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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1995

The Trident Practical Guide to Offshore Trusts by
Critical Studies in Ancient Law, Comparative Law and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Alan Watson by
Eskalation Durch Berichterstattung? by Brosius, Hans-Bernd, Esser, Frank
Rechtsfragen Im Exportgeschäft: Sicherung Und Beitreibung Von Forderungen Im Ausland by
Demokratie in Europa: Zur Rolle Der Parlamente by
International Consumer Protection: Volume 1 by
International Consumer Protection: Volume 2 by
Jones v. Kids-R-Ours: Case File by Chill, Paul, Brooks, Hollace P.
Immobilien-Leasing: Vertragsformen, Vor- und Nachteile, steuerliche Analyse by Kroll, Michael, Gabele, Eduard, Dannenberg, Jan
Handelsrecht by Hornung, Kristina
Sozialrecht by Klein, Heinz-Peter
Un Malaise: Power, Problems and Realpolitik by Simons, Geoff
Wettbewerbsrecht Und Kartellrecht by Scherf, Barbara
Die Judengesetzgebung Der Merowingisch-Fränkischen Konzilien: 379. Sitzung Am 14. Dezember 1994 in Düsseldorf by Mikat, Paul
Adminisprudence by Udom, Udoh Elijah
European Commission of Human Rights / Commission Europeenne Des Droits de l'Homme: Documents and / Et Decisions by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Iowa Environmental Law Handbook by Staff, Dorsey &. Whitney
International Law Reports by
The Corporation and the Constitution by Butler, Harry N.
The Limits of Expanding Liability by Spier, Jaap
Legal Knowledge Engineering - A Modelling Approach by Valente, A.
Law and Policy of Regional Integration: The NAFTA and Western Hemispheric Integration in the World Trade Organization System: The NAFTA and Western He by Abbott, Frederick M.
International Human Rights Law & Practice: Cases, Treaties and Materials Documentary Supplement by Schermers
Nafta And Investment by Rubin, Seymour J.
Principles of European Contract: 2 Volumes by Clive, Eric, Prum, Andre, Lando, OLE
Contemplating Courts by Epstein, Lee
The Law and Elderly People by
Masculinity, Law and Family by Collier, Richard
The Law and Elderly People by
Masculinity, Law and Family by Collier, Richard
The Constitution as Political Structure by Redish, Martin H.
Political Justice: Foundations for a Critical Philosophy of Law and the State by Höffe, Otfried
Allocating Health Care Resources by
In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain by Simpson, A. W. Brian
The Neutered Mother, The Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies by Fineman, Martha Albertson
Social Laws Of The Qoran by Roberts, Robert
Words That Bind: Judicial Review And The Grounds Of Modern Constitutional Theory by Arthur, John
Criminal Justice in Israel: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Publications, 1948-1993 by Friedmann, Robert R.
International Law Reports by
International Law Reports by
ICSID Reports, Volume 2: Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of by
The Ninth Amendment and the Politics of Creative Jurisprudence: Disparaging the Fundamental Right of Popular Control by DeRosa, Marshall
Judicial Dictatorship by Bridwell, Randall, Quirk, William J.
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
The United Nations at the Crossroads of Reform by Gordon, Wendell
The United Nations at the Crossroads of Reform by Gordon, Wendell
Faith and Freedom: Religious Liberty in America by Frankel, Marvin E.
Legal Foundations of Capitalism by
Tax Law (Vol. 1) by White, Patricia D.
Tax Law (Vol. 2) by White, Patricia D.
Winning Your Divorce: A Man's Survival Guide by Horgan, Timothy J.
Law And Policy Of Regional Integration, The Nafta And Western Hem by Abbott, Frederick M.
Corporate Tax on Distributions (Equalization Tax): Corporate Tax on Distributions by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Issues in Fetal Medicine: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Symposium of the Galton Institute, London 1992 by
Responding to Imperfection: The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Amendment by
Politics and the Emergence of an Activist International Court of Justice by Bodie, Thomas J.
Beyond Traditional Peacekeeping by
Anti-Dumping & Anti-Trust: Issues in Free Trade Areas by Marceau, Gabrielle
Inventions and Official Secrecy: A History of Secret Patents in the United Kingdom by O'Dell, Tom H.
Reasonable Care: Legal Perspectives on the Doctor-Patient Relationship by Teff, Harvey
Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth by
Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate by Ayres, Ian
Mastering New Medical Term 2e by Hui, Y. H., Stanfield, Peggy S.
Blasphemy: Verbal Offense Against the Sacred, From Moses to Salman Rushdie by Levy, Leonard W.
The Constitution Besieged: The Rise & Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence by Gillman, Howard
Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920 by Hamm, Richard F.
Hausbesetzer Hausbesitzer Hausfriedensbruch by Artkämper, Heiko
Legitimacy and History: Self-Government in American Constitutional Theory by Kahn, Paul W.
Burdens of Proof in Modern Discourse by Gaskins, Richard H.
Red Man's Land White Man's Law: Past and Present Status of the American Indian by Washburn, Wilcomb E.
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800: Volume 5 by
A History of the Supreme Court by Schwartz, Bernard
Unsettled States, Disputed Lands by Lustick, Ian S.
Übungen Im Strafrecht by
The Opposite Mirrors: An Essay on the Conventionalist Theory of Institutions by Lagerspetz, E.
Psychiatry and Criminal Culpability by Slovenko, Ralph
Can Unions Survive?: The Rejuvenation of the American Labor Movement by
To Steal a Book Is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization by Alford, William P.
Law on the Electronic Frontier: Hume Papers on Public Policy 2.4 by Simpson, Margaret, Macqueen, Hector L.
Devising International Bank Supervisory Standars by Norton, Joseph J.
Termination and Revision of Treaties in the Light of New Customary International Law by Kontou, Nancy
French Constitutional Law by Bell, John
Professional Competition and Professional Power by
The End of Hidden Ireland: Rebellion, Famine, and Emigration by Scally, Robert James
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht by
Grundkurs Strafrecht - Die Einzelnen Delikte by
Familienrecht by Henrich, Dieter
New Un Peacekeeping: Building Peace in Lands of Conflict After the Cold War by Ratner, Steven R.
The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal Profession by Kronman, Anthony T.
Breaking the Vicious Circle: Toward Effective Risk Regulation by Breyer, Stephen
The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public-Choice Perspective by
Inequality Reexamined by Sen, Amartya
BGB Allgemeiner Teil: Rechtsgeschäftslehre by Giesen, Dieter
Engineering Analysis of Fires and Explosions by Noon, Randall K.
Court Reform and Judicial Leadership: Judge George Nicola and the New Jersey Justice System by Wice, Paul B.
Forbidden Grounds: The Case Against Employment Discrimination Laws by Epstein, Richard A.
The Constitution in Conflict by Burt, Robert A.
Bits, Bytes, and Big Brother: Federal Information Control in the Technological Age by Martin, Shannon E.
The Law of Subrogation by Mitchell, Charles
The Uses of Discretion by
Grundkurs Staatsrecht: Eine Einführung Für Studienanfänger by Schwabe, Jürgen
Malpractice Liability in the Business Professions: A Survey Guide for Attorneys and Clients by Freedman, Warren
Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft by Rehbinder, Manfred
Narrative, Violence, and the Law: The Essays of Robert Cover by
The Decline and Fall of the Supreme Court: Living Out the Nightmares of the Federalists by Faille, Christopher C.
Just Boys Doing Business?: Men, Masculinities and Crime by
Übungen Im Handels- Und Gesellschaftsrecht: I: Handelsrecht by Michalski, Lutz
The Early History of the Law of Bills and Notes by Rogers, James Steven, James Steven, Rogers
The Rodrigo Chronicles: Conversations about America and Race by Delgado, Richard
Beyond Westphalia?: State Sovereignty and International Invention by
Constitutional Policy in Unified Germany by
Law Without Frontiers: A Comparative Survey of the Rules of Professional Ethics Applicable to the Cross-Borders Practice of Law by Godfrey, W. E. M.
The United Nations in the New World Order: The World Organization at Fifty by
Vorweggenommene Erbfolgeregelungen gegen private Versorgungsleistungen by Hofer, Anton
Victorian Insolvency: Bankruptcy, Imprisonment for Debt, and Company Winding-Up in Nineteenth-Century England by Lester, V. Markham
EC Tax Law by Lyal, Richard, Farmer, Paul
Segregation and Apartheid in Twentieth Century South Africa by
Segregation and Apartheid in Twentieth Century South Africa by
Corporate Control and Accountability: Changing Structures and Dynamics of Regulation by
Gemeinwohl - Freiheit - Vernunft - Rechtsstaat: 200 Jahre Allgemeines Landrecht Für Die Preußischen Staaten. Symposium Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Z by
International Securities Law Handbook by Von Der Heydt, Karl-Eduard, Keller, Stanley
Constitutional Law as Fiction: Narrative in the Rhetoric of Authority by Larue, Lewis H.
Festschrift Für Wolfram Henckel Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 21. April 1995 by
Szycher's Dictionary of Medical Devices by Szycher, Michael
At the Bar: The Passions and Peccadilloes of American Lawyers by Margolick, David
A Guide to Malpractice Liability for Legal and Law-Related Professions by Freedman, Warren, Freddman, Wareen
Amending America: If We Love the Constitution So Much, Why Do We Keep Trying to Change It? by Bernstein, Richard B., Agel, Jerome
Medizin in Den Händen Von Heilpraktikern- "Nicht-Heilkundigen" by Ehlers, Alexander P. F.
An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C. Van, R. C. Van, Caenegem
An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law by Van Caenegem, R. C.
Stare Indecisis: The Alteration of Precedent on the Supreme Court, 1946 1992 by Harold J., Spaeth, Saul, Brenner, Brenner, Saul
Who Owns Information?: From Privacy to Public Access by Branscomb, Anne Wells, Branscomb
Gun Control: Threat to Liberty or Defense Against Anarchy? by Edel, Wilbur
Eduard Gans and the Hegelian Philosophy of Law by Hoffheimer, M. H.
Legislating Medical Ethics: A Study of the New York State Do-Not-Resuscitate Law by
Informatics and the Foundations of Legal Reasoning by
The Law and Society Reader by Abel, Richard L.
Hard Lessons: The Mine Mill Union in the Canadian Labour Movement by
Law and Parenthood by Barton, Chris, Douglas, Gillian
The Law and Society Reader by Abel, Richard L.
Understanding Workers' Compensation: A Guide for Safety and Health Professionals by Wolff, Kenneth
True and False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse: Assessment & Case Management by
The Living U.S. Constitution: Third Revised Edition by Padover, Saul K.
Advocacy in Court by Evans, Keith
Foreign Investment in Chile: The Legal Framework for Business, the Foreign Investment Regime in Chile, Environmental System in Chile, Documents by Montt, Luis, Mayorga, Roberto
Extinctive Prescription: On the Limitations of Actions by Hondius, Frits
AIDS: A Guide to the Law by
AIDS: A Guide to the Law by
Three Strikes and You're Out: Estimated Benefits and Costs of California's New Mandatory-Sentencing Law by Greenwood, Peter W.
Real Rights by Wellman, Carl
The Amendments to the Constitution: A Commentary by Anastaplo, George
Judicial Self-Interest: Federal Judges and Court Administration by Smith, Christopher E.
Recht Zwischen Umbruch Und Bewahrung: Valkerrecht - Europarecht - Staatsrecht. Festschrift Fa1/4r Rudolf Bernhardt by
From Social Worker to Crimefighter: Women in United States Municipal Policing by Schulz, Dorothy
Software and Intellectual Property Protection: Copyright and Patent Issues for Computer and Legal Professionals by Galler, Bernard
Malpractice Liability in the Helping and Healing Professions: A Survey Guide for Attorneys and Clients by Freedman, Freedman, Warren
Asylum: A Moral Dilemma by Plaut, W. Gunther
Corporate Power and Responsibility: Issues in the Theory of Company Law by Parkinson, J. E.
Pluralism, Justice, and Equality by
Pluralism, Justice, and Equality by
Law in a Digital World by Katsh, M. Ethan
Making Men Moral: Civil Liberties and Public Morality by George, Robert P.
ICSID Reports: Volume 3: Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of by
The Martinsville Seven: Race, Rape, and Capital Punishment by Rise, Eric W.
Abortion Politics in the Federal Courts: Right Versus Right by Yarnold, Barbara M.
Doing Things the Right Way: Dene Traditional Justice in Lac La Martre, Nwt by Ryan, Joan
Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech: The Relationship Between Language and Violence by
Sustainable Development: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy by
Personal Liberty and Community Safety:: Pretrial Release in the Criminal Court by Jones, Peter R., Goldkamp, John S., Gottfredson, Michael
Feminist Legal Theory, Volume 2: Positioning Feminist Theory Within the Law by
Socio-Legal Studies in Context: The Oxford Centre Past and Future by
Feminist Legal Theory (Vol. 1) by
To Secure These Rights: The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation by Gerber, Scott Douglas
The Law Firm and the Public Good by
International Law Reports by
Arbitration & Renegotiation Of Intl Investment Agreements, 2nd Ed by Peter, Wolfgang
Die Haftung Der Treuhandanstalt Für Sozialplanansprüche Der Arbeitnehmer by Robben-Vahrenhold, Andrea
Der Widerruf Der Strafaussetzung Zur Bewährung Wegen Der Begehung Einer Neuen Straftat Nach § 56 F Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 1 StGB by Blumenstein, Thomas
Grenzen Gesetzlicher Mitbestimmung by Lohse, Eva
Arbeits- Und Sozialrechtliche Beurteilung Der Stufenweisen Wiedereingliederung in Das Erwerbsleben Gem. § 74 Sgbv by Becker, Isabell
Der Anspruch Auf Ein Verfahren in Angemessener Zeit by Otto, Kai A.
Die Spaltung Von Aktiengesellschaften Zwecks Privatisierung Im Vergleich Deutschland - Frankreich by Jäger, Christophe
Die Körperschaftsteuerliche Organschaft Im Gmbh-Vertragskonzern by Pache, Sven
Mediating Environmental Conflicts: Theory and Practice by Blackburn, J. Walton, Bruce, Willa M.
Constitutional History of the American Revolution by Reid, John Phillip
Eg-Öko-Audit-Verordnung Umwelterklärung: Anforderungen, Hintergründe, Gestaltungsoptionen by Vollmer, Simone A. M.
Politics By Other Means: Law in the Struggle Against Apartheid, 1980-1994 by Abel, Richard
Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination by
Sicherheitenfreigabe und Unternehmenssanierung - Aktuelle Rechtsfragen by
Gender in Practice: Study of Lawyers' Lives by Hagan, John
Nazi Justiz: Law of the Holocaust by Miller, Richard Lawrence
Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession by Lentz, Bernard F., Laband, David N.
Blacks and Crime: A Function of Class by Chambers, James A.
The Politics of Sentencing Reform by
Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study by
Law and Objectivity by Greenawalt, Kent
Politica by Althusius, Johannes
Government Lawyers: The Federal Legal Bureaucracy and Presidential Politics by
Managing Environmental Disputes: Network Management as an Alternative by
Was leistet die Lehre von den Strafzwecken? by Stratenwerth, Günter
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