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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1986

Inventions in the Marketplace: Patent Licensing and the U.s. Antitrust Laws by Hoff, Paul S.
Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch: Mit Klinischen Syndromen Und Nomina Anatomica by
Informationsgesellschaft Oder Überwachungsstaat?: Strategien Zur Wahrung Der Freiheitsrechte Im Computerzeitalter by
Gerichtsverfassung Und Rechtsschutz in Der DDR by Lohmann, Ulrich
Wirtschaftsordnungen by Koch, Hermann
Organisationsstruktur Und Rechtsnorm: Implikationen Juristischer Vorschriften Für Die Organisation Aktienrechtlicher Einheits- Und Konzernunternehmung by Werder
Die Ertragsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Gesetzgebung ALS Entscheidungsprozeß: Zur Normgenese Der Strafrechtlichen Regelung Zur Strafaussetzung Bei Lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe by Lüdemann, Christian
Verwaltungsautomation Und Bürgerservice: Ansätze Zur Aufhebung Eines Widerspruchs by Lange, Klaus
Verrechnungsbeschränkte Verluste Im Ertragsteuerrecht: Materiellrechtliche Grundlagen Und Systematische Gestaltungssuche by Kröner, Michael
Bürgschaft Und Andere Personalsicherheiten by Schebesta, Michael
A Matter of Principle by Dworkin, Ronald
Direct Elections to the European Parliament 1984 by Lodge, Juliet
Human Rights and Human Diversity: An Essay in the Philosophy of Human Rights by Milne, A. J. M.
Rechtsgrundlagen Für Den Bankfachwirt by
Bauordnung Für Berlin: Vom 28. Februar 1985. Kommentar Mit Rechtsverordnungen Und Ausführungsvorschriften by
Der Stand Der Technik by Wolf, Rainer
Verweisungsfehler Im Datenschutz-Strafrecht: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Der Datenschutz-Kriminalität Mit Reformvorschlägen by Herb, Armin
Judging the Jury by Vidmar, Neil, Hans, Valerie P.
Erfahrungen Bei Der Anwendungdes Zıvilgesetzbuches in Der PRAXIS by
Arbeiterschaft Und Recht in Brandenburg-Preußen 1648-1800 by Zierholz, Heinz-Peter
Probleme Des Völkerrechts, 1985: Beiträge by
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 13 by
Sobstvennost' V Burzuaznoj Pravovoj Teorii / Eigentum in Der Bürgerlichen Rechtstheorie by Lazar, Ján
Erfahrungen Bei Der Anwendung Des Zivilgesetzbuches in Der PRAXIS by
University-Industry Research Partnerships: The Major Legal Issues in Research and Development Agreements by Reams, Bernard
Campaign for President: The Managers Look at '84 by Unknown
International Social Science: Unesco Experience by
Ein Deutscher Ombudsman: Der Bürgerbeauftragte Von Rheinland-Pfalz Unter Berücksichtigung Von Petitionsinstanzen in Europa Und Nordamerika by
An Institutional Theory of Law: New Approaches to Legal Positivism by Maccormick, N., Weinberger, Ota
Criminal Careers and Career Criminals,: Volume II by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Criminal Careers and Career Criminals,: Volume I by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Supreme Courts and Judicial Law-Making: Constitutional Tribunals and Constitutional Review: Constitutional Tribunals and Constitutional Review by McWhinney, Edward
The Future of Party Government Vol. 1: Visions & Realities of Party Government by
Konsens und Konflikt - 35 Jahre Grundgesetz by
Das Urologische Gutachten by Bichler, Karl-Horst
Mittlerfunktion der Präjudizien by Schlüchter, Ellen
Constitutions of Nations: Volume II -- Asia, Australia and Oceania by Peaslee, Amos
OPEC: The Failing Giant by Ahrari, Mohammed E.
The Supreme Court and the American Family: Ideology and Issues by Rubin, Eva R.
The History and Theory of Informed Consent by Faden, Ruth R.
Housing Vouchers: A Comparative International Analysis by Howenstine, E. Jay
Nazis in Skokie: Freedom, Community, and the First Amendment by Downs, Donald Alexander
Staatsunternehmen und Privatrecht by Schachtschneider, Karl A.
Origins of the Common Law by Hogue, Arthur R.
Parteienstaatlichkeit - Krisensymptome des demokratischen Verfassungsstaats? Die öffentlichrechtliche Anstalt by
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800: Volume 1, Part 2 by
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800: Volume 1, Part 1 by
Taxation in the Soviet Union by Newcity, Michael
Soviet Images of Dissidents and Nonconformists by Parchomenko, Walter
International Law of Take-Overs and Mergers: Asia, Australia, and Oceania by Ffrench, Hilton, Ffrench, H. Leigh
Managing Real Estate Taxes by Ferguson, Jerry T., Spede, Edward C., Porter, Alan
A History of the League of Nations by Walters, F. P., Unknown
An Invitation to Law and Social Science by Sanders, Joseph, Lempert, Richard
An Invitation to Law and Social Science by Lempert, Richard, Sanders, Joseph
The Law on Medicines: Volume 1 a Comprehensive Guide by Harrison, H. S.
Environmental Law and American Business: Dilemmas of Compliance by Dimento, Joseph F.
Energy Strategy in Europe: The Legal Framework by Hancher, Leigh, Daintith, Terence
Vorträge und Abhandlungen by Lüttger, Hans
Die Zwangsweise Unterbringung Psychisch Kranker: Problematik Aus Der Sicht Von Richtern Und Ärzten by Bergener, Manfred
Contract and Organisation by
Hausratsverordnung by Fehmel, Hans-Werner
Kleine Gesetzeskunde für Medizinalfachpersonen by
Napoleon - Fürst von Elba by Amelunxen, Clemens
Fall River Outrage: Life, Murder, and Justice in Early Industrial New England by Kasserman, David Richard
Les Garanties Fondamentales de la Personne En Droit Humanitaire by El Kouhene, M.
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XI - 1986 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Press Law and Press Freedom for High School Publications: Court Cases and Related Decisions Discussing Free Expression Guarantees and Limitations for by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Law and Economic Regulation in Transportation. by Dempsey, Paul, Thoms, William
Policy and Methods in German and American Antitrust Law: A Comparative Study by Maxeiner, James R., Maxeiner, James
The Sino-Indian Border Dispute: A Legal Study by Lu, Chin, Lu, Chih H.
International Law of Take-Overs and Mergers: United States, Canada, and South and Central America by Ffrench, H. Leigh, Ffrench, Hilton
Civil Defense in the Soviet Union by Goure, Leon, Unknown
Laws of Our Fathers: Popular Culture and the U.S. Constitution by
The Impact of Modern Influences on the Traditional Duties of Care, Skill and Diligence of Company Directors by Arsalidou, Demetra
Introduction To Roman Law by Thomas, PH. J.
The Gulf Cooperation Council: Policies, Problems and Prospects by Nakhleh, Emile a.
Forty Years: A Third World Soldier at the Un by Romulo, Carlos P., Day Romulo, Beth, Romulo, Beth Day
History of Criminology: A Philosophical Perspective by Jones, David Arthur
Legalism: Law, Morals, and Political Trials by Shklar, Judith N.
The Legal Mind: Essays for Tony Honore by
Social Facts and Fabrications: Customary Law on Kilimanjaro, 1880 1980 by Moore, Sally Falk, Falk Moore, Sally
Rechtsprobleme Der Htlv-III-Infektion (Aids): Straf- Und Zivilrechtliche Aspekte Gefährlicher Ansteckender Krankheiten by Eberbach, Wolfram
Aktuelle Fragen Der Finanzordnung Im Internationalen Und Nationalen Recht. Vom Gewerbepolizeirecht Zum Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht: 26. Tagung Der Wis by
Entwurf Zu Einem Japanischen Strafgesetzbuch Vom 29. Mai 1974 by
Plans for European Union in Great Britain and in Exile 1939-1945: (Including 107 Documents in Their Original Languages on 3 Microfiches) by
Des/Diethylstilbestrol - New Perspectives by Edelman, David
Gesellschaftsrechtliche Elemente im Arbeitsverhältnis by Adomeit, Klaus
Bilanzrichtliniengesetz und GmbH by
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: Statesman of the Old Republic by Newmyer, R. Kent
Die Parteienstaatliche Demokratie Und Die Gesetzgebung: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 30. April 1986 by Badura, Peter
International Tax Problems of Charities and Other Private Institutions with Similar Tax Treatment by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Statistical Methods in Discrimination Litigation by Aickin, Mickel, Kaye, D. H.
The Constitutional System: The Group Character of Elected Institutions by Lsi, Merry, Henry J.
The Minimum Wage in the Restaurant Industry. by Alpert, William
Advertising Compliance Law: Handbook for Marketing Professionals and Their Counsel by Lichtenberger, John
Legal Thinking: Its Limits and Tensions by Read, William
Haftungsformen im Völkerrecht by Zemanek, Karl
Wirtschaftsrecht: Studienausgabe by Tilmann, Winfried
Erbbaurechtsverordnung by Räfle, Siegfried
Die Naturrechtslehre Samuel Pufendorfs: Ein Beitrag Zur Ideengeschichte Des 17. Und 18. Jahrhunderts by Welzel, Hans
Entwicklungen im GmbH-Konzernrecht by
International Regulation of Transnational Corporations: The New Reality by Acquaah, Kwamena
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States by Beard, Charles a.
The Chemical Industry and the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention: Proceedings of a Sipri/Pugwash Conference Volume 1 by Stockholm International Peace Research I, Stockholm International Peace Research
Legal Traditions and Systems: An International Handbook by
Human Rights and Human Diversity: An Essay in the Philosophy of Human Rights by Milne, A. J. M.
Race, Government and Politics in Britain by
Law & Justice in Tokugawa Japan: Property, Legal Precedents, Part VI-D by
Die Aktienrechtsreform am Ende der Weimarer Republik by
Professions and Services of the EEC by Lasok, Dominik
Superpowers and Revolution by Adelman, Jonathan
Constitutional Choices by Tribe, Laurence H.
Disease and the Compensation Debate by Stapleton, Jane
Soviet Policy Toward East Germany Reconsidered: The Postwar Decade by Phillips, Ann L.
The Chemical Industry and the Projected Chemical Weapons Convention: Volume 2: Proceedings of a Sipri/Pugwash Conference by Stockholm International Peace Research I, Stockholm International Peace Research
Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy by
Bundesverfassungsgericht und einfaches Gesetz by Barbey, Günther
Gedächtnisschrift für Hilde Kaufmann by
Ärztliches Handeln -- Verrechtlichung Eines Berufsstandes: Festschrift Für Walther Weißauer Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark by
Children and Criminality: The Child as Victim and Perpetrator by Brown, Ethel, Flowers, R. Barri
The Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History by
Crime and Culture in America: A Comparative Perspective by Saney, Parviz
The Structure of Police Organizations by Langworthy, Robert H.
Causation, Prediction, and Legal Analysis by Unknown, Nagel, Stuart S.
Breaking the Impasse in the War on Drugs by Wisotsky, Steven
Intervention Strategies for Chronic Juvenile Offenders: Some New Perspectives by Unknown
The Equal Rights Amendment: An Annotated Bibliography of the Issues, 1976-1985 by Feinberg, Renee
Justice and Comparative Law, Anglo-Soviet Perspectives on Crimina by Butler, William E.
Consumer Law, Common Markets and Federalism in Europe and the United States by Bourgoignie, Thierry, Trubek, David M.
Zahlung und Zahlungssicherung im Außenhandel by Eberding, Ekkard, Zahn, Johannes C. D.
Arbitration and Renegotiation of International Investment Agreements: A Study with Particular Reference to Means of Conflict Avoidance Under Natural R by Peter, Wolfgang
The Caribbean Exodus by
Housing Desegregation and Federal Policy by
Crime, Fear, and the New York City Subways: The Role of Citizen Action by Kenney, Dennis, Gibson, Elizabeth
Division and Detente: The Germanies and Their Alliances by Frey, Eric
Legal Medicine 1986 by
International Law of Take-Overs and Mergers: The EEC, Northern Europe, and Scandinavia by Ffrench, H. Leigh, Ffrench, Hilton
Mr Attorney: The Attorney General for Ontario in Court, Cabinet, and Legislature 1791-1899 by Romney, Paul
Law, Policy, and Optimizing Analysis by Nagel, Stuart S., Unknown
The Rule of the Road: An International Guide to History and Practice by Kincaid, Peter
Die Datenschutzkonvention des Europarates by Henke, Ferdinand
Philosophy and Politics: A Commentary on the Preface to Hegel's Philosophy of Right by Peperzak, Adriaan T.
Law and Economics and the Economics of Legal Regulation by
Das Sächsisch-Magdeburgische Recht ALS Quelle Osteuropäischer Rechtsordnungen by Lieberwirth, Rolf