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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2022

Pedro Lemebel, Belleza Indómita by
Antigone in the Americas: Democracy, Sexuality, and Death in the Settler Colonial Present by Henao Castro, Andrés Fabián
Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema by
Beyond Babel by Brewer-García, Larissa
Libertadores de América: Cartas de amor entre Simón Bolívar y Manuela Saénz by Saénz, Manuela, Bolívar, Simón
Black Legend: The Many Lives of Raúl Grigera and the Power of Racial Storytelling in Argentina by Alberto, Paulina L.
A Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 1960-2017 by
The Southernmost End of South America Through Cartography: Tierra del Fuego, the South Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica from the 16th to 19th Century by de Lasa, Luis Ignacio, Luiz, María Teresa
Discursos y Proclamas del Libertador by Bolívar, Simón
A Hemisphere of Women: The Founding and Development of the Inter-American Commission, 1915-1939 by Wamsley, E. Sue
Unraveling Abolition by Pérez Morales, Edgardo
Discourses on American Musical Theatre between São Paulo and New York: Theatrical Flows at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century by Machado, Bernardo Fonseca
Rethinking the Inka: Community, Landscape, and Empire in the Southern Andes by
The Film Archipelago: Islands in Latin American Cinema by
The Underworld in Ancient Mesoamerica: The History and Legacy of Mesoamerican Concepts of Death by Charles River
Patchwork Freedoms by Chira, Adriana
Patchwork Freedoms by Chira, Adriana
Affect, Gender and Sexuality in Latin America by
On Guard Against the Red Menace: Anti-Communism in Brazil, 1917-1964 by Sa Motta
Mathematics and Society: Numbers and Measures in Early Modern South India by D, Senthil Babu
The Policy of the Ford Administration Toward Cuba: Carrot and Stick by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
Gender, Science, and Authority in Women's Travel Writing: Literary Perspectives on the Discourse of Natural History by Medeiros, Michelle
Cuban Studies 51 by
Bedlam in the New World: A Mexican Madhouse in the Age of Enlightenment by Ramos, Christina
Bedlam in the New World: A Mexican Madhouse in the Age of Enlightenment by Ramos, Christina
Second-Class Daughters by Hordge-Freeman, Elizabeth
The Boundaries of Freedom by
Second-Class Daughters by Hordge-Freeman, Elizabeth
Sumerian Mythology: A Deep Guide into Sumerian History and Mesopotamian Empire and Myths by Brown, Joshua
Against Racism: Organizing for Social Change in Latin America by
Books of the Brave: Being an Account of Books and of Men in the Spanish Conquest and Settlement of the Sixteenth-Century New World by Leonard, Irving A.
Books of the Brave: Being an Account of Books and of Men in the Spanish Conquest and Settlement of the Sixteenth-Century New World by Leonard, Irving A.
Essays on 20th Century Latin American Art by Birbragher-Rozencwaig, Francine
Workers Like All the Rest of Them: Domestic Service and the Rights of Labor in Twentieth-Century Chile by Hutchison, Elizabeth Quay
Workers Like All the Rest of Them: Domestic Service and the Rights of Labor in Twentieth-Century Chile by Hutchison, Elizabeth Quay
Intercolonial Intimacies: Relinking Latin/O America to the Philippines, 1898-1964 by Park, Paula C.
Decolonizing Politics and Theories from the Abya Yala by
Toward Afrodiasporic and Afrofuturist Philosophies of Religion by
Toward Afrodiasporic and Afrofuturist Philosophies of Religion by
Pueblos indígenas en Abiayala: Un abordaje comparativo de la investigación académica by Salomón Tarquini, Claudia
Planetary Longings by Pratt, Mary Louise
Planetary Longings by Pratt, Mary Louise
Biografia De Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua by Mahommah, Baquaqua
Rituals, Runaways, and the Haitian Revolution by Eddins, Crystal Nicole
Spain Is Different?: Historical Memory and the 'Two Spains' in Turn-Of-The-Millennium Spanish Apocalyptic Fictions by Knickerbocker, Dale
Socio-Political Histories of Latin American Statistics by
Alan Lomax, the South, and the American Folk Music Revival, 1933-1969 by Lenz, Risto
Virgil Gheorghiu on Communism, Capitalism and National Socialism by Morariu, Iuliu-Marius
Maya Mold Made: Virtual impressions of ancient figurine molds in the Ruta Maya Foundation collection by Van Stone, Mark, Johnson, Paul
Populista: The Rise of Latin America's 21st Century Strongman by Grant, Will
The Making of the Global Nuclear Order in the 1970s: Issues and Controversies by
Continental Transfers: Cultural and Political Exchange Among Spain, Italy and Argentina, 1914-1945 by
Political Survival: Politicians and Public Policy in Latin America Volume 12 by Ames, Barry
Political Survival: Politicians and Public Policy in Latin America Volume 12 by Ames, Barry
Sea and Land: An Environmental History of the Caribbean by Morgan, Philip D., McNeill, John R., Mulcahy, Matthew
Handbook of the Historiography of Latin American Studies on the Life Sciences and Medicine by
Anarchist Mexico: Ricardo Flores Magon and La Casa del Obero in the Mexican Revolution by Davin, Eric Leif
The Rio de la Plata from Colony to Nations: Commerce, Society, and Politics by
Oil and Revolution in Mexico by Brown, Jonathan C.
Oil and Revolution in Mexico by Brown, Jonathan C.
The Impasse of the Latin American Left by Webber, Jeffery R., Gaudichaud, Franck, Modonesi, Massimo
The Impasse of the Latin American Left by Gaudichaud, Franck, Modonesi, Massimo, Webber, Jeffery R.
Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Canada's Past and Future in Latin America by
Colonial New Mexican Families: Community, Church, and State, 1692-1800 by Stamatov, Suzanne M.
Cuban Privilege by Eckstein, Susan Eva
More Than a Massacre: Racial Violence and Citizenship in the Haitian-Dominican Borderlands by Cadeau, Sabine F.
Time and Reality in the Thought of the Maya: Volume 190 by Leon-Portilla, Miguel
The Gospel in Latin America: Historical Studies in Evangelicalism and the Global South by
The Gospel in Latin America: Historical Studies in Evangelicalism and the Global South by
Latin America, Caribbeyayi Kshetra Aur Bharat by Bhojwani, Deepak
Transnational Hispaniola: New Directions in Haitian and Dominican Studies by
Nationalizing Nature by Freitas, Frederico
Jewish Experiences Across the Americas: Local Histories Through Global Lenses by
Mexico's Dilemma: The Political Origins Of Economic Crisis by Newell G., Roberto, Rubio F., Luis
Trajectories of Empire: Transhispanic Reflections on the African Diaspora by
Trajectories of Empire: Transhispanic Reflections on the African Diaspora by
Sobre Los Límites del Campo: Ensayos de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericanista by Beverley, John
Football and Nation Building in Colombia (2010-2018): The Only Thing That Unites Us by Watson, Peter J.
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Transformation by Cardenas, Sonia, Root, Rebecca K.
Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Transformation by Cardenas, Sonia, Root, Rebecca K.
The Middle Classes in Latin America: Subjectivities, Practices, and Genealogies by
Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: State, Class, and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy by Colburn, Forrest D.
Panama at the Crossroads: Economic Development and Political Change in the Twentieth Century by Weeks, John, Zimbalist, Andrew
Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: State, Class, and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy by Colburn, Forrest D.
Panama at the Crossroads: Economic Development and Political Change in the Twentieth Century by Zimbalist, Andrew, Weeks, John
El Infierno Tan Temido: El Secuestro En México / The Hell We Dread: Kidnapping I N Mexico by López San Martín, Manuel, Niño de Rivera, Saskia
Mitología Sumeria: Guía Detallada de la Historia Sumeria y del Imperio y los Mitos Mesopotámicos by Brown, Joshua
Anarchists of the Caribbean by Shaffer, Kirwin R.
The Johnson Administration's Cuba Policy: From "Dirty War" to Passive Containment by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World by Schneider, Elena A.
Ten Notable Women of Colonial Latin America by Litrel, Suzanne M., Henderson, James D., Henderson, Linda R.
Ten Notable Women of Colonial Latin America by Litrel, Suzanne M., Henderson, James D., Henderson, Linda R.
Latin American History at the Movies by
Healthcare in Latin America: History, Society, Culture by
Healthcare in Latin America: History, Society, Culture by
Intellectuals and Communist Culture: Itineraries, Problems, and Debates in Post-War Argentina by Petra, Adriana
Foreign Aid and Journalism in the Global South: A Mouthpiece for Truth by Lugo-Ocando, Jairo
Latin American History at the Movies by
Indigeneity in Latin American Cinema by Rodriguez, Milton Fernando Gonzalez
Hierarchies at Home by Hicks, Anasa
Jewish Self-Defense in South America: Facing Anti-Semitism with a Club in Hand by Rein, Raanan
Modern Latin America Since 1800: Everyday Life and Politics by Wasserman, Mark
Freemasonry in the Revolutionary Atlantic World by Schwartz, Hans
The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo by Tavárez Mirabal, Minou
Voices of the Race by
Freedom's Captives by Barragan, Yesenia
Voices of the Race by
Temas de la Prensa Caraqueña Durante El Monagato (1847-1857) by Hernández Bencid, María Soledad
The Real Contra War: Highlander Peasant Resistance in Nicaragua by Brown, Timothy C.
Untold Microcosms: Latin American Writers in the British Museum by
Crises and Migration: Critical Perspectives from Latin America by
In Quest of El Dorado by Graham, Stephen
Journeys and Experiences in Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile; Including a Side Trip to the Source of the Paraguay River in the State of Matto Grosso, Br by Stephens, Henry
A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes; In Answer to a Late Pamphlet Entitled, An account of the Expedition to Carthagena by And Wentworth, Smollett
Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America (1900-1950) by Crow, Joanna
In the Amazon Jungle Adventures In Remote Parts Of The Upper Amazon River, Including A Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians by Lange, Algot
Genres of Listening: An Ethnography of Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires by Marsilli-Vargas, Xochitl
Genres of Listening: An Ethnography of Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires by Marsilli-Vargas, Xochitl
The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo by Tavárez Mirabal, Minou
Evita mirada: Modos de ver a Eva Perón by Ares, María Cristina
Cooperating with the Colossus: A Social and Political History of Us Military Bases in World War II Latin America by Herman, Rebecca
Political Struggle in Latin America: Seeking Change in a New Era of Globalization by Arceneaux, Craig L.
A History of Book Publishing in Contemporary Latin America by Sorá, Gustavo
History of Sociology in Chile: Trajectories, Discontinuities, and Projections by Morales Martín, Juan Jesús, Gómez de Benito, Justino
Mexico City's Olympic Games: Citizenship and Nation Building, 1963-1968 by Elías, Axel
Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States: Migrations, Missions, and Mobility by Palma, Paul J.
Ecosystem and Cultural Services: Environmental, Legal and Social Perspectives in Argentina by
Success of the Left in Latin America: Untainted Parties, Market Reforms, and Voting Behavior by Queirolo, Rosario
Religious Pluralism, Democracy, and the Catholic Church in Latin America by
Cacicas: The Indigenous Women Leaders of Spanish America, 1492-1825 by Guengerich, Sara V.
The Politics of Patronage Appointments in Latin American Central Administrations by
Mazeppa by Byron, George Gordon, 1788-
Abraham Lincoln; a History by Hay, John, Nicolay, John G.
Historical Documents Relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya, and Approaches Thereto, to 1773; Spanish Texts and English Translations; Volume 2 by Hackett, Charles Wilson, Bandelier, Fanny R., Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse
Historical Documents Relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya, and Approaches Thereto, to 1773; Spanish Texts and English Translations; Volume 2 by Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, Hackett, Charles Wilson, Bandelier, Fanny R.
The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry by Mackey, Albert G.
Abraham Lincoln; a History by Hay, John, Nicolay, John G.
The Popol Vuh: The Mythic And Heroic Sagas Of The Kiches Of Central America by Spence, Lewis
Relacion de los Naufragios y Comentarios by Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvarth
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 1 by Nicolay, John
Relacion de los Naufragios y Comentarios by Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvarth
The Popol Vuh: The Mythic And Heroic Sagas Of The Kiches Of Central America by Spence, Lewis
The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry by Mackey, Albert G.
The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration by
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 1 by Nicolay, John
Mazeppa by Byron, George Gordon, 1788-
Fuerza De Acción: Males Transitorios De Los Países Latinoamericanos Y Modo De Subsanarlos... by Avilés, Maximiliano
Fuerza De Acción: Males Transitorios De Los Países Latinoamericanos Y Modo De Subsanarlos... by Avilés, Maximiliano
The Spanish Conquest In America: And Its Relation To The History Of Slavery And To The Government Of Colonies; Volume 1 by Helps, Arthur
Manifiesto de los principios políticos del Escmo. Sr. d. J.R. Poinsett by Poinsett, Joel Roberts, Zavala, Lorenzo De
Abraham Lincoln by Nicolay, John G.
Histoire Politique De La Traite Négrière Aux Indes De Castille, Contrats Et Traités D'assiento; Étude De Droit Public Et D'histoire Diplomatique Puisé by Scelle, Georges
Geografía y descripción universal de las Indias by López de Velasco, Juan, Zaragoza, Justo
Geografía y descripción universal de las Indias by Zaragoza, Justo, López de Velasco, Juan
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 8 by Hay, John, Nicolay, John George
Histoire Politique De La Traite Négrière Aux Indes De Castille, Contrats Et Traités D'assiento; Étude De Droit Public Et D'histoire Diplomatique Puisé by Scelle, Georges
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 8 by Nicolay, John George, Hay, John
Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States Concerning the Independence of the Latin-American Nations; Volume 3 by Manning, William R. 1871-1942
El Café: Su Historia, Cultivo, Beneficio, Variedades, Producción, Exportación, Importación Consumo, Etc., Etc. Datos Extensos P by
Colección De Documentos Inéditos, Relativos Al Descubrimiento, Conquista Y Organización De Las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas De América Y Oceanía; Vol by De Mendoza, Louis Torres, de Cárdenas, Francisco, Pacheco, Joaquín Francisco
Colección De Los Viages Y Descubrimientos Que Hieieron; Volume 2 by
Money, Weights, and Measures of the American Republics by
Money, Weights, and Measures of the American Republics by
The United States and Latin America by Latané, John Holladay
La America en Peligro by Bilbao, Francisco
La America en Peligro by Bilbao, Francisco
Catalogue of Materials in The Archivo General de Indias for The History of The Pacific Coast and The by Chapman, Charles Edward
The United States and Latin America by Latané, John Holladay
Catalogue of Materials in The Archivo General de Indias for The History of The Pacific Coast and The by Chapman, Charles Edward
Historia De La Esclavitud De La Raza Africana En El Nuevo Mundo Y En Especial En Los Paises Américo-Hispanos; Volume 1 by Saco, José Antonio
Historia De La Esclavitud De La Raza Africana En El Nuevo Mundo Y En Especial En Los Paises Américo-Hispanos; Volume 1 by Saco, José Antonio
Relaciones Geográficas De Indias, Volume 2... by
Historia de las Indias: 5 by Sancho Rayón, José León, Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Manual Del Cultivo Del Café, Cacao, Vainilla Y Tabaco En La América Española Y De Todas Sus Aplicaciones: Comprendiendo El Estudio Quimico De Dichas S by Rossignon, Julio
Unión Latino-Americana, Pensamiento de Bolívar para Formar Una Liga Americana by María Tórres Caicedo, José
Historia De Las Guerras Civiles Del Peru by De Santa Clara, Pedro Gutierrez
Historia De Las Guerras Civiles Del Peru by De Santa Clara, Pedro Gutierrez
Unión Latino-Americana, Pensamiento de Bolívar para Formar Una Liga Americana by María Tórres Caicedo, José
Historia de las Indias; Volume 4 by Sancho Rayón, José León, Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo; Volume 3 by de la Espada, Marcos Jiménez, Cobo, Bernabé
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo, Volume 2... by Cobo, Bernabé
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo; Volume 4 by Cobo, Bernabé
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 4 by Nicolay, John George, Hay, John
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo; Volume 1 by Cobo, Bernabé
Historia General De Los Hechos De Los Castellanos En Las Islas Y Tierra Firme Del Mar Oceano by
Historia de las Indias; Volume 02 by Sancho Rayón, José León, Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Viaje político-científico alrededor del mundo: Por las corbetas Descubierta y Atrevida al mando de los capitanes de navío D. Alejandro Malaspina y Don by Novo y. Colson, Y. Colson Pedro De, Malaspina, Alejandro, Bustamante Y. Guerra, Y. Guerra José de
Manifiesto de los principios políticos del Escmo. Sr. d. J.R. Poinsett by Zavala, Lorenzo De, Poinsett, Joel Roberts
Manual Del Cultivo Del Café, Cacao, Vainilla Y Tabaco En La América Española Y De Todas Sus Aplicaciones: Comprendiendo El Estudio Quimico De Dichas S by Rossignon, Julio
Viaje político-científico alrededor del mundo: Por las corbetas Descubierta y Atrevida al mando de los capitanes de navío D. Alejandro Malaspina y Don by Bustamante Y. Guerra, Y. Guerra José de, Novo y. Colson, Y. Colson Pedro De, Malaspina, Alejandro
Fishing From the Earliest Time by Radcliffe, William
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo; Volume 1 by Cobo, Bernabé
Historia general de las Indias; Volume 2 by López de Gómara, Francisco
Historia Del Nuevo Mundo; Volume 3 by Cobo, Bernabé, de la Espada, Marcos Jiménez
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 7 by Hay, John, Nicolay, John George
Abraham Lincoln: A History; Volume 4 by Nicolay, John George, Hay, John
Rapport adressé au gouvernement d'Haïti par Mr. Hannibal Price, délégué à la Conférence internationale américaine tenue à Washington, États-Unis, du 2 by
Piraterías Y Agresiones De Los Ingleses Y De Otros Pueblos De Europa En La América Española Desde El Siglo XVI Al Xviii, Deducidas De Las Obras De D. by Anonymous
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