• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2000

Cooperation and Community: Economy and Society in Oaxaca by Cohen, Jeffrey H.
Capital Social y Cultura: Claves Estrategicas Para el Desarrollo by
La Lucha Contra La Pobreza En America Latina: Deterioro Social de Las Clases Medias y Experiencias de Las Comunidades Judias by Kliksberg, Bernardo
Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico, 1870-1920 by Findlay, Eileen J. Suárez
Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America by
State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900 by Lopez-Alves, Fernando
Tornel and Santa Anna: The Writer and the Caudillo, Mexico 1795-1853 by Fowler, Will, Fowler, William M., Jr.
The Cuban Democratic Experience: The Auténtico Years, 1944-1952 by Ameringer, Charles D.
Rhythms of Resistance: African Musical Heritage in Brazil by Fryer, Peter
Between Revolution and the Ballot Box: The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party in the 1890s by Alonso, Paula
The Abolition of Slavery in Brazil: The Liberation of Africans Through the Emancipation of Capital by Baronov, David
To Be a Worker: Identity and Politics in Peru by Parodi, Jorge
Music, Race, and Nation: Musica Tropical in Colombia by Wade, Peter
Requiem for a Lightning Bolt: Translated by Anna-Marie Aldaz by
Rural Poverty in Latin America by Valdés, A., López, R.
Beyond the Ideal: Pan Americanism in Inter-American Affairs by Sheinin, David
Beyond the Ideal: Pan Americanism in Inter-American Affairs by
White Slavery and Mothers Alive and Dead: The Troubled Meeting of Sex, Gender, Public Health and Progress in Latin America by Guy, Donna J.
Remembering Cesar: The Legacy of Cesar Chavez by McGregor, Ann
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America: Volume I: The Export Age by
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America: Volume 2: Latin America in the 1930s. the Role of the Periphery in World Crisis by
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America: Volume 3: Industrialization and the State in Latin America: The Postwar Years by
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America: Volume 3: Industrialization and the State in Latin America: The Postwar Years by
Notable Twentieth-Century Latin American Women: A Biographical Dictionary by Tompkins, Cynthia Margarita
Culture and Customs of El Salvador by Boland, Roy C.
Primary Education in Ecuador's Chota Valley: Reflections on Education and Social Reproduction in the Development Era by Lucas, Kevin
Cultural Politics in Latin America by Na, Na
Brazil by Rocha, Jan
The Other Mirror: Grand Theory Through the Lens of Latin America by