• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2020

What's Going on in Brazil?: 500 Years of Slavery in Checkmate by Yamamura, Luis
The Story of Rufino: Slavery, Freedom, and Islam in the Black Atlantic by Gomes, Flávio Dos Santos, Carvalho, Marcus J. M. de, Reis, João José
Firms, Farms, and the State in Colombia: A Study of Rural, Urban, and Regional Dimensions of Change by Helmsing, A. H. J.
Legacies of the Left Turn in Latin America: The Promise of Inclusive Citizenship by
The History of Colombia: A Fascinating Guide to Colombian History by Robbins, David
On Guard Against the Red Menace: Anti-Communism in Brazil, 1917-1964 by Sá Motta, Rodrigo Patto
Regional Discourses on Society and History: Shaping the Caribbean by
The Politics of Language in Puerto Rico: Revisited by Barreto, Amílcar Antonio
El general Pedro Prestán y sus victimarios ante la posteridad: Edición contextualizada by
Aztecs, Andes and Armadillos: A Grand Expedition through Latin America by Baxter, Red
Deconstructing the Enlightenment in Spanish America: Margins of Modernity by Sharman, Adam
The Past Is an Imperfect Tense by Kucinski, Bernardo
Capoeira and Candomblé: Conformity and Resistance through Afro-Brazilian Experience by Merrell, Floyd
Rousseau en Iberoamérica: Lecturas e interpretaciones entre Monarquía y Revolución by Myers, Jorge, Goldman, Noemí, Larrère, Catherine
Cuba at the Crossroads by
Cuba at the Crossroads by
Agrarian Puerto Rico: Reconsidering Rural Economy and Society, 1899-1940 by Bergad, Laird W., Ayala, César J.
Laboring for the State: Women, Family, and Work in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1971 by Hynson, Rachel
Fishing from the earliest times by Radcliffe, William
Writing the Land, Writing Humanity: The Maya Literary Renaissance by Pigott, Charles M.
Cultura Cubana: totalitarismo vs. democracia: Diagnóstico histórico y proyecto de política cultural democrática y participativa en Cub by Roque Pujol, Roberto René
Parenting Empires: Class, Whiteness, and the Moral Economy of Privilege in Latin America by Ramos-Zayas, Ana Y.
Atlantic Transformations: Empire, Politics, and Slavery during the Nineteenth Century by
In Their Own Best Interest: A History of the U.S. Effort to Improve Latin Americans by Schoultz, Lars
Bolívar's Afterlife in the Americas: Biography, Ideology, and the Public Sphere by Conn, Robert T.
Dematerialization: Art and Design in Latin America Volume 2 by Benezra, Karen
Northern Shores Southern Borders: Revelations of a Bilingual Life by Kurtz, Janet
Geopolitics, Culture, and the Scientific Imaginary in Latin America by
Inca land; explorations in the highlands of Peru by Bingham, Hiram
The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s-1950s by Drinot, Paulo
The Sexual Question by Drinot, Paulo
Black British Migrants in Cuba by Giovannetti-Torres, Jorge L.
A Party for Lazarus: Six Generations of Ancestral Devotion in a Cuban Town by Ochoa, Todd Ramón
A Party for Lazarus: Six Generations of Ancestral Devotion in a Cuban Town by Ochoa, Todd Ramón
Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity by Romero, Robert Chao
Macedonia & Its Questions: Origins, Margins, Ruptures & Continuity by
Human Rights Ombudsmen in Latin America: From Justitieombudsman to Defensor del Pueblo by Moreno, Erika
Die Erfassung der Neuen Welt in Karten und Texten der amerikanischen Kolonialzeit by Jahn, Stefanie
Staging Discomfort: Performance and Queerness in Contemporary Cuba by White, Bretton
Cuba in the Caribbean Cold War: Exiles, Revolutionaries and Tyrants, 1952-1959 by Prados Ortiz de Solórzano, Nicolás
A Silver River in a Silver World: Dutch Trade in the Rio de la Plata, 1648-1678 by Freeman, David
Anarchists of the Caribbean: Countercultural Politics and Transnational Networks in the Age of Us Expansion by Shaffer, Kirwin R.
Finding Afro-Mexico: Race and Nation After the Revolution by Cohen, Theodore W.
Tuberculosis in the Americas, 1870-1945: Beneath the Anguish in Philadelphia and Buenos Aires by Reber, Vera Blinn
The Question of Class in Contemporary Latin American Cinema by Vázquez Vázquez, María Mercedes
Cartas: Descubrimiento y conquista de Chile by De Valdivia, Pedro
Futbolera: A History of Women and Sports in Latin America by Elsey, Brenda, Nadel, Joshua
Alfred Maudslay and the Maya: A Biography by Graham, Ian
A Transnational History of the Internet in Central America, 1985-2000: Networks, Integration, and Development by Siles, Ignacio
La conquista del Perú by De Avecilla, Pablo Alonso
Frei Betto: The Political-Pastoral Work of a Dominican Friar in Brazil and Beyond by Freire, Americo Oscar Guichard, Sydow, Evanize Martins
Frei Betto: The Political-Pastoral Work of a Dominican Friar in Brazil and Beyond by Freire, Americo Oscar Guichard, Sydow, Evanize Martins
Simón Bolívar: The Life and Legacy of the Venezuelan Leader Who Liberated Much of Latin America from the Spanish Empire by Charles River
Simón Bolívar: The Life and Legacy of the Venezuelan Leader Who Liberated Much of Latin America from the Spanish Empire by Charles River
Beyond Babel by Brewer-García, Larissa
Seattle's El Centro de la Raza: Dr. King's Living Laboratory by Johansen, Bruce E.
¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence by Taylor, Diana
Actualistic Taphonomy in South America by
¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence by Taylor, Diana
Peripheral Nerve: Health and Medicine in Cold War Latin America by
Peripheral Nerve: Health and Medicine in Cold War Latin America by
Silver, Sword, and Stone: Three Crucibles in the Latin American Story by Arana, Marie
The Economic Aspect of the Abolition of the West Indian Slave Trade and Slavery by Williams, Eric
José María Heredia in New York, 1823-1825: An Exiled Cuban Poet in the Age of Revolution, Selected Letters and Verse by
Witness to the Age of Revolution: The Odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru by Walker, Charles F., Clarke, Liz
Patagônia: A História da Região Mais Meridional da América do Sul by Charles River
The Peace Corps in South America: Volunteers and the Global War on Poverty in the 1960s by Purcell, Fernando
Taste, Politics, and Identities in Mexican Food by
La gesta restauradora by Herrera, Alejandro
Foreign Aid and Journalism in the Global South: A Mouthpiece for Truth by Lugo-Ocando, Jairo
U.S. Policy Toward Latin America: From Regionalism to Globalism by Molineu, Harold
Women On The U.S.-Mexico Border: Responses To Change by Ruiz, Vicki
The Chilean Political Process by Garreton, Manuel Antonio
Nepantla Squared: Transgender Mestiz@ Histories in Times of Global Shift by Heidenreich, Linda
Nepantla Squared: Transgender Mestiz@ Histories in Times of Global Shift by Heidenreich, Linda
Across an Angry Sea: The SAS in the Falklands War by Delves, Cedric
Seeds of Power: Environmental Injustice and Genetically Modified Soybeans in Argentina by Leguizamón, Amalia
Seeds of Power: Environmental Injustice and Genetically Modified Soybeans in Argentina by Leguizamón, Amalia
O Federalismo e o Rio Grande do Sul by Tedesco Wedy, Miguel
Social Movements and Latin American Philosophy: From Ciudad Juárez to Ayotzinapa by Díaz Cepeda, Luis Rubén
Exile Space: Encountering Ancient and Modern America in Memoir with Essay and Fiction by Pasztory, Esther
The Eton Latin Grammar; With The Addition Of Many Useful Notes And Observations, And Also Of The Accents And Quantity, Together With An Entirely New V by Edwards, T. W. C.
The Latin Language, A Historical Outline Of Its Sounds Inflections, And Syntax by Edwin Bennett, Charles
Panama, The Canal, The Country And The People by Bullard, Arthur
Simon Bolivar, "El Libertador", A Life Of The Chief Leader In The Revolt Against Spain In Venezuela, New Granada & Peru by Loraine Petre, F.
Britain and the Growth of Us Hegemony in Twentieth-Century Latin America: Competition, Cooperation and Coexistence by
South of the Border: Women Travelers to Latin America by
El personaje y su leyenda by Depestre Catony, Leonardo
Translating Marx: José Aricó and the New Latin American Marxism by Cortés, Martin
An Instrument of Peace: The Full-Circled Life of Ambassador Guillermo Belt Ramírez by Pedreira, Daniel I.
Cowards Don't Make History: Orlando Fals Borda and the Origins of Participatory Action Research by Rappaport, Joanne
The History of Argentina: An Intriguing Look At This Marvelous Country by Green, Andrew
Cowards Don't Make History: Orlando Fals Borda and the Origins of Participatory Action Research by Rappaport, Joanne
The Early Haitian State and the Question of Political Legitimacy: American and British Representations of Haiti, 1804--1824 by Forde, James
Bolivians Of To-Day by Belmont Parker, William
Bolivians Of To-Day by Belmont Parker, William
Islanders and Empire by Ponce Vázquez, Juan José
Haiti In The World Economy: Class, Race, And Underdevelopment Since 1700 by Dupuy, Alex
Uruguayans Of To-Day by Belmont Parker, William
Language Competition and Shift in New Australia, Paraguay by Perez, Danae
Exile and Nation-State Formation in Argentina and Chile, 1810-1862 by Blumenthal, Edward
Queer Natives in Latin America: Forbidden Chapters of Colonial History by Arisi, Barbara M., Fernandes, Estêvão R., Gontijo, Fabiano S.
Revolution and Intervention in Grenada: The New Jewel Movement, the United States, and the Caribbean by Melanson, Richard, Schoenhals, Kai
Search for Justice: Neighborhood Courts in Allende's Chile by Spence, Jack
Social Change and Labor Unrest in Brazil Since 1945 by Sandoval, Salvador
The Politics of Chile: A Sociogeographical Assessment by Caviedes, Cesar
The Effects of Receiving Country Policies on Migration Flows by Weintraub, Sidney, Diaz-Briquets, Sergio
Bay of Pigs: An Oral History of Brigade 2506 by Triay, Victor Andres
The Latin American Ecocultural Reader by
The Making of the Global Nuclear Order in the 1970s: Issues and Controversies by
Authoritarian Capitalism: Brazil's Contemporary Economic and Political Development by
Argentinean Literary Orientalism: From Esteban Echeverría to Roberto Arlt by Gasquet, Axel
Desde la Patagonia hacia la Hispanoamérica unida: A propósito del libro de Juan Domingo Perón, Toponimia Patagónica de Etimologia Araucana by González, Julio C.
Doña Luz: Stories of Latin American Solar Mamas by
New Faces of God in Latin America: Emerging Forms of Vernacular Christianity by Garrard, Virginia
Petroleum And Mexico's Future by Falk, Pamela S.
Big Business and Dictatorships in Latin America: A Transnational History of Profits and Repression by
Arms and Politics in the Dominican Republic by Atkins, G. Pope
Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Mexico by Guzmán, Oscar
Latin America, The United States, And The Interamerican System by
The Johnson Administration's Cuba Policy: From "Dirty War" to Passive Containment by Diez Acosta, Tomás, Karlsson, Håkan
The Nature of Hate and the Hatred of Nature in Hispanic Literatures by Rivera-Barnes, Beatriz
Economic Policy And Income Distribution In Colombia by Berry, R. Albert
Latin American Political Economy: Financial Crisis And Political Change by Hartlyn, Jonathan
The Mexican Mission by Crewe, Ryan Dominic
Energy Politics In Colombia by de la Pedraja, René
Cuban Communism by
Israeli-Latin American Relations by Kaufman, Edy
Cuba Annual Report: 1986 by 0., Voice of America-Radio Marti Program
The People of the Colca Valley: A Population Study by Cook, Noble David
Argentina: La historia y legado de la nación desde la época colonial hasta la actualidad by Charles River
Argentina: La historia y legado de la nación desde la época colonial hasta la actualidad by Charles River
Latin American Cultural Objects and Episodes by Beezley, William H.