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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1984

The Acts of William I (1165-1214) by Barrow, G. W. S.
The Mass Media Declaration of UNESCO by Nordenstreng, Kaarle, Unknown
Formation of Contract: A Comparative Study Under English, French, Islamic and Iranian Law by Owsia, Parviz
The Public International Law of Taxation: Text, Cases & Materials: Text, Cases, and Materials by Qureshi, Asif H.
The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Volume 7: Records of the Executive Council, 1664-1734 by
Advances in Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry: Vol. 1 by
Essays on International Law and Organization: Volume I/II by Gross, Leo
Aktienrechtliche Rechnungslegung Im Spiegel Der Geschäftsberichte by Schulte, K. -W
Medienfunktionen Und Fernmeldewesen by Petersdorff
Im Dschungel Der Paragraphen: "Rechtsgefühl" Zwischen Klischee Und Information by Oestreich, Gisela
Zur Rechtssoziologie Max Webers by
Schriftenreihe "Die Versicherung" by Sieg, Karl
Unternehmensverfassungen Und Theorie Der Verfügungsrechte: Methodische Probleme, Theoretische Perspektiven Und Exemplarische Fallstudien by Riekhof, Hans-Christian
Privat-Haftpflichtversicherung: Anwendung Der Bbr in Der PRAXIS by Kuwert, Joachim
Regulation and Its Reform by Breyer, Stephen
Frauen in Der Rechtsprechung by Sauer-Burghard, Brunhilde
Probleme Und Möglichkeiten Einer Substituierung Der Gewerbesteuer by Strauß, Wolfgang
Verrechtlichung Und Verdrängung: Die Bürokratie Und Ihre Klientel by Funk, Albrecht
Gesetz Über Das Kreditwesen by Szagunn, Volkhard
Die Ertragsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Religion and the Constitution by Berns, Walter
Taxing the Family by Penner, Rudolph
Using Set-Off as Security by Neate, F. W.
Rechtslexikon für Handwerksbetriebe by
The Spirit of Uppsala: Proceedings of the Joint Unitar-Uppsala University Seminar on International Law and Organization for a New World Order by
Environmental Regulation and its Impact on Foreign Investment by Campbell, Dennis
Joint Ventures in East Asia by Buhart, Jacques
Perspectives on Nuclear Accident in Western Europe by Kühn, Wolfgang, Hancher, Leigh, Cameron, Peter D.
Environmental Liability: Iba Section on Business Law Committee F (International Environmental Law) by Thomas, Patricia
Law of Monopolies: Competition Law and Practice in the Usa, Eec, Germany and the UK by Ali, Shazeeda A., Raybould Consulting Editor David M.
Due Diligence, Disclosures and Warranties: In the Corporate Acquisitions Practice by Jillson, Robert, Baker, D.
Acquisition of Shares in a Foreign Country: Substantive Law and Legal Opinions by Hutter, Stephan, Gruson, Michael
International Trade Terms by Hermann, A. H.
The Law and Practice Concerning Occupational Health in the Member States of the European Community: Comparative Survey by Law
Legal Perspectives on Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination: Studies in Employment and Social Policy by Numhauser-Henning, Ann
Tax Policy Towards the National Heritage by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Untersuchungen Zur Formalisierung Im Recht ALS Beitrag Zur Grundlagenforschung Juristischer Datenverarbeitung (Ufored) by Fiedler, Herbert
Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit by Barnes, Catherine
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 9 by
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 8 by
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 7/8 by
Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy by Hart, H. L. a.
Ethics and the Rule of Law by Lyons, David
Appellate Courts in the United States and England by Karlen, Delmar, Unknown
Politics in the United Nations: A Study of United States Influence in the General Assembly by Riggs, Robert Edwon, Unknown
The Paradoxes of Freedom by Hook, Sidney
Religion, State and the Burger Court by Pfeffer, Leo
¿Qué Pasó?: An English-Spanish Guide for Medical Personnel by Coleman, William Lord, Mondragón, Antonio, Kantrowitz, Martin P.
Handbuch Des Verfassungsrechts Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Studienausgabe by
Mitbestimmungsgesetz by Raiser, Thomas
Strafrecht, Allgemeiner Teil: Mit Einführungen in Programmierter Form by Kienapfel, Diethelm
Kulturauftrag im staatlichen Gemeinwesen. Die Steuerung des Verwaltungshandelns durch Haushaltsrecht und Haushaltskontrolle by
The I-5 Killer by Rule, Ann
New Perspectives in Scottish Legal History: New Per Scot Legal His by Kiralfy, A. K. R., Macqueen, Hector L.
Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution by Bobbitt, Philip
Justice Without Law?: Resolving Disputes Without Lawyers by Auerbach, Jerold S.
Rechtsentwicklungen in Deutschland by Laufs, Adolf
Zur Geschichte Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin: (1859-1903) by Neumann, Hugo
Einführung in Das Völkerrecht by Kimminich, Otto
Die Enteignungsentschädigung by Jacobs, Rainer, Aust, Manfred
Die Einzelnen Delikte by Harro, Otto
Übungen im Strafrecht by Otto, Harro
Täterschaft und Tatherrschaft by Roxin, Claus
International Law of the Sea and Marine Affairs: A Bibliography by Papadakis, Nikos, Glassner, Martin Ira
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume IX - 1984 by Sanders, Pieter
The Justice of the Western Consular Courts in Nineteenth-Century Japan. by Chang, Richard T., Unknown
Lawyers in Politics: A Study in Professional Convergence by Eulau, Heinz, Sprague, John D.
Festschrift Zum 125jährigen Bestehen Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin by
What Future for Social Security?: Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-National Perspective by Clasen, Jochen
Generalprävention Und Jugendstrafrecht Aus Kriminologischer Und Dogmatischer Sicht by Bottke, Wilfried
Vertrag Zur Erstellung Einer Schlüsselfertigen Industrieanlage Im Internationalen Wirtschaftsverkehr by Dünnweber, Inge
Telecommunications America: Markets Without Boundaries by Irwin, Manley
Born to Crime: The Genetic Causes of Criminal Behavior by Taylor, Lawrence
Beyond Dumping: New Strategies for Controlling Toxic Contamination by
Harmonisierung der Alterssicherung? by Maydell, Bernd Von
Entwicklungslinien des völker- und staatsrechtlichen Status von Berlin by Kewenig, Wilhelm A.
Die zivilrechtliche Herausforderung des Kartellrechts by Niederleithinger, Ernst
American Judicial Proceedings First Printed Before 1801: An Analytical Bibliography by Ritz, Wilfred J.
Clients and Lawyers: Securing the Rights of Disabled Persons by Olson, Susan M.
European Insolvency Practitioners' Handbook: The Aeppc Compendium of Insolvency Law and Practice by Cork, Sir Kenneth
Disaster Management: Warning Response and Community Relocation by Mushkatel, Alvin H., Perry, Ronald W.
The New High Priests: Lawyers in Post-Civil War America by Gawalt, Gerald
Essays in English Legal History by Thorne, S. E.
Randomisation Und Aufklärung Bei Klinischen Studien in Der Onkologie by
The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy by Agresto, John
Looking Outward: Years of Crisis at the United Nations by Unknown, Stevenson, Adlai E.
Decade of Change: The Remaking of Forest Service Statutory Authority During the 1970s by Unknown, Le Master, Dennis C.
Inside Plea Bargaining: The Language of Negotiation by Maynard, D. W.
Recht der öffentlichen Sachen by Papier, Hans-Jürgen
Auxiliary Police: The Citizen's Approach to Public Safety by Greenberg, Martin Alan
Grundfragen des modernen Strafrechtssystems by
Grundideen europäisch-amerikanischer Verfassungsstaatlichkeit by Stern, Klaus
Neuere Entwicklungen im Staatshaftungsrecht by Ossenbühl, Fritz
The Formative Essays of Justice Holmes: The Making of an American Legal Philosophy by Kellogg, Frederic Rogers
Community Structure and the Niche by
Justice Accused: Antislavery and the Judicial Process by Cover, Robert M.
Handbuch Der Kommunalen Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS: Band 5 Kommunale Wirtschaft by
Punishment and Restitution: A Restitutionary Approach to Crime and the Criminal by Marsh, Frank H., Abel, Charles F.
Theory of Legal Science: Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosopy of Science Lund, Sweden, December 11-14, 1983 by
Festschrift Für Winfried Werner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 17. Oktober 1984: Handelsrecht Und Wirtschaftsrecht in Der Bankpraxis by
On Courts and Democracy: Selected Nonjudicial Writings of J. Skelly Wright by Wright, J. Skelly, Anon
An Analysis of Rights by Stoljar, Samuel J.
The Return of Martin Guerre by Davis, Natalie Zemon
A Capacity for Outrage: The Judicial Odyssey of J. Skelly Wright by Miller, Arthur Selwyn
Festschrift Für Heinz Hübner Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 7. November 1984 by
Hundert Jahre Modernes Aktienrecht: Eine Sammlung Von Texten Und Quellen Zur Aktienrechtsreform 1884 Mit Zwei Einführungen by
An Analysis of Rights by Stoljar, Samuel J.
Unequal Access: Women Lawyers in a Changing America by Chester, Ronald
Environmental Dispute Resolution by Bacow, Lawrence S., Wheeler, Michael
Comparative Law Yearbook by Campbell, Dennis
Beyond the Best Interests of the Child by Goldstein, Joseph, Freund, Anna, Solnit, Albert J.
Die Strukturale Psychopathologie in Der PRAXIS Der Gerichtspsychiatrie by Luthe, R.
Corporate Governance and Directors' Liabilities: Legal, Economic and Sociological Analyses on Corporate Social Responsibility by
The Law and Politics of Police Discretion by Williams, Gregory Howard
African Regional Organizations by Mazzeo, D., Mazzeo, Domenico
Law Enforcement Planning: The Limits of an Economic Analysis by Sedgwick, Jeffrey Leigh
Regulation by Municipal Licensing by Palmer, John, Bossons, John, Makuch, S. M.
Sir John Beverley Robinson: Bone and Sinew of the Compact by Brode, Patrick
Astrobusiness: A Guide to Commerce and Law of Outer Space by Moore, Amanda L., Finch, Edward R., Murdich, Robert
The FBI on Both Sides of the Law: Memoirs of a Confidential Informant by Fisher, B. H.
Law, Morality, and War in the Contemporary World by Falk, Richard a., Unknown
Nuclear Weapons and Law by Unknown
Bundesberggesetz: Vom 13. August 1980 Nebst Durchführungsbestimmungen Des Bundes Und Der Länder Sowie Gesetz Zur Vorläufigen Regelung De by
Arbitration in Practice by
Max Hachenburg: Gesetz Betreffend Die Gesellschaften Mit Beschränkter Haftung (Gmbhg). Gesamtregister by Barz, Carl Hans
§§ 53-85 by
Ökonomische Strategie Der 80er Jahre Und Effektivität Des Wirtschaftsrechts by
Vom Recht Der Natur Zur Natur Des Rechts by Klenner, Hermann