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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1981

H.L.A. Hart by MacCormick, Neil
Encyclopedia of Public International Law: Settlement of Disputes 1 by Bernhardt, R.
Bankvertragsrecht by
Internationales Privatrecht: (Sonderausgabe Aus BGB Rgrk, 12. Aufl.) by Wengler, Wilhelm
Law and Society in Puritan Massachusetts: Essex County, 1629-1692 by Konig, David Thomas
Grundlagen Einer Handels- Und Steuerrechtlichen Rechnungspolitik Der Unternehmung by Bauer, Jörg
Körperschaftsteuer by Ossendorf, Herbert
Empirische Verwaltungsforschung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Bibliographie-Analyse by Bruder, Wolfgang
Unternehmenserhaltung Und Gewinnbegriff: Die Problematik Des Nominalwertprinzips in Handels- Und Steuerrechtlicher Sicht by Wenger, Ekkehard
Kriminalität in Der DDR: Zur Phänomenologie Des Abweichenden Verhaltens Im Sozialistischen Deutschen Staat by Freiburg, Arnold
Legal Aspects of International Drug Control by Chatterjee, S. K.
Grundzüge Des Besteuerungsverfahrens by Rose, Gerd
Fälle Und Entscheidungen Zum Versicherungsrecht: Versicherungsvertragsrecht, Allgemeiner Teil by Wrabetz, Wolfram
Principles of the Conflict of Laws National and International by Lipstein, K.
Die Ertragsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Handelsrecht: Ohne Gesellschafts- Und Seehandelsrecht by Sieg, Karl
Unternehmensbeteiligungen by Petry, Dirk
Einkommensteuer / Lohnsteuer by Sacher, Werner
Das Amerikanische Regierungssystem: Eine Politologische Analyse by Fraenkel, Ernst
Allgemeine Haftpflichtversicherung: Anwendung Der Ahb in Der PRAXIS by Kuwert, Joachim
Secret Incomes of the Soviet State Budget by Birman, Igor
Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law by Holleman, J. F., Vollenhoven, Cornelis Van, Sonius, H. W. J.
Fernsehen Und Hörfunk Für Die Demokratie: Ein Handbuch Über Den Rundfunk in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Haftung Und Besteuerung Des Vermögensberaters by Rössler, Heinz, Klumpe, Werner
Der Bausparvertrag by Zink, Achim
Manual for Transfers of Rights of Occupa by Gondwe, Zebron Steven
Steuerfall und Lösung: Steuerklausuren und Seminarfälle mit Lösungsvorschlägen by
Fundamentals of Strategic Weapons: Offense and Defense Systems by Constant, James N.
The Choice-Of-Law Process by Cavers, David
Japan's Commission on the Constitution: The Final Report by Maki, John M.
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 1 by
Eigentum in Der Bürgerlichen Rechtstheorie by Lazar, Ján
Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century by Dicey, Albert Venn
Lexeconics: The Interaction of Law and Economics by
Urheberrecht in der Musik by
From Brown to Bakke: The Supreme Court and School Integration: 1954-1978 by Wilkinson, J. Harvie
The State as Defendant: Governmental Accountability and the Redress of Individual Grievances by Hurwitz, Leon
Crime and Punishment in Revolutionary Paris. by Wills, Antoinet
Der Popularvorbehalt: Direkte Demokratie in Deutschland. Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Berliner Juristischen Gesellschaft Am 21. Januar 1981 by Pestalozza, Christian
Parlament Und Aussenpolitik Zusammenarbeit Der Ostsee-Staaten Regelung Des Verkehrs: Viertes Kolloquium Der Bundesdeutschen Und Polnischen Juristen 19 by Rybicki, M., Steiger, H.
Judge and Jury in Imperial Brazil, 1808-1871: Social Control and Political Stability in the New State by Flory, Thomas
American Legal Culture, 1908-1940. by Johnson, John W.
Die nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft by Schlüter, Wilfried
Individuelle Und Kollektive Koalitionsfreiheit: Rechtliche Ausgestaltung, Betätigungsbereiche, Umfeld by Schwerdtfeger, G.
Klassikertexte im Verfassungsleben by Häberle, Peter
Decision According to Law by Black, Charles L., Jr.
International Contracts and National Economic Regulation: Dispute Resolution Through International Commercial Arbitration by Bagheri, Mahmood
Acid Rain and International Law by Van Lier, I. H.
The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958, Towards a Uniform Judicial Interpretation by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
§§ 82-132. Anhang, Nachtrag, Register by
Staatsrecht - Völkerrecht - Europarecht by
Straßenverkehrsrecht. Kommentar by Möhl, Wolfgang, Full, Werner
The Washington Lawyer by Horsky, Charles a., Lsi
A Constitutional Convention: Threat or Challenge? by Edel, Wilbur
The Law-Medicine Relation: A Philosophical Exploration: Proceedings of the Eighth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Farm by
The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies by Rogers, Barbara
The Custom-Made Child?: Women-Centered Perspectives by Holmes, Helen B., Hoskins, Betty B., Gross, Michael
The Custom-Made Child?: Women-Centered Perspectives by Holmes, Helen B., Hoskins, Betty B., Gross, Michael
Slavery, Law, and Politics: The Dred Scott Case in Historical Perspective by Fehrenbacher, Don E.
Strafrechtliche Referate und Diskussionsbericht über Probleme der Alkoholdelinquenz by
Civilities and Civil Rights: Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Black Struggle for Freedom by Chafe, William H.
Sachenrecht by Nagel, Hans
Private Churches and Public Money: Church-Government Fiscal Relations by Gilbert, Dennis A., Weber, Paul J.
Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798-1965 by Hutchinson, E. P.
New Individualist Review by
Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Antitrust ACT by Letwin, William
Eherecht und Ehetypen by Gernhuber, Joachim
Bring Me Men & Women by Stiehm, Judith
Democratic Dictatorship: The Emergent Constitution of Control by Miller, Arthur S., Unknown
Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada by
Freedom of Information by Sowles, Sydney, Brucker, Herbert
The Politics of Privacy: Planning for Personal Data Systems as Powerful Technologies by McAdam, Douglas, Stearns, Linda, Uglow, David
The Kent State Incident: Impact of Judicial Process on Public Attitudes by Hensley, Thomas R.
Gesellschaftsrecht by Nagel, Hans
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
Die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit Im Gefüge Der Staatsfunktionen. Besteuerung Und Eigentum: Berichte Und Diskussionen Auf Der Tagung Der Vereinigung Der by
Festschrift Für Werner Sarstedt Zum 70. Geburtstag by
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
Conviction: The Law, the State and the Construction of Justice by McBarnet, D.
The American Codification Movement: A Study of Antebellum Legal Reform by Cook, Charles M.
Ns-Recht in Historischer Perspektive by Institut Für Zeitgeschichte
Multilateral Diplomacy within the Commonwealth by Papadopoulos, A. N.
National Constitutions & International Economic Law by Hilf, Meinhard
Job Creation and Labour Law: From Protection Towards Pro-Action by Biagi, Marco
Social Quality: A Vision for Europe: A Vision for Europe by Thomése, Fleur, Beck, Wolfgang, Van Der Maesen, Laurent J. G.
Principles Conflict Of Laws, Nat & Intl, Revised Ed 'The Gen Prin by Lipstein, Kurt
Clean Coal/Dirty Air: Or How the Clean Air ACT Became a Multibillion-Dollar Bail-Out for High-Sulfur Coal Producers by Hassler, William T., Ackerman, Bruce
Women Who Embezzle or Defraud: A Study of Convicted Felons by Zietz, Dorothy, Gilbert, Neil
International Marine Organizations: Essays on Structure and Activities by Serebriakov, V. V., Bekiashev, K. a.
Fellow Workers and Friends: I.W.W. Free-Speech Fights as Told by Participants by Foner, Laura, Vandepaer, Elizabeth, Foner, Philip Sheldon
Umwandlungsgesetz by Schilling, Wolfgang
The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries: History, Policies, and Prospects by Tetreault, Mary Ann
Work Decisions in the 1980s by Mills, Daniel Quinn, Ginzberg, Eli, Owen, John D.
Das Lagergeschäft by Koller, Ingo
Berlin und seine Justiz by Scholz, Friedrich
Competition in International Business Law and Policy on Restrictive Practices by Schachter, Oscar, Hellawell, Robert
The Indictment of a Dictator: The Extradition and Trial of Marcos Perez Jimenez by Ewell, Judith
Schuldrecht. Besonderer Teil by
Kommunale Finanzen Und Kommunale Wirtschaft by
Das Verbrechensopfer in der Strafrechtspflege by
§§ 425-460 by
European Assemblies: The Experimental Period, 1949-1959 by Lindsay, Kenneth, Unknown
The First Amendment Under Siege: The Politics of Broadcast Regulation by Labunski, Richard E.
Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume I by
The North Mkata Plain, Tanzania: A Study of Land Capability and Land Tenure by Pitblado, J. Roger
Constitution-Making: Principles, Process, Practice by McWhinney, Edward
Moral Decision: Right and Wrong in the Light of American Law by Cahn, Edmond
The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alastair, Hamilton, Alexander
Southern Workers and Their Unions, 1880-1975: Selected Papers, the Second Southern Labor History Conference, 1978 by Reed, Merl E., Hough, Leslie S., Fink, Gary M.
Essays on New York Colonial Legal History by Johnson, Herbert Alan
Bankvertragsrecht by Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm
Funktion und Bestand der deutschen Staatsangehoerigkeit nach dem Grundvertragsurteil by Jrmgard Fritzsche
Sozialistisches Recht Und Demokratie by Heuer, Uwe-Jens, Weichelt, Wolfgang, Poppe, Eberhard
Karl Marx Und Das Recht: Vorträge by Szabó, Imre
Einleitung. Art 7-9 Egbgb. Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht. Art 11 Egbgb by
§§ 19-28 by
Mietrecht: Kommentar Zu Den Mietrechtlichen Vorschriften Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches Und Zum Zweiten Wohnraumkündigungsschutzgesetz by Sonnenschein, Jürgen, Emmerich, Volker