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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Gender Studies in 2024

Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK: Examining the Boundaries of Intersectionality and Crime by
La traición en la amistad by Zayas Y. Sotomayor, María de
La monja alférez by Pérez de Montalbán, Juan
Cuentos dramáticos by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
Diario de amor by Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis
El collar de la paloma by Alí Ibn Hazm, Abu Muhammad
Mis doce primeros años by Santa Cruz Y. Montalvo, Mercedes
Cartas by Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis
Cuentos de Navidad y Año Nuevo by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
La piedra angular by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
La Quimera by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
La sirena negra by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
La traición en la amistad by Zayas Y. Sotomayor, María de
El cisne de Vilamorta by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
Doña Milagros by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
Dulce Dueño by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
Memorias de un solterón by Pardo Bazán, Emilia
An Anthology of Non-Conformism: Rebel Wom!n Words, Ways & Wonders by
An Anthology of Non-Conformism: Rebel Wom!n Words, Ways & Wonders by
Image, Sexism, & Hate: A Self-Help Guide for Image Discrimination, A Study Developed by James Rivera & Edited by Silver B. Stork by Rivera, James
Naksalvaad unmoolan police prashasan aur vartmaan paridrishya by Tandon, Vinod Kumar
Atlas of Gender and Health Inequalities in India by
Gender, Culture, and Disaster in Post-3.11 Japan by Koikari, Mire
Masculinity, Autocracy and the Russian University, 1804-1863 by Friedman, Rebecca
And the Sages Did Not Know: Early Rabbinic Approaches to Intersex by Lev, Sarra
Analysing Gender in Healthcare: The Politics of Sex and Reproduction by Cooper, Sarah
Understanding Actors and Processes Shaping Transgender Subjectivities: A Case Study of Kazakhstan by Sekerbayeva, Zhanar
Representing Gender-Based Violence: Global Perspectives by
Gender and Family Practices: Living Apart Together Relationships in China by Qiu, Shuang
Handbook of Transnational Families Around the World by
Happy: LGBTQ+ Experiences of Australian Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity by Jennings, Mark
Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality by
Gender-Competent Legal Education by
Feminist Lives: Women, Feelings, and the Self in Post-War Britain by Abrams, Lynn
No More Menemies: Getting beyond the fear and frustration of the gender wars by Meakin, Lori
The Female Turn: How Evolutionary Science Shifted Perceptions about Females by Ah-King, Malin
Rape at the Opera: Staging Sexual Violence by Cormier, Margaret
Rape at the Opera: Staging Sexual Violence by Cormier, Margaret
More Than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech by Broussard, Meredith
More Than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech by Broussard, Meredith
Slapping Leather: Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo by Scofield, Rebecca, Ford, Elyssa
Commute: An Illustrated Memoir of Shame by Williams, Erin
Heirat in Afrika südlich der Sahara: Trends, Determinanten und Folgen by Shapiro, David, Gebreselassie, Tesfayi
Le mariage en Afrique subsaharienne: Tendances, déterminants et conséquences by Shapiro, David, Gebreselassie, Tesfayi
Il matrimonio nell'Africa subsahariana: Tendenze, determinanti e conseguenze by Shapiro, David, Gebreselassie, Tesfayi
Die Beteiligung von Frauen an der Bewegung Frente de Luta por Moradia by Oliveira de Souza, Luciene
Women's participation in the Frente de Luta por Moradia movement by Oliveira de Souza, Luciene
Участие женщин в движени by Оливейра &#1
Participation des femmes au mouvement Frente de Luta por Moradia by Oliveira de Souza, Luciene
La partecipazione delle donne al movimento del Frente de Luta por Moradia by Oliveira de Souza, Luciene
O casamento na África Subsariana: Tendências, determinantes e consequências by Shapiro, David, Gebreselassie, Tesfayi
Браки в странах Африки к &#110 by Шапиро, Дэ&#, Гебресел&#10
Slapping Leather: Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo by Ford, Elyssa, Scofield, Rebecca
Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle With, and For, the US Naval Academy to Make Thinking Officers by Fleming, Bruce
The Aesthetic and Political Practices of Trans Women in Peru: Skins of Desire by Patiño Rabines, Paola
Transition Towards Gender Equality: Namibia Between the Empowerment of Women and Violence of Men by Gierse-Arsten, Sonja
Проституция как работа: &#1074 by Диас Эспи&#1
Prostitution als Beruf: Die Sichtweise von jugendlichen Frauen by Díaz Espinoza, Dina Georgina
La prostitution en tant que travail: le point de vue des adolescentes by Díaz Espinoza, Dina Georgina
Prostitution as a job: The viewpoint of adolescent women by Díaz Espinoza, Dina Georgina
A prostituição como trabalho: a visão de mulheres adolescentes by Díaz Espinoza, Dina Georgina
La prostituzione come lavoro: il punto di vista delle donne adolescenti by Díaz Espinoza, Dina Georgina
Self-Made Women in the 1920s United States: Literary Trailblazers by Teorey, Matthew Niven
Mediated Misogynoir: Erasing Black Women's and Girls' Innocence in the Public Imagination by Young, Kalima
Understanding Indigenous Gender Relations and Violence: Becoming Gender Awake by McKinley, Catherine E.
Дефиле недомогания в эпо by Матус, Мар&#, Кальдеро&#10
Die Defiles des Unbehagens im Zeitalter der In-Differenz by Matus, Mariana, Calderón, Ana
Les souillures du malaise à l'ère de l'in-différence by Calderón, Ana, Matus, Mariana
The defiles of malaise in the age of in-difference by Calderón, Ana, Matus, Mariana
I difetti del disagio nell'epoca dell'in-differenza by Calderón, Ana, Matus, Mariana
As profanações do mal-estar na era da in-diferença by Matus, Mariana, Calderón, Ana
Primitive Normativity: Race, Sexuality, and Temporality in Colonial Kenya by Williams, Elizabeth W.
Family Influence on Adolescent Sexual Behaviour in South Africa by Chikovore, Emma Shuvai, Sooryamoorthy, R.
Dangerous Bodies: New Global Perspectives on Fashion and Transgression by
Sex Clubs: Recreational Sex, Fantasies and Cultures of Desire by Haywood, Chris
The Movies of Racial Childhoods: Screening Self-Sovereignty in Asian/America by Shimizu, Celine Parreñas
Primitive Normativity: Race, Sexuality, and Temporality in Colonial Kenya by Williams, Elizabeth W.
Gentle Femdom Diaries by Noir, M. Kay
The Movies of Racial Childhoods: Screening Self-Sovereignty in Asian/America by Shimizu, Celine Parreñas
LGBTQ+ People with Chronic Illness: Chroniqueers in Southern Europe by Pieri, Mara
Widerstand gegen die männliche Macht und Konstruktion der weiblichen Identität by Salehi Babamiri, Navid
Résistance au pouvoir masculin et construction de l'identité féminine by Salehi Babamiri, Navid
Resistenza al potere maschile e costruzione dell'identità femminile by Salehi Babamiri, Navid
Resistência ao poder masculino e construção da identidade feminina by Salehi Babamiri, Navid
Сопротивление мужской в& by Салехи Ба&#1
Men and Masculinities in Modern Britain: A History for the Present by
Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities by
Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities by
Missing Girls and Women by Pawar, Sachin Navnath
Оспаривание нарративов & by Флюд, Конн&#
Contester les récits de viol: La médicalisation et la "victime de viol by Flude, Connie
Santal Women and the Health Care Regime: Pandemic, Predicament and Access by Nawaz, Faraha, Bushra, An
Post Abortion Care Utilization in Nairobi, Kenya by Ngure, Kenneth, Echoka, Elizabeth, Omollo, Johnpaul
Nationale Charakterisierung von Opfern des Menschenhandels in Chile by Maldonado Vivar, Sebastián, Puebla, Tatiana, Soto, Teresa
National Characterization of Victims of Human Trafficking in Chile by Maldonado Vivar, Sebastián, Puebla, Tatiana, Soto, Teresa
Caractérisation nationale des victimes de la traite des personnes au Chili by Soto, Teresa, Maldonado Vivar, Sebastián, Puebla, Tatiana
Национальная характери&# by Мальдона&#10, Пуэбла, Та&#, Сото, Тере&#
Widerstand gegen Narrative der Vergewaltigung: Medikalisierung und das Vergewaltigungsopfer by Flude, Connie
Australian Muslim Women's Borderland Subjectivities: Diverse Identities, Diverse Experiences by Ali, Lütfiye
The Routledge Companion to Indian Ethics: Women, Justice, Bioethics and Ecology by
Rail Road Rebels: Women Who Refused To Settle by Weston, Sara L.
Gewalt Gegen Manner in Partnerschaften: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Situation in Deutschland by Schemmel, Jonas, Muller, Philipp, Goede, Laura-Romina
Paid to Care: Domestic Workers in Contemporary Latin American Culture by Randall, Rachel
Mapas Corporales: Historias, Relatos Y Conceptos Que Nos Atraviesan / Body Maps. Stories, Tales, and Ideas That Come Through Us by Derbez, Eréndira, de la Garza, Claudia
What's Wrong?: Personal Histories of Chronic Pain and Bad Medicine by Williams, Erin
Метафора взгляда by Мартинес &#1
The Methuen Drama Handbook of Gender and Theatre by
Female Voices and Egyptian Independence: Marginalized Women in Egyptian and British Fiction by Mahmoud, Rania M.
Global LGBTQ Health: Research, Policy, Practice, and Pathways by
Graphic Narratives of Organised Crime, Gender and Power in Europe: Discarded Footnotes by Allum, Felia, Mitchell, Anna
Binding and Unbinding Kink: Pain, Pleasure, and Empowerment in Theory and Practice by
Hipster Porn: Queer Masculinities and Affective Sexualities in the Fanzine Butt by Rehberg, Peter
Using Declarative Mapping Sentences in Psychological Research: Applying Facet Theory in Multi-Componential Critical Analyses of Female Representation by Li, Chenwei, Hackett, Paul M. W.
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality by
Digital Femininities: The Gendered Construction of Cultural and Political Identities Online by Rogan, Frankie
Men, Masculinities, and Infertilities by Allan, Jonathan A.
North American Muslim Women Artists Talk Back: Assertions of Unintelligibility by Oumlil, Kenza
Queer Kinship on the Edge? Families of Choice in Poland by Mizielińska, Joanna
Jewish Lesbian Scholarship in a Time of Change by
Women Who Only Serve Chai: Gender Quotas, Reservations and Proxies in India by Turnbull, Brian
Homonationalism, Femonationalism and Ablenationalism: Critical Pedagogies Contextualised by
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, Performativity by Stahl, Garth, McDonald, Sarah
Bodies and Boundaries in Graphic Fiction: Reading Female and Nonbinary Characters by Baldanzi, Jessica
Chinese Traditional Theatre and Male Dan: Social Power, Cultural Change and Gender Relations by Chao, Guo
Music as Labour: Inequalities and Activism in the Past and Present by
Motherless Creations: Fictions of Artificial Life, 1650-1890 by Nielsen, Wendy C.
Women in the Civil Services: Gender and Workplace Identities in India by Gonsalves, Trijita
LGBTQI Digital Media Activism and Counter-Hate Speech in Italy by Gabai, Sara
The Theory and Practice of Reception Study: Reading Race and Gender in Twain, Faulkner, Ellison, and Morrison by Goldstein, Philip
Transmasculinity on Television by Oppliger, Patrice
Gender and LGBTQ Issues in Election Processes: Global and Local Contexts by
The Routledge Companion to Gender and the American West by
Masculinities in Post-Millennial Popular Romance by Arvanitaki, Eirini
Music, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: A Teacher's Guide by Warwick, Jacqueline
O acesso ao corpo das mulheres by Martinez, Iris Nabolotnyj
What Do We Know About the Effects of Pornography After Fifty Years of Academic Research? by Litsou, Katerina, Byron, Paul, McKee, Alan
Literary Sentiments in the Vernacular: Gender and Genre in Modern South Asia by
Beyond Diversity: Queer Politics, Activism, and Representation in Contemporary Japan by
The Stigma Matrix: Gender, Globalization, and the Agency of Pakistan's Frontline Women by Husain, Fauzia
Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology by Cheng, Patrick S.
Stirring It: Challenges for Feminism by
Women Who Do and Women Who Don't Join the Women's Movement by
The End of Love: Racism, Sexism, and the Death of Romance by Strings, Sabrina
The Stigma Matrix: Gender, Globalization, and the Agency of Pakistan's Frontline Women by Husain, Fauzia
Sex Work on Campus by Stewart, Terah J.
Inclusivity and Belonging in Chinese Discourse: The Case of Ta by Sluchinski, Kerry
Sexual Violence - Issues in Prevention, Treatment, and Policy by
Europarecht Aus Frauensicht by
When Gender Equality Policies in Practice Matter: A Comparative Study in France by
Women's Agency and Mobile Communication Under the Radar by
Writing Kit Carson: Fallen Heroes in a Changing West by Johnson, Susan Lee
Haine de soi et identité culturelle des lycéennes au Cameroun by Embolo Onambele, Marie Gaelle
Blessed Are the Women: Naming & Reclaiming Women's Stories from the Gospels by McKeever-Burgett, Claire
Engendering Migration Journey: Identity, Ethnicity and Gender of Thai Migrant Women in Hong Kong by Cheung, Herbary
7 Shades Of You: Feminine Archetypen der Psyche und Weiblichkeit by Juno, Aleksandra
Gender Recognition and the Law: Troubling Transgender Peoples' Engagement with Legal Regulation by Renz, Flora
Gender History of German Jews: A Short Introduction by Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie
The Political Economy of Education in Central Asia: Evidence from the Field by
Contesting Anthropocentric Masculinities Through Veganism: Lived Experiences of Vegan Men by Aavik, Kadri
The Political Economy of Education in Central Asia: Evidence from the Field by
Feminist Reconfigurings of Alien Encounters: Ethical Co-Existence in More-Than-Human Worlds by Aglert, Katja, Henriksen, Line, Lykke, Nina
Modelos femeninos en la literatura y el cine del mundo hispánico: Adaptaciones de obras literarias contemporáneas by
Ansichten zur amerikanischen Frauenidentität in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren by Arfaoui, Khedija
L'identité féminine américaine dans les années soixante et soixante-dix by Arfaoui, Khedija
Visione dell'identità femminile americana negli anni Sessanta e Settanta by Arfaoui, Khedija
Visões da identidade feminina americana nos anos sessenta e setenta by Arfaoui, Khedija
Взгляды на американскую by Арфауи, Хе&#
Playing Cleopatra: Inventing the Female Celebrity in Third Republic France by Grout, Holly
Tackling Stereotype: Corporeal Reflexivity and Politics of Play in Women's Rugby by Branchu, Charlotte
The U.S. Christian Right and Pro-Family Politics in 21st Century Africa by McEwen, Haley
Governing Gender Equality Policy: Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State by Elomäki, Anna, Ylöstalo, Hanna
Making Bodies: Sexed and Gendered Bodies as Social Institutions by Rafanell, Irene
Understanding Gender and Diversity in Europe: Experiences of Migrant Single Mothers in Denmark by Mehdi, Rubya
Communication and Electoral Politics in Ghana: Interrogating Transnational Technology, Discourse and Multimodalities by
Geschlecht und Verhandlung in Memorial de Maria Moura by Santos de Jesus, Milena
Gender and Negotiation in Memorial de Maria Moura by Santos de Jesus, Milena
Гендер и переговоры в ро&#1084 by Сантос де &#
Genre et négociation dans Memorial de Maria Moura by Santos de Jesus, Milena
Genere e negoziazione nel Memorial de Maria Moura by Santos de Jesus, Milena
In a Box: Gender-Responsive Reform, Mass Community Supervision, and Neoliberal Policies by Morash, Merry
Vermisste Mädchen und Frauen by Pawar, Sachin Navnath
Filles et femmes disparues by Pawar, Sachin Navnath
Raparigas e mulheres desaparecidas by Pawar, Sachin Navnath
Пропавшие девушки и женщ by Павар, Сач&#
Ragazze e donne scomparse by Pawar, Sachin Navnath
Frauen in männlichen Gewässern by Martins de Oliveira, Stela Maris
Women in Male Waters by Martins de Oliveira, Stela Maris
Женщины в мужских водах by Мартинс д&#1
Les femmes dans les eaux masculines by Martins de Oliveira, Stela Maris
Donne in acque maschili by Martins de Oliveira, Stela Maris
Rezepte aus dem westlichen Odisha by Padhan, Sarojini
Recettes de l'ouest de l'Odisha by Padhan, Sarojini
Receitas da região ocidental de Odisha by Padhan, Sarojini
Рецепты западной Одиши by Падхан, Са&#
Ricette dell'Odisha occidentale by Padhan, Sarojini
In a Box: Gender-Responsive Reform, Mass Community Supervision, and Neoliberal Policies by Morash, Merry
Gender Perspectives in Private Law by
The Chemistry of Sexual Behavior by
A Malaysian Ecocriticism Reader: Considerations of Nature, Culture, Place and Identities by
Female Muslim Student Experiences in Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry by Gossai, Hemchand, Rafie, Zahra
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