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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2024

Cómo se gobierna Filipinas by Rizal Y. Alonso, José
Nuevas Cartas Americanas by Valera, Juan
Los hijos de Sánchez: Tomo II by Lewis, Oscar
Cartas by Valdivia, Pedro De
Escenas latinoamericanas by Martí Y. Pérez, José
Crónica mexicana: Manuscrito # 117 de la Colección Hans Paul Kraus by de Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando
Origen de los mexicanos by Tovar, Juan de
Descripción de diferentes piezas de historia natural by Parra, Antonio
Sumario de la natural historia de las Indias by Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
Autobiografía de un esclavo by Manzano, Juan Francisco
Siete ensayos de interpretación de la realidad peruana by Mariategui, José Carlos
Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España: Tomo II by Sahagún, Bernardino de
Estudios críticos sobre historia y política by Valera, Juan
Historia de Tlaxcala by Muñoz Camargo, Diego
La guerra de guerrillas by Che Guevara, Ernesto
Estudios críticos sobre historia y política by Valera, Juan
La Florida del Inca by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Crónica mexicana by Alvarado Tezozomoc, Fernando
Suma y narración de los incas by Betánzos, Juan de
La Florida del Inca by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Historia de la conquista de México by López de Gómara, Francisco de
Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Diario de a bordo: Segundo viaje, tercer y cuarto viaje by Colón, Cristóbal
Diario de a bordo: Primer viaje by Colón, Cristóbal
Historia general de las Indias by López de Gómara, Francisco
Memorial de Sololá by Varios, Autores
Autobiografía de un esclavo by Manzano, Juan Francisco
Reading José Martí from the Margins by de la Torre, Miguel A.
Centennial Fever: Transnational Hispanic Commemorations and Spanish Nationalism by Moreno-Luzón, Javier
Haiti since 1804: Critical Perspectives on Class, Power, and Gender by Dupuy, Alex
Football and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Argentina: La Nuestra by Orton, Mark
Latin America and the Transports of Opera: Fragments of a Transatlantic Discourse by Díaz, Roberto Ignacio
Latin America and the Transports of Opera: Fragments of a Transatlantic Discourse by Díaz, Roberto Ignacio
Marvela and the Broken Waters by Ellis, Kathy
Us Public Diplomacy Strategies in Latin America During the Sixties: Time for Persuasion by
Us Public Diplomacy Strategies in Latin America During the Sixties: Time for Persuasion by
Harmonizing Sentiments: The Declaration of Independence and the Jeffersonian Idea of Self-Government, Second Edition by Eicholz, Hans L.
Memoirs of an Edomite King Born in America!: Struggles, Tribulations, & Accomplishments by Avraham, Shalom The God King
Latin American History Goes to the Movies: Understanding Latin America's Past Through Film by Brewer, Stewart
Latin American History Goes to the Movies: Understanding Latin America's Past Through Film by Brewer, Stewart
Haiti since 1804: Critical Perspectives on Class, Power, and Gender by Dupuy, Alex
The Cambridge History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective by
Collecting Mesoamerican Art Before 1940: A New World of Latin American Antiquities by
Connecting China, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Infrastructure and Everyday Life by
A Concise History of the Aztecs by Kellogg, Susan
Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile: Struggles for Remembrance, Legitimacy and Accountability by Jean, Joannie
Freedom's Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution by Ferrer, Ada
Freedom's Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution by Ferrer, Ada
Australia and Argentina by Fogarty, John, Duncan, Tim
Freaks in Late Modernist American Culture: Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes, Tod Browning, and Carson McCullers by Bombaci, Nancy
Nationalisation of the Sacred: Orthodox Historiography, Memory, and Politics in Montenegro by Hilton Saggau, Emil
The Other Border Wars: Conflict and Stasis in Latin American Culture by Dowd, Shannon
Elections in Latin America: Campaigns, Voters, and Institutions by Pallister, Kevin
Battles for Belonging: Women Journalists, Political Culture, and the Paradoxes of Inclusion in Colombia, 1943-1970 by Sánchez-López, Sandra
La Barbarie represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro: Tomo III by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
Hondureños: ¡a las armas! Colección de Escritos by Bonilla, Policarpo
Nursing, Policy and Politics in Twentieth-Century Chile: Reforming Health, 1920s-1990s by Thulin, Markus, Ayala, Ricardo A.
Social Alternatives in Southern Europe and Latin America: Solidarity, Mutual Aid, and Cooperation in Comparative Perspective (19th-21st Centuries) by
Elections in Latin America: Campaigns, Voters, and Institutions by Pallister, Kevin
Zoratama La Princesse Muisca: Histoire et Légende Indigène de Colombie by Bedoya Martinez, Jaime
Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton: Silenced Women's Voices and Founding Mothers of Color: A Critical Race Theory Counterstory by Vollmann, Vanessa
Indigeneity in Latin American Cinema by Rodriguez, Milton Fernando Gonzalez
Nineteenth-Century British Perspectives on Spanish America: Volume I: Romanticism and Revolutions by
¿Ojos que no ven? Colonialidad y cimarronaje visual en la República Dominicana by Carrasquillo, Rosa E.
Misplaced Ideas?: Political-Intellectual History in Latin America by Palti, Elías J.
The Persistence of Local Caudillos in Latin America: Informal Political Practices and Democracy in Unitary Countries by Dosek, Tomás
The Popol Vhu by Selby, Steven
Exploring Iberian Counterpoints in the Eighteenth- And Nineteenth-Century Pacific by Manzano Cosano, David, Buschmann, Rainer F.
Exploring Iberian Counterpoints in the Eighteenth- And Nineteenth-Century Pacific by Buschmann, Rainer F., Manzano Cosano, David
The Creation of Modern Buenos Aires: Football, Civic Associations, Barrios, and Politics, 1912-1943 by Horowitz, Joel
Puerto Rico: A National History by Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell
Puerto Rico: Historia de Una Nación / Puerto Rico: A National History by Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell
Spearthrower Owl: A Teotihuacan Ruler in Maya History by Stuart, David
More than a Massacre by Cadeau, Sabine F.
Laboring for the State by Hynson, Rachel
Through British Guiana to the summit of Roraima by Clementi, Cecil
Through the Brazilian Wilderness by Roosevelt, Theodore
Violence and Resistance, Art and Politics in Colombia by
Pearls for the Crown: Art, Nature, and Race in the Age of Spanish Expansion by Domínguez Torres, Mónica
Questioning Traumatic Heritage: Spaces of Memory in Europe and South America by
Latin America's Democratic Crusade: The Transnational Struggle Against Dictatorship, 1920s-1960s by Wells, Allen
Latin America's Democratic Crusade: The Transnational Struggle Against Dictatorship, 1920s-1960s by Wells, Allen
A bord de la Junon by Lemay, Gaston
Explorers Dreamers and Thieves: Latin American Writers in the British Museum by
The Forever Colony by Villanueva, Victor
The Puerto Rican War: A Graphic History by Mejias, John Vasquez
Soñaba el abad de San Pedro y yo también sé soñar by del Valle, José Cecilio
Soñaba el abad de San Pedro y yo también sé soñar by del Valle, José Cecilio
El Pacto de Puntofijo: Orígenes, Actores, Signiificado, Implementación Y Efectos: Orígenes, Signiificado, by
The Middle Classes in Latin America: Subjectivities, Practices, and Genealogies by
Jewish Self-Defense in South America: Facing Anti-Semitism with a Club in Hand by Rein, Raanan
Welcome to Oxnard: Race, Place, and Chicana Adolescence in Michele Serros's Writings by Herrera, Cristina
Maricas: Queer Cultures and State Violence in Argentina and Spain, 1942-1982 by Fernández-Galeano, Javier
Maricas: Queer Cultures and State Violence in Argentina and Spain, 1942-1982 by Fernández-Galeano, Javier
The Aztec Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Stories and Legends by Townsend, Camilla
Feral Empire by Renton, Kathryn
Managing the Commanding Heights: Nicaragua's State Enterprises by Colburn, Forrest D.
Justice by Insurance: The General Indian Court of Colonial Mexico and the Legal Aides of the Half-Real by Borah, Woodrow
Mexico at the World's Fairs: Crafting a Modern Nation Volume 35 by Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio
Paying the Price of Freedom: Family and Labor Among Lima's Slaves, 1800-1854 by Hünefeldt, Christine
Afrika - Atlantik - Amerika by Zeuske, Michael
The Power of Ideology: The Quest for Technological Autonomy in Argentina and Brazil Volume 16 by Adler, Emanuel
The Second World War and the Rise of Mass Nationalism in Brazil: Class, Race and Citizenship by Fortes, Alexandre
Moctezuma Y Atahualpa: Vida, Pasión Y Muerte de DOS Gobernantes / Moctezuma and Atahualpa: Life, Passion, and Death of Two Rulers by Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo
Thomas Jefferson: Guardian of the Natural Bridge by Holowchak, Mark Andrew
The Marqués, the Divas, and the Castrati: Gaspar de Haro Y Guzmán and Opera in the Early Modern Spanish Orbit by Stein, Louise K.
Women's Suffrage in the Americas by
El Dorado: A Reader by
Remembering Che: My Life with Che Guevara by March, Aleida
21 Mayan Mysteries: Hidden Treasures Of A Timeless Civilization by Shepherd, Samuel
The Political Coexistence of the United States with Cuba, 1961-1975 by Siwek, Krzysztof
Propagandists of the Book: Protestant Missions, Christian Literacy, and the Making of Brazilian Evangelicalism by Feitoza, Pedro
La Diaspora en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI: Tomo II by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
Tutunakú: Language, Power and Youth in Central México by Brandi, Lucia
Reframing Peace Mediation: Overcoming Negotiation Impasses in El Salvador by Frazer, Owen
The Dominicans in the Americas and the Philippines (C. 1500-C. 1820): Devotional Life, Catholic Literary Culture, and Models of Holiness by
Cuban Studies 53 by
Brujería: A Little Introduction by Montoya, Yvette
Carnival Caricatures: Carnival and Humor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Lopes Da Cunha, Fabiana
Hierarchies at Home: Domestic Service in Cuba from Abolition to Revolution by Hicks, Anasa
An Unholy Rebellion, Killing the Gods: Political Ideology and Insurrection in the Mayan Popul Vuh and the Andean Huarochiri Manuscript by Fredrick, Sharonah Esther
The Girmitiya Peasants in Suriname: Agrarian and Economic Transformations in a Plantation Society by Gowricharn, Ruben
El Mundo Prehispánico Para Gente Con Prisa / The Pre-Hispanic World for People in a Hurry by Cuauhtémoc, Tlatoani
Érase Una Vez México 1: de Las Cavernas Al Virreinato / Once Upon a Time Mexico 1 by Molina, Sandra, Rosas, Alejandro
Journey to Indo-América by Dorais, Geneviève
Unraveling Abolition by Pérez Morales, Edgardo
Narcoball: Love, Death and Football in Escobar's Colombia by Arrowsmith, David
Los conquistadores y el intercambio colombino: Una guía fascinante sobre los exploradores españoles, su conquista de las Américas y la circulación tra by History, Captivating
Morazán, el Padre Trino y otros Ensayos by Rosa, Ramón
Morazán, el Padre Trino y otros Ensayos by Rosa, Ramón
Pre-Columbian Contact Between the Americas and Oceania by Ballesteros -. Danel, Andrea
Cancer Intersections: Biomedicine, Health Insurance, and the Paradoxes of Health Care Reform in Neoliberal Colombia by Sanz, Camilo
Brazil: From Carnival to the Amazon by Raines, August
Latin American Economic History: An Introduction to Daily Life, Debt, and Development by Ball, Molly C.
Latin American Economic History: An Introduction to Daily Life, Debt, and Development by Ball, Molly C.
Articles on the Incas by Markham, Clements Robert
Left in the Shadows by Christie, Frances
Left in the Shadows by Christie, Frances
Student Resistance to Dictatorship in Chile, 1973-1990: 'Security to Study, Freedom to Live!' by Smith, Richard G.
Puerto Rico: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Duany, Jorge
Socialism, Internationalism, and Development in the Third World: Envisioning Modernity in the Era of Decolonization by
Social Struggle and Civil Society in Nineteenth Century Cuba by
Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala: Natural Disaster and Sociocultural Change in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán by
Tobacco Counterpoints: Cuba and the Global Habano by Stubbs, Jean
Dominican Crossroads: H. C. C. Astwood and the Moral Politics of Race-Making in the Age of Emancipation by Davidson, Christina Cecelia
Dominican Crossroads: H. C. C. Astwood and the Moral Politics of Race-Making in the Age of Emancipation by Davidson, Christina Cecelia
The Argentine Navy and the First World War, 1914-1928: Defence and Maritime Interests by Desiderato, Agustín Daniel
Latin America 2024-2025 by Beezley, William H.
From Peasant Struggles to Indian Resistance: The Ecuadorian Andes in the Late Twentieth Century by Pallares, Amalia
La Conquista de México: Moctezuma, Cortés Y La Caída de Un Imperio / Conquest by Thomas, Hugh
La Conquista Para Gente Con Prisa / The Conquest for People in a Hurry by Cuauhtémoc, Tlatoani
Irish Immigrants to Peru: The Invisible Experience by McEvoy, Gabriela
Mexico's Dilemma: The Political Origins of Economic Crisis by Rubio F., Luis, Newell G., Roberto
Animal Matter: Ritual, Place, and Sovereignty at the Moon Pyramid of Teotihuacan by Sugiyama, Nawa
Sir Spencer Harcourt Butler: A Master Governor in British India (1890-1928): A Record of His Contribution Towards the Development of Modern India by MacNamara, Michael Fenwick
The Clovis and Mississippian Peoples: The History of the Ancient Cultures that Influenced Indigenous Groups in North America by Charles River
From Colonial Cuba to Madrid by Díaz, María Elena
From Colonial Cuba to Madrid by Díaz, María Elena
La América Olvidada by Russo, Lucio
Xenophobia and Nativism in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by
Mexico City College The History 1940- 1963 and Beyond by Quinn, Joseph M.
Substance of the Ancient Maya: Kingdoms and Communities, Objects and Beings by
Progressive Chile by E. Mansfield, Robert
Digital Satire in Latin America: Online Video Humor as Hybrid Alternative Media by Alonso, Paul
Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic and Political History of Latin America and the Caribbean by
Digital Satire in Latin America: Online Video Humor as Hybrid Alternative Media by Alonso, Paul
Plebeian Consumers by Otero-Cleves, Ana María
Slavery and Freedom in Black Thought in the Early Spanish Atlantic by Ireton, Chloe L.
Slavery and Freedom in Black Thought in the Early Spanish Atlantic by Ireton, Chloe L.
Prowling about Panama by A. Miller, George
Teaching Emancipation and Reconstruction, 1861-1876 by
Team of Giants: The Making of the Spanish-American War by Bernstein, Matthew
Remaking Indigeneity in the Amazon: Christianity, Colonization and the State by Rozo, Esteban
Pain Into Purpose: Mobilizing Emotions in Argentina's Black Resistance Movement by Gayles, Prisca
Afro-Cuban Religions and the Arts: A Dog Has Four Legs But Takes Only One Path by West-Durán, Alan
Soundscapes of the Early Modern Hispanophone and Lusophone Worlds by
Historieta Doble: A Graphic History of Participatory Action Research by Pérez Altais, Pablo, Flórez G., Lina, Rappaport, Joanne