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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2023

The Woodbine Parish Report on the Revolutions in South America (1822): The Foreign Office and Early British Intelligence on Latin America by Schlez, Mariano Martín
Sujetos del Latinoamericanismo by
Translating Cuba: Literature, Music, Film, Politics by Lesman, Robert S.
Contact, Conquest and Colonization: How Practices of Comparing Shaped Empires and Colonialism Around the World by
Staging Violence: Gender and Social Control in Jácaras and Entremeses by De Miguel Magro, Tania
Football and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Argentina: La Nuestra by Orton, Mark
Democracy in Latin America: A History since Independence by Wright, Thomas C.
Veracruz and the Caribbean in the Seventeenth Century by Clark, Joseph M. H.
The Spectacular Generic: Pharmaceuticals and the Simipolitical in Mexico by Hayden, Cori
La Nueva Soledad de America Latina / Latin Americas New Solitude. a Dialogue by Castañeda, Jorge G., Lagos, Ricardo, Aguilar Camín, Héctor
Die Schlacht von Gettysburg: 1.-3. Juli 1863 by Maurer, Stephan Ernst
Ana M. López: Essays by López, Ana M.
Rising Up, Living on: Re-Existences, Sowings, and Decolonial Cracks by Walsh, Catherine E.
Mastering Spanish Handwriting and Documents, 1520-1820 by Ryskamp, Peggy, Soria, H. Leandro, Ryskamp, George R.
The Power of the Metaphysical Artifact: Controversies on Philosophy, Politics, and Science in Nineteenth-Century France and Mexico by Frausto, Obed
Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile: Struggles for Remembrance, Legitimacy and Accountability by Jean, Joannie
Puerto Rican Soldiers Serving with Pride by Pagan Morales, Norma Iris
Crónicas de la Verdadera Conquista by Uribe, Jorge Pedro
Death in Old Mexico by Von Germeten, Nicole
Death in Old Mexico by Von Germeten, Nicole
We, the King by Masters, Adrian
Social Struggle and Civil Society in Nineteenth Century Cuba by
Inspirational Stories for Hispanic Girls: History of Hispanic Women That Made a Difference by Cervera, Griselda
Indigenous Borderlands: Native Agency, Resilience, and Power in the Americas by
Still Life with Bones: Genocide, Forensics, and What Remains by Hagerty, Alexa
The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America by
A Memoir of Transactions That Took Place in St. Domingo, in the Spring of 1799; Affording an Idea of the Present State of that Country, the Real Chara by Rainsford, Marcus
Little Journey to Puerto Rico: For Intermediate and Upper Grades by Minnie George, Marian
How to Make a New Spain: The Material Worlds of Colonial Mexico City by Rodríguez-Alegría, Enrique
Ethnographic Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean by Guzman, Jennifer R., Medeiros, Melanie A.
Nursing, Policy and Politics in Twentieth-Century Chile: Reforming Health, 1920s-1990s by Thulin, Markus, Ayala, Ricardo A.
Soziologie in Brasilien by Neri, Hugo, Domingos Cordeiro, Veridiana
Soziologie in Argentinien by Blois, Juan Pedro
Capoeira, Mobility, and Tourism: Preserving an Afro-Brazilian Tradition in a Globalized World by Varela, Sergio González
Geopolitics, Culture, and the Scientific Imaginary in Latin America by
The Political Body: Stories on Art, Feminism, and Emancipation in Latin America Volume 6 by Giunta, Andrea
Women on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Responses to Change by Ruiz, Vicki
Cuban Legends by
Cuban Legends by
A Collection Of Latin Maxims And Phrases Literally by Cotterell, John N.
Between Norteño and Tejano Conjunto: Music, Tradition, and Culture at the U.S.-Mexico Border by Díaz-Santana Garza, Luis
Filiaciones Culturales Y Contactos Entre Las Poblaciones Viru-Gallinazo Y Mochica (200 AC - 600 DC, Costa Norte del Peru) by Espinosa, Alicia
The Caribbean Social Justice Agenda by
Identity and Violence in Early Modern Granada: Conversos and Moriscos by Zakrzewski, Tanja
Offshore Attachments: Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean by Schields, Chelsea
Offshore Attachments: Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean by Schields, Chelsea
Memories of Underdevelopment: Memorias del Subdesarrollo by Sadlier, Darlene J.
Indigenous Borderlands: Native Agency, Resilience, and Power in the Americas by
Violence and Resistance, Art and Politics in Colombia by
Socio-Political Histories of Latin American Statistics by
The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America by
Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color by Monteagut, Lorraine
Decolonial Ecologies: The Reinvention of Natural History in Latin American Art by Page, Joanna
Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America by
Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America by
La Reclamación de Venezuela Sobre El Territorio Esequibo by Badell Madrid, Rafael
The Study of Photography in Latin America: Critical Insights and Methodological Approaches by Gardner, Nathanial
Indigenous Borderlands: Native Agency, Resilience, and Power in the Americas by Rivaya-Martínez, Joaquín
Indigenous Borderlands: Native Agency, Resilience, and Power in the Americas by Rivaya-Martínez, Joaquín
The Silver Women: How Black Women's Labor Made the Panama Canal by Flores-Villalobos, Joan
The Silver Women: How Black Women's Labor Made the Panama Canal by Flores-Villalobos, Joan
A New Struggle for Independence in Modern Latin America by
American Divergences in the Great Recession by Pompejano, Daniele
North Korea, Tricontinentalism, and the Latin American Revolution, 1959-1970 by Taylor, Moe
Practicing Asylum: A Handbook for Expert Witnesses in Latin American Gender- And Sexuality-Based Asylum Cases by
Western Mesoamerican Calendars and Writing Systems: Proceedings of the Copenhagen Roundtable by
Cuba and the Revolutionary Myth: The Political Education of the Cuban Rebel Army, 1953-1963 by Judson, C. Fred
Oil, Money, and the Mexican Economy: A Macroeconometric Analysis by Carrada-Bravo, Francisco
Militarization and the International Arms Race in Latin America by Varas, Augusto
Cooperation or Rivalry?: Regional Integration in the Americas and the Pacific Rim by Nishijima, Shoji
Assessing Democracy in Latin America: A Tribute to Russell H. Fitzgibbon by Kelly, Philip
Migrants in the Mexican North: Mobility, Economy and Society in a Colonial World by Swann, Michael M.
Decolonial Ecologies: The Reinvention of Natural History in Latin American Art by Page, Joanna
José Celestino Mutis and Newtonianism in New Granada, 1762-1808 by Molina-Betancur, Sebastián
For Land and Liberty by Bowen, Merle L.
The Spanish Conquest of the Americas: An Enthralling Overview of the Conquistadors and Their Conquests of the Aztec and Inca Empires by Wellman, Billy
Cuban Studies 52 by
Jesuits and Asian Goods in the Iberian Empires, 1580-1700 by Svriz-Wucherer, Pedro Omar
Tobacco on the Periphery: A Case Study in Cuban Labour History, 1860-1958 by Stubbs, Jean
Uprising: the October Rebellion in Ecuador by Madrid, Andrés, Tapia, Andrés, Iza, Leonidas
Transnational Communism Across the Americas by
Transnational Communism Across the Americas by
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Health in the Highlands: Indigenous Healing and Scientific Medicine in Guatemala and Ecuador by Carey, David
Health in the Highlands: Indigenous Healing and Scientific Medicine in Guatemala and Ecuador by Carey, David
Latin America And The War by Barrett, John
United States Dependencies; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama Republic, Illustrated by Boyce, William Dickson
The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: The Native Races: vol. IV, Antiquities by Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Historia De América Española ... by Anonymous
Spanish America; Volume 2 by Bonnycastle, Richard Henry
Anales Históricos, by Calvo, Carlos
Nachrichten von verschiedenen Ländern des Spanischen Amerika: Aus eigenhändigen Aufsätzen einiger Missionare der Gesellschaft Jesu, Erster Theil by Von Murr, Christoph Gottlieb
Historia Natural Y Moral De Las Indias; Volume 1 by de Acosta, José
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de ultramar. 2. ser; Volum by De La Historia, Real Academia
Estudios sobre el Código de Minería de la República de Chile by Valenzuela, Clodomiro Mujica
The Emancipation of South America by Spilling, William, Mitre, Bartolomé
Colección De Documentos Inéditos, Relativos Al Descubrimiento, Conquista Y Organización De Las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas De América Y Oceanía; Vol by
Historia De Las Indias, Volume 1... by
América: Historia De Su Descubrimiento, Desde Los Tiempos Primitivos Hasta Los Mas Modernos; Volume 1 by Cronau, Rudolf
United States Dependencies; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama Republic, Illustrated by Boyce, William Dickson
Historia General Y Natural De Las Indias, Islas Y Tierrafirme Del Mar Océano, Volume 1... by
Historia De Las Indias, Volume 1... by
Cuba Indígena... by
Cuba Indígena... by
Los Conquistadores; el origen heroico de América by Salaverría, José María
El General Martínez Campos en Cuba: Reseña Político-Militar de la UItima Campaña by Ochando, T.
Historia Política De Los Establecimientos Ultramarinos De Las Naciones Europeas, Volume 2... by Abbé), Raynal (Guillaume-Thomas-Franço
Monografías Histórico-americanas... by
La Doctrine de Monroë et L'Amérique Latine by Antokoletz, Daniel
Historia General Y Natural De Las Indias, Islas Y Tierrafirme Del Mar Océano: Tomo Segundo de la Segunda Parte, Tercero de la Obra by
Cahokia: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient American City by Waven, T. R.
The Film Archipelago: Islands in Latin American Cinema by
Los parlamentos hispano-indígenas y su falso imaginario (Siglos XVI - XVII) by Ortiz Aguilera, Carlos Alberto
Xenophobia and Nativism in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by
Failed Democracies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Democratic Purgatory and the Viability of Consolidated Democratic Regimes by Brown, Christopher M.
Sowing the Sacred: Mexican Pentecostal Farmworkers in California by Barba, Lloyd Daniel
Ana M. López: Essays by López, Ana M.
The Monarchs of the Main; Or, Adventures of the Buccaneers (Volume 1) by Thornbury, Walter
The Monarchs of the Main; Or, Adventures of the Buccaneers (Volume 3) by Thornbury, Walter
The Monarchs of the Main; Or, Adventures of the Buccaneers (Volume 2) by Thornbury, Walter
A Tale of Two Granadas by Deardorff, Max
Contemporary Cuba: The Post-Castro Era by
Policing Freedom by Jean, Martine
The Boundaries of Freedom by
Intellectuals and Communist Culture: Itineraries, Problems, and Debates in Post-War Argentina by Petra, Adriana
Beyond Science and Empire: Circulation of Knowledge in an Age of Global Empires, 1750-1945 by
Contemporary Cuba: The Post-Castro Era by
Jewish Experiences Across the Americas: Local Histories Through Global Lenses by
Sacred Habitat: Nature and Catholicism in the Early Modern Spanish Atlantic by Segev, Ran
Forging Latin America: Profiles in Power and Ideas, 1492 to Today by Crandall, Russell
Cinematic Journeys in Latin America: Geography Through the Lens of Exploration and Discovery Films by Francaviglia, Richard
Forging Latin America: Profiles in Power and Ideas, 1492 to Today by Crandall, Russell
Crises and Migration: Critical Perspectives from Latin America by
Sociology in Colombia by Aldana Cedeño, Janneth
Balas perdidas: La foto de Pinochet y otras crónicas a 50 años del golpe de Estado en Chile by Brodsky, Roberto
The Skyband Group, Copan Honduras: Penn State Excavations 1990, 1997 by Webster, David
Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America (1900-1950) by Crow, Joanna
Palm Oil Diaspora by Watkins, Case
Sovereign Joy by Valerio, Miguel A.
The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates
The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates
Minority Influences in Medieval Society by
Ometepe: Su Historia, Mitos y Leyendas by Silva Monge, Manuel Hamilton
The Policy of the Ford Administration Toward Cuba: Carrot and Stick by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
Setbacks and Advances in the Modern Latin American Economy by
Social, Political, and Religious Movements in the Modern Americas by
Political Struggle in Latin America: Seeking Change in a New Era of Globalization by Arceneaux, Craig L.
Remaking Indigeneity in the Amazon: Christianity, Colonization and the State by Rozo, Esteban
History of Sociology in Chile: Trajectories, Discontinuities, and Projections by Morales Martín, Juan Jesús, Gómez de Benito, Justino
Indigenous Autonomy at La Junta de Los Rios: Traders, Allies, and Migrants on New Spain's Northern Frontier by Wright, Robert
Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States: Migrations, Missions, and Mobility by Palma, Paul J.
Ancient Civilizations: Mayan History, The Aztecs, And Inca Empire by Kingston, A. J.
Population Growth in Latin America and U.S. National Security by
Native American Tribes: Five Civilized Tribes Of Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek & Seminole Nation by Kingston, A. J.
Native Americans: Osage, Mohican, Navajo, & Apache Nations by Kingston, A. J.
Being the Heart of the World by Vallen, Nino
The Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919: A Political and Cultural Approach from a Covid World by
Discourses of the Elders: The Aztec Huehuetlatolli a First English Translation by Purcell, Sebastian
Discourses of the Elders: The Aztec Huehuetlatolli a First English Translation by Purcell, Sebastian
Ten Notable Women of Modern Latin America by Henderson, James D., Henderson, Linda R., Litrel, Suzanne M.
Ten Notable Women of Modern Latin America by Henderson, James D., Henderson, Linda R., Litrel, Suzanne M.
Neoliberalism and Subjectivity in Latin America by
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
Brazil by Klein, Herbert S., Luna, Francisco Vidal
Brazil by Klein, Herbert S., Luna, Francisco Vidal
Honoring the Departed: El Día de Los Muertos: Day of the Dead by Caballero, A. E.
Transatlantic Cinephilia: Film Culture Between Latin America and France, 1945-1965 Volume 6 by Navitski, Rielle
Transatlantic Cinephilia: Film Culture Between Latin America and France, 1945-1965 Volume 6 by Navitski, Rielle
Between Two Homelands: Argentine Migration to and from Israel by Krupnik, Adrián
Politischer Kampf in Lateinamerika: Auf Der Suche Nach Veränderung in Einer Neuen Ära Der Globalisierung by Arceneaux, Craig L.
Madness and Subversion in Saul Bellow's Later Novels: A Deconstructive Perspective by Marrouchi, Ramzi
They Called It Pearson: The History of Mata Ortiz and the Casas Grandes Valley by O'Connor, Richard D., Parks, Walter P.
Lo llamaron Pearson: La historia de Mata Ortiz y el valle de Casas Grandes by O'Connor, Richard D., Parks, Walter P.
El Fénix mexicano. La Virgen de Guadalupe. Imagen y tradición by Brading, David Anthony
Notions of Violence and Ethnic Cleansing on the Eve of the First World War: The Balkan Wars of 1912-13 by Delis, Panagiotis
Gringos Get Rich: Anti-Americanism in Chilean Music by Rojas, Eunice
Gringos Get Rich: Anti-Americanism in Chilean Music by Rojas, Eunice
Transatlantic Radio Dramas: Antônio Callado and the BBC Latin American Service During and After World War II by Mandur Thomaz, Daniel
A Colonial Book Market by Gehbald, Agnes
Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic and Political History of Latin America and the Caribbean by
Revelation in the Vernacular by Ruiz, Jean-Pierre
Revelation in the Vernacular by Ruiz, Jean-Pierre
Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America by
Ellas, en la otra parte de la historia hondureña (1824-1956) by Castillo Canelas, Patricia E.
Ellas, en la otra parte de la historia hondureña (1824-1956) by Castillo Canelas, Patricia E.
TRES MOMENTOS EN LA CONTROVERSIA DE LÍMITES DE GUAYANA Y ORINOCO (Capítulo de una historia de ese río) by Núñez, Enrique Bernardo
Financialization, Austerity, and Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean by Wilson, Dwight, Gautam, Rana S., Pinheiro, Diogo L.
Sociology in Mexico: An Intellectual and Institutional History by Zabludovsky, Gina
Sociology in Mexico: An Intellectual and Institutional History by Zabludovsky, Gina
Los Descubrimientos de Ámerica: Historia Liberal by Rivases, Luis
The Metamorphosis of the Amazon by Feichtner, Maximilian Fritz
Violent Delights, Violent Ends: Sex, Race, and Honor in Colonial Cartagena de Indias by Germeten, Nicole Von
Violent Delights, Violent Ends: Sex, Race, and Honor in Colonial Cartagena de Indias by Germeten, Nicole Von
The Rise and Fall of the Oil Nation Venezuela by Rossi, Carlos A.