• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2003

Más Allá de la Ciudad Letrada: Crónicas Y Espacios Urbanos by
The Cuban Slave Market, 1790 1880 by Barcia, Maria del Carmen, Iglesias Garcia, Fe, Garcia, Fe Iglesias
Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976 by Gleijeses, Piero
The Miraculous Lie: Lope De Aguirre and the Search for El Dorado in the Latin American Historical Novel by Lewis, Bart L.
Race and Nation in Modern Latin America by
Marcha Y América Latina by
Disease in the History of Modern Latin America: From Malaria to AIDS by
Bonds and Bondholders: British Investors and Mexico's Foreign Debt, 1824-1888 by Costeloe, Michael
U.S. Catholic Press On Central America: From Cold War Anticommunism to Social Justice by Brett, Edward Tracy
U.S. Catholic Press On Central America: From Cold War Anticommunism to Social Justice by Brett, Edward Tracy
Contemporary Indigenous Movements in Latin America by Langer, Erick D.
Imagining Identity in New Spain: Race, Lineage, and the Colonial Body in Portraiture and Casta Paintings by Carrera, Magali M.
Why Nicaragua Vanished: A Story of Reporters and Revolutionaries by Leiken, Robert S.
Slavery and Identity: Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in Salvador, Brazil, 1808-1888 by Nishida, Mieko
Gender's Place: Feminist Anthropologies of Latin America by
Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517 1570 by Clendinnen, Inga
Hispanic Nations of the New World: Chronicles of America Part 50 by Shepherd, William R.
A History of Organized Labor in Brazil by Alexander, Robert Jackson
Death Is a Festival: Funeral Rites and Rebellion in Nineteenth-Century Brazil by Reis, João José
Issues in the Spanish-Speaking World by Randle, Janice W.
Magical Writing in Salasaca: Literacy and Power in Highland Ecuador by Wogan, Peter
Nazis and Good Neighbors by Friedman, Max Paul
Human Rights in Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua: A Sociological Perspective on Human Rights Abuse by Gomez, Mayra
A History of Organized Labor in Argentina by Alexander, Robert Jackson, Wallis, Rodney
Cold War: Warnings for a Unipolar World by Castro, Fidel
Foreign Immigrants in Early Bourbon Mexico, 1700 1760 by Nunn, Charles F.
Is Geography Destiny?: Lessons from Latin America by
Runaway Slave Settlements in Cuba: Resistance and Repression by La Rosa Corzo, Gabino
Troubled Harvest: Agronomy and Revolution in Mexico, 1880-2002 by Cotter, Joseph, Connelly, Michael R.
Cinema and the Sandinistas: Filmmaking in Revolutionary Nicaragua by Buchsbaum, Jonathan
People's Power: Cuba's Experience with Representative Government by Roman, Peter
The Black Heralds by Vallejo, César
Globalization and Development: A Latin American and Caribbean Perspective by
Transnational Conflicts: Central America, Social Change, and Globalization by Robinson, William I.
Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election: Candidates, Voters, and the Presidential Campaign of 2000 by
Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election: Candidates, Voters, and the Presidential Campaign of 2000 by
Incomplete Democracy: Political Democratization in Chile and Latin America by Garretón, Manuel Antonio
The Miraculous Lie: Lope De Aguirre and the Search for El Dorado in the Latin American Historical Novel by Lewis, Bart L.
Law in a Lawless Land: Diary of a Limpieza in Colombia by Taussig, Michael
Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado by Machado, Antonio
This America of Ours: The Letters of Gabriela Mistral and Victoria Ocampo by Mistral, Gabriela, Ocampo, Victoria
A New Economic History of Argentina by
Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance--Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica by Mesa-Lago, Carmelo
Bunuel and Mexico: The Crisis of National Cinema by Acevedo-Muñoz, Ernesto R.
Butterflies Will Burn: Prosecuting Sodomites in Early Modern Spain and Mexico by Garza Carvajal, Federico
Women's Lives in Colonial Quito: Gender, Law, and Economy in Spanish America by Gauderman, Kimberly
Latin America & the Caribbean: A Continental Overview of Environmental Issues by
Journal of a Residence in Chile During the Year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil by Graham, Maria
Journal of a Residence in Chile During the Year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil by Graham, Maria
The Cult of Bolívar in Latin American Literature by Conway, Christopher B.
Contemporary Latin American Cultural Studies by
Al Sur de la Modernidad: Comunicación, Globalización Y Multiculturalidad by Martín-Barbero, Jesús