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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2010

Latinoamericanismo Vs Imperialismo: Las Luchas Por La Segunda Independencia de America Latina by Castro, Fidel
Crónicas de Un Embrujo: Ensayos Sobre Historia Y Cultura del Caribe Hispano by San Miguel, Pedro L.
La Retórica de la Herida: Figuraciones del Desgarre Corporal En La Política Y Literatura Latinoamericana by Maldonado, Luis
Father of All: Volume 1 by Pubols, Louise
Building Nineteenth-Century Latin America: Re-Rooted Cultures, Identities, and Nations by
Building Nineteenth-Century Latin America: Re-Rooted Cultures, Identities, and Nations by
Mosquito Empires: Ecology and War in the Greater Caribbean, 1620-1914 by McNeill, J. R.
Mosquito Empires by McNeill, J. R.
The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana by Raleigh, Walter
A Tropical Belle Epoque: Elite Culture and Society in Turn-Of-The-Century Rio de Janeiro by Needell, Jeffrey D.
Spanish Texas, 1519-1821: Revised Edition by Chipman, Donald E.
Economic Development in Latin America: Essay in Honor of Werner Baer by
Minor Omissions by
El Lector: A History of the Cigar Factory Reader by Tinajero, Araceli
Articulos Y Discursos (1902) by Montufar, Rafael
Algunas Leyendas (1892) by Sierra, Justo
Carta Al Senor Don Juan Valera Sobre Asuntos Americanos (1889) by Merchan, Rafael Maria
Abecedario De La Infancia (1843) by Villabrille, Francisco Fernandez
Bajo Las Palmas: Leyendas (1881) by Danvila, Francisco
Memorias De Un Emigrado: Aumentadas Con Capitulos Ineditos (1892) by Ladevese, Ernesto Garcia
Efemerides Americanas (1869) by Flores, Zoilo
El Cantor De Las Montanas (1855) by Tejero, Alfonso Garcia
Apuntes De Hijiene Domestica: Para Las Ninas De La Beneficencia De Matanzas (1860) by Casal, Jose Maria
Historia Del Gobierno De La Aclamacion: Periodo Constitucional De Venezuela, Presidido Por El General Guzman Blanco, 1886-1887 (1899) by Guinan, Francisco Gonzalez
Acta Et Decreta Concilii Plenarii Americae Latinae (1900) by Vaticanis Publisher
Histoire De Diocese De Toul V1: Et De Celui De Nancy (1866) by Guillaume, Pierre Etienne
Memorias De Unos Naufragos (1873) by Rio, Jose Rivera y.
The A to Z of United States-Latin American Relations by Smith, Joseph
Comparative Latin American Politics by Schneider, Ronald M.
Remedios: The Healing Life of Eva Castellanoz by Mulcahy, Joanne B.
Compendio del Manual de Urbanidad y Buenas Maneras (1860) by Carreno, Manuel Antonio
The Penguin History of Latin America by Williamson, Edwin
Converting Words: Maya in the Age of the Cross Volume 6 by Hanks, William F.
Converting Words: Maya in the Age of the Cross Volume 6 by Hanks, William F.
First Parish Register of Belize, 1794-1810, and the First Four Censuses, 1816-1826 by Murray, Sonia Bennett
Colombia, Estados Unidos Y El Canal Interoceanico De Panama (1904) by Leduc, Alberto
Asturias Y El Peru (1905) by Alonso, Valentin Garcia
Cuba Y Las Costumbres Cubanas (1919) by Ewart, Frank Carman
Ante Dios Y El Hombre: Lamentos Del Trabajo (1904) by Alvarez, Sabino F.
Sexto Apendice A La Coleccion De Tratados Internacionales: Ordenanzas Y Reglamentos De Pesca (1913) by Medina, Francisco Lopez y.
Codigo Del Duelo Extractado Y Traducido De Varios Autores Nacionales Y Extrangeros (1889) by Yzquierdo, Luis Ramos
Discurso Leido Ante El Claustro De La Universidad Central (1863) by Sanchez, Jose Fernandez
Abusos Y Reformas Del Poder Judicial: En Todos Sus Grados (1889) by Paredes, Ramon Gutierrez
Historias Diversas (1874) by Molina, Ricardo
Mis Doce Primeros Anos (1838) by Merlin, Maria De Las Mercedes De Jaruco
El Licenciado Sebastian De Peralta: Bosquejo Historico-Biografico (1893) by Garcia, Carlos De Lecea y.
Biografia Del Nicolas Vega (1875) by F de G
Memoria Sobre Los Principales Sucesos De La Revolucion De Chile Desde 1810 Hasta 1814 (1900) by Imprenta Cervantes Publisher
Centenario Del General De La Independencia Americana Don Felix De Olazabal: 1797-20 Noviembre-1897 (1897) by De Olazabal, Felix
El Nuevo Mundo Moral O La Nueva Vida Del Hombre V1: Conferencias, Cartas Y Dialogos (1892) by Gomez, Juan Eugenio Ruiz
Bultos Y Sombras: Articulos Humoristicos (1893) by Fajardo, Fernando Romero
Memoria Sobre El Tetano: Especialmente Interior, Y Con Particularidad De Los Organos Digestivos, Conocido Con El Nombre De Colera-Morbo (1832) by Casas, Fernando
Violent Democracies in Latin America by
Venezuela Petrolera: El Asentamiento En El Oriente (1938-1958) by Sebasti N. Navarro Rodr Guez, Sebastin Navarro Rodrguez, Navarro Rodrg
Procesos Revolucionarios En América Latina by Prieto, Alberto
The Power of Song: Music and Dance in the Mission Communities of Northern New Spain, 1590-1810 by Mann, Kristin
Coleccion De Las Interesantes Cartas (1879) by Calvo, Nicolas Antonio
En La Brecha: Esbozos De Ideas (1908) by Paterson, Roberto G.
Ejercito Del Uruguay: Apuntes Historicos (1903) by Gonzalez, Florencio Cesar
El Doctor Jose Manuel Perez Castellano: Apuntes Para Su Biografia (1908) by Acevedo, Daniel Garcia
El Martir De La Orfandad (1908) by Moral, Salvador L.
Conflictos Entre Los Poderes Del Estado: Estudio Politico (1890) by Moya, Miguel
El Sufragio Universal Y La Democracia (1888) by Scherer, Edmundo
Chispazos Y Perfiles (1897) by Arozena, Mario
El Constitucionalismo Y Los Partidos Tradicionales (1898) by Nin, Alberto
Discurso Inaugural: Su Critica Y Su Defensa (1883) by Blanco, Antonio Guzman
Elementos De Derecho Politico (1887) by Cuesta, Salvador
Latin American Identities After 1980 by
Conquistadors of the Sky: A History of Aviation in Latin America by Hagedorn, Dan
Poetic Intention by Glissant, Édouard
The Hawkins' Voyages During the Reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and James I by
The Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in A.D. 1547 1555, Among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil by Hans, Stade, Stade, Hans
Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V: Containing an Account of His Expedition to Honduras by Corts, Hernn, Cortes, Hernan, Corts, Hernando
Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532 50: Contained in the First Part of His Chronicle of Peru by Pedro de, Cieza de Leon, Cieza De Leon, Pedro De
Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America by Spence, Lewis
Discurso Leido En La Universidad Central (1866) by Lopez, Gaspar Lopez y.
Cartilla Sanitaria Popular Acerca De La Peste Bubonica (1904) by Arce, Julian
The Concise History of Freemasonry by Gould, Robert Freke
The History of Ceylon: From the Earliest Period to the Year 1815 (1817) by Fellowes, Robert, Knox, Robert
A Voyage Up the River Amazon: Including a Residence at Para by William H., Edwards, Edwards, William H.
Narratives of the Voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to the Straits of Magellan by Sarmiento de Gamba, Pedro
Leftist Governments in Latin America by
Starting from Quirpini: The Travels and Places of a Bolivian People by Rockefeller, Stuart Alexander
Leftist Governments in Latin America: Successes and Shortcomings by
Baroque New Worlds: Representation, Transculturation, Counterconquest by
Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History by Holden, Robert, Zolov, Eric
Cuba: A History by Guerra-Vilaboy, Sergio, Loyola-Vega, Oscar
Latin America: Its Problems and Its Promise: A Multidisciplinary Introduction by Knippers Black, Jan
A La Sombra De La Muerte by Alejandro Mujica Olea
A La Sombra De La Muerte by Alejandro Mujica Olea
Rise and Decline of Brazil's New Unionism; The Politics of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores by Sluyter-Beltrao, Jeffrey
Century of the Wind: Memory of Fire, Volume 3: Volume 3 by Galeano, Eduardo
Genesis: Memory of Fire, Volume 1: Volume 1 by Galeano, Eduardo
The True History of the Conquest of New Spain 4 Volume Set by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España 2 Volume Set by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
The Concise History of Freemasonry by Gould, Robert Freke
Constructionen Aus Dem Maschinenbau V3: Jahrbuch Des Polytechnischen Vereins Zu Carlsruhe (1877) by Hart, Josef
Appendice A Los Anales De La Universidad: Indice Alfabetico Y Analitico De Los Trabajos Publicados, 1843-1887 (1890) by Guzman, Eduardo Valenzuela y.
Memoria De La Direccion De Inmigracion: Correspondiente A 1900 (1901) by Alsina, Juan A.
Abusos Y Reformas Del Poder Judicial: En Todos Sus Grados (1889) by Paredes, Ramon Gutierrez
Codigo Del Duelo Extractado Y Traducido De Varios Autores Nacionales Y Extrangeros (1889) by Yzquierdo, Luis Ramos
Memorias Sobre La Obtencion De La Amigdalina (1861) by Ubeda, Cayetano, Fernandez, Joaquin Aldir y., Ubeda, Jose
The New Pan Americanism V6, Number One (1916) by World Peace Foundation
Christian Cooperation In Latin America (1917) by Inman, Samuel Guy
The Republic Of Costa Rica by Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo
Red Machete: Communist Infiltration In The Americas by Donovan, John
Battle For The Hemisphere: Democracy Versus Totalitarianism In The Other America by Tomlinson, Edward
The Monroe Doctrine: An Obsolete Shibboleth by Bingham, Hiram
The Concise History of Freemasonry by Gould, Robert Freke
William Hickling Prescott by Kraus, Michael, Charvat, William
Sociological Progress In Mission Lands (1914) by Capen, Edward Warren
A History Of Peru (1892) by Markham, Clements Robert
Hombres Y Glorias De America (1903) by Pineyro, Enrique
Asuntos Contemporaneos (1908) by Basterra, Felix B.
Memoria Formulada Por La Comision Nombrada En Sesion De 31 De Mayo De 1899 (1899) by Academia de Jurisprudencia Y Legislacion
Algunas Noticias De Leon Pancaldo (1908) by Medina, Jose Toribio
Ante Dios Y El Hombre: Lamentos Del Trabajo (1904) by Alvarez, Sabino F.
Historias Diversas (1874) by Molina, Ricardo
Bartholomew De Las Casas: His Life, His Apostolate, And His Writings (1909) by Macnutt, Francis Augustus
Cartas Al Papa Pio IX Con Varios Documentos Al Caso Por Francisco De Paula G. Vigil A La Juventud Americana (1871) by Vigil, Francisco De Paula Gonzalez
Horas De Lucha (1908) by Prada, Manuel Gonzalez
Cartas De Un Americano (1826) by M. Calero Publisher
Memorias De Un Emigrado: Aumentadas Con Capitulos Ineditos (1892) by Ladevese, Ernesto Garcia
Sexto Apendice A La Coleccion De Tratados Internacionales: Ordenanzas Y Reglamentos De Pesca (1913) by Medina, Francisco Lopez y.
Chronik Der Insel Usedom (1863) by Gadebusch, Wilhelm Ferdinand
The Magic Of The Mayans And Their Mystical Books by Spence, Lewis
Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America by Spence, Lewis
Through Blood And Fire In Latin America by Sumrall, Lester F.
Centenario Del General De La Independencia Americana Don Felix De Olazabal: 1797-20 Noviembre-1897 (1897) by De Olazabal, Felix
En Plena Lucha (1903) by Hernandez, Fortunato
The Story of the Ecossais Lodge of New Orleans by Prinsen, Gerry L.
Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America by Spence, Lewis
A New Deal in Puerto Rico: Colonial Development and Governmentality, 1929-1935. Manuel R. Rodrguez by Rodriguez, Manuel R.
The Man Question: Male Subordination and Privilege by Dowd, Nancy E.
Lo Que Queda de la Izquierda = What Is Left of the Left by Castañeda, Jorge G.
The Popul Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America by Spence, Lewis
A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America's Long Cold War by
Letters of Amerigo Vespucci, and Other Documents Illustrative of his Career by
Failed Sanctions: Why the U.S. Embargo Against Cuba Could Never Work by Spadoni, Paolo
Orange County: A Personal History by Arellano, Gustavo
Secret History: Or, the Horrors of St. Domingo, in a Series of Letters by Hassal, Mary
Lady Nugent's Journal by Nugent, Maria
Cultures of the City by