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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1990

Barium: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 107 by Unep, Ilo
Tri-N-Butyl Phosphate: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 112 by Ilo, Unep
Methoxyethanol (2-), Ethoxyethanol (2-), and their Acetates: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 115 by Ilo, Unep
Tributyltin Compounds: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 116 by Ilo, Une3p
Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 3: Part 3: Tools of Dominion by North, Gary
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Geisteswissenschaften Vorträge - G 300 by Großfeld, Bernhard
Steuerfall Und Lösung: Steuerklausuren Und Seminarfälle Mit Lösungsvorschlägen by
Propanol (1-Propanol): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 102 by ILO, Unep
Vinylidene Chloride: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 100 by ILO, Unep
Propanol (2-Propanol): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 103 by ILO, Unep
Selected Mycotoxins: Ochratoxins, Trichothecenes, Ergot: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 105 by ILO, Unep
Beryllium: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 106 by ILO, Unep
Summary Report on the Evaluation of Short-Term Tests for Carcinogens: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 109 by Unep, ILO
Fully Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbons: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 113 by Unep, ILO
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 117 by Unep, ILO
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz by Dobbeck, Otto D.
Rechtskunde Für Kaufleute by Walter, Reinhard, Klamroth, Sabine
Umwelthaftungsrecht by Prätorius, Gerhard, Feess, Eberhard, Steger, Ulrich
Bürgerliches Recht 3: Fall - Systematik - Lösung - Schuldrecht - Besonderer Teil. Kauf Und Tausch - Schenkung - Miete Und Pacht - Leihe - Ve by Söhnlein, Walter
Datenschutz Bei Temex: Risiken Von Fernwirkdiensten Und Möglichkeiten Einer Datenschutzgerechten Technikgestaltung by Schrempf, Martin
Justifiable Homicide: Battered Women, Self-Defense and the Law by Gillespie, Cynthia K.
Gründungsrechnungslegung: Dargestellt Am Beispiel Der Aktiengesellschaft by Schiller, Andreas
Shark Tank: Greed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley Kumble, One of Agreed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley Kumble, One of by Eisler, Kim Isaac
Bills of Lading: Law and Practice by Mitchelhill, Alan
Social Research in Communication and Law by Gleason, Timothy, Cohen, Jeremy
Klausuren Bürgerliches Recht: Übungen Im BGB by
In Der DDR Investieren Und Kooperieren by
Formelles Steuerrecht by Lohmeyer, Heinz, Kostka, Gerhard
Informal Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law 1750-1989 by Parker, Stephen
The American Revolution in the Law: Anglo-American Jurisprudence Before John Marshall by Stimson, Shannon C.
The Warsaw Treaty Organization: A Political and Organizational Analysis by Fodor, Neil
Political Violence and the Struggle in South Africa by
Law in a Business Context by Bill Cole, Peter Shears and Jillinda Tiley
Grundlagen der Besteuerung by Bauer, Uwe
Erbschaftsteuer, Grundsteuer by Teß, Wolfgang
Bewertungsgesetz by Teß, Wolfgang
Stichwort: Wahlen: Ein Ratgeber für Wähler und Kandidaten by Woyke, Wichard
Principles for the Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Food: Environmental Health Criteria Series 104 by ILO, Unep
Family Violence: Research and Public Policy Issues by Besharov, Douglas J.
Social Research in Communication and Law by Cohen, Jeremy, Gleason, Timothy
Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, Law by Mohr, Richard
Palestinian Lawyers and Israeli Rule: Law and Disorder in the West Bank by Bisharat, George Emile
Eisenhower and Landrum-Griffin: A Study in Labor-Management Politics by Lee, R. Alton
Uebungsbuch Für Das Deutsche Civilprozessrecht by Jacobi, Leonard
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 8, Heft 3 by
Probleme Des Völkerrechts 1989 by
Divorcing: The Complete Guide for Men and Women by Belli, Melvin M., Belli
Public Policy and Transit System Management by
United States Magistrates in the Federal Courts: Subordinate Judges by Smith, Christopher E.
The Law and Occupational Injury, Disease, and Death by Freedman, Warren
A Theory of Property by Munzer, Stephen R.
Deciding for Others: The Ethics of Surrogate Decision Making by Allen E., Buchanan, Dan W., Brock, Buchanan, Allen
Der Haushaltsausschuß Des Deutschen Bundestages: Struktur Und Entscheidungsprozeß by Sturm, Roland
Turkey and the European Community by Evin, Ahmet, Denton, Geoffrey
New Directions in the Study of Justice, Law, and Social Control by
Regieren in Der Bundesrepublik I: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by
No State Shall Abridge: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights by Curtis, Michael Kent
Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 by
Informationsordnung und Recht by Zöllner, Wolfgang
Sexual Orientation and the Law by
The Ethics of Redistribution by Jouvenel, Bertrand De
Data Processing In Taxation by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Tax Consequences of Pension Provision for the Internatinionally Transfered Empleyee by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Common Heritage or Common Burden?: The United States Position on the Development of a Regime for Deep Sea-Bed Mining in the Law of the Sea Convention by Schmidt, Markus G.
Country Lawyers: The Impact of Context on Professional Practice by Landon, Donald
Managing Fiscal Strain in Major American Cities: Understanding Retrenchment in the Public Sector by Pammer, William J.
Human Rights in Africa: A Comparative Study of the African Human and People's Rights Charter and the New Tanzanian Bill of Rights by Peter, Chris Maina
The Age of Rights by Henkin, Louis
Taking Liberties: National Barriers to the Free Flow of Ideas by Hull, Elizabeth
Shipboard Operations by Lavery, H. I.
Nationalism and International Society by Mayall, James
Minorities and Criminality by Brown, Ethel, Flowers, R. Barri
Boundaries Dimly Perceived: Law, Religion, Education, and the Common Good by Mooney, Christopher F.
A Guide to Critical Legal Studies by Kelman, Mark
Natural Law and Justice by Weinreb, Lloyd L.
Opera Plot Index by Studwell, William E., Hamilton, David
Situationsgebundenheit des Eigentums - eine überholte Rechtssituation? by Leisner, Walter
Das Staatsoberhaupt in Der Parlamentarischen Demokratie. Verwaltung Durch Subventionen: Aussprache Zu Den Berichten in Den Verhandlungen Der Tagung De by
If You Love Me, You Will Do My Will by Michaud, Stephen G., Aynesworth, Hugh
Prior Consent to Intl Direct Satellite Broadcasting by Fisher, David I.
Das demokratische Prinzip im Grundgesetz. Die Erfüllung von Verwaltungsaufgaben durch Private by
Die Staatsrechtliche Stellung Der Ausländer in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Vertrauensschutz Im Verwaltungsrecht: Berichte Und Diskussionen Auf Der by
Das Gesetz ALS Norm Und Maßnahme. Das Besondere Gewaltverhältnis: Berichte Und Aussprache Zu Den Berichten in Den Verhandlungen Der Tagung Der Deutsch by
Chadha: The Story of an Epic Constitutional Struggle by Craig, Barbara Hinkson
Beyond Punishment: A New View on the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders by Rotman, Edgardo
Trial by Jury: The Tactics, Deals, and Decisions That Determined the Outcome of 17 of the Decade's Biggest Legal Cases by Brill, Steven
Taking Charge: Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice by Romano, Anne
A Fragile Movement: The Struggle for Neighborhood Stabilization by Saltman, Juliet
The Concept of Socialist Law by Sypnowich, Christine
U.S. Senate Decision-Making: The Trade Agreement Act of 1979 by Jerome, Robert W.
Common Law in Southern Africa: Conflict of Laws and Torts Precedents by Kutner, Peter B.
Intifada: Palestine at the Crossroads by Heacock, Roger, Nassar, Jamal
Women and Law in Classical Greece by Sealey, Raphael
Scottish Society, 1500 1800 by Ingram, Martin
Festschrift Für Ernst Steindorff Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 13. März 1990 by
Deceptive Advertising: Behavioral Study of A Legal Concept by Richards, Jef
Die Grenzen Der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Die Gestaltung Des Polizei- Und Ordnungsrechts in Den Einzelnen Besatzungszonen: Verhandlungen Der Tagung by
Regulating the Regulators: An Introduction to the Legislative Oversight of Administrative Rulemaking by Bowers, James R.
Antitrust Policy and Interest-Group Politics by Shughart, William F.
China and International Law: The Boundary Disputes by Tzou, Byron N.
Legal Secrets: Equality and Efficiency in the Common Law by Scheppele, Kim Lane
Presidential Accountability: New and Recurring Problems by Orman, John M.
Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar 1680-1730 by Lemmings, David
The Constitutional Bases of Political and Social Change in the United States by
Arbeitsbuch Im Bürgerlichen Recht Für Anfänger: Für Arbeitsgemeinschaften Und Selbststudium. Mit Lösungen by Salje, Peter
Neue Rechte Und Rechtsextremismus in Europa: Bundesrepublik, Frankreich, Großbritannien by Schönekäs, Klaus, Jaschke, Hans-Gerd
Articles of Faith, Articles of Peace: The Religious Liberty Clauses and the American Public Philosophy by
Übungen im Strafrecht by Otto, Harro
The Reform of Child Care Law: A Practical Guide to the Children Act 1989 by Eekelaar, John, Dingwall, Robert
Problem Employee Management: Proactive Strategies for Human Resource Managers by Bruce, Willa M.
Das Kassenarztrecht Der Reichsversicherungsordnung: Entwicklungen Von 1979 Bis Zum Gesundheitsreformgesetz by Maaß, Rainald
American Constitutionalism Abroad: Selected Essays in Comparative Constitutional History by
Morality, Politics, and Law by Perry, Michael J.
Evaluating Police Management Development Programs by Simerson, Byron K., Markham, William T., Simerson, B. Keith
Rules Versus Relationships: The Ethnography of Legal Discourse by O'Barr, William M., Conley, John M.
Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans by Merry, Sally Engle
Judicial Discretion and Criminal Litigation by Pattenden, Rosemary
Economic Law and Economic Growth: Antitrust, Regulation, and the American Growth System by Garvey, George E., Garvey, Gerald J.
Der Sachverständige Im Strafrecht Kriminalitätsverhütung by
In Search of a Better Life: Perspectives on Migration from the Caribbean by Palmer, Ransford
Surrogate Motherhood: Politics and Privacy by
German and American Constitutional Thought: Contexts, Interaction and Historical Realities Contexts, Interaction and Historical Realities by Wellenreuther, Hermann
Chinese Subculture and Criminality: Non-Traditional Crime Groups in America by Chin, Ko-Lin
Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups: American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel by Goldberg, David Howard
Equal Separation: Understanding the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment by Weber, Paul
Journal Soci Welf Law 1989 V11 by
Questions Concerning the Law of Nature by Locke, John
Civil Rights, the Constitution, and Congress, 1863-1869 by Maltz, Earl M.
Harmless Wrongdoing by Feinberg, Joel
Montesquieu: Der aristokratische Geist der Aufklärung by Schlosser, Hans
British Socialists and the Politics of Popular Culture, 1884-1914 by Waters, Chris
Handels- oder Unternehmensrecht als Sonderprivatrecht by Bydlinski, Franz
The Law by Waldron, Jeremy
Peace Through Agreement: Replacing War With Non-Violent Dispute-Resolution Methods by Rabow, Gerald
Knowledge as Power: Political and Legal Control of Information by Sadofsky, David
Natur Und Industriegesellschaft: Beiträge Aus Interdisziplinärer Sicht by
Police Pursuit Driving: Controlling Responses to Emergency Situations by Alpert, Geoffrey P., Dunham, Roger G.
The Shaping of Nineteenth-Century Law: John Appleton and Responsible Individualism by Gold, David M.
The Future of Free Speech Law by Wright, Robert G., Wright, R. George
Liability by Huber, Peter
The United Nations and Peacekeeping: Results, Limitations and Prospects - The Lessons of 40 Years of Experience by
International Tax Planning by Campbell, Dennis
Affordable Housing Mediation: Building Consensus for Regional Agreements in the Hartford and Greater Bridgeport Areas by Susskind, Lawrence, Podziba, Susan L.
Medical Theories in Hippocrates: Early Texts and the Epidemics by Langholf, Volker
The International Practice of Law by Vogt, Nedim Peter
Wahlbehandlung Und Direktes Liquidationsrecht Des Chefarztes: Vertragsgestaltung, Haftung Und Regreß by Kistner, Klaus
Supremely Political: The Role of Ideology and Presidential Management in Unsuccessful Supreme Court Nominations by Massaro, John
Managing Planet Earth: Perspectives on Population, Ecology, and the Law by Santos, Miguel A.
The Supreme Court and the Mass Media: Selected Cases, Summaries, and Analyses by Campbell, Douglas S.
Spirit of the Constitution: Five Conversations by
Law, Economics, and Philosophy: With Applications to the Law of Torts by
The Social and Legal Status of Women: A Global Perspective by Hazon, Winnie, Hazou, Winnie
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations by Franck, Thomas M.
Intellectual Properties and the Protection of Fictional Characters: Copyright, Trademark, or Unfair Competition? by Howell, Dorothy J.
The Supreme Court and the Mass Media: Selected Cases, Summaries, and Analyses by Campbell, Douglas
Constitutionalism, Democracy, and Foreign Affairs by Henkin, Louis
Administering Danger in the Workplace: The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario 1850-1914 by Tucker, Eric
Gesellschaftsrecht by Maiberg, Hermann
Die überörtliche Anwaltssozietät by Schumann, Ekkehard
Special Districts: The Ultimate in Neighborhood Zoning by Larsen, Wendy U., Babcock, Richard F.
The Legal and Economic Aspects of Gray Market Goods by Lipner, Seth E.
The Arbitration of Rights Disputes in the Public Sector by Deitsch, Clarence R.
Judicial Remedies in International Law by Gray, Christine D.
The Political Economy of Ethiopia by
The Acoustics of Crime: The New Science of Forensic Phonetics by Hollien, Harry
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
Die Diskreten Kontrolleure: Eine Wirkungsanalyse Des Bundesrechnungshofs by
Das Wirtschafts- Und Vertragsrecht Transnationaler Gemeinschaftsunternehmen in Entwicklungsländern: Joint Ventures in Der VR China, Indonesien, Malays by Staudenmeyer, Carola
Deutschlands aktuelle Verfassungslage by
Birthrights: Law and Ethics at the Beginnings of Life by
The National Security Constitution: Sharing Power After the Iran-Contra Affair by Koh, Harold Hongju
State Supreme Courts in State and Nation by Tarr, G. Alan, Porter, Mary Cornelia Aldis
The Legal Defense of Pathological Intoxication: With Related Issues of Temporary and Self-Inflicted Insanity by Tiffany, Lawrence P., Tiffany, Mary
U.S. Agricultural Groups: Institutional Profiles by
Courts, Corrections, and the Constitution: The Impact of Judicial Intervention on Prisons and Jails by
Protecting the Best Men: An Interpretive History of the Law of Libel by Rosenberg, Norman L.
A Sword for the Convicted: Representing Indigent Defendants on Appeal by Wasserman, David T.
Law and Islam in the Middle East by Dwyer, Daisey Hilse
From Erasmus to Tolstoy: The Peace Literature of Four Centuries Jacob Ter Meulen's Bibliographies of the Peace Movement Before 1899 by Meulen, Jacob Ter
Gutachterkommissionen Und Schlichtungsstellen: Anspruch, Praxis, Perspektiven by
Gedächtnisschrift für Karlheinz Meyer by
Die Entstehung Der Verfassung Von Berlin: Eine Dokumentation by
Surrogate Motherhood: The Legal and Human Issues, Expanded Edition by Field, Martha A.
With Justice for None by Spence, Gerry
Model Income Tax Treaties by Van Raad, Kees
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume I -1976 by Sanders, Pieter
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume VI - 1981 by Sanders, Pieter
Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law by Minow, Martha
Peacekeeping in International Politics by James, Alan
Peacekeeping in International Politics by James, Alan
Trial Lawyers by Couric, Emily
The Course of Tolerance: Freedom of the Press in Nineteenth-Century America by Dickerson, Donna Lee
Crime in Biological, Social, and Moral Contexts by
Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act: Interpretations, Applications, and Compliance by Fogleman, Valerie
Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States in the International Law of the Sea by Vasciannie, S. C.
Bending with the Winds: Kurt Waldheim and the United Nations by Saltzman, Arnold A., Finger, Seymour Maxwell
We Have a Duty: The Supreme Court and the Watergate Tapes Litigation by Ball, Howard
A History of the Anglo-American Common Law of Contract by Teeven, Kevin M.
Comparative Constitutional Federalism: Europe and America by Tushnet, Mark
Privacy in the Workplace: A Guide for Human Resource Managers by Bible, Jon D., McWhirter, Darien A.
See More