lauren T.
Female Football Players and Fans: Intruding Into a Man's World by
German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century by
100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment: An Appraisal of Women's Political Activism by
Beyond a Binary God: A Theology for Trans* Allies by Soughers, Tara K.
Polizist - Traumberuf Oder Trauma: Sekundäre Traumatisierung, Salutogenese Und Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung by Körper, Harald, Körper, Andrea
Emanzipation in Der Kinderladenbewegung: Wie Das Private Politisch Wurde by Mauritz, Miriam
Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy by Grahn-Wilder, Malin
New Perspectives on Prison Masculinities by
Identity in Professional Wrestling: Essays on Nationality, Race and Gender by
Soziale Konstruktion von Geschlechtern. Der Einfluss von tradierten Rollenmustern bei der Berufswahl by Krause, Frank
Queering Contemporary Gothic Narrative 1970-2012 by Palmer, Paulina
Devotions and Desires: Histories of Sexuality and Religion in the Twentieth-Century United States by
Devotions and Desires: Histories of Sexuality and Religion in the Twentieth-Century United States by
Power of Gentleness: Meditations on the Risk of Living by Dufourmantelle, Anne
Struggling for Ordinary: Media and Transgender Belonging in Everyday Life by Cavalcante, Andre
The Making of Female University Presidents in China by Yu, Kai, Wang, Yinhan
The Transformation of Title IX: Regulating Gender Equality in Education by Melnick, R. Shep
Struggling for Ordinary: Media and Transgender Belonging in Everyday Life by Cavalcante, Andre
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong-And the New Research That's Rewriting the Story by Saini, Angela
Power of Gentleness: Meditations on the Risk of Living by Dufourmantelle, Anne
Summers of Fire: A Memoir of Adventure, Love and Courage by Strader, Linda
Men and Feminism in India by
Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 1 by
Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 2 by
Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 3 by
Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 4 by
Kontrollierte (Un)Ordnungen Der Gesellschaft: Das Beispiel Prostitution by Ruhne, Renate
The Mutant Male: The Origin of the Male Gender by Gora, L. J.
Les Femmes dans la Société et dans la Littérature by de Mazade, Charles
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Hartke, Austen
Sexo, drogas & religión: Debates y políticas públicas sobre drogas y sexualidad en la Argentina democrática by Jones, Daniel
Sexual Crime, Religion and Masculinity in Fin-De-Siècle France: The Flamidien Affair by Verhoeven, Timothy
New Perspectives on the History of Facial Hair: Framing the Face by
The Schism of '68: Catholicism, Contraception and Humanae Vitae in Europe, 1945-1975 by
The Psychology of Sex by Barker, Meg John
Rewriting the Sexual Contract by Dench, Geoff
Gender Inequalities in Rural European Communities During 19th and Early 20th Century: A Historical Perspective by Thanailaki, Polly
Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe: Mobilizing against Equality by
Transgender America: Spirit, Identity, And The Emergence Of The Third Gender by Howe, S. F.
Bisexuality: Theories, Research, and Recommendations for the Invisible Sexuality by
Namen und Geschlechter by
Gender and Political Violence: Women Changing the Politics of Terrorism by Ortbals, Candice D., Poloni-Staudinger, Lori M.
Current Critical Debates in the Field of Transsexual Studies: In Transition by
Current Critical Debates in the Field of Transsexual Studies: In Transition by
Marriage Trafficking: Women in Forced Wedlock by Quek, Kaye
New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment by
Orienting Feminism: Media, Activism and Cultural Representation by
Counselling Skills for Working with Gender Diversity and Identity by Beattie, Michael, Lenihan, Penny
The 21 Laws of Being an Exotic Dancer by Allen, Darius
Frauen in Führungspositionen. Karriere- und Aufstiegschancen by Diße, Corinna
Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies by
Written on the Body: Letters from Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence by
Prekäre Gleichstellung: Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Soziale Ungleichheit Und Unsichere Arbeitsverhältnisse in Der Wissenschaft by
Making Multicultural Families in Europe: Gender and Intergenerational Relations by
Local Invisibility, Postcolonial Feminisms: Asian American Contemporary Artists in California by Fantone, Laura
Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries by Andersson Djurfeldt, Agnes
Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries by
Roar Like a Woman: How Feminists Think Women Suck and Men Rock by Ritchie, Natalie
Race, Ethnicity and the Women's Movement in England, 1968-1993 by Thomlinson, Natalie
Sexting: Motives and Risk in Online Sexual Self-Presentation by
Biografische Wandlungen Ehemals Organisierter Rechtsextremer: Eine Biografieanalytische Und Geschlechterreflektierende Untersuchung by Sigl, Johanna
Supporting Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action, Revised Edition by
Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys: Women and Gay Male Pornography and Erotica by Neville, Lucy
The Legacy of Second-Wave Feminism in American Politics by
Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Exploring the Toxicity of Lateral Violence and Microaggressions: Poison in the Water Cooler by
The Unmade Bed: The Messy Truth about Men and Women in the 21st Century by Marche, Stephen
Learning to Belong in the World: An Ethnography of Asian American Girls by Tokunaga, Tomoko
Contemporary Central American Fiction: Gender, Subjectivity and Affect by Browitt, Jeffrey
Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science by
Cultivating Femininity: Women and Tea Culture in EDO and Meiji Japan by Corbett, Rebecca
Low-Income Islamist Women and Social Economy in Iran by Sattari, Negin, Bahramitash, Roksana, Sadegh, Atena
Learning Bodies: The Body in Youth and Childhood Studies by
Women, Monstrosity and Horror Film: Gynaehorror by Harrington, Erin
Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls... Coloring Book by Bunnell, Jacinta
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