• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2017

Masculinity After Trujillo: The Politics of Gender in Dominican Literature by Horn, Maja
Maya and Catholic Cultures in Crisis by Early, John D.
The Ideological Origins of the Dirty War: Fascism, Populism, and Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Argentina by Finchelstein, Federico
Immigration and National Identities in Latin America by
Rivers Lost, Rivers Regained: Rethinking City-River Relations by
Opening the Gates to Canal Cuisine: Preserving the American Era by Museum, Panama Canal
Narrativas de la Memoria: Aproximaciones desde el campo de los archivos y los lugares de la memoria by
Latin America and the First World War by Rinke, Stefan
American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe, and the Crisis of the 1860s by
American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe, and the Crisis of the 1860s by
Culture and Defence in Brazil: An Inside Look at Brazil's Aerospace Strategies by
Latin America and the First World War by Rinke, Stefan
Manifestos and Polemics in Latin American Modern Art by
Manifestos and Polemics in Latin American Modern Art by
Enlightenment on Trial: Ordinary Litigants and Colonialism in the Spanish Empire by Premo, Bianca
Contemporary Latin America by Munck, Ronaldo
Latin America since Independence: Two Centuries of Continuity and Change by Wright, Thomas C.
Vertiginous Life: Bilingual Edition by Rio, João de
Caudillismo en Latinoamérica: Fenómeno político y social. by Rebon López, Susana
Comics and Memory in Latin America by
Latin American Women Filmmakers: Production, Politics, Poetics by
Fidel Castro Reader: New, Updated Edition by Castro, Fidel
Global Latin(o) Americanos: Transoceanic Diasporas and Regional Migrations by Overmyer-Velázquez, Mark, Sepúlveda III, Enrique
Speaking of Spain: The Evolution of Race and Nation in the Hispanic World by Feros, Antonio
Agencia cultural, arte, educación y prácticas sociales en América Latina y la frontera - Cultural Agency, Art and Education in Latin America and its B by
Latin American History: A Teaching Atlas by Lombardi, Cathryn L.
Fractured Utopias: A Personal Odyssey with History by Burbach, Roger
Contrary Destinies: A Century of America's Occupation, Deoccupation, and Reoccupation of Haiti by Pamphile, Leon D.
Macho: Roberto Martín Pérez, 28 años de presidio político cubano by Cerrato, Rafael
Contemporary Latin America by Munck, Ronaldo
Archbishop Romero and Spiritual Leadership in the Modern World by
Memorias Campesinas Durante una Tirania by Beato, Felix
Degrees of Mixture, Degrees of Freedom: Genomics, Multiculturalism, and Race in Latin America by Wade, Peter
Degrees of Mixture, Degrees of Freedom: Genomics, Multiculturalism, and Race in Latin America by Wade, Peter
Corruption in the Iberian Empires: Greed, Custom, and Colonial Networks by
Prison and Thought: Testimonies of a Cuban Political Prisoner by Gallardo, Pedro Santos
Transnational Histories of Youth in the Twentieth Century by
(Re)imagining African Independence: Film, Visual Arts and the Fall of the Portuguese Empire by
Transpacific Revolutionaries: The Chinese Revolution in Latin America by Rothwell, Matthew
To Be Indio in Colonial Spanish America by
Reforma Política-Electoral E Innovación Institucional En América Latina (1978-2016) by Zovatto, Daniel
Latino Stars in Major League Baseball: From Bobby Abreu to Carlos Zambrano by Weeks, Jonathan
Slave Families and the Hato Economy in Puerto Rico by Stark, David M.
Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance: A History of Latin America Since Columbus by Rankin, Monica, Johnson, Lyman L., Burkholder, Mark
Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States by Meléndez, Edgardo
Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States by Meléndez, Edgardo
Resonances of El Chavo del Ocho in Latin American Childhood, Schooling, and Societies by
A Very Special Life: The Bernice Chronicles: One Woman's Odyssey Through Twentieth Century Jewish America by Baumel-Schwartz, Judith Tydor
Jose Marti, the United States, and the Marxist Interpretation of Cuban by Ripoll, Carlos
Cuban Insurrection 1952-1959 by Bonachea, Ramon L.
Soviet Internationalism after Stalin by Rupprecht, Tobias
Missionarische Weiblichkeit und Identitaetskonstruktion: Die Chile-Mission der Menzinger Kreuzschwestern im fruehen 20. Jahrhundert by Umbach, Johanna
Puerto Rican Identity, Political Development, and Democracy in New York, 1960-1990 by Cruz, José E.
New Ways of Being Pentecostal in Latin America by
Liberalism as Utopia by Schaefer, Timo H.
La civilisation mexicaine et Aztèque avant Cortez le conquistador by Chevalier, Michel
La conquête du Mexique: Histoire du nouveau monde by Chevalier, Michel
Cuba's Gay Revolution: Normalizing Sexual Diversity Through a Health-Based Approach by Kirk, Emily J.
Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the U.S. Slave Debate by Naish, Paul D.
Measured Expectations: The Challenges of Today's Freemasonry by Poll, Michael R.
Caudillismo in Latin America: Political and Social Phenomena by Rebon L.
Cuba, the United States, and Cultures of the Transnational Left, 1930-1975 by Gronbeck-Tedesco, John A.
Cuba Libre: A 500-Year Quest for Independence by Brenner, Philip, Eisner, Peter
Cuba Libre: A 500-Year Quest for Independence by Eisner, Peter, Brenner, Philip
Defining the Caymanian Identity: The Effects of Globalization, Economics, and Xenophobia on Caymanian Culture by Williams, Christopher A.
L'Avènement au Pouvoir du Professeur Leslie Manigat by DesRoches, Castro
Purgatory and Utopia: A Mazahua Indian Village of Mexico by Iwanska, Alicja
Nation and State in Latin America: Political Language During Independence by Chiaramonte, Jose Carlos
Volkswagen in the Amazon: The Tragedy of Global Development in Modern Brazil by Acker, Antoine
Volkswagen in the Amazon by Acker, Antoine
Why Latin American Nations Fail: Development Strategies in the Twenty-First Century by
Why Latin American Nations Fail: Development Strategies in the Twenty-First Century by
La increible boda de un dictador by Hernandez, Horacio A.
Telenovelas in Pan-Latino Context by Erlick, June Carolyn
Children on the Threshold in Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Nature, Gender, and Agency by Randall, Rachel
Cuba, Hot and Cold by Miller, Tom
Postnational Perspectives on Contemporary Hispanic Literature by
Red International and Black Caribbean: Communists in New York City, Mexico and the West Indies, 1919-1939 by Stevens, Margaret
Latin America's Radical Left by Marchesi, Aldo
The First Export Era Revisited: Reassessing Its Contribution to Latin American Economies by
Between Exile and Exodus: Argentinian Jewish Immigration to Israel, 1948-1967 by Klor, Sebastian
In Defiance of Boundaries: Anarchism in Latin American History by
Revolution in the Revolution?: Armed Struggle and Political Struggle in Latin America by Debray, Regis
Forgotten Continent: A History of the New Latin America by Reid, Michael
Race, Class, and Political Symbols: Rastafari and Reggae in Jamaican Politics by Waters, Anita M.
George Kennan on the Spanish-American War: A Critical Edition of Cuba and the Cubans by
The Evolution and Significance of the Cuban Revolution: The Light in the Darkness by McKelvey, Charles
The Legend Who Inspired a Continent: The Assassination of Augusto C. Sandino of Nicaragua, and the Rise of Sandinista and Leftist Forces in Latin Amer by T. Chando, Janvier
Women, Travel, and Science in Nineteenth-Century Americas: The Politics of Observation by Gerassi-Navarro, Nina
Ancient History of Aztec & Inca: Discover the History, Myths and Cultures of the Ancient Peoples of Central and South America, with 1000 Photographs by Phillips, Charles, Jones, David M.
Understanding Latino History: Excavating the Past, Examining the Present by Mitchell, Pablo R.
Sound, Image, and National Imaginary in the Construction of Latin/o American Identities by
Historia de la educación en Utuado: 1800-1898 by Maldonado Jiménez, Rubén