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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1993

Rights and Wrongs: Women's Struggle for Legal Equality Second Edition by Nicholas, Susan Cary, Price, Alice M., Rubin, Rachel
Antoinette Brown Blackwell: A Biography by Cazden, Elizabeth
Supreme Folly: Hilarious Excerpts from Actual Court Cases by
Groupwork with Offenders by Brown, Allan, Caddick, Brian
Database Ownership and Copyright Issues Among Automated Library Networks: An Analysis and Case Study by Franklin, Janice R.
Race Against the Court: The Supreme Court and Minorities in Contemporary America by Spann, Girardeau A.
International Investments and Protection of the Environment: The Role of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms by International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
ICSID Reports, Volume 1 by
The European System for the Protection of Human Rights by
Joint Operating Agreements: The Newspaper Preservation ACT and Its Application by Busterna, John C., Picard, Robert G.
Family Law Matters by O'Donovan, Katherine
Selbständige by Pilatus, Achim, Schweda, Heinz
Leistungen Zur Rehabilitation by Löschau, Martin
Übergangsgeld by Thomeit, Wolfgang, Schmitz, Peter
Rentenantragsverfahren by Störmann, Wolfgang
Rentenrechtliche Zeiten by Krumnack, Heinz
Methyl Parathion: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 145 by ILO, Unep
Chapters on Marriage and Divorce: Responses of Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Rahwayh by Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad
Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht Und Europäische Integration: 363. Sitzung Am 17. Februar 1993 in Düsseldorf by Grossfeld, Bernhard
Deutschlands Auslandsanleihen 1924-1945: Rückzahlungen Nach Der Wiedervereinigung Von 1990 by Glasemann, Hans-Georg
Bankenaufsicht Und Marktbezogenes Eigenkapital by Büsselmann, Elke
Versicherungspflicht Beschäftigter Und Sonstiger Versicherter: Studientext Nr.2 by Schmidt, Bernhard
Arbeitsrecht: Was Sie Über Ihre Rechte Und Pflichten Wissen Sollten by
Das Familienunternehmen: Wie Sie Mit Ihren Verträgen Höchste Steuerersparnis Sichern by Färber, Georg
Das Londoner Muster-Abkommen: Grundlagen Der Internationalen Schadenregulierung Aufgrund Der Grünen Karte Oder Nach Dem Ausländischen Kfz-Kennzeiche by Schomaker, Fritz, Schmitt, Wolfgang
Bankenregulierung in Den USA: Defizite Des Aufsichtsrechts by Reiner, Matthias
A Measure of Malpractice: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation, and Patient Compensation by Hiatt, Howard H., Newhouse, Joseph P., Weiler, Paul C.
Regulating Unfair Trade by Nivola, Pietro S.
Welt Im Wandel: Grundstruktur Globaler Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen: Jahresgutachten 1993 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Bewertungsgesetz by Teß, Wolfgang
Wertpapier-Investmentfonds in Lebensversicherungsunternehmen: Ein Leitfaden Für Praktiker by Pflaum, Rainer
North American Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges by Fatemi, Khosrow
Cross-Border Entry in European Retail Financial Services: Determinants, Regulation and the Impact on Competition by Hoschka, Tobias C.
The International Refugee Crisis: British and Canadian Responses by
Freezing Assets: The USA and the Most Effective Economic Sanction by Alerassool, Mahvash
World Court Digest: Formerly Fontes Iuris Gentium by Hofmann, Rainer, Kokott, Juliane, Oellers-Frahm, Karin
Wartezeiten by Reinhardt, Udo, Tober, Dieter
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law/ Recueil Des Cours de l'Académie de Droit Européen (Volume III, Book 2): The Protection of Human Righ by Academy of European Law
Minerals Investment Under the Sharia Law by El-Malik, Walied M. H.
Private International Law Problems in Common Law Jurisdictions by North, Peter M.
Financial and Monetary Integration in the European Economic Community: Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects: General Bank Chair Lecturers 1991-19 by Stuyck, Jules H. V.
On Reading the Constitution by Dorf, Michael C., Tribe, Laurence H.
The Genius of American Corporate Law by Romano, Roberta
International Event-Data Developments: Ddir Phase II by
Homicide: A Bibliography, Second Edition by Jerath, Rajinder, Jerath, Bal K.
Succession Between International Organizations by Myers, Patrick R.
Feminist Jurisprudence by
Legitimacy and History: Self-Government in American Constitutional Theory by Kahn, Paul W.
Affirmative Action and Justice: A Philosophical and Constitutional Inquiry by Rosenfeld, Michel
Justice at Nuremberg by Conot, Robert E.
Criminal Law and Colonial Subject by Byrne, Paula Jane
The Craft of Justice by Flemming, Roy B., Eisenstein, James, Nardulli, Peter F.
Moral Aspects of Legal Theory by Lyons, David
Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility by Lyons, David
The French State in Question by Jones, H. S.
Jugend: Arbeit Und Interessenvertretung in Europa: Befunde Aus Der Jugendforschung Und Gewerkschaftlichen PRAXIS by
Race and the Jury: Racial Disenfranchisement and the Search for Justice by Krooth, Richard, Fukurai, Hiroshi, Butler, Edgar W.
Commercial Law by Cranston, Ross
Environmental Law by Blumm, Michael C.
An der Wiege deutscher Identität nach 1945 by Nörr, Knut W.
The Golden Rules of Advocacy by Evans, Keith
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1983 by T. M. C. Asser Instituut
Grundzüge Der Rechtsphilosophie by Coing, Helmut
Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom by Huber, Peter William
Notes and Comments on Cases in International Law, Commercial Law, and Arbitration by Mann, F. a.
Professional Law Enforcement Codes: A Documentary Collection by Zhang, Yurong, Kleinig, John
Christina Rossetti: 'Maude' and Dinah Mulock Craik: 'on Sisterhoods' and 'a Woman's Thoughts about Women' by
Family Law (Vol. 1) by
Family Law (Vol. 2) by
Sexuality and the Law: American Law and Society by
Financial Regulation: Changing the Rules of the Game by
International Economic Arbitration by Berger, Klaus Peter
Avoiding or Minimizing Construction Litigation by Sweet, Jonathan J.
The Problems of Jurisprudence by Posner, Richard A.
We the People by Ackerman, Bruce
Whoever Fights Monsters: My Twenty Years Tracking Serial Killers for the FBI by Shachtman, Tom, Ressler, Robert K.
Criminal Justice History: An International Annual; Volume 12, 1991 by Knafla, Louis a.
International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict by
Questioning the Law in Corporate America: Agenda for Reform by Houseman, Gerald L.
Quasi-States: Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World by Jackson, Robert H.
Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 by Shanley, Mary Lyndon
The Black Laws in the Old Northwest: A Documentary History by Middleton, Stephen
Legal Issues in Mental Health Care by Wettstein, R., Weiner, B. A.
Administrative Law by
Family Matters by
Law and Language by
Child Law: Parent, Child, State by
Marxian Legal Theory by
Manual of Parliamentary Practice by Jefferson, Thomas
Das Jura-Studium by
Groups of Companies in the EEC by
Native Law and the Church in Medieval Wales by Pryce, Huw
The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law by Blumberg, Phillip I.
Criminal Justice History: An International Annual; Volume 13, 1992 by Knafla, Louis a.
Evolution of Un Peacekeeping: Case-Studies and Comparative Analysis by Durvh, William J.
International Law and the Rights of Minorities by Thornberry, Patrick
Playing by the Rules: A Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and in Life by Schauer, Frederick F., Schaucer, Frederick
The Political World of a Small Town: A Mirror Image of American Politics by Wikstrom, Nelson
Building Democracy in One-Party Systems: Theoretical Problems and Cross-Nation Experiences by
Being a Roman Citizen by Gardner, Jane F.
A Short History of Roman Law by Tellegen-Couperus, Olga
The Iron Horse and the Constitution: The Railroads and the Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment by Cortner, Richard C.
Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries by
The Challenging Role of the UN Secretary-General: Making The Most Impossible Job in the World Possible by Rivlin, Benjamin, Gordenker, Leon
Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic by Tomlins, Christopher
Politics and Plea Bargaining: Victims' Rights in California by McCoy, Candace
With Liberty and Justice for Some: A Critique of the Conservative Supreme Court by Kairys, David
European Community Law (Vol. 1) by
European Community Law (Vol. 2) by
From Territorial Sovereignty to Human Security by Canadian Council on International Law
Privacy (Vol. 1) by
Privacy (Vol. 2) by
Festschrift Für Johannes Semler Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 28. April 1993: Unternehmen Und Unternehmungsführung Im Recht by
Legal Issues and Religious Counseling by
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law by T. M. C. Asser Instituut
Danger All Around: Waste Storage Crisis on the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast by Goldsteen, Joel B.
Comparative Tax Jurisprudence: Germany and Japan by Iizuka, Takeshi
Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End by Licklider, Roy
The Influence of the Hague Conference on Private International Law by T. M. C. Asser Instituut
The Legistlative Process In The European Community by Raworth, Phillip
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Industrial Relations in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Blanpain, Roger, Biagi, H.
Tax Treaties and Local Taxes by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
International Labour Law, Selected Issues by Betten, Lammy
Verdict: Assessing the Civil Jury System by Litan, Robert E.
Is the Supreme Court the Guardian of the Constitution? by Licht, Robert A.
Framed for Posterity: The Enduring Philosophy of the Constitution by Ketcham, Ralph
Microfoundations: A Critical Inquiry by Janssen, Maarten
Practical Building Forms and Agreements by Pike, A., Pike, Andrew
The Oxford Dictionary of American Legal Quotations by Shapiro, Fred R.
Study Guide to John E. H. Sherry, the Laws of Innkeepers, Third Edition: For Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, and Clubs by Sherry, John E. H.
Perspektiven Menschlichen Handelns: Umwelt Und Ethik by
The Language of Judges by Solan, Lawrence M.
How to Divorce in New York: Negotiating Your Divorce Settlement Without Tears or Trial by Raggio, Grier
The Organization of American States, Second Edition by Stoetzer, O. Carlos
The Integrity of Intelligence: A Bill of Rights for the Information Age by Glastonbury, Bryan, Lamendola, Walter
Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice, 1950-1990 by Walker, Samuel E.
The Second Best Bed: Shakespeare's Will in a New Light by Rogers, Joyce
States and the Economy: Policymaking and Decentralization by Wilson, Robert H., Wilson, Robert Hines
Innovation, Policy and Law by Arup, Christopher
Confessions in the Courtroom by Kassin, Saul, Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Confessions in the Courtroom by Kassin, Saul, Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
The Grievance Process in Labor-Management Cooperation by Duane, Michael John
Medicine and the Law by Dickens, Bernard M.
Legal Education by
Jewish Law and Legal Theory by
Labor Law by
Grundgesetz zwischen Reform und Bewährung by Scholz, Rupert
Interactional Morality: A Foundation for Moral Discernment in Catholic Pastoral Ministry by Poorman, Mark L.
The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Article S, and Letters During the Struggle Over Ratification Vol. 2 (Loa #63) by Various
Aufklärungs- Und Beratungspflichten Der Kreditinstitute - Der Moderne Schuldturm?: Bankrechtstag 1992 by
Recht zwischen Humor und Spott by Carlen, Louis
Der Staat ALS Zufall Und ALS Notwendigkeit: Die Jüngere Verwaltungsentwicklung in Deutschland Am Beispiel Ostwestfalen-Lippe by Ellwein, Thomas
The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle Over Ratification Vol. 1 (Loa #62): by Various
The Ethics of Lawyers by Luban, David
Jones Very: The Complete Poems by Very, Jones
Grundsätze Der Finanzverfassung Des Vereinten Deutschlands. Verträge Und Absprachen Zwischen Der Verwaltung Und Privaten: Berichte Und Diskussionen Au by
The Prince and the Law by Pennington, Kenneth
International Law and the Use of Force: Beyond the U.N. Charter Paradigm by Arend, Anthony Clark, Beck, Robert J.
A Financial History of Western Europe by Kindleberger, Charles P.
Bewertungsmodelle ALS Entscheidungshilfe Bei Umweltschutzinvestitionen by Hoheneck, Friedrich
Arbitration Practice in Construction Contracts by Stephenson, D. a.
Bending the Law: The Story of the Dalkon Shield Bankruptcy by Sobol, Richard B.
Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory by Garland, David
Barriers to External and Internal Community Trade by Volker, E. L. M.
Political Protest and Street Art: Popular Tools for Democratization in Hispanic Countries by Chaffee, Lyman G.
Lawyer Advertising by Hill, Louise L.
Justice Under Pressure: A Comparison of Recidivism Patterns Among Four Successive Parolee Cohorts by Ekland-Olson, Sheldon
World Peace and the Human Family by Weatherford, Roy
World Peace and the Human Family by Weatherford, Roy
Case-Law of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal: An Analytical Digest Volume II by Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, Amerasinghe, C. F., Amerasinghe
Technology and Infertility: Clinical, Psychosocial, Legal, and Ethical Aspects by
The Failure of the Criminal Procedure Revolution by Bradley, Craig M.
Handeln Unter Risiko Im Umweltstaat by Gethmann, Carl F., Kloepfer, Michael
Contemporary Questions Surrounding the Constitutional Amending Process by Vile, John R.
Gender and Racial Inequality at Work: Creating International Environmental Regimes by Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald
Gender and Racial Inequality at Work: Creating International Environmental Regimes by Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald
The International Law of Nuclear Energy by Rames, John M., Elbaradei, Mohamed M., Nwogugu, Edwin I.
Rechtsfragen der Währungsunion by Nicolaysen, Gert
Ministry and the American Legal System by Couser, Richard B.
Automatisierung und Wandel der betrieblichen Arbeitswelt by Spur, Günter, Ebert, Joachim, Fischer, Wolfram
International Conventions on Protection of Humanity and Environment by
Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law, Second Edition by Watson, Alan
Legal Responses to Wife Assault: Current Trends and Evaluation by
Recreation and the Law by Collins, V.
Between Civil and Religious Law: The Plight of the Agunah in American Society by Breitowitz, Irving A.
Kommentar Zum Umwelthaftungsgesetz by Paschke, Marian
Free Speech in an Open Society by Smolla, Rodney A.
The Cyprus Question and the Turkish Position in International Law by Necatigil, Zaim M.
Air and Water Pollution Regulation: Accomplishments and Economic Consequences by Freedman, Martin, Jaggi, Bikki
Rights Talk by Glendon, Mary Ann
Breaking the Bonds: Marital Discord in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830 by Smith, Merril D.
Sports Marketing in Europe: The Legal and Tax Aspects by Blackshaw, Ian S.
Permanent Establishments - A Planning Primer by Huston, John C., Williams, Robert L.
Die Strafbarkeit von Unternehmen und Verbänden by Otto, Harro
Literature and the Relational Self by Schapiro, Barbara Ann
Introduction To The Us Income Tax System by Amico, Joseph C.
Entwicklungen des europäischen Umweltrechts - Ziele, Wege und Irrwege by Breuer, Rüdiger
The manager's guide to international labour standards (Management Development Series No. 23) by Gladstone, Alan
Smoking Policy: Law, Politics, and Culture by
Cardozo: A Study in Reputation by Posner, Richard A.
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