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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1985

The Literature of American Legal History by Nelson, William E., Reid, John Phillip
A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume VIII: Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes by
A Common Law for the Age of Statutes by Calabresi, Guido
Grundbuchrecht: Kommentar Zu Grundbuchordnung Und Grundbuchverfügung Einschließlich Wohnungseigentumsgrundbuchverfügung by
International Humanitarian Assistance: Disaster Relief Actions in International Law and Organization by Macalister-Smith, Peter
Der Diskontkredit: Rechtsgrundlagen Und Bankpraxis by Kohlhof, Joachim
Die Bank Im Konkurs Und Vergleich Ihres Kunden: Leitfaden Für Konkurs, Vergleich Und Sequestration by Obermüller, Manfred
Gabler Kleines Lexikon Recht: 2000 Rechtsbegriffe Nachschlagen -- Verstehen -- Anwenden by Evelbauer, Doris
Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain by Epstein, Richard A.
Das Sogenannte Rechtsgefühl by
Kraftfahrtversicherung by Asmus, Werner
Zum Begriff Der Aussichtslosigkeit Einer Entziehungskur Nach § 64 Abs. 2 StGB: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Effizienzkontrolle Der Strafgerichtlichen Unte by Penners, Bernd-Michael
The Soviet System of Justice: Figures and Policy by Berg, Gerard Pieter
BGB-Sachenrecht, Verfahrensrecht, Rechtsformen der Unternehmen by Klunzinger, Eugen
Klausuren Bürgerliches Recht: Übungen Im BGB by Von Stetten, Wolfgang
Handwörterbuch Internationale Organisationen by
Sozialversicherungsrecht by Klein, Heinz-Peter, Sattler, Willi
Versicherungsunternehmensrecht by Schmidt, Reimer
The Economics of the Shadow Economy: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Economics of the Shadow Economy, Held at the University of Bie by
Theories of Evidence: Bentham and Wigmore by Twining, William
Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court 1979-80 by Fein, Bruce E.
People's Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers by
ADS - Allgemeine Deutsche Seeversicherungs-Bedingungen by
Grundzüge Der Rechtsphilosophie by Coing, Helmut
Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht by
The Legal Methodology of Hai Gaon by Groner, Tsvi
Über Michael Kohlhaas - damals und heute by Sendler, Horst
Einleitung, §§ 1 Bis 31 by
§§ 32 Bis 60 by
§§ 61 Bis 79b by
Gesammelte Schriften by Fischer, Robert
Internationale Organisationen: Bezeichnungen, Abkürzungen, Akronyme in Den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Niederländ by
Capitalism and the American Political Ideal by Greenberg, Edward S.
Law and Revolution (Revised) by Berman, Harold J.
Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts by Haskins, George Lee
Die Islamisch-Rechtlichen Auskünfte Der MILLI Gazete Im Rahmen Des Fetwa-Wesens Der Türkischen Republik by Debus, Esther
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 10 by
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 12 by
Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer am Produktivvermögen by
Konkurs-Strafrecht by Tiedemann, Klaus
Artikel 12 Gg - Freiheit Des Berufs Und Grundrecht Der Arbeit. Der Verwaltungsvorbehalt: Berichte Und Diskussionen Auf Der Tagung Der Vereinigung Der by
Causes of Crime by Fink, Arthur E., Unknown
Basic Documents of International Relations by Unknown
Tax Revolt: Something for Nothing in California, Enlarged Edition by Sears, David O., Citrin, Jack
Criminal Justice: Nomos XXVII by
Reden Und Aufsätze 1930-1984 by Wachsmuth, W.
In Defense of Public Order: The Emerging Field of Sanction Law by Unknown
Bureaucratic Justice: Managing Social Security Disability Claims by Mashaw, Jerry L.
Policing Victorian London: Political Policing, Public Order, and the London Metropolitan Police by Smith, Phillip Thurmond
Nazis in Skokie: Freedom, Community, and the First Amendment by Downs, Donald Alexander
Labour Law, Human Rights and Social Justice: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Ruth Ben-Israel by Blanpain, Roger
Beweismass Und Beweislast Im Zivilprozess by Leipold, Dieter
Friede durch Recht? by Grewe, Wilhelm G.
Zivilrechtliche Haftung im Straßenverkehr by Greger, Reinhard
Öffentliche Verwaltung Und Informationstechnik: Neue Möglichkeiten, Neue Probleme, Neue Perspektiven Fachtagung, Speyer, 26.-28. September 1984 by
§§ 1-12 (Zweite Bearbeitung 1984) Und Gmbh-Novelle 1980 by Barz Hachenburg, Carl Hans Max
Grundkurs Staatsrecht: Eine Einführung Für Studienanfänger by Schwabe, Jürgen
Schuldrecht by Fikentscher, Wolfgang
Einflüsse Des Deutschen Und Des Österreichischen Rechts in Polen: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 13. Februar 1985 by Schnur, Roman
Nation Against Nation: What Happened to the U.N. Dream and What the U.S. Can Do about It by Franck, Thomas M.
World Politics and International Law by Boyle, Francis Anthony
Ethics in Planning by
Beweiswert Und Beweisfolgen Des Statistischen Unwirtschaftlichkeits- Beweises Im Kassenarztrecht by Baader, Emil
Out of Order by Capaldi, Nicholas
Angewandte Kriminologie: Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Göppinger, H.
Continental Plans for European Union 1939-1945: (Including 250 Documents in Their Original Language on 6 Microfiches) by
The International Game of Power: Past, Present and Future by Bernholz, Peter
Non-Judicial Dispute Settlement in International Financial Transactions by Horn, Norbert
Disarmament Without Order: The Politics of Disarmament at the United Nations by Beker, Avi
The Empire of the Bretaignes, 1175-1688: The Foundations of a Colonial System of Government: Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the Bri by
Witness Intimidation: The Law's Response by Graham, Michael H., Graham, Lisa
The Zoning Game Revisited by Siemon, Charles L., Babcock, Richard F.
Die Straftaten Gegen Das Strafrecht: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 28. November 1984 by Schroeder, Friedrich-Christian
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume X - 1985 by Sanders, Pieter
Adjustments for Tax Purposes in Highly Inflationary Economies by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Unequal Laws Unto a Savage Race: European Legal Traditions in Arkansas, 1686-1836 by Arnold, Morris
The History of the New York Court of Appeals: 1847-1932 by Bergan, Francis
Torts and Sports: Legal Liability in Professional and Amateur Athletics by Yasser, Raymond L.
Freedom for the College Student Press: Court Cases and Related Decisions Defining the Campus Fourth Estate Boundaries by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Causation in the Law by Hart, H. L. a., Honore, Tony, Hart, Herbert L.
The Politics of the American Civil Liberties Union by Donohue, William A.
Man, Law and Modern Forms of Life by
Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate by Shetreet, Shimon, Deschênes, J.
An Elementary Approach To Thinking Under Uncertainty by Dekel, Shlomith, Gombo, Ruth, Beyth-Marom, Ruth
Gutgläubiger Erwerb Im Bürgerlichen Recht, Im Handels- Und Wertpapierrecht Sowie in Der Zwangsvollstreckung by Tiedtke, Klaus
Der Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft by Seebode, Manfred
Juristenausbildung in Berlin: Die Ausbildungsvorschriften in Der Neufassung 1985 Mit Erläuterungen by
Deutsches Internationales Zivilprozeßrecht by Schütze, Rolf a.
James Madison on Religious Liberty by Alley, Robert S.
Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume, David
Einlage von Nutzungen und Leistungen by Wismeth, Siegfried
The American Response to Professional Crime, 1879-1917 by Hartsfield, Larry K.
Judges, Bureaucrats, and the Question of Independence: A Study of the Social Security Adminstration Hearing Process by Cofer, Donna Price, Cofer, M. Donna Price, Price Cofer, Donna
Tax Exempt Organizations. by Lashbrooke, Elvin, Lashbrooke, E. C.
International Codes and Multinational Business: Setting Guidelines for International Business Operations by Kline, John M.
Health and the Law: A Primer for Health Professionals by Christoffel, Tom
Übungen im Zivilprozeßrecht by Schreiber, Klaus
Administrative Rulemaking: Politics and Processes by West, William F.
Legal Medicine 1985 by Wecht, Cyril
Antitrust Law and Local Government by Lee, Mark R.
Tender Offers: Developments and Commentaries by
Justice, Law and Culture by Feibleman, J. K.
Untersuchungen Zur Verfassung Der Islamischen Republik Iran Vom 15. November 1979 by Tellenbach, Silvia
Canada and the New International Law of the Sea by Johnston, Douglas
Environmental Protection Policy by
Defending White Collar Crime: A Portrait of Attorneys at Work by Mann, Kenneth
Legal Issues in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Second Edition, Revised and by Holder, Angela Roddey
Police Leadership in America: Crisis and Opportunity by Geller, William a.
Politics, Democracy, and the Supreme Court: Essays on the Frontier of Constitutional Theory by Miller, Arthur S.
Staatsrecht: Eine Einführung by Magen, Rolf-Peter
Development of Law in Frontier California: Civil Law and Society, 1850-1890 by Bakken, Gordon Morris
The Unpublished Opinions of the Warren Court by Schwartz, Bernard
An Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution by Dicey, A. V.
Die Vervielfältigung Von Filmen Durch Hochschulen Und Ihre Einrichtungen: Rechtliche Probleme Untersucht Am Beispiel Des Iwf-Filmverleihs by Koenig, Ulrich, Deutsch, Erwin, Schneider-Freyermuth, Ortwin
Arbitrage Pricing of Contingent Claims by Müller, Sigrid
Der Justizkonflikt zwischen den USA und Europa by Schlosser, Peter
Das Vertragsrecht Der Internationalen Konsortialkredite Und Projektfinanzierungen by Horn, Norbert, Hinsch, L. Christian
Die Zukunft der Katastrophe by Hinz, Manfred
Congress Series: New Trends In The Developement Of Vol 1 by Sanders, Pieter
Politics and Method: Contrasting Studies in Industrial Geography by Massey, Doreen, Meegan, Richard
When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community by White, James Boyd
Insurance Development in the Arab World:: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Available Domestic Retention Capacity and the Demand for Internation by
Psychiatry -- Law and Ethics by
Forschung Am Menschen by
Peace and Disputed Sovereignty by Kratochwil, Friedrich, Mahajan, Harpreet, Rohrlich, Paul
Corporate and Commercial Free Speech: First Amendment Protection of Expression in Business by Rome, Edwin P., Roberts, William H.
Historical Dictionary of Censorship in the United States by Hurwitz, Leon
Congress, Courts, and Criminals: The Development of Federal Criminal Law, 1801-1829 by Henderson, Dwight F.
Paralegals: Progress and Prospects of a Satellite Occupation by Johnstone, Quintin, Wenglinsky, Martin
Shadow Justice: The Ideology and Institutionalization of Alternatives to Court by Harrington, Christine B.
Handbuch Der Kommunalen Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS: Band 6 Kommunale Finanzen by
Festschrift Für Günter Blau Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 18. Dezember 1985 by
Festschrift Für Walter Stimpel Zum 68. Geburtstag Am 29. November 1985 by
Drugs and Alcohol by
A Political, Legal and Economic Overview by
Political Organs, Integration Techniques and Judicial Process by
Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State by
Forces and Potential for a European Identity by
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? by Sowell, Thomas
The Great American Crime Myth by Wright, Kevin
Regulations, Crown Corporations and Administrative Tribunals: Royal Commission by Bernier, Ivan, Lajoie, Andrée
The Legal Imagination by White, James Boyd
The Supreme Court of Canada: History of the Institution by Vaughan, Frederick, Snell, James G.
A Compendium of State Statutes and International Treaties in Trust and Estate Law: A Reference and Referral Guide for Practicing Attorneys by Henner, M. Murray, Henner, Murray
Quandt'sche Gebührentabellen: Für Rechtsanwälte Und Notare, Gerichtsvollzieher Und Rechtsbeistände, Ordentliche Gerichte Und Arbeitsgerichte, Gerich by
Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht by
Questions and Answers on Finance of International Trade by
Handbuch Des Schiedsverfahrens: PRAXIS Der Deutschen Und Internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit by Schütze, Rolf a., Tscherning, Dieter, Wais, Walter
Probleme Einer Strukturtheorie Des Rechts by