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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1987

News Cameras in the Courtroom: A Free Press--Fair Trail Debate by Barber, Susanna
Das Gmbh-Gesetz: Bilanzrichtlinien, Kommentare, Musterverträge Für Geschäftsführer, Gesellschafter Und Berater by Vogel, Karl, Schöler, Meike, Hilber, Walter
Verflixte Verhältnisse: Über Soziale Umwelten Des Menschen by Massing, Otwin
Einige Grundfragen Des Internationalen Unternehmensrechts: 308. Sitsung Am 21. Januar 1987 in Düsseldorf by Großfeld, Bernhard
Reformgesetz in Der Bewährung: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes Von 1972 by Borgmann, Wolfgang
Implementation Von Gerichtsentscheidungen by
Spezielle Rechtsfragen Im Handel by Benten Sattler, Hugo, Gode, Johannes, Joly, Wolfgang
Bilanzrechtsprechung Der Zivil- Und Strafgerichte by Münzinger, Rudolf
Was Regelt Das Arbeitsrecht? by Stetten, Wolfgang Von
Transportversicherung: Recht Und PRAXIS in Deutschland Und England by Enge, Hans Joachim
The U.N. in or Out? by Conrad, John Phillips, Van Den Haag, Ernest
Persönlichkeit, Familie, Eigentum: Grundrechte Aus Der Sicht Der Sozial- Und Verhaltenswissenschaften by Lampe, Ernst-Joachim
Arbeitsrecht by Von Dücker, Hans-Gerd
Unternehmensbewertung Und Rechtsprechung by Annette, Hackmann
Kriminologie by Schneider, Hans Joachim
Verfassung von Berlin by
Corporate Liability by Cheong-Ann Png
Taxation of Domestic Shareholders on Underdistributed Income of Foreign Corporate Affiliates: Objectives, Techniques and Consequences by Arnold Brian J.
Modern Investment Management and the Prudent Man Rule by Longstreth, Bevis
Seven Dirty Words and Six Other Stories: Controlling the Content of Print and Broadcast by Spitzer, Matthew L.
Recht Und Stimulierung Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Leistungen by
The Rise of the Barristers: A Social History of the English Bar, 1590-1640 by Prest, Wilfrid R.
The Judicial Power of the United States: The Eleventh Amendment in American History by Orth, John V.
Consumers, Commissions, and Congress: Law, Theory and the Federal Trade Commission, 1968-85 by
Advances in Criminological Theory: Volume 1 by
Art of Judging: Volume 8 by Bond, James E.
Art of Judging: Volume 8 by Bond, James E.
Regulating Pesticides in Food: The Delaney Paradox by Committee on Scientific and Regulatory Issues Underlying Pes, National Research Council, Board on Agriculture
Aussetzung Des Strafrestes Zur Bewährung: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Der PRAXIS Am Beispiel Von Berlin (West) by Eisenberg, Ulrich, Ohder, Claudius
Festschrift Für Ernst Heinitz Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 1. Januar 1972 by
Law School: Legal Education in America from the 1850s to the 1980s by Stevens, Robert
Festschrift Für Karl Lackner Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 18. Februar 1987 by
Die Vorverlegung Des Strafrechtsschutzes Durch Gefährdungs- Und Unternehmensdelikte: Referate Und Diskussionsbericht Der Arbeitssitzung Der Fachgruppe by
The Caribbean Exodus by
The Right of Privacy in the Computer Age by Freedman, Warren
Bandidos: The Varieties of Latin American Banditry by Slatta, Richard
Harm to Others by Feinberg, Joel
International Law of Take-Overs and Mergers: Southern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East by Ffrench, Hilton, French, H. Leigh, Ffrench, H. Leigh
The Cloistered Virtue: Freedom of Speech and the Administration of Justice in the Western World by Van Niekerk, Traute
The Judiciary--Selection, Compensation, Ethics, and Discipline. by Comisky, Marvin, Patterson, Philip C., Unknown
Lawmaking under the Trade Constitution, A Study in Legislating by the World Trade Organization by Evans, Gail E.
Die Mitbestimmung als Bestandteil des Normativsystems für die juristischen Personen des Handelsrechts by Reuter, Dieter
Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 by Madison, James
Quandt'sche Gebührentabellen by
Wirtschaftsrecht Und Außenwirtschaftsverkehr Der Volksrepublik China by
Religious Liberty and the Secular State by Swomley, John M.
A History of the Common Law of Contract: Volume I by Simpson, Alfred W., Simpson, A. W. B.
Essays on the Making of the Constitution, 2nd Edition by Levy, Leonard Williams
Constitutional Conventions: The Rules and Forms of Political Accountability by Marshall, Geoffrey
Litigating Intelligence: IQ Tests, Special Education and Social Science in the Courtroom by Elliott, Rogers
Zum Begriff Der Aussichtslosigkeit Einer Entziehungskur Nach § 64 Abs. 2 StGB: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zu Effizienzkontrolle Der Strafgerichtlichen Unter by Penners, Bernd-Michael
Labor and Industrial Relations: Terms, Laws, Court Decisions, and Arbitration Standards by Kelly, Matthew a.
The Legal Integration of Energy Markets by Daintith, Terence, Williams, Stephen F.
Römisches Recht by Kunkel, Wolfgang, Jörs, Paul
Common Sense in Law by Vinogradoff, Paul, Unknown
Intervention on Trial: The New York War Crimes Tribunal on Central America and the Caribbean by Ramshaw, Paul
Criminal Justice Documents: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications Since 1975 by Berens, John F.
Rocky Mountain Constitution Making, 1850-1912. by Bakken, Gordon Morris
Teilentgeltliche Rechtsgeschäfte in Der Einkommensteuer by Kemmer, Michael
Accountability and the Business State: The Structure of Federal Corporations by Leazes, Francis J.
The Role of State Supreme Courts in the New Judicial Federalism. by Fino, Susan P.
Das Berliner Kabelpilotprojekt - erste Erfahrungen by Benda, Ernst
Vom Dienst am Recht by König, Stefan
Management- und Consulting-Verträge by Schlüter, Andreas
Das ungarische Strafverfahren. Gesetz I von 1973 by
The Foreign Policy of the Netherlands: Lecturer in International Relations, University of Amsterdam by Leurdijk, J. H.
Making Law Bind: Essays Legal and Philosophical by Honoré, Tony
Romulo: A Third World Soldier at the Un by Day Romulo, Beth, Romulo, Carlos P.
Legal Services for the Poor: A Comparative and Contemporary Analysis of Interorganizational Politics by Kessler, Mark
Abortion, Politics, and the Courts: Roe v. Wade and its Aftermath by Rubin, Eva
Corporations and Society: Power and Responsibility by Samuels, Warren
Structure of Criminal Procedure: Laws and Practice of France, Soviet Union, China, and the United States by Ingraham, Barton L.
Cross-Examinations of Law and Literature by Thomas, Brook
Schriften Zur Deutschen Frage 1948-1986: Aus Anlaß Seines 80. Geburtstages by Wengler, Wilhelm
Appendix (Synopses, Bibliographies, Tables) by
Guide to Psychoactive Drugs by Seymour, Richard B., Smith, David E.
Reform of Social Security and Federal Pension Cost-Of-Living Adjustments: 1985, 99th Congress, 1st Session by Administration, Federal Writers Project of the Works Progres
Rechtsstaat als Aufgabe by Sarstedt, Werner
Juridification of Social Spheres: A Comparative Analysis in the Areas OB Labor, Corporate, Antitrust and Social Welfare Law by
Die Bildung der Gesamtstrafe by Bringewat, Peter
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1984 by T M C Asser Instituut
Congress Series: Uncitral'S Project For A Model Law Vol 2 by Sanders, Pieter
Congress Series: Comparative Arbitration Practice & Public Vol 3 by Sanders, Pieter
Anatomy of a Jury: The Inside Story of How 12 Ordinary People Decide the Fate of an Accused Murderer by Wishman, Seymour
From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law: Law, Society, and Politics in Fifth-Century Athens by Ostwald, Martin
Grenzen Ärztlicher Behandlungspflicht Bei Schwerstgeschädigten Neugeborenen: 1. Einbecker Workshop Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Medizinrecht, 27.-29 by
Microcomputers as Decision AIDS in Law Practice by Nagel, Stuart S., Unknown
Imperial Reconstruction 1763-1840: The Evolution of Alternative Systems of Colonial Government; Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the by
Justinian's "Institutes" by Justinian
Justinian's "Institutes" by Justinian
Women and Criminality: The Woman as Victim, Offender, and Practitioner by Flowers, R. Barri, Brown, Ethel
Rechtliche Und Ethische Probleme Bei Klinischen Untersuchungen Am Menschen by
Principles of Law: A Normative Analysis by Bayles, M. E.
The Buraimi Memorials 1955 5 Volume Hardback Set by
Die Bestimmtheit Und Offenheit Der Rechtssprache: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 29. April 1987 by Kirchhof, Paul
Verfassungsgarantie Und Sozialer Wandel. Das Beispiel Von Ehe Und Familie. Rechtsverhältnisse in Der Leistungsverwaltung: Berichte Und Diskussionen Au by
Hazardous Waste: Confronting the Challenge by Ward, Morris A., Harris, Christopher, Want, William L.
Principles of Law: A Normative Analysis by Bayles, M. E.
Beurkundungsgesetz Sowie Dienstordnung Für Notare Und Ergänzende Vorschriften. Kommentar by
The Economics of Zoning Laws: A Property Rights Approach to American Land Use Controls by Fischel, William A.
Environmental Law and Policy in the People's Republic of China. by Ross, Lester, Silk, Mitchell A.
Neighborhood Justice in Capitalist Society: The Expansion of the Informal State by Hofrichter, Richard
Federal Statutes on Environmental Protection: Regulation in the Public Interest by Freedman, Warren
The Legal Handbook of Business Transactions: A Guide for Managers and Entrepreneurs by Lashbrooke, E. C., Swygert, Michael I., Lashbrooke, Elvin
Der Psychiatrische Sachverständige Im Strafrecht by
The Constitution Under Pressure: A Time for Change by Struckland, Ruth Ann, Moore, Raymond A., Whicker, Marcia Lynn
Protecting and Exploring New Technology and Designs by Hodkinson, K.
Building ASEAN: 20 Years of Southeast Asian Cooperation by Palmer, Ronald D., Reckford, Thomas J., Unknown
Building ASEAN: 20 Years of Southeast Asian Cooperation by Palmer, Ronald, Reckford, Thomas
Professional Sports and Antitrust by Freedman, Warren
Ethnic Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy by
Probleme um das Schuldverhältnis by Medicus, Dieter
Law, Behavior, and Mental Health: Policy and Practice by Meyer, Robert, Smith, Steven R.
Das Persönliche Überleben Des Todes: Eine Darstellung Der Erfahrungsbeweise by Mattiesen, Emil
Strafrecht nach logisch-analytischer Methode by Hruschka, Joachim
Deutschland Am Vorabend Der Großen Krise by Schulz, Gerhard
Der Jenseitige Mensch: Eine Einführung in Die Metapsychologie Der Mystischen Erfahrung by Mattiesen, Emil
Steuerpolitik der Familienunternehmen by Pühringer, Johann
Burnout in Blue: Managing the Police Marginal Performer by Robinette, Hillary
The Legal Structure of Collective Bargaining in Education by Ostrander, Kenneth H.
Judges, Legislators and Professors: Chapters in European Legal History by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C. Van
Transient Criminality: A Model of Stress-Induced Crime by Mawson, Anthony
Issues in the History of International Relations: The Role of Issues in the Evolution of the State System by Randle, Robert F., Rapp, Carol
Antarctica: The Next Decade: Report of a Group Study Chaired by Sir Anthony Parsons by
Festschrift Für Wolfgang Zeidler by
Ganzbriefarchiv für Rechtsanwälte by
Ist Die Rechtfertigungsthese Zu § 218a StGB Haltbar?: Zur Rechtsnatur Der Sogenannten Indizierten Abtreibung by Belling, Claus
Trade Policies for a Better Future: The 'Leutwiler Report', the GATT and the Uruguay Round by Dunkel, Arthur
Police Administration and Progressive Reform: Theodore Roosevelt as Police Commissioner of New York by Berman, Jay
International Handbook of Human Rights by
International Space Policy: Legal, Economic, and Strategic Options for the Twentieth Century and Beyond by
Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration by
New Tides in the Pacific: Pacific Basin Cooperation and the Big Four (Japan, PRC, USA, USSR) by
Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law: A Comparative Study in Legal Reasoning, Legal Theory, and Legal Institutions by Atiyah, P. S., Summers, Robert S.
Land Use Regulation: The Impacts of Alternative Land Use Rights by Garrett, Martin A., Garrett
The Law School Papers of Benjamin F. Butler: New York University School of Law in the 1830s by Butler, Benjamin F.
Show Trials: Stalinist Purges in Eastern Europe, 1948-1954 by Hodos, George H.
Judicial Selection: The Cross-Evolution of French and American Practices by Lafon, Jaquelin, Volcansek, Mary L., Lafon, Jacqueline Lucienne
Interpreting the Constitution by Chemerinsky, Erwin
A Passion for Justice: J. Waties Waring and Civil Rights by Yarbrough, Tinsley E.
Land Use Regulation: The Impacts of Alternative Land Use Rights by Garrett, Martin A.
Gedächtnisschrift für Wolfgang Martens by
200 Jahre amerikanische Bundesverfassung by Steinberger, Helmut
Law as an Instrument of Economic Policy - Comparative and Critical Approaches by
Human Rights and Responsibilities in Britain and Ireland: A Christian Perspective by Bailey, Sydney D.
Autopoietic Law - A New Approach to Law and Society by
Writing a Living Will: Using a Durable Power-Of-Attorney by Alexander, George J.
Privatärztliches Gebührenrecht by Funke, Astrid
The First Freedoms: Church and State in America to the Passage of the First Amendment by Curry, Thomas J.
The Juridical Bay by Westerman, Gayl S.
The Fiercest Debate: Cecil a Wright, the Benchers, and Legal Education in Ontario 1923-1957 by Bickenbach, Jerome, Kyer, C.
Bad Acts and Guilty Minds: Conundrums of the Criminal Law by Katz, Leo
Treaties & Engagements Relating to Arabia & the Persian Gulf by