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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2020

Loving Women: Being Lesbian in Unprivileged India by Sharma, Maya
LGBTQI+ in the Basque Country by
Sexual Culture in Germany in the 1970s: A Golden Age for Queers? by
Gender, Sexuality and Race in the Digital Age by
Breaking the Binaries in Security Studies: A Gendered Analysis of Women in Combat by Harel-Shalev, Ayelet, Daphna-Tekoah, Shir
Aquatische Erkenntnisräume Im Poetischen Realismus: Zur Kultur- Und Motivgeschichte Des Wassers by Haude, Ann-Kristin
Love and Violence: The Vexatious Factors of Civilization by Melandri, Lea
Organizing for Transgender Rights: Collective Action, Group Development, and the Rise of a New Social Movement by Nownes, Anthony J.
Gendering the Renaissance Commonwealth by Becker, Anna
He She They: That is the question --- God's answer by Bradford, Terie
Domestic Labor in Twenty-First Century Latin American Cinema by
Feminist Advocacy and Activism in State Institutions: Investigating the Representation of Women's Issues and Concerns in the Jamaican Legislature by Coore-Hall, Jacqueline A.
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Orenstein, Peggy
Proximity of Other Skins: Ethical Intimacy in Global Cinema by Parrenas Shimizu, Celine
Understanding Doulas and Childbirth: Women, Love, and Advocacy by Hurst, Abby, Hunter, Cheryl A.
Doing Feminist Research in Political and Social Science by Ackerly, Brooke A., True, Jacqui
Gender, Sexual Identity, and Families: The Personal Is Political: Groves Monographs on Marriage and Family (Volume 5) by Lyness, Kevin P.
Representation in Steven Universe by
PornSexual Orientation: Porn Dependent Sexuality in the Digital Age: Porn is the new sexuality by Harley, Mistress
Female Prisons Around the World by Crewe, Helen
Inspirational quotes from remarkable women and girls: Provide motivation and inspiration for your daily challenges by Rosenberg, Sheila
In the Name of ISIL. Reflections on the Status of Women in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant by Scheithauer, Anna
Inspirational quotes from remarkable women and girls: Provide motivation and inspiration for your daily challenges by Watkins, Jameka
A Feminist Post-transsexual Autoethnography: Challenging Normative Gender Coercion by Peters, Julie Elizabeth
Sibling Action: The Genealogical Structure of Modernity by Engelstein, Stefani
Modern Vintage Homes & Leisure Lives: Ghosts & Glamour by Holland, Samantha
Queer in Africa: LGBTQI Identities, Citizenship, and Activism by
Gender, Conflict and International Humanitarian Law: A critique of the 'principle of distinction' by Stern, Orly Maya
Acting Queer: Gender Dissidence and the Subversion of Realism by Alexandrowicz, Conrad
Feminist and Queer Theory: An Intersectional and Transnational Reader by Saraswati, L. Ayu, Shaw, Barbara L.
Kissing the Mask by Vollmann, William T.
Politics of Rightful Killing: Civil Society, Gender, and Sexuality in Weblogistan by Shakhsari, Sima
Abjection Incorporated: Mediating the Politics of Pleasure and Violence by
Aggressors in Blue: Exposing Police Sexual Misconduct by Barker, Tom
The Intersectionality of Women's Lives and Resistance by
El Machismo Invisible (Regresa) by Castañeda, Marina
Queering Drag: Redefining the Discourse of Gender-Bending by Heller, Meredith
Queering Drag: Redefining the Discourse of Gender-Bending by Heller, Meredith
Developing Women Leaders in the Academy through Enhanced Communication Strategies by
What's Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She by Baron, Dennis
Lebanese Women at the Crossroads: Caught between Sect and Nation by Hyndman-Rizk, Nelia
Gender and Survival in Soviet Russia: A Life in the Shadow of Stalin's Terror by Miklashevskaya, Ludmila
Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific: Rev. Simpson's "Improper Liberties" by Manktelow, Emily J.
Mastering Fear: Women, Emotions, and Contemporary Horror by Schubart, Rikke
Articles of Impeachment against Sex Change Surgery by Heyer, Walt
Trans Men in the South: Becoming Men by Rogers, Baker A.
Bathroom Battlegrounds: How Public Restrooms Shape the Gender Order by Davis, Alexander K.
Women Making Modernism by
Troubling Motherhood: Maternality in Global Politics by
An Apartment on Uranus: Chronicles of the Crossing by Preciado, Paul B.
Bathroom Battlegrounds: How Public Restrooms Shape the Gender Order by Davis, Alexander K.
Australian Mothering: Historical and Sociological Perspectives by
UK Feminist Cartoons and Comics: A Critical Survey by Streeten, Nicola
Indentured and Post-Indentured Experiences of Women in the Indian Diaspora by
Women, Migration and Asylum in Turkey: Developing Gender-Sensitivity in Migration Research, Policy and Practice by
Language Before Stonewall: Language, Sexuality, History by Leap, William L.
Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia by
Decolonizing and Feminizing Freedom: A Caribbean Genealogy by Noble, Denise
Comrades in Arms: Military Masculinities in East German Culture by Smith, Tom
The Freedom to Be: Stories from Transgender Youth, Adults, and Their Families by Ensign, Diana J.
The Woman as Slave in Nineteenth-Century American Social Movements by Stevenson, Ana
Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism by
Negotiating Respect: Pentecostalism, Masculinity, and the Politics of Spiritual Authority in the Dominican Republic by Thornton, Brendan Jamal
This Is How the Heart Beats: LGBTQ East Africa by Naughton, Jake, Kushner, Jacob
Fatale Männlichkeiten - Kollusive Weiblichkeiten: Die Furorwelt des Münchner Hitler. Folgen über Generationen by Gravenhorst, Lerke, Schäuble, Ingegerd, Kircher, Hanne
Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions by
Birthing Outside the System: The Canary in the Coal Mine by
Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism by
Rewriting Language: How Literary Texts Can Promote Inclusive Language Use by Luck, Christiane
Women Can't Paint: Gender, the Glass Ceiling and Values in Contemporary Art by Gorrill, Helen
Women Can't Paint: Gender, the Glass Ceiling and Values in Contemporary Art by Gorrill, Helen
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Freud, Sigmund
Pathways to Pacifism and Antiwar Activism among U.S. Veterans: The Role of Moral Identity in Personal Transformation by Hart, Julie Putnam, Stough-Hunter, Anjel N.
Diary as Literature: Through the Lens of Multiculturalism in America by
Gender Theory in Troubled Times by Lennon, Kathleen, Alsop, Rachel
Veil and Vow: Marriage Matters in Contemporary African American Culture by Henderson, Aneeka Ayanna
Encountering Difference: New Perspectives on Genre, Travel and Gender by
Sex Positive: Redefining Our Attitudes to Love & Sex by Neff, Kelly
Bodily Interventions and Intimate Labour: Understanding Bioprecarity by
Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society: The Fathers' Perspective by Crespi, Isabella, Ruspini, Elisabetta
African Women Under Fire: Literary Discourses in War and Conflict by Uwakweh, Pauline Ada
Social Security and Wage Poverty: Historical and Policy Aspects of Supplementing Wages in Britian and Beyond by Grover, Chris
Refusal: Poems by Molberg, Jenny
Social Freezing - Reproduktionsmedizin Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Risiko, Moral Und Verantwortung by Feiler, Julia
Trauma, Violence, and Lesbian Agency in Croatia and Serbia: Building Better Times by Bilic, Bojan
Intersections of Gender, Class, and Race in the Long Nineteenth Century and Beyond by
Psychologie Und Kritik: Formen Der Psychologisierung Nach 1945 by
Verletzungsprophylaxe Im Leistungssport: Spezifische Trainingseffekte Auf Biomechanische Risikofaktoren Von Kreuzbandverletzungen by Erdrich, Sabrina
Queering Narratives of Domestic Violence and Abuse: Victims And/Or Perpetrators? by Barnes, Rebecca, Donovan, Catherine
Performative Figuren Queerer Männlichkeit: Eine Mediengeschichte Von Film Und Kino in Deutschland Bis 1945 by König, Christiane
Intimate Assemblages: The Politics of Queer Identities and Sexualities in Indonesia by Wijaya, Hendri Yulius
Inspirational Quotes from Remarkable Women and Girls: Provide motivation and inspiration for your daily challenges by Bobker, David
Gender, Rhetoric and Regulation: Women's Work in the Civil Service and the London County Council, 1900-55 by Glew, Helen
Queer Religiosities: An Introduction to Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion by Wilcox, Melissa M.
Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics by Serisier, Tanya
The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date by Lamont, Ellen
Healing Labor: Japanese Sex Work in the Gendered Economy by Koch, Gabriele
The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date by Lamont, Ellen
Healing Labor: Japanese Sex Work in the Gendered Economy by Koch, Gabriele
Shakespeare and Sexuality in the Comedy of Morecambe & Wise by Hamrick, Stephen
Women Who Kill: Gender and Sexuality in Film and Series of the Post-Feminist Era by
Fictive Fathers in the Contemporary American Novel by Shostak, Debra
New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire: Comparative and Global Approaches by
Feminist Afterlives: Assemblage Memory in Activist Times by Chidgey, Red
The Gypsy Woman: Representations in Literature and Visual Culture by Matthews, Jodie
Toxic Masculinity, Casino Capitalism, and America's Favorite Card Game: The Poker Mindset by Manno, Andrew
Fat on Film: Gender, Race and Body Size in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema by Plotz, Barbara
The Spectrum of Sex: The Science of Male, Female, and Intersex by Nieto, Maria, Viloria, Hida
Revisiting the Yorkshire Ripper Murders: Histories of Gender, Violence and Victimhood by Wattis, Louise
Anständige Mädchen und selbstbewusste Rebellinnen: Aktuelle Selbstbilder identitärer Frauen by Haas, Julia
Women and the Ideology of Political Exclusion: From Classical Antiquity to the Modern Era by
Gender, Sport, and the Role of Alter Ego in Roller Derby by Arendt, Colleen
Feminist Interventions in Participatory Media: Pedagogy, Publics, Practice by
University and College Women's and Gender Equity Centers: The Changing Landscape by
Actresses and Mental Illness: Histrionic Heroines by Gregory, Fiona
The Nasty Woman and The Neo Femme Fatale in Contemporary Cinema by Piotrowska, Agnieszka
Rethinking Silence, Voice and Agency in Contested Gendered Terrains by
Willful Monstrosity: Gender and Race in 21st Century Horror by Wilson, Natalie
Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal by Widdows, Heather
GenderQueer: A Story from a Different Closet by Hunter, Allan D.
GenderQueer: A Story from a Different Closet by Hunter, Allan D.
Staring Down the Tiger: Stories of Hmong American Women by
Why Who Cleans Counts: What Housework Tells Us about American Family Life by N. Greenstein, Theodore, N. Davis, Shannon
Young Men Navigating Contemporary Masculinities by Elliott, Karla
Financing for Gender Equality: Realising Women's Rights Through Gender Responsive Budgeting by
A Community Based efforts of Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation by Khalil, Amal
Queer Youth, Suicide and Self-Harm: Troubled Subjects, Troubling Norms by Roen, K., McDermott, E.
Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture by
Are You Entertained?: Black Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century by
Criminalising Coercive Control: Family Violence and the Criminal Law by
Daughters of Eve by Makau, Grace
Contemporary Women's Post-Apocalyptic Fiction by Watkins, Susan
Friendship Without Borders: Women's Stories of Power, Politics, and Everyday Life Across East and West Germany by Leask, Phil
Persuasive Acts: Women's Rhetorics in the Twenty-First Century by
Winning Her Business: How to Transform the Customer Experience for the World's Most Powerful Consumers by Brennan, Bridget
30 horas: Uma proposta revolucionária para equilíbrio vida-trabalho e equidade de gênero by Madalozzo, Regina, Kruk, Nadiane Smaha
Masculine Power and Gender Equality: Masculinities as Change Agents by
Pornography, Indigeneity and Neocolonialism by Gregory, Tim
Zeina by Saadawi, Nawal El
30 horas: Uma proposta revolucionária para equilíbrio vida-trabalho e equidade de gênero by Kruk, Nadiane Smaha
Women's Cinema in Contemporary Portugal by
Metodología para el tratamiento del enfoque de género by Viamontes, García, Carbonell Vargas, Manuel Silverio, García Viamontes, Diosveni
Global Norms and Local Action: The Campaigns to End Violence Against Women in Africa by Medie, Peace A.
Gender Norm and Family Planning Decision-Making among Married Couples, in Jeldu Woreda Rural Kebeles, West Shewa by Negera, Dereje Geleta
Psychology of Gender by Helgeson, Vicki S.
Me Too, Feminist Theory, and Surviving Sexual Violence in the Academy by
Taken for Granted: The Remarkable Power of the Unremarkable by Zerubavel, Eviatar
Dear Vulcan: Poems by Davenport, Laura
A Genealogy of Appetite in the Sexual Sciences by Flore, Jacinthe
Purchasing Power: Women and the Rise of Canadian Consumer Culture by Belisle, Donica
Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics and Embodiment in International Politics by
Paradox and Representation: Silenced Voices in the Narratives of Nakagami Kenji by Iwahashi Ishikawa, Machiko
The Basque Seroras: Local Religion, Gender, and Power in Northern Iberia, 1550-1800 by Scott, Amanda L.
Violating Peace: Sex, Aid, and Peacekeeping by Westendorf, Jasmine-Kim
Gender Orientation. German perception of different countries by Dettinger, Patric
How the Personal Became Political: The Gender and Sexuality Revolutions in 1970s Australia by
Gender Equality in Politics: Implementing Party Quotas in Germany and Austria by Chmilewski, Katja, Lang, Sabine, Ahrens, Petra
Disordered Violence: How Gender, Race and Heteronormativity Structure Terrorism by Gentry, Caron
Interruption and Overlap in Conversations between Men and Women on the Basis of "The Big Bang Theory" by Anonymous
The Rise of Women's Transnational Activism: Identity and Sisterhood Between the World Wars by Sandell, Marie
Gesellschaft, Organisation, Professionalität: Zur Relevanz Von Professionspolitik in Der Sozialen Arbeit by Hollenstein, Lea
Gender and Succession in Medieval and Early Modern Islam: Bilateral Descent and the Legacy of Fatima by Gabbay, Alyssa
Times of Mobility: Transnational Literature and Gender in Translation by
Xoxy: A Memoir (Intersex Woman, Mother, Activist) by Zieselman, Kimberly M.
Split: Class Divides Uncovered by Tippet, Ben
Recasting the Disney Princess in an Era of New Media and Social Movements by
Beyond the Politics of the Closet: Gay Rights and the American State Since the 1970s by
The Experiential Ontology of Hannah Arendt by Maslin, Kimberly
Rethinking the Age of Emancipation: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Family, and Religion in Italy and Germany, 1800-1918 by
Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression by Diplacidi, Jenny
Women, Work, and School: Occupational Segregation and the Role of Education by Wolfe, Leslie R.
My Sister: How One Sibling's Transition Changed Us Both by Leyva, Selenis, Leyva, Marizol
Rape and the Criminal Trial: Reconceptualising the Courtroom as an Affective Assemblage by Gunby, Clare, Murray, Jamie, Carline, Anna
Women Negotiating Life in the Academy: A Canadian Perspective by
Vivos Se Los Llevaron. Buscando a Los 43 de Ayotzinapa. (Novela Gráfica) / Taken Alive. Looking for Ayotzinapa's 43. Graphic Novel by Soloff, Andalusia K., Parra, Marco, Galaviz, Anahí H.
Burn It Down!: Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution by Fahs, Breanne
Gender and Island Communities by
Microfinance and Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh: Unpacking the Untold Narratives by Nawaz, Faraha
Feminist Institutionalism and Gendered Bureaucracies: Forestry Governance in Nepal by Wright, Wendy, Wagle, Radha, Pillay, Soma
From Blofeld to Moneypenny: Gender in James Bond by
Sex, Drugs, and Fashion in 1970s Madrid by de Alba, Francisco Fernandez
(Hi)Stories of Desire: Sexualities and Culture in Modern India by
Documentary as Autoethnography: A Case Study Based on the Changing Surnames of Women by Çayır, Hande
Gender in Ancient Egyptian Literature by Soliman, Nagwa
Gespannte Arbeits- Und Geschlechterverhältnisse Im Marktkapitalismus by
Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World by
Manga Cultures and the Female Gaze by Hemmann, Kathryn
Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township by Langa, Malose
Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies by
Feminist Perspectives on Terrorism: Critical Approaches to Security Studies by Gasztold, Aleksandra
Conservative Christianity, Gender Identity, and Religious Liberty: A Primer and a Proposal by de Jong, Dirk H.
Leben und Umgang mit dem Tabu-Thema Transsexualität by Anonymous
Lgbtq-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice by
Movimento das mulheres e feministas: o feminismo no (do) Brasil by Silva, Jacilene Maria
Class, Gender, Race and Colonization: The 'intersectionality' of Marx by Anderson, Kevin B.
Understanding Gender in the African Context by
Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools: A Global Perspective by
Dying to Serve: Militarism, Affect, and the Politics of Sacrifice in the Pakistan Army by Rashid, Maria
Dying to Serve: Militarism, Affect, and the Politics of Sacrifice in the Pakistan Army by Rashid, Maria
Glitter Up the Dark: How Pop Music Broke the Binary by Geffen, Sasha
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