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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1992

Hawke's Law: The Politics of Mining and Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia by Libby, Ronald
Isobenzan: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 129 by Ilo, Unep
Sexual Science and the Law by Green, Richard
Shifting Lines in the Sand: Kuwait's Elusive Frontier with Iraq by Finnie, David H.
Regulating the Financial Services Sector by Gilligan, George P.
The European Community in the 1990's: Economics, Politics, Defence by Nelson, B.
Die Amerikanische Verfassung Und Deutsch-Amerikanisches Verfassungsdenken: Ein Rückblick Über 200 Jahre by Wellenreuther, Hermann
Bundesberggesetz by Weller, Herbert, Boldt, Gerhard
Alpha- And Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexanes: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 123 by Esch, G. J. Van, ILO, Unep
Gerichtliche Und Außergerichtliche Durchsetzung Ziviler Rechtsansprüche: Rechtlicher Vergleich Und Ökonomische Analyse by Stix, Christel
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment: Its Complete History and Applications by Feerick, John D.
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment: Its Complete History and Applications by Feerick, John D.
Acrolein: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 127 by Vermeire, T., ILO, Unep
Renten Und Rentenähnliche Leistungen Im Einkommensteuerrecht by Niepoth, Daniela
Handbuch Gewerbliche Schutzrechte: Übersichten Und Strategien, Europa -- USA -- Japan by Rebel, Dieter
Grundlagen Der Besteuerung by Bauer, Uwe
Arbeitsrecht 2: Fall - Systematik - Lösung - Kollektives Arbeitsrecht by
Der Dimorphismus Der Wahrheit: Universalismus Und Relativismus in Der Rechtsphilosophie by
Währungsoptionsscheine: Grundlagen - Preisbildung - Strategien by Savelberg, Albert H.
Gewinnrealisation Beim Finanzierungs-Leasing by Hastedt, Uwe-Peter
Das Neue Europarecht: Eg-Vertrag Und Europäische Union Textausgabe by Vedder, C.
Der Deutsche Eigenkapitalbegriff ALS Qualitätsbegriff: Eine Grundlegende Analyse Des § 10 Kwg VOR Dem Hintergrund Internationaler Harmonisierungsbestr by Reimnitz, Christoph
Partial Justice by Shattuck, Petra T., Norgren, Jill
Arbeitsrecht 1: Fall - Systematik - Lösung - Individualarbeitsrecht by
Handelsrecht für das Versicherungswesen by Sieg, Karl
Umwelthaftungsrecht: Bestandsaufnahme, Probleme, Perspektiven by Feess, Eberhard
Bgb-Familienrecht Und Bgb-Erbrecht by Braun, Karl
Bgb: Grundlagen by Klunzinger, Eugen
Bgb: Schuldrecht by Klunzinger, Eugen
The United Nations in the 1990s by Baehr, Peter R., Gordenker, Leon
The Defence of Natural Law: A Study of the Ideas of Law and Justice in the Writings of Lon L. Fuller, Michael Oakeshot, F. A. Hayek, Ronald Dworki by Covell, Charles
Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea in Africa: Towards the 21st Century: Inaugural Lecture Given on the Occasion of Her Appointment as Professor of t by Kwiatkowska, Barbara
Handbook of Personal Data Protection by Madsen, Wayne
The Evolution of Public Management: Concepts and Techniques for the 1990s by
International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory by Schiavone, Giuseppe
The Treatment of Intangibles: A Banker's View by Donaldson, T. H.
International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict: A Matter of Life and Death by
Patent Law in Biotechnology, Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals by Wegner, Harold C.
Ungewißheit Im Steuerrecht: Formen, Konsequenzen, Maßnahmen by Voss, Joachim
Erbschaftsteuer Grundsteuer by Teß, Wolfgang
Verkehrshaftungsversicherungen by Schneider, Edgar
Without Consent: The Ethics of Disclosing Personal Information in Public Archives by MacNeil, Heather
Principles of Criminology by Sutherland, Edwin H., Cressey, Donald R., Luckenbill, David F.
The Great Rights of Mankind: A History of the American Bill of Rights by Schwartz, Bernard
From Wheel House to Counting House: Essays in Maritime Business History in Honour of Professor Peter Neville Davies by
So You Want To Be A Cop: 2nd Edition by Bonilla, Jeff, Pickens, Frank
Banken, Konten und Kredite by Aden, Menno
Recht als Text by Busse, Dietrich
Biodiversity and International Law by
Guide to the Wto and Developing Countries by Gallagher, Peter
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Workers' Participation: Influence on Management Decision - Making by Labour in the Private Sector by Blanpain, Roger
Service Charges in Commercial Properties by Young, Michael
Territorial Changes and International Conflict by Goertz, Gary, Diehl, Paul
Britain, Spain and Gibraltar 1945-1990: The Eternal Triangle by Haigh, R. H., Morris, D. S.
Verwaltungsrecht Und Verwaltungsprozessrecht by Schoch, Friedrich
Occupation: The Policies and Practices of Military Conquerors by Carlton, Eric
Der Lizenzvertrag im Technologietransfer mit den Andenpaktstaaten / The licence contract with respect to technology transfer to and from Andean Pact c by Zellmeier-Neunteufel, Marianne
Sitting in Judgement: The Sentencing of White-Collar Criminals by Wheeler, Stanton
The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony: Law and Politics in Early New South Wales by Neal, David
Internationale Umweltpolitik: Entwicklungen -- Defizite -- Aufgaben by Strübel, Michael
The Politics of Harmony by Rose, Laurel L.
Perestroika and International Law: Current Anglo-Soviet Approaches to International Law by
Scientists and Human Rights in Guatemala: Report of a Delegation by National Academy of Sciences and Committee on Health and Hum, Institute of Medicine, Committee on Human Rights
Food Labeling: Toward National Uniformity by Institute of Medicine, Committee on State Food Labeling
Law and Economics (Vol. 1) by Coleman, John
Law and Economics (Vol. 2) by
International Law by Koskenniemi, Martii
Comparative Legal Cultures by Varga, Csaba
Preventive Detention: A Comparative and International Law Perspective by
Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies: The Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, and the United States by Flaherty, David H.
Consumer Law by
Standardformulierungen für deutsche Vertragstexte mit Übersetzungen in englischer, französischer und spanischer Sprache by
The European Community at the Crossroads: Major Issue and Priorities for the EC Presidency by Pijpers, Alfred
Insider Trading, The Laws Of Europe, The United States And Japan by Gaillard, Emmanuel
Government, Schools and the Law by Meredith, Paul
Constitution and Race by Lively, Donald E.
Import and Customs Law Handbook by Horton, Michael J.
The Economics of Intellectual Property in a World Without Frontiers: A Study of Computer Software by Jussawalla, Meheroo
Litigating Morality: American Legal Thought and Its English Roots by Bartee, Wayne, Fleetwood Bartee, Alice
The Constitution and Race by Lively, Donald E.
Politics and the Courts: Toward a General Theory of Public Law by Yarnold, Barbara
Criminal Justice and Crime in Late Renaissance Florence, 1537 1609 by Brackett, John K., Brackett, Johnk
The Coutumes de Beauvaisis of Philippe de Beaumanoir by Beaumanoir, Philippe de
Restorative Justice on Trial: Pitfalls and Potentials of Victim-Offender Mediation -- International Research Perspectives -- by
Das Problem der sukzessiven Beihilfe by Lesch, Heiko Hartmut
Die UNCITRAL-Konvention über Internationale Gezogene Wechsel und Internationale Eigen-Wechsel vom 9. Dezember 1988 by Schütz, Carsten
Die Rechtsprechung Des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen Zwischen 1933 Und 1945 Und Ihre Fortwirkung in Der Rechtsprechung Des Bundesgerichtshofes by Pauli, Gerhard
Order and Discipline in China: The Shanghai Mixed Court 1911-1927 by Stephens, Thomas B.
Breaking the Bonds: Marital Discord in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830 by Smith, Merril D.
In Our Defense by Kennedy, C.
Forensic Engineering: Environmental Case Histories for Civil Engineers and Geologists by Slosson, James E., Shuirman, Gerard
International Business Taxation: A Study in the Internationalization of Business Regulation by Picciotto, Sol
International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict: A Matter of Life and Death by
Poethics and Other Strategies of Law and Literature by Weisberg, Richard
Handbook on Ocean Politics and Law by Wang, James C. F.
Child Victims: Crime, Impact, and Criminal Justice by Zedner, Lucia, Morgan, Jane
Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate by Ayres, Ian
School Law for the 1990s: A Handbook by O'Reilly, Robert C., Green, Edward T.
The Law of Condominia and Property Owners' Associations by Freedman, Warren, Alter, Jonathan
Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States: The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace by Zimmerman, James Michael
Fraud Examination: Investigative and Audit Procedures by Wells, Joseph T.
Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter by
Interpretation and Meaning in the Renaissance by MacLean, Ian
An Historical Introduction to Private Law by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C. Van, R. C., Caenegem
Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics by
Critical Studies in Private Law: A Treatise on Need-Rational Principles in Modern Law by Wilhelmsson, T.
The Complete Law School Companion: How to Excel at America's Most Demanding Post-Graduate Curriculum by Deaver, Jeff
The Complete Law School Companion: How to Excel at America's Most Demanding Post-Graduate Curriculum by Deaver, Jeff
Internationale Wirtschaftsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit by Berger, Klaus Peter
Der Rechtsstaat Und Die Aufarbeitung Der Vor-Rechtsstaatlichen Vergangenheit. Eigentumsschutz, Sozialbindung Und Enteignung Bei Der Nutzung Von Boden by
Deutsch-amerikanische Urteilsanerkennung by Schütze, Rolf a.
Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht by
The Economic Contract Law of China: Legitimation and Contract Autonomy in the PRC by Potter, Pitman B.
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Employed or Self-Employed by Blanpain, Roger
Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and Personalities in Jewish History by
The Foundations of American Citizenship: Liberalism, the Constitution, and Civic Virtue by Sinopoli, Richard C.
Treaties and Indigenous Peoples: The Robb Lectures 1991 by Brownlie, The Late Ian Q. C., Brownlie, Ian
The Psychology of Criminal Justice by Stephenson, Geoffrey
John Marshall Harlan: The Last Whig Justice by Beth, Loren P.
Ärztliche Berufsfreiheit Und Kostendämpfung: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der Beschränkung Der (Kassen-)Ärztlichen Berufsfreiheit Zum Zwecke Der Kostendä by Stockhausen, Martin
Contest for Constitutional Authority: The Abortion War Powers Debates by Burgess, Susan R.
International standards and guiding principles on labour law and labour relations, 1989 by Ilo
The Criminalization of a Woman's Body by Feinman, Clarice
Handbook of Environmental Contaminants: A Guide for Site Assessment by Shineldecker, Chris
Expanding Free Expression in the Marketplace: Broadcasting and the Public Forum by Caristi, Dom
The Law and Economic Development in the Third World by Bondzi Simpson, Philip
An Historical Introduction to Private Law by R. C., Caenegem, Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C. Van
Allgemeiner Teil Des Bürgerlichen Rechts: Zweiter Band: Das Rechtsgeschäft by Flume, Werner
Records of the Courts of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume 2: 1677-171 by
Records of the Courts of Sussex County, Delaware, Volume 1: 1677-1689 by
Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market by Szasz, Thomas
Money, Medicine, and Malpractice in American Society by Hay, Iain
Employee Participation and Labor Law in the American Workplace by Hogler, Raymond L., Grenier, Guillermo J.
The Establishment of the Japanese Constitutional System by Banno, Junji
The Practice of Punishment: Towards a Theory of Restorative Justice by Cragg, Wesley
Bibliography of Law and Economics by
Dutch Social Security Law in an International Context by Pennings, Frans
Controversies in Minority Voting: The Voting Rights ACT in Perspective by Grofman, Bernard N., Davidson, Chandler
Double Taxation Treaties Between Industrialised and Developing Countries; OECD and Un Models, a Comparison: A Comparison by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Common Law Of Europe And The Future Of Legal Education by de Witte, Bruno, Forder, Caroline
Copyright Law Symposium by Publishers
In a Time of Trouble: Law and Liberty in South Africa's State of Emergency by Ellmann, Stephen J.
The Legal Aspect of Money by Mann, F. A.
How Libraries Must Comply with the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) by
International Business Law and Lex Mercatoria by Ly, F. De
Umweltschutz Und Europäische Gemeinschaften: Rechts- Und Sozialwissenschaftliche Probleme Der Umweltpolitischen Integration by Neumann, Lothar F., Jarass, Hans D.
Lawyers' Ideals/Lawyers' Practices by
Lawyers' Ideals/Lawyers' Practices by
Origins of the Federal Judiciary: Essays on the Judiciary Act of 1789 by
The Sixth Amendment in Modern American Jurisprudence: A Critical Perspective by Garcia, Alfredo
The Mexican Legal System by Avalos, Francisco
The Criminalization of a Woman's Body by Feinman, Clarice
The Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval Europe by
The Constitutional Amending Process in American Political Thought by Vile, John
Constitution of South Carolina: Church and State, Morality and Free Expression by Underwood, James Lowell
Unravelling Criminal Justice: Eleven British Studies by
Wbai: The First 75 Years by Adelman, Charlotte
Familiengerichtsbarkeit: Kommentar Zu Den Materiellrechtlichen Und Verfahrensrechtlichen Vorschriften by
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XVII - 1992 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Europäische Integration und Grundgesetz by Schwarze, Jürgen, Simson, Werner Von
Das Parteivermögen in Der Ehemaligen DDR: Aktuelle Rechtsfragen Der Feststellung, Sicherung Und Verwendung. Erweiterte Fassung Eines Vortrags Gehalten by Papier, Hans-Jürgen
Festschrift Für Günter Spendel Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 11. Juli 1992 by
Der Schutz des Lebens durch das Grundgesetz by Steiner, Udo
Staatliche Exportkreditversicherungssysteme: Ihre Rechtsgrundlagen, Vertragsbedingungen Und Funktionsweisen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien by Bödeker, Vinzenz
1815 - 1945 by
Der Kampf Um Dominanz: Hermeneutische Fallanalyse Einer Polizeilichen Beschuldigtenvernehmung by Schröer, Norbert
The Single European Market and Beyond: A Study of the Wider Implications of the Single European Act by
Making Amends: Mediation and Reparation in Criminal Justice by Davis, Gwynn
Copyright Law Symposium by Publishers
European Expansion and Law: The Encounter of European and Indigenous Law in the 19th- And 2th-Century Africa and Asia by
Regulating Privacy by Bennett, Colin J.
Regulating Privacy: Data Protection and Public Policy in Europe and the United States by Bennett, Colin J.
Indian Law/Race Law: A Five-Hundred-Year History by Falkowski, James
Back to the Asylum by Durham, Mary L.
Der Schwangerschaftsabbruch Aus Kindlicher Indikation Im Spannungsfeld Der Pränatalen Diagnostik by Pluisch, Frank
Privacy as a Constitutional Right: Sex, Drugs, and the Right to Life by Bible, Jon D., McWhirter, Darien A.
Chaseworld by Hufford, Mary T.
On Liberty, Society, and Politics: The Essential Essays of William Graham Sumner by Sumner, William Graham
The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation by Wolters, Raymond
Philosophie des Rechts und das Recht der Philosophie: Festschrift fuer Hermann Klenner by
Biomedical Desk Reference by Tempkin, Alan R., Schneck, Daniel J.
The International Law of Antarctica by Sahurie, Emilio J.
Ethics of an Artificial Person: Lost Responsibility in Professions and Organizations by Wolgast, Elizabeth H.
Ethics of an Artificial Person: Lost Responsibility in Professions and Organizations by Wolgast, Elizabeth H.
The Uncitral Arbitration Rules In Practice, The Experience Of The by Stewart, David, Davis, Mark D.
Culture And Community Law Before And After Maastricht by Mortelmans, Kamiel, Post, Harry H. G., Loman, Annemarie
Common Law and Liberal Theory: Coke, Hobbes, and the Origins of American Constitutionalism by Stoner Jr, James R.
The Process Is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Criminal Court by Feeley, Malcolm M.
Die Deutsche Postbank Im Wettbewerb: Proceedings Der Konferenz "Die Deutsche Postbank Im Wettbewerb" Bonn, 9.-10. 10.1991 by
The Birth of Judicial Politics in France: The Constitutional Council in Comparative Perspective by Stone Sweet, Alec
Trade and Investment Opportunities in China: The Current Commercial and Legal Framework by Zhang, Danian R., Larson, Milton, Shizhong, Dong
The Status of Refugees in Asia by Muntarbhorn, Vitit
Britain and the European Community: The Politics of Semi-Detachment by
Choosing Justice: An Experimental Approach to Ethical Theory Volume 22 by Frohlich, Norman, Oppenheimer, Joe a.
Interpreting the Constitution: The Supreme Court and the Process of Adjudication by Wellington, Harry H.
Administrative Law: Rethinking Judicial Control of Bureaucracy by Edley, Christopher
The French Law of Contract by Nicholas, Barry
Haftung Und Versicherung Für Umweltschäden Aus Ökonomischer Und Juristischer Sicht by Endres, Alfred, Rehbinder, Eckard, Schwarze, Reimund
Soviet Constitutional Crisis by Sharlet, Robert
Retribution Reconsidered: More Essays in the Philosophy of Law by Murphy, J. G.
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