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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1988

Lawyers in Society: The Common Law World by
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 80 by Unep, Ilo
Lawyers in Society: The Civil Law World by
Straßenverkehrsrecht: Kommentar Zur Straßenverkehrsordnung (Stvo), §§ 1-6d, 21-47 Straßenverkehrsgesetz (Stvg) Und Straßenverkehrs-Zulassung by
The Future of Party Government Vol. 3: Managing Mixed Economics by
Von Der Eg-Freizügigkeit Zur Gemeinsamen Europäischen Ausbildungspolitik?: Die "Gravier"-Doktrin Des Gerichtshofes Der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Vo by Oppermann, Thomas
Das Grundgesetz ALS Verfassung Des Staatlich Organisierten Kapitalismus: Politische Ökonomie Des Verfassungsrechts by Krölls, Albert
Frauen in Der Öffentlichen Arbeitsmarkt- Und Strukturpolitik by Neumann, Hannelore
Betriebsvermögen Und Sonderbetriebsvermögen: Ein Beitrag Zur Konzept-Orientierten Anwendung Des Erfolgsteuerrechts Auf Personengesellschaften by Lehmann, Matthias
Allgemeine Haftpflichtversicherung: Leitfaden Durch Die Ahb by Kuwert, Joachim
Alles Über Die Quellensteuer by Dufke, Günter, Lindmayer, Karl H.
Vollstreckungsrecht by Rosa, Jürgen
Einkommensteuer / Lohnsteuer by Sacher, Werner
Klausuren Bürgerliches Recht by Von Stetten, Wolfgang
Die Polygamiefrage in Der Frühen Neuzeit: 311. Sitzung Am 29. April 1987 in Düsseldorf by Mikat, Paul
Steuern Im Betrieb by Kostka, Gerhard
Einführung in Die Staatslehre: Die Geschichtlichen Legitimitätsgrundlagen Des Demokratischen Verfassungsstaates by Martin, Kriele
Umweltpolitik in Der Offenen Gesellschaft by Maier-Rigaud, Gerhard
Konkursabwicklungsprüfung by Heni, Bernhard
Bilanzrechtstheorie Und Verzinslichkeit by Böcking, Hans-Joachim
Restauration Im Recht by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Bilanzierung Von Software: Rechnungslegung Für Anwendersoftware Nach Handels- Und Steuerrecht Unter Berücksichtigung Us-Amerikanischer Vorschrift by Sauer, Klaus Peter
Allgemeines Versicherungsvertragsrecht by Sieg, Karl
Allgemeines Steuerrecht: Bewertungsgesetz Abgabenordnung Finanzgerichtsordnung by Lohmeyer, Heinz, Teß, Wolfgang
BGB -- Familienrecht, BGB -- Erbrecht by Braun, Karl
Gesetzgebungstheorie Und Rechtspolitik by
Fälle Und Entscheidungen Zum Versicherungsrecht: --Versicherungsvertragsrecht, Allgemeiner Teil-- by Wrabetz, Wolfram
Facing the Holocaust in Budapest: The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Jews in Hungary, 1943-1945 by Ben-Tov, Arieh
The Law of Industrial Conflict by Benson, Edward
Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Von Fue-Gemeinschaftsunternehmen by Matthiessen, Joerg
Wahlkämpfe in Europa 1884 Bis 1889: Parteiensysteme Und Politikstile in Deutschland, Frankreich Und Großbritannien by Bendikat, Elfi
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Less Than Perfect Union by Lobel, Jules
International Tax Treatment of Common Law Trusts by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Law and Regulation of International Space Communication by White, Harold M., Jr., White, Rita L.
Indigenous Law and the State by
Strafgesetzbuch. Leipziger Kommentar, Band 7, §§ 303 bis 358 by
Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law by MacKinnon, Catharine A.
Offense to Others by Feinberg, Joel
Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading by Cook, Brian J.
Adjusting the Balance: Federal Policy and Victim Services by Freinkel, Susan, Smith, Steven Rathgeb
The Court and Free-Lance Reporter Profession: Improved Management Strategies by Unknown, Saari, David J.
Römisches Recht Und Römische Rechtsgeschichte: Eine Einführung by Härtel, Gottfried, Pólay, Elemér
Wahrheit Und Wahrhaftigkeit in Der Rechtsphilosophie by
Probleme Des Völkerrechts 1987 by
Der 40. Jahrestag Der Befreiung - Vier Jahrzehnte Entwicklung Einer Marxistisch-Leninistischen Staats- Und Rechtswissenschaft Der DDR by
Zur Rechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit by
Problematik Des Freiheitsentzugs Bei Psychisch Kranken: Die Zwangsunterbringung Nach Dem Psychkg NW Am Beispiel Der Stadt Köln by Heiliger, Alfred, Holzschneider, Herbert, Bergener, Manfred
Fair Housing Comes of Age by Metcalf, George
International Labour Standards: The Case of Freedom to Strike: A Study Prepared for the International Labour Office by Ben-Israel, Ruth
The Quakers and the English Legal System, 1660-1688 by Horle, Craig W.
The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes: His Speeches, Essays, Letters, and Judicial Opinions by Wilhelmsen, Frederick D.
Umweltpolitik in Ost- Und Westeuropa by
Festschrift Für Hans-Joachim Fleck Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 30. Januar 1988 by
Bewerberüberhang und "Doppel-Verdiener-Ehen" im öffentlichen Dienst by Roellecke, Gerd
Product Liability Actions By Foreign Plaintiffs In The US by Freedman, Warren
The Principles of Morals and Legislation by Bentham, Jeremy
Customs Valuation A Commentary On The Gatt Customs Valuation Cod by Glashoff, H., Sherman, S. L.
Controversial Issues in Crime and Justice by
Pollution Law Handbook: A Guide to Federal Environmental Laws by Wolf, Sidney M.
War, Law, and Labour: The Munitions Acts, State Regulation, and the Unions 1915-1921 by Rubin, Gerry, Rubin, G. R.
Older Offenders: Perspectives in Criminology and Criminal Justice by
Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel: Tools for Plaintiffs and Defendants by Freedman, Warren
The Political Role of Law Courts in Modern Democracies by
Reform in China by Reynolds, B. L.
The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice by Tyler, Tom R., Lind, E. Allan
Liberty Under Law: The Supreme Court in American Life by Wiecek, William M.
Agent Orange on Trial: Mass Toxic Disasters in the Courts, Enlarged Edition by Schuck, Peter H.
Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Court Judges and State and Local Officials by Cooper, Phillip J.
American Indians, Time, and the Law: Native Societies in a Modern Constitutional Democracy by Wilkinson, Charles F.
The Tolerant Society by Bollinger, Lee C.
White House Ethics: The History of the Politics of Conflict of Interest Regulation by Roberts, Robert North
Foreign Plaintiffs in Products Liability Actions: The Defense of Forum Non Conveniens by Freedman, Warren
The Regulatory Framework for the Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste in the Member States of the European Community by Associated Nuclear Services
Vierzig Jahre Dienst am sozialen Rechtsstaat by Amelunxen, Clemens
Water Law by Goldfarb, William
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XIII - 1988 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft by Rehbinder, Manfred
Rechtsentwicklungen in Berlin: Acht Vorträge, Gehalten Anläßlich Der 750-Jahrfeier Berlins by
Staatsstreiche in historischer und kriminologischer Sicht by Middendorff, Wolf
Miete by Emmerich, Volker, Sonnenschein, Jürgen
Legal Harmonization and the Business Enterprise by Hopt, Klaus J., Buxbaum, Richard M.
Change and Stability in International Law-Making by
Strafvollzug in Der PRAXIS: Eine Einführung in Die Probleme Und Realitäten Des Strafvollzuges Und Der Entlassenenhilfe by
Allgemeine Strafrechtslehre by Harro, Otto
Grundkurs Staatsrecht: Eine Einführung Für Studienanfänger by Schwabe, Jürgen
Voluntary and compulsory arbitration of labour disputes Asean by Ilo
Antarctica and South American Geopolitics: Frozen Lebensraum by Child, Jack
Hospital Law by
Campaigns, Congress, and Courts: The Making of Federal Campaign Finance Law by Mutch, Robert E.
Failures of the Legal Imagination by Watson, Alan
The American Jury On Trial: Psychological Perspectives by Kassin, Saul M., Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Iroquois Land Claims by
Legal Medicine 1987 by Wecht
Arzthaftpflicht Für Nachkommenschaftsschäden? by Weber, Dieter
Prüfung Der Wirtschaftlichkeit Der Behandlungs- Und Verordnungsweise Des Kassenarztes: Statistische Betrachtungen by Gaus, Wilhelm
From the League to U.N. by Unknown, Murray, Gilbert
Before the Civil Rights Revolution: The Old Court and Individual Rights by Braeman, John
The Insanity Defense: A Critical Assessment of Law and Policy in the Post-Hinckley Era by Simon, Rita James, Aaronson, David E.
Consumer Safety Regulation: Putting a Price on Life and Limb by Asch, Peter
The Supreme Court on Church and State by Alley, Robert S.
Plr 1988 by Denyer-Green, Barry
Death: Beyond Whole-Brain Criteria by
The Use of Human Beings in Research: With Special Reference to Clinical Trials by
Religion Morality & the Law: Nomos XXX by Chapman, John W., Pennock, Ronald
Liability: Perspectives and Policy by
Trends in the Enforcement of Non-Money Judgements and Orders: The First International Colloquium on the Law of Civil Procedure by Jacob, J., Jacobsson, U.
Judging Medicine by Annas, George J.
Judging Medicine by Annas, George J.
Commercial Law: Case Studies in a Business Context by Painter, Desmond
No Longer Disabled: The Federal Courts and the Politics of Social Security Disability by Mezey, Susan
Interactive Corporate Compliance: An Alternative to Regulatory Compulsion by Sigler, Jay A., Murphy, Joseph E.
Die Sterilisation Geistig Behinderter: 2. Einbecker Workshop Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Medizinrecht, 20.-21.Juni 1987 by
The American Founding: Essays on the Formation of the Constitution by Barlow, J. Jackson
The Institutional Framework of the European Communities by Davidson, J. S., Freeston, D. A. C.
Die Bedeutung Gliedstaatlichen Verfassungsrechts in Der Gegenwart. Die Einheit Der Verwaltung ALS Rechtsproblem: Berichte Und Diskussionen Auf Der Tag by
Gunshuku-Yōgo-Jiten by Doitsu-Rempō-Kyōwakoku-Gaimushō-Hen
The Unpublished Opinions of the Burger Court by Schwartz, Bernard
The emerging response to child labour (Conditions of work digest 1/88) by Ilo
Freedom of Speech on Private Property by Freedman, Warren
Schiffahrtsrecht Und Manövrieren: Teil a Schiffahrtsrecht I, Manövrieren by
Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research: Second Edition by Levine, Robert J.
Plr 1988 by Denyer-Green, Barry
Policing and Punishing the Drinking Driver: A Study of General and Specific Deterrence by Homel, Ross
Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America by Grossberg, Michael
1493 - 1815 by
Strafgesetzbuch der Republik Chile by
Values in the Marketplace: The American Stock Market Under Federal Securities Law by Burk, James
Whom Does the Constitution Command?: A Conceptual Analysis with Practical Implications by Alexander, Larry, Horton, Paul
Perforated Sovereignties and International Relations: Trans-Sovereign Contacts of Subnational Governments by
Gladsome Light of Jurisprudence: Learning the Law in England and the United States in the 18th and 19th Centuries by
Islamic Criminal Law and Procedure: An Introduction by Lippman, Matthew, Yerushalmi, Mordecha
The Reproduction of Social Control: A Study of Prison Workers at San Quentin by Owen, Barbara A.
Voluntary Corporate Liquidations by Kudla, Ronald J.
Rechtsprechung Und Computer in Den Neunziger Jahren: Am Beispiel Von Begriff Und Typologie Der Körperschaft Des Öffentlichen Rechts by Endrös, Alfred
Human Rights in the States: New Directions in Constitutional Policymaking by
Public Interest and the Business of Broadcasting: The Broadcast Industry Looks at Itself by
Death by Installments: The Ordeal of Willie Francis by Miller, Arthur S., Bowman, Jeffrey H.
Press and Media Access to the Criminal Courtroom by Freedman, Warren
Die Passivlegitimation Im Arzthaftpflichtprozeß: Unter Berücksichtigung Der Organisation Der Krankenversorgung by Schmid, Eva-Maria
Literatur Und Justiz in Der Weimarer Republik by Petersen, Klaus
Taxation and Human Rights by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Einführung in das Wertpapierrecht by Sedatis, Lutz
The Struggle for European Union by Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Western European Countries 1945-1950: (Including 252 Documents in Their Or by
Ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung by
Constitutionalism: Founding and Future (Miller Center Bicentennial Series on Constitutionalism) by Thompson, Kenneth W.
The Plessy Case: A Legal-Historical Interpretation by Lofgren, Charles A.
Child Support in America: Practical Advice on Negotiating and Collecting a Fair Settlement by Lieberman, Joseph I.
Constitution Makers on Constitution Making:: The Experience of Eight Nations by Goldwin, Robert A.
Islamic Jurisprudence by Weeramantry, C. G.
An Introduction to Labor Arbitration by Lacugna, Charles
The Inter-American Dilemma: The Search for Inter-American Cooperation at the Centennial of the Inter-American System by Scheman, L. Ronald
Policing Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods: The Miami Study and Findings for Law Enforcement in the United States by Alpert, Geoffrey P., Dunham, Roger G.
Truman's Court: A Study in Judicial Restraint by Rudko, Frances Howell
Drafting Engineering Contracts by Henkin, H.
A Practical Guide to Subcontracting by Jones, R.
Probability and Inference in the Law of Evidence: The Uses and Limits of Bayesianism by
Insanity on Trial by Finkel, Norman J.
Morality and the Law by
The Origins of American Constitutionalism by Lutz, Donald S.
Auslieferung, Verfolgungsübernahme, Vollstreckungshilfe: Ein Handbuch Für Die PRAXIS by Bubnoff, Eckhart Von
The Prisoners of Welfare: Liberating America's Poor from Unemployment and Low Wages by Riemer, David R.
The Labor Lawyer's Guide to the Rights and Responsibilities of Employee Whistleblowers by Kohn, Michael, Kohn, Stephen M.
Dancing on a Volcano: The Latin American Drug Trade by MacDonald, Scott
Dancing on a Volcano: The Latin American Drug Trade by MacDonald, Scott
James Madison on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by Morgan, Robert J.
Collective Bargaining and Impasse Resolution in Public Sector by Walsh, William J., Dilts, David A.
Felony Probation: Problems and Prospects by Champion, Dean
South Africa: No Turning Back by
Real Rape by Estrich, Susan R.
Islamic Jurisprudence: An International Perspective by Weeramantry, C. G.
American Law and the Constitutional Order: Historical Perspectives, Enlarged Edition by
The Supreme Court and the Decline of Constitutional Aspiration by Jacobsohn, Gary J.
Modern Age: The First Twenty-Five Years: A Selection by
Modern Age: The First Twenty-Five Years: A Selection by
Disability as a Social Construct: Legislative Roots by Liachowitz, Claire H.
Teachers on Trial: Values, Standards, and Equity in Judging Conduct and Competence by Gross, James A.
The Acts of Robert I (1306-1329) by Duncan, A. A. M.
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and the Law: A General Introduction by Horn, Norbert
Crime Prevention and Intervention by
International Crimes of State: A Critical Analysis of the ILC's Draft Article 19 on State Responsibility by
Changing the Guard in Brussels: An Insider's View of the EC Presidency by Bassompierre, Guy de, de Bassompierre, Guy
Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality by
Changing the Guard in Brussels: An Insider's View of the EC Presidency by Bassompierre, Guy de
Sports Law for Educational Institutions by Wade, Steven C.
The Abandonment of Delinquent Behavior: Promoting the Turnaround by Kirk, Sara
New Approaches to International Mediation by Mitchell, C. R. R(ed, Webb, Keith
Latin American States and Political Refugees by Yundt, Keith
The Evolving Role of Statistical Assessments as Evidence in the Courts by
The Greenwood Annual Abstract of Legal Dissertations and Theses, 1985-1987 by Brown, Kenneth
Judicial Decision Making, Sentencing Policy, and Numerical Guidance by Lovegrove, Austin
Reforming the Workplace by Rees, Joseph
Law, Behavior, and Mental Health: Policy and Practice by Smith, Steven R., Meyer, Robert
The Fable of the Bees: In Two Volumes by Mandeville, Bernard
Jihad: A Commitment to Universal Peace by Boisard, Marcel A.
Die Grundlagen. Die Völkerrechtssubjekte by
Diversion by Ludwig, Wolfgang
Constitutional Brinksmanship: Amending the Constitution by National Convention by Caplan, Russell L.
Computer Power and Legal Language: The Use of Computational Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, and Expert Systems in the Law by
Labor Law and Business Change: Theoretical and Transactional Perspectives by
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