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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1991

Triphenyl Phosphate: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 111 by Ilo, Unep
Due Diligence for Corporate Acquisitions by Schmitz, Winfried F.
An English Reader's Guide to the French Legal System by Weston, Martin
Family Life: Domestic Roles and Social Organization by Allan, Graham
Rechtslehre Des Versicherungswesens by Asmus, W., Farny, Prof Dr D., Höft, Dr E.
Handbuch Des Investmentsparens by Päsler, Rüdiger H.
Government Ethics Reform for the 1990's: The Collected Reports of the New York State Commission on Government Integrity by Green, Bruce
Festschrift Für Karlheinz Quack Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 3. Januar 1991 by
Rechtsfragen des internationalen elektronischen Zahlungsverkehrs durch S.W.I.F.T. by Etzkorn, Jörg
Nickel: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 108 by ILO, Unep, Hertel, R. F.
Dimethylformamide: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 114 by Unep, ILO
Inorganic Mercury: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 118 by Unep, ILO
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 120 by ILO, Unep
Hexane (N-Hexane): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 122 by ILO, Unep
Lindane: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 124 by Herbst, M., ILO, Unep
Platinum: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 124 by Rosner, G., ILO, Unep
Partially Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbons (Methane Derivatives): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 126 by ILO, Unep
Wertpapierrecht by Sieg, Karl
Handelsrecht Und Gesellschaftsformen: Kaufmannsbegriff Nach Hgb Firmenrecht Handelsregister Vertretungsarten Unternehmens-Rechtsformen Firmenbeirat by
Gestaltungssuche Im Ertragsteuerrecht: Entwicklung Von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Und Gestaltungsbeispiele by Rödder, Thomas
Geldanlage in Steueroasen: Bankgeheimnis Vermögenssicherung Renditechancen by Winteler, Ernst-Uwe
Wettbewerb Und Recht: Gesetz Gegen Den Unlauteren Wettbewerb Zugabeverordnung Und Rabattgesetz Warenzeichengesetz Patentrecht Gebrauchsmuste by Dobbeck, Otto D.
Corruption and Racketeering in the New York City Construction Industry: The Final Report of the New York State Organized Crime Taskforce by Goldstock, Ronald
Steuerreform Und Steuerharmonisierung by
Aboriginal Peoples and Electoral Reform in Canada: Volume 9 by
Elektronische Unterschriftsverfahren in Der Telekommunikation: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen Und Einzelfragen by Goebel, Jürgen W.
Handelsrecht by Klunzinger, Eugen
Die Privatrechtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert in Europa by Coing, Helmut
Steuergerechtigkeit Und Gewinnermittlung: Eine Vergleichende Analyse Des Deutschen Und Us-Amerikanischen Steuerrechts by Kraft, Cornelia
The Frontiers of Citizenship by
Kindesmißbrauch: Gewalt Ver-Rückt Die Seele: Zur Rekonstruktion Der Lebensgeschichte Von Psychisch Kranken by Köhler, Klaus
Judicial Settlement of International Disputes: Jurisdiction, Justiciability and Judicial Law-Making on the Contemporary International Court by McWhinney, Edward J.
Das Sozialversicherungsrecht Aus Sicht Der Betriebe: Ausgabe Deutschland-Ost by Schneider, Heinz
Hoffnungswerte: Ungeregelte Ansprüche Aus Wertpapieremissionen VOR 1945 Und Ihre Entschädigung Nach Der Wiedervereinigung by Korsch, Ingo, Glasemann, Hans-Georg
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
A Select Bibliography of British and Irish University Theses about Maritime History, 1792-1990 by
Intellectual Property and Us Relations with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand by Uphoff, Elisabeth
The Taxation Of Income From Foreign Investments, A Tax Study Of D by Ongwamuhana, Kibuta
Civic Freedom in Central Europe: Voices from Czechoslovakia by Skilling, H. Gordon
Aldicarb: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 121 by Risher, J., ILO, Unep
The Politics of Race and Residence: Citizenship, Segregation and White Supremacy in Britain by Smith, Susan J.
Terrorism, Politics and Law: The Achille Lauro Affair by Cassese, Antonio
Dialectic of Nihilsm: Post-Structuralism and Law by Rose, Gillian
Invitation to Law by Simpson, A. W. B.
Bidders and Targets: Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. by Shepro, Richard W., Herzel, Leo
The Right to Private Property by Waldron, Jeremy
United States & the Politicizati by Brown, Bartram S.
Securities Against Misrule and Other Constitutional Writings for Tripoli and Greece by Bentham, Jeremy
The Death of the Irreparable Injury Rule by Laycock, Douglas
Florida Media Law by Dickerson, Donna Lee
Law and Liberalism in the 1980s: The Rubin Lectures at Columbia University by
The Limits of Law by Yeager, Peter Cleary
Social Courts in Theory and Practice by Hayden, Robert M.
Individual Employment Disputes: Definite and Indefinite Term Contracts by Brodie, Donald W.
War Crimes and Laws of War by Wells, David a.
Copyright Law Symposium by Publishers
The Transition to Democracy: Proceedings of a Workshop by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Das Spannungsverhältnis von Bergwerkseigentum und Oberflächeneigentum im Lichte des Verfassungsrechts by Hoppe, Werner
Creating the Bill of Rights by Veit, Helen E., Bickford`, Charlene Bangs, Bowling, Kenneth R.
International Environmental Law, Primary Materials by Molitor, Michael R.
United States Tax Treaties (1991) by Van Raad, Kees
To See The World, Global Dimension In Intl Direct TV Broadcasting by Lesueur Stewart, M.
The U.S. Constitution and Foreign Policy: Terminating the Taiwan Treaty by Kraft, Victoria Marie
Law, Decision-Making, and Microcomputers: Cross-National Perspectives by
Transferring Juveniles to Criminal Courts: Trends and Implications for Criminal Justice by Champion, Dean J., Mays, G. Larry
Federal Justice in California by Fritz, Christian G.
Presumed Guilty: When Innocent People Are Wrongly Convicted by Yant, Martin D.
The State of the Union: Essays in Social Criticism by Nock, Albert Jay
Familienrecht by Henrich, Dieter
Öffentliches Seerecht by Beckert, Erwin, Breuer, Gerhard
Übungen im Arbeitsrecht by Wank, Rolf
Public Law and Democracy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America by Craig, P. P.
Einführung in Die Rechtsinformatik by Bund, Elmar
The Politics of Obscenity: Group Litigation in a Time of Legal Change by Kobylka, Joseph Fiske
Harnessing Science for Environmental Regulation by
The U.S. Constitution for Everyone: Features All 27 Amendments by Agel, Jerome B., Gerberg, Mort
International Fugitives: A New Role for the International Court of Justice by Yarnold, Barbara M.
Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State: Medieval or Renaissance Origins? Historiographical Debates and Deconstructions Volume Fo by Fell, A. London
International Law and Pollution by
Legal Issues in Biotechnology and Human Reproduction: Artificial Conception and Modern Genetics by Freedman, Warren
An Essential Safeguard: Essays on the United States Supreme Court and Its Justices by Stephenson, Donald
Effective Sanctions on South Africa: The Cutting Edge of Economic Intervention by
Modern Communications Law by Lively, Donald
Church-State Constitutional Issues: Making Sense of the Establishment Clause by Drakeman, Donald L., Drakeman, Doanld
Law, Institution and Legal Politics: Fundamental Problems of Legal Theory and Social Philosophy by Weinberger, Ota
Has Semantics Rested on a Mistake? and Other Essays by Wettstein, Howard
The Human Body and the Law: Second Edition by Meyers, David W.
Der Verfassungsstaat als Glied einer europäischen Gemeinschaft. Verwaltungsrecht als Vorgabe für Zivil- und Strafrecht by
Grundkurs Strafrecht by Otto, Harro
Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft by Rehbinder, Manfred
Beurkundungsrecht in Deutschland: Kommentar Zum Beurkundungsgesetz, Zur Notarverordnung, Zur Dienstordnung Und Zu Ergänzenden Vorschriften by Huhn, Diether, Schuckmann, Hans-Joachim Von
The Right to Strike by Ewing, K. D.
The Origins of Federal Support for Higher Education: George W. Atherton and the Land-Grant College Movement by Williams, Roger L.
Forces of Order: Policing Modern Japan by Bayley, David H.
The Political Economy of the Sherman ACT: The First One Hundred Years by
Qualifying as a Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Organization: A Guide for Attorneys, Accountants, and Executive Management by Kopnski, Michelle, Sughrue, Robert
The Invisible State: The Formation of the Australian State by Davidson, Alastair
Rules, Norms, and Decisions: On the Conditions of Practical and Legal Reasoning in International Relations and Domestic Affairs by Kratochwil, Friedrich V.
The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800-1917 by Owen, Thomas C.
Environmental Management Systems by Marguglio, B.
Die Standesordnungen Der Freien Berufe: Geschichtliche Entwicklung, Funktionen, Stellung Im Rechtssystem by Taupitz, Jochen
Die Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung im deutschen, englischen und französischen Recht by Hartard, Matthias
Tax Incentives In Developing Countries And International Taxation by Viherkenttä, Timo
Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement by Forbath, William E.
Festschrift Für Alfred Kellermann Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 29. November 1990 by
Das Rechtspflegerecht Des Einigungsvertrages: Gesamtdarstellung Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Gerichtsverfassung Und Des Strafverfahrens by Rieß, Peter, Hilger, Hans
Strafvollzugsgesetz (StVollzG) by
European Business Law by
The Child Witness: Legal Issues and Dilemmas by Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Walker, Nancy E.
Civil Disobedience in Focus by
A Handbook of Dispute Resolution: ADR in Action by
Güterabwägung in Der Medizin: Ethische Und Ärztliche Probleme by
Surrender, Occupation, and Private Property in International Law: An Evaluation of US Practice in Japan by Ando, Nisuke
Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality by
The Concept of Neutrality in Classical Greece by Bauslaugh, Robert A.
Planning for Serfdom by Malloy, Robin Paul
Why Bank Regulation Failed: Designing a Bank Regulatory Strategy for the 1990s by Garten, Helen A.
The Use and Abuse of Unjust Enrichment: Essays on the Law of Restitution by Beatson, J.
Rewriting the United States Constitution: An Examination of Proposals from Reconstruction to the Present by Vile, John
The Dependent Empire and Ireland, 1840-1900: Advance and Retreat in Representative Self-Government Select Documents on the Constitutional History of T by
Rites of Execution: Capital Punishment and the Transformation of America Culture, 1776-1865 by Masur, Louis P.
Cross-Examinations of Law and Literature: Cooper, Hawthorne, Stowe, and Melville by Thomas, Brook
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XVI - 1991 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Protecting Works of Fact by Dommering, Egbert J.
Ethik-Kommissionen -- Vorrecht Der Ärztekammern? by Laufs, Adolf, Reiling, Emil
Conveyancing by Sarton, Priscilla
The Future of Biological Weapons by Ter Haar, Barend J., Haar, Barend Ter
Instrumente Des Umweltrechts Der Früheren DDR by
Drogendelinquenz Jugendstrafrechtsreform by
Constitutional Change in the Commonwealth by Zines, Leslie
Corporate Lawbreaking and Interactive Compliance: Resolving the Regulation-Deregulation Dichotomy by
Zur Rechtsgeschichte Der Hofnarren: Erweiterte Fassung Eines Vortrags, Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 24. April 1991 by Amelunxen, Clemens
Die Geschichte der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin in den Jahren 1859 bis 1933 by Fijal, Andreas
The Electronic Media and the Transformation of Law by Katsh, M. Ethan
Methodenlehre Der Rechtswissenschaft by Larenz, Karl
The Rise of the Barristers: A Social History of the English Bar 1590-1640 by Prest, Wilfrid R.
The Frontiers of Citizenship by
Airport Regulation, Law, and Public Policy: The Management and Growth of Infrastructure by Hardaway, Robert M.
The Common Law by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law by Minow, Martha
Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry by Schopp, Robert F.
Kirkpatrick Mission (Diplomacy Wo Apology AME at the United Nations 1981 to 85 by Gerson
Constitutional Diplomacy by Glennon, Michael J.
Reform Through Community: Resocializing Offenders in the Kibbutz by Fischer, Michael, Geiger, Brenda
Regional Human Rights: A Comparative Study of the West European and Inter-American Systems by Mower, A. Glenn, Jr.
The Economic Consequences of Liability Rules: In Defense of Common Law Liability by
The Human Dimension of the Helsinki Process: The Vienna Follow-Up Meeting and Its Aftermath by
Building a More Democratic United Nations: Proceedings of CAMDUN-1 by
Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology by MacNeill, Jim
Baker & Botts in the Development of Modern Houston by Lipartito, Kenneth J.
The New GATT Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Legal and Economic Problems by Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich
Tax Treaties and Domestic Legislation by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Laws and Writs of Appeal, 1647-1663 by
Miete. Handkommentar: §§ 535 Bis 580a Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches. 2. Wohnraumkündigungsschutzgesetz. Gesetz Zur Dauerhaften Sozialen Verb by
The Oneida Land Claims: A Legal History by Shattuck, George
Precedent in English Law by Cross, Rupert, Harris, J. W.
Mr. Justice Brennan and Freedom of Expression by Hopkins, W. Wat
A Representative Supreme Court? The Impact of Race, Religion, and Gender on Appointments by Perry, Barbara
Commercial Bail Bonding: A Comparison of Common Law Alternatives by Devine, F.
Systematic Analysis in Dispute Resolution by
Prosecution and Punishment: Petty Crime and the Law in London and Rural Middlesex, C.1660 1725 by Shoemaker, Robert Brink
Anti-Discrimination Law by
Natural Law (Vol. 1) by
Natural Law (Vol. 2) by
Reforming Products Liability by Viscusi, W. Kip
Tort Law by
Justice by
Festschrift Für Theodor Heinsius Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 25. September 1991 by
Binnenschiffahrtsrecht by
The Complete Probate Kit by Gentry, F. Bruce, Appel III, Jens C.
Shaping Invention: Thomas Blanchard's Machinery and Patent Management in Nineteenth-Century America by Cooper, Carolyn
The Faces of Justice and State Authority: A Comparative Approach to the Legal Process by Damaska, Mirjan R.
The Common Law and English Jurisprudence 1760-1850 by Lobban, Michael
Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law: A Comparative Study in Legal Reasoning, Legal Theory, and Legal Institutions by Summers, Robert S., Atiyah, P. S.
American Lawyers by Abel, Richard L.
Undeclared War: Twilight Zone of Constitutional Power by Keynes, Edward
The New European Community: Decisionmaking And Institutional Change by Keohane, Robert O., Hoffmann, Stanley
Bekämpfung Des Treibhauseffektes Aus Ökonomischer Sicht: Ergebnisse Des Ladenburger Kollegs "Umweltstaat" Der Gottlieb Daimler- Und Karl Benz-Stiftung by Cansier, Dieter
Ökonomische Grundlagen Des Haftungsrechts by Endres, Alfred
Der Arzthaftungsprozeß in Der PRAXIS by Seehafer, Wilfried
On Justice: An Essay in Jewish Philosophy by Goodman, L. E.
Insuring Medical Malpractice by Bovbjerg, Randall R., Sloan, Frank A., Githens, Penny B.
International Law and the Use of Force by the States by Brownlie, The Late Ian
Essential Principles of Communications Law by Lively, Donald E.
Handbook of Research on the Illicit Drug Traffic: Socioeconomic and Political Consequences by Tullis, Lamond, Tullis, F. Lamond
International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights by Gibson, John
Contract Law (2 Volume Set) by
Justice and Gender: Sex Discrimination and the Law by Rhode, Deborah L.
Grundbuchrecht: Kommentar Zu Grundbuchordnung Und Grundbuchverfügung Einschließlich Wohnungseigentumsgrundbuchverfügung by
Criminal Law by
Meech Lake: The Inside Story by Monahan, Patrick J.
The Nature of the Common Law by Eisenberg, Melvin Aron
Commentary on the Uncitral Arbitration Rules: The Aplication by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal by Van Hof, Jacomijn J.
Grundkurs Staatsrecht: Eine Einführung Für Studienanfänger by Schwabe, Jürgen
BGB Allgemeiner Teil: Rechtsgeschäftslehre by Giesen, Dieter
Georgia Land Surveying History and Law by Cadle, Farris W.
For Capital Punishment: Crime and the Morality of the Death Penalty by Berns, Walter
A Theory of Human Need by Doyal, Len, Gough, Ian
Comparative Criminology: An Annotated Bibliography by Beirne, Piers, Hill, Joan
Forging Legislation by Light, Paul Charles
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