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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1989

Lawyers in Society: Comparative Theories by
An Open Approach to Information Policy Making: A Case Study of the Moore Universal Telephone Service ACT by Jacobson, Robert
Private Rights, Public Wrongs: The Computer and Personal Privacy by Rubin, Michael Rogers
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Trade Union Democracy and Industrial Relations by Blanpain, Roger
Fair Use and Free Inquiry: Copyright Law and the New Media by Timberg, Bernard, Lawrence, John Shelton, Lawerence, John Shelton
The Supreme Court and Judicial Choice: The Role of Provisional Review in a Democracy by Dimond, Paul R.
Die Wissenschaftliche Beratung Der Umweltpolitik: Der Rat Von Sachverständigen Für Umweltfragen by Timm, Gerhard I.
Handelsbilanz Und Steuerbilanz: Beiträge Zum Neuen Bilanzrecht, Band 2 by
Politischer Extremismus in Demokratischen Verfassungsstaaten by Backes, Uwe
Einführung in Das Recht Bgb-Allgemeiner Teil by Klunzinger, Eugen
Bgb-Schuldrecht by Klunzinger, Eugen
A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume IX: Hampstead and Paddington Parishes by
Verwaltung Und Verwaltungsvorschriften: Notwendigkeit Und Chance Der Vorschriftenvereinfachung by Ellwein, Thomas
Frau -- Frauen -- Kriminelle: Zur Aktuellen Diskussion Über "Frauenkriminalität" by Funken, Christiane
Organverantwortung Und Gesellschafterklagen in Der Aktiengesellschaft: 296. Sitzung Am 16. Oktober 1985 in Düsseldorf (Fassung Vom 1. 1. 1989) by Wiedemann, Herbert
Haftpflichtrisiken in Unternehmen: Produkt- Und Umwelthaftung by
Arbeitersport- Und Arbeiterkulturbewegung Im Ruhrgebiet by
Umweltpolitik Zwischen Reparatur Und Vorbeugung: Eine Einführung Am Beispiel Bundesrepublik Im Internationalen Kontext by Glaeser, Bernhard
Abortion and Divorce in Western Law by Glendon, Mary Ann
Konzernrechnungslegungspflichten Bei Betriebsaufspaltung Und Gmbh & Co. Kg by Schreiber, Andreas
Das Stetigkeitsprinzip Im Neuen Bilanzrecht by Müller, Jürgen
Technikbilder: Weltanschauliche Weichenstellungen Der Technologie- Und Umweltpolitik by Huber, Joseph
Interpol: Issues in World Crime and International Criminal Justice by Fooner, Michael
Die Ertragsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Konzernrechnungslegung: Handelsrechtliche Grundlagen by
Lawyers in Business: And the Law Business by MacKie, K.
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Contemporary Commonwealth by Doxey, Margaret P.
Gerechtigkeit Durch Poesie by Mangold, Hartmut
Der Sozialplan in Betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht by Schmidt, Heino
Typologie Der Betriebsaufspaltung: Treuhandschaft, Mitunternehmerschaft Und Vermögensverwaltung by Kessler, Wolfgang
The Usa, Ilo, UNESCO and IAEA: Politicization and Withdrawal in the Specialized Agencies by Imber, Mark F.
A History of the United Nations: Volume 2: The Age of Decolonization, 1955-1965 by Luard, Evan
Can South Africa Survive?: Five Minutes to Midnight by Brewer, D.
Kraftfahrtversicherung by Asmus, Werner
Die Betriebsaufspaltung in Der Finanzrechtsprechung by Wehrheim, Michael
Staatliche Wirtschaftsaufsicht in Deutschland: Die Entwicklung Der Apothekenaufsicht Preußens Und Nordrhein-Westfalens Von Ihrer Gründung Bis Zur Gege by Weingarten, Joe
Justice And Efficiency, General Reports And Reports Of Discussion by Wedekind, W.
The Roman Law of Trusts by Johnston, David
The Fettered Presidency:: Legal Constraints on the Executive Branch by Crovitz, Gordon L.
Zur Wirksamkeit Und Effektivität Des Sozialistischen Rechts: Tagung Des Rates Für Staats- Und Rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung an Der Akademie Der Wi by Weichelt, Wolfgang
- Ab-DDR 87 - by
The First Amendment--The Challenge of New Technology by Mier Y. Teran, Elena
The Constitutional Right to a Speedy and Fair Criminal Trial by Freedman, Warren
Economics and Antitrust Policy by
Competitive Freedom Versus National Security Regulation by Irwin, Manley Rutherford
Jackson's Machinery of Justice by Spencer, Jackson, R. M.
The Birth of the English Common Law by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C. Van
Basic Principles of Civil Law in China by Jones, David M.
Petroleum Investment Policies in Developing Countries by
Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: Volume I by Institute of Medicine, Committee to Study Medical Professional Liability and the De
Medical Professional Liability and the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: Volume II, an Interdisciplinary Review by Committee to Study Medical Professional Liability and the De, Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Refugees - The Trauma of Exile: The Humanitarian Role of Red Cross and Red Crescent by
Women and the Law of Property in Early America by Salmon, Marylynn
Human Rights and Foreign Policy: Principles and Practice by
Burnout in Probation and Corrections by Whitehead, John T.
A Legal Guide to EDP Management by Gemignani, Michael C.
Fires All Around the Horizon: The U.N.'s Uphill Battle to Preserve the Peace by Harrelson, Max
A Common Man S Guide to the Common Market by Arbuthnott, Hugh, Edwards, Geoffrey
Capital Punishment and the American Agenda by Gordon, Hawkins, Franklin E., Zimring, Zimring, Franklin E.
The Fence: In the Shadow of Two Worlds by Steffensmeier, Darrell J.
The Constitution of 1787: A Commentary by Anastaplo, George
Markets and Justice: Nomos XXXI by
Berlin - Bremen - Hamburg by
Cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex by Löwer, Wolfgang
Der Schutz des Sonntags im verfassungsrechtlichen Wandel by Kunig, Philip
International Economic Law by
The Political and Legal Framework of Trade Relations Between the European Community and Eastern Europe by Maresceau, Marc
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1990 by T. M. C. Asser Instituut
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 1995, Vol XXVI by T. M. C. Asser Instituut
Public Property and Private Power: The Corporation of the City of New York in American Law, 1730 1870 by Hartog, Hendrik A.
Harm to Self by Feinberg, Joel
The U.S. War Crimes Trial Program in Germany, 1946-1955 by Buscher, Frank
New Directions in Human Rights by
Der Grundsatz Der Persönlichen Ärztlichen Leistungspflicht: Ausformung Und Auswirkungen Auf Die Leistungserbringung in Ärztlichen Kooperationsformen by Gitter, Wolfgang, Köhler, Gabriele
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Volume V: A Commentary by
Miete by Emmerich, Volker, Sonnenschein, Jürgen
Register by
Drittes Buch: §§ 238-342 by
Einleitung. §§ 1-104 by
Viertes Buch: §§ 343-460. Anhang by
A Transaction of Free Men by Hawke, David Freeman
Legal Aspects of Medicine: Including Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine by
History and Power in the Study of Law by
Reform & Regret: The Story of Federal Judicial Involvement in the Alabama Prison System by Yackle, Larry W.
Toleration and the Constitution by Richards, David A. J.
Gideon's Trumpet: How One Man, a Poor Prisoner, Took His Case to the Supreme Court-And Changed the Law of the United States by Lewis, Anthony
Lawyers, Courts, and Professionalism: The Agenda for Reform by Gerber, Rudolph Joseph
First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code by Bentham, Jeremy
Politics and the Law in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany: The Origins of the Civil Code by John, Michael
Early Greek Law by Gagarin, Michael
Arbitration and State Enterprises: Survey on the National and International State of Law and Practice by Bockstiegel, Karl-Heinz
Rights Based Fishing by
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XIV - 1989 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
The 200 Mile Exclusive Economic Zone in the Law of the Sea by Kwiatkowska, Barbara
Von Abraham Lincoln bis Melvin Belli by Middendorff, Wolf
An Appeal to Justice: Litigated Reform of Texas Prisons by Crouch, Ben M., Marquart, James W.
A Casebook on the Roman Law of Delict by Frier, Bruce W.
International Regulation of Satellite Communication by Smith, D. Gordon
Law & Policy in the Space Stations' Era by Young, Andrew J.
Congress Series: Arbitration In Settlement Of International Vol 4 by Sanders, Pieter
International Air Transport in a Changing World by Naveau, Jacques
Conflicts of Law and Morality by Greenawalt, Kent
Ratifying the Constitution by
Organisation Der Datenverarbeitung an Der Schwelle Der 90er Jahre: 8. Gi-Fachgespräch Über Rechenzentren, Düsseldorf, 2.-3. März 1989 by
Legal and Economic Regulation in Marketing: A Practitioner's Guide by Werner, Ray O.
Weiterbildungsnormen Der Ärztekammern Auf Dem Rechtlichen Prüfstand by Schwerdtfeger, Gunther
Test Policy and the Politics of Opportunity Allocation: The Workplace and the Law by
Criminal Finance, The Political Economy of Money Laundering in a Comparative Legal Context by Kris Hinterseer
Human Rights and Development: International Views by Forsythe, David P.
Environmentally Induced Cancer and the Law: Risks, Regulation, and Victim Compensation by Cross, Frank B.
Company Law: Case Studies in a Business Context by Painter, Desmond
Litigation, Courts, and Women Workers by Maschke, Karen J.
The Tort of Discovery Abuse by Wade, Steven, Freedman, Warren
Public Interest Law Groups: Institutional Profiles by O'Connor, Karen, Epstein, Lee
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800: Volume 2 by
Copyright Law Symposium by Publishers
Taxpayer Compliance, Volume 2: Social Science Perspectives by
Taxpayer Compliance, Volume 1: An Agenda for Research by
Right V. Might by
Verkehrsunfallflucht by Eisenberg, Ulrich, Ohder, Claudius, Bruckmeier, Karl
Der Gleichheitssatz. Gesetzesgestaltung und Gesetzesanwendung im Leistungsrecht by
A History of the United Nations: Volume 2: The Age of Decolonization, 1955-1965 by Luard, Evan
China's Policy Towards Territorial Disputes: The Case of the South China Sea Islands by Lo, Chi-Kin
Federalism and European Union: Political Ideas, Influences, and Strategies in the European Community 1972-1986 by Burgess, Michael
Freedom of Expression in the American Military: A Communication Modeling Analysis by Schuyler, George, Packer, Cathy Lee
Doing Away with Personal Injury Law: New Compensation Mechanisms for Victims, Consumers, and Business by Sugarman, Stephen D., Perlin, Terry
The Electronic Media and the Transformation of Law by Katsh, M. Ethan
The Science of a Legislator: The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and Adam Smith by Haakonssen, Knud
The Anthropology of Justice: Law as Culture in Islamic Society by Rosen, Lawrence
Moral Vision and Professional Decisions: The Changing Values of Women and Men Lawyers by Jack, Rand
Price Level Regulation for Diversified Public Utilities by Braeutigam, Ronald, Hillman, Jordan J.
Cross-National Research in Self-Reported Crime and Delinquency by
Umweltstaat by
The Evolution of Law by Watson, Alan
Justiz-Strafrecht Und Polizeiliche Verbrechensbekämpfung Im Dritten Reich by Werle, Gerhard
Probleme "feindlicher" Übernahmeangebote im Aktienrecht by Werner, Winfried
The Third Generation World Organization by Bertrand, Maurice
Labour Under the Apartheid Regime: Practical Problems and Legal Framework of Labour Relations in South Africa by Körner-Dammann, M., Schunk, A., Kittner, M.
Manual of the Terminology of the Law of Armed Conflicts and of International Humanitarian Organizations by Paenson, I.
Feminism and the Power of Law by Smart, Carol
Trance on Trial by Shapiro, Jerrold Lee, Scheflin, Alan W.
The Privilege to Keep and Bear Arms: The Second Amendment and Its Interpretation by Freedman, Warren
John Marshall's Achievement: Law, Politics, and Constitutional Interpretations by
The Cost of Doing Business: Legal and Regulatory Issues in the United States and Abroad by Chinloy, Peter
The Foundations of Engineering Contracts by **Decd**, F. R. Roulston, Horgan, M. O'c, Roulston, F. R.
The Common Peace: Participation and the Criminal Law in Seventeenth-Century England by Herrup, Cynthia B.
Parlamentsrecht und Parlamentspraxis in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Causing Harm by Mullock, Philip, Åqvist, Lennart
Übungen im Strafprozeßrecht by Geerds, Friedrich
How to Handle Your Child Custody Case by Diamond, Leonard
Festschrift Für Herbert Tröndle Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 24. August 1989 by
How to Handle Your Child Custody Case by Diamond, Leonard
The Accountant's Guide to Corporation, Partnership, and Agency Law by Wolf, Sidney M.
Lizenzverträge Im Technologietransfer Nach Sowjetischem Recht by Kehrwald, Roland
Frauen Und AIDS: Somatische Und Psychosoziale Aspekte by
The United Nations in the World Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Leon Gordenker by
The United Nations in the World Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Leon Gordenker by
Discharge for Cause: Arbitral Enforcement Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement by Thompson, Douglas H.
Decision-Aiding Software and Legal Decision-Making: A Guide to Skills and Applications Throughout the Law by Nagel, Stuart S.
Criminal Activity in the Deep South, 1700-1930: An Annotated Bibliography by Wright, A. J.
The Aristocracy of the Long Robe: The Origins of Judicial Review in America by Sosin, J. M., Sosin, Jack M.
An Introduction to the Law of Restitution by Birks, Peter
The Domestic Analogy and World Order Proposals by Suganami, Hidemi
Single Sparks: China's Rural Revolutions by Hartford, Kathleen, Goldstein, Steven M.
Der nationale Alleingang im EG-Binnenmarkt by Hailbronner, Kay
Justice for All: Reducing Costs and Delay in Civil Litigation by The Brookings Institution
Law, Liberty and Psychiatry: An Inquiry Into the Social Uses of Mental Health Practices by Szasz, Thomas
Parlamentsauflösung in Deutschland: Verfassungsgeschichte Und Verfassungsprozeß by Umbach, Dieter C.
Hope and Folly: The United States and Unesco, 1945-1985 Volume 3 by Preston Jr, William, Schiller, Herbert I., Herman, Edward S.
Strict Liability: Legal and Economic Analysis by Vandall, Frank
Protecting Constitutional Freedoms: A Role for Federal Courts by Braveman, Daan
Law and Social Change in Postwar Japan by Upham, Frank K.
Heracles' Bow: Essays On The Rhetoric & Poetics Of The Law by White, James B.
The Limits of Judicial Power: The Supreme Court in American Politics by Lasser, William
The Employment Contract: Rights and Duties of Employers and Employees by Freedman, Warren
Unfounded Fears: Myths and Realities of a Constitutional Convention by Weber, Paul J., Perry, Barbara A.
A Right to Bear Arms: State and Federal Bills of Rights and Constitutional Guarantees by Halbrook, Stephen P.
Responsibility and Criminal Liability by Sistare, C. T.
German Institutions: Designations, Abbreviations, Acronyms by
Der Strafprozeß im Spiegel ausländischer Verfahrensordnungen by
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises by Dyson, Kenneth
Neutrality and International Sanctions: Sweden, Switzerland, and Collective Security by Ross, John
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: Implications for Criminal Justice by
Homelessness Amid Affluence: Structure and Paradox in the American Political Economy by Lang, Michael H.
Managing Employee Rights and Responsibilities by
Summary Judgment and Other Preclusive Devices by Freedman, Warren
Software, Copyright, and Competition: The Look and Feel of the Law by Clapes, Anthony Lawrence
The Constitution, the Courts, and the Quest for Justice (American Enterprise Institute Studies, Vol 491) by Goldwin, Robert A.
Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament: ABC Weapons, the Military Use of Nuclear Energy and Outer Space, and the Implicatations for I by Brauch, Hans Gunter
Unfounded Fears: Myths and Realities of a Constitutional Convention by Perry, Barbara, Weber, Paul
The Asian Way to Peace: A Story of Regional Cooperation by Haas, Michael
Affirmative Action and Principles of Justice by Greene, Kathanne W.
AIDS Im Amerikanischen Und Deutschen Recht: Eine Kritische Bestandsaufnahme Des Rechts Der USA Und Ihre Rechtspolitischen Konsequenzen Für Die Bundesr by Lücke, Jörg
Child Custody by Black, James, Cantor, Donald
Rehabilitating Juvenile Justice by Reamer, Frederic G., Shireman, Charles H.
Working with the Person with Schizophrenia by Selzer, Michael
Übernahmeangebote by Assmann, Heinz-Dieter, Basaldua, Nathalie, Bozenhardt, Friedrich
Digitalisierung Der Grundrechte?: Zur Verfassungsverträglichkeit Der Informations- Und Kommunikationstechnik by Hammer, Volker, Wedde, Peter
Verdicts Out of Court by Darrow, Clarence
Albanische Strafgesetze by
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