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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1997

Intellectual Property Rights and Research Tools in Molecular Biology: Summary of a Workshop Held at the National Academy of Sciences, February 15-16, by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Rights vs. Responsibilities: The Supreme Court and the Media by Hindman, Elizabeth
Chaos, Criminology, and Social Justice: The New Orderly (Dis)Order by Unknown
Insurance Regulation in the United States: An Overview for Business and Government by Lencsis, Peter
Kollektives Arbeitsrecht by Götz, Hilmar
International Law Reports by
Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz Und Europaische Union: Nationaler Einstweiliger Verwaltungsrechtsschutz Im Widerstreit Von Gemeinschaftsrecht Und Nationale by Lehr, Stefan
Chaos, Criminology, and Social Justice: The New Orderly (Dis)Order by
Freier Warenverkehr und nationale Regelungsgewalt in der Europäischen Union by Weyer, Hartmut
Money for Nothing: Politicians, Rent Extraction, and Political Extortion by McChesney, Fred S.
A Guide to the Criminal Appeal Act 1995 by Jason-Lloyd, Leonard
Environmental Protection: Text and Materials by Elworthy, Sue, Holder, Jane
Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention by Hoffmann, Stanley
Sharing Secrets with Lawmakers: Congress as a User of Intelligence by Snider, L. Britt
Medical Terms by Tindall, A. R.
The Global Expansion of Judicial Power by
Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention by Hoffmann, Stanley
Improving Regulatory Accountability by Hahn, Robert William
We the Jury: The Impact of Jurors on Our Basic Freedoms: Great Jury Trials of History by Lehman, Godfrey D.
Conflict of Laws in Italy: The Text and an English Translation of Italian Law No. 218 of May 31, 1995 (Reform of the Italian System of Conflict of Law by Narcisi, Vincent A., Montanari, Alberto
Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment by Berger, Raoul
Der Irrtum Bei Den Urkundendelikten by Bettendorf, Christa
Yearbook of European Law: Volume 15: 1995 by
In Pursuit of Privacy by Decew, Judith Wagner
In Pursuit of Privacy by Decew, Judith Wagner
Responding to Troubled Youth by Klein, Malcolm W., Maxson, Cheryl L.
Law's Community: Legal Theory in Sociological Perspective by Cotterrell, Roger
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Gene Therapy: Legal, Ethical and Scientific Aspects by
Recognition of Governments: Legal Doctrine and State Practice, 1815-1995 by Peterson, M.
The Question of Europe by
Hate Speech, Sex Speech, Free Speech by Wolfson, Nicholas
Hate Speech, Sex Speech, Free Speech by Wolfson, Nicholas
Emigration and the Labouring Poor: Australian Recruitment in Britain and Ireland, 1831-60 by Haines, Robin F.
Legislation and Justice by
The Oldest Social Science: Configurations of Law and Modernity by Murphy, Timothy
Law in Context: Enlarging a Discipline by Twining, William
The Anatomy of Tort Law by Cane, Peter
Interpreting Precedents: A Comparative Study by
Medizinische Expertensysteme Und Staatliche Sicherheitsregulierung: Medizininformatik ALS Gegenstand Des Medizinprodukterechts by Janßen, Karl
The United States Supreme Court: A political and legal analysis by McKeever, Robert
Law, Society, and Economy: Centenary Essays for the London School of Economics and Political Science 1895-1995 by Rawlings, Richard
Province of Administrative Law by
The Province of Administrative Law by
The Anatomy of Tort Law by Cane, Peter
Everson Revisited: Religion, Education, and Law at the Crossroads by
Just Words: Constitutional Rights and Social Wrongs by Bakan, Joel
Übergangsgerechtigkeit Beim Abbau Von Steuervergünstigungen Und Subventionen: Untersuchung Eines Finanzwissenschaftlichen Und Staatsrechtlichen Proble by Snelting, Martin
Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory: A Translation of the First Edition of the Reine Rechtslehre or Pure Theory of Law by Kelsen, Hans
The UN, Peace and Force by
Encyclopedia of American Indian Civil Rights by
Legal & Financial Aspects of Architectural Conservation: The Smolenice Castle Conference Central Europe by
International Intellectual Property Law by Long, Doris Estelle, D'Amato, Anthony
Art Loans by Palmer, Norman
Grassland: The History, Biology, Politics and Promise of the American Prairie by Manning, Richard
Postnational Democracy, The European Union in Search of a Political Philosophy by Curtin, Deirdre M.
Pardons: Justice, Mercy, and the Public Interest by Moore, Kathleen Dean
Main Justice: The Men and Women Who Enforce the Nation's Criminal Laws and Guard Its Liberties by McGee, Jim, Duffy, Brian
Rules and Regulators by Black, Julia
Divorce Lawyers and Their Clients: Power and Meaning in the Legal Process by Sarat, Austin
International Law and Organization: An Introduction by Van Dervort, Thomas R.
Ethics and Authority in International Law by Rubin, Alfred P., Alfred P., Rubin
Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts by Kirchner, Christian
When Talk Works: Profiles of Mediators by Kolb, Deborah M.
The Divorce Mediation Handbook: Everything You Need to Know by James, Paula D.
Europe in the Global Competition: Problems -- Markets -- Strategies by
Flash Point: The American Mass Murderer by Kelleher, Michael D.
Information Sources in Law by
Resulting Trusts by Chambers, Robert
Die Endgültigkeit bargeldloser Zahlungen by Vollrath, Hans-Joachim
International Law and Organization: An Introduction by Van Dervort, Thomas R.
Rights and Law, Analysis and Theory by Halpin, Andrew
Rights and Law Analysis and Theory: Analysis and Theory by Halpin, Andrew
Failure of Contracts by
Schlichtungsgespräche: Ein Textband Mit Einer Exemplarischen Analyse by
Impact: How Ic2 Institute Research Affects Public Policy and Business Practices by Thore, Sten A., Unknown, Gibson, David V.
Discrimination, Harassment, and the Failure of Diversity Training: What to Do Now by Hemphill, Hellen, Haines, Ray
Vollstreckung im Steuerrecht by Sauer, Rudolf
The American Constitution and Its Provenance by Stevens, Richard G.
Harm Reduction: A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs by
Bodies of Law by Hyde, Alan
Immigration: Public Legislation and Private Bills by Maguire, Bernadette
Verfassungsrechtlicher Schutz Gegen Abbau Und Umstrukturierung Von Sozialleistungen: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 1 by Bieback, Karl-Jürgen
Last Rights: Death, Dying and the Law in Ireland by Hanafin, Patrick
Racism and the Law: The Legacy and Lessons of Plessy by
Prove It with Figures: Empirical Methods in Law and Litigation by Kaye, David, Zeisel, Hans
Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 1991-1995: Recueil Des Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI by Derains, Yves, Hascher, Dominique, Arnaldez, Jean-Jacques
Body Parts: Property Rights and the Ownership of Human Biological Materials by Gold, E. Richard
Migration Past, Migration Future: Germany and the United States by
Ebu's-Su`ud: The Islamic Legal Tradition by Imber, Colin
Going to Law School: Everything You Need to Know to Choose and Pursue a Degree in Law by Castleman, Harry, Niewoehner, Christopher
Open EDI And Law In Europe: A Regulatory Framework by Mitrakas, Andreas
Understanding Chinese Courts and Legal Process: Law with Chinese Characteristics: Law with Chinese Characteristics by Brown, Ronald C.
The Cultural Dimension in EC Law by Niedobitek, Matthias
Selling Words: Free Speech in a Commercial Culture by Wright, R. George
The Supreme Court Explained by Greenberg, Ellen
World Government by Stealth: The Future of the United Nations by Arnold, G.
Stopping Wars: Defining The Obstacles To Cease-fire by Smith, James D. D.
A History of Islamic Legal Theories: An Introduction to Sunni Usul Al-Fiqh by Hallaq, Wael B.
Umwelt-Strafrecht: (Sonderausgabe Der Kommentierung Der §§ 311c, D; 324-330d in Der 11. Aufl. Des Leipziger Kommentars Zum Strafgesetzbuc by Steindorf, Joachim
Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe by Evans, Malcolm
Comparative Corporate Governance by
Foreign Law and Comparative Methodology: A Subject and a Thesis by Markesinis, Basil S.
The Future of Human Rights in the United Kingdom by Singh, Rabinder
Popular Sovereignty and the Crisis of German Constitutional Law: The Theory and Practice of Weimar Constitutionalism by Caldwell, Peter C.
Radical Critiques of the Law by
Radical Critiques of the Law by
Ministers of the Crown by Brazier, Rodney
Die Gesellschaft Mit Beschränkter Haftung Im Internationalen Und Europäischen Recht by
Government Regulation of the Alcohol Industry: The Search for Revenue and the Common Good by McGowan, Richard
Franchise Law Firms and the Transformation of Personal Legal Services by Van Hoy, Jerry
Financial Markets Regulation: A Practitioner's Perspective by Jeunemaître, Alain
Calendar of Assize Records: Kent Indictments: Charles II 1676-1688 by
ICSID Reports, Volume 4 by
Sovereignty Over Natural Resources: Balancing Rights and Duties by Schrijver, Nico
Society's Final Solution: A History and Discussion of the Death Penalty by King, Laura Randa
The Press on Trial: Crimes and Trials as Media Events by
Capital Punishment in the United States: A Documentary History by Vila, Bryan, Morris, Cynthia
International Governance on Environmental Issues by
Law, Narrative and Reality: An Essay in Intercepting Politics by Van Roermund, G. C.
Kantianism, Postmodernism and Critical Legal Thought by Ward, I.
North Atlantic Civilization at War: World War II Battles of Sky, Sand, Snow, Sea and Shore by Hatcher, Patrick Lloyd
Just Stories: How the Law Embodies Racism and Bias by Ross, Thomas
May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Punishment by Tucker, John C.
Joining Together, Standing Apart: National Identities After NAFTA: National Identities After NAFTA by Dallmeyer, Dorinda G.
Commercial Agreements and Competition Law, Second Edition by Robertson, Aidan, Green, Nicholas
Die Stellung des Kindes nach heterologer Insemination by Hager, Johannes
Saving Lives with Force: Military Criteria for Humanitarian Intervention by O'Hanlon, Michael E.
The ABC-Clio Companion to the Disability Rights Movement by Pelka, Fred
Unfair Trading Practices: The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business by Campbell, Dennis
Popular Justice: A History of American Criminal Justice by Walker, T. Stuart, Walker, Samuel
Archäologie Der Grund- Und Menschenrechte in Der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Deutsch-Französisches Paradigma by Schmale, Wolfgang
An Historical Introduction to the European Union by Thody, Philip
Emigration and the Labouring Poor: Australian Recruitment in Britain and Ireland, 1831-60 by Haines, Robin F.
Handelsrecht Und Recht Der Kreditsicherheiten in Osteuropa by
Marriage Family & Law in Medie by Sheehan, Michael M.
Die Budgetierung Des Gesundheitswesens: Wo Bleibt Der Medizinische Standard? by
United Nations in the Contemporary World by Whittaker, David J.
A Europe for Everyone / Une Europe pour tous by De Schoutheete, Philippe
Schuldrecht by Fikentscher, Wolfgang
The Law of Evidence in Victorian England by Allen, C. J. W.
Unjust Enrichment by Dagan, Hanoch
International Law Reports by
Keeping the Peace by
Keeping the Peace: Multidimensional Un Operations in Cambodia and El Salvador by
Europa Auf Dem Weg Zum Mehrheitssystem: Gründe Und Konsequenzen Nationaler Und Parlamentarischer Integration by König, Thomas
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Hanging in the Balance: A History of the Abolition of Capital Punishment in Britain by Block, Block, Brian P., Hostettler, John
In Defense of the Constitution by Carey, George W.
Telecommunications Policy: Have Regulators Dialed the Wrong Number? by Unknown
Constructing Legal Systems: European Union in Legal Theory by
Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation in a Global Economy by Vogel, David
Science at the Bar: Science and Technology in American Law by Jasanoff, Sheila
In Defense of the Constitution by Carey, George W.
Fighting for the First Amendment: Stanton of CBS Vs. Congress and the Nixon White House by Dunham, Corydon B.
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration: Volume XXII - 1997 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Die Adelsbezeichnung im deutschen und auslaendischen Recht by Dumoulin, Karl Friedrich
An AZ of Community Care Law by Mandelstam, Michael
Der Reichskunstwart: Geschichte einer Kulturbehoerde 1919-1933 by Laube, Gisbert
Sources of Law, Legal Change, and Ambiguity by Watson, Alan
Rights Across Borders: Immigration and the Decline of Citizenship by Jacobson, David
Privacy in the Information Age by Cate, Fred H.
Collection of Procedural Decisions in ICC Arbitration by Hascher, Dominique
Ifa: Visions of the Tax Systems of the Xxist Century: Visions of the Tax Systems of the Xxist Century by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: Taxation Issues in a Federal State and Economic Groupings: Taxation Issues in a Federal State and Economic Groupings by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: The Influence of Corporate Law and Accounting Principles in Determining Taxable Income: The Influence of Corporate Law and Accounting Principles by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Board of Foundation: Forum Internationale: Choice of Forum and Laws in International Commercial Arbitration by Nygh, Peter
Competing Norms In The Law Of Marine Environmental Protection by Ringbom, Henrik
Introduction To The EC Regulation On Plant Variety Protection by Van Der Kooij, P. a. C. E.
Corruption: The Enemy Within: The Enemy Within by Rider, Barry A. K.
We Are Not You: First Nations & Canadian Modernity by Denis, Claude
By Reason of Insanity: The David Michael Krueger Story by Bourrie, Mark
War and Law Since 1945 by Best, Geoffrey
Evil or Ill?: Justifying the Insanity Defence by Reznek, Lawrie
Evil or Ill?: Justifying the Insanity Defence by Reznek, Lawrie
Standard of Care: The Law of American Bioethics by Annas, Julia, Annas, George J., Annas
A Sceptic's Medical Dictioary by O'Donnell, Michael
Salem Witchcraft Trials by Hoffer, Peter Charles
Anti-Lawyers: Religion and the Critics of Law and State by Saunders, David
The Law of Tracing by Smith, Lionel D., Smith, Ali
The Internationalization of Environmental Protection by
Nationale Umweltpläne in Ausgewählten Industrieländern by Carius, Alexander, Jänicke, Martin
Wettbewerbsrecht: Unter Berücksichtigung Europarechtlicher Bezüge by Ackermann, Brunhilde
Internationales Versicherungsvertragsrecht by Dörner, Heinrich
Israelisches Wirtschaftsrecht by Kaplan, Alon
Innovation, Incentive and Reward: Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Hume Papers on Public Policy 5.3 by Main, Brian G., Macqueen, Hector L.
Antitrust and the Bounds of Power: The Dilemma of Liberal Democracy in the History of the Market by Amato, Giuliano
Zulassung Und Praxisverkauf: Ist Das Gsg Partiell Verfassungswidrig? by
Das Doppelexequatur von Schiedssprüchen by Borges, Georg
Krankenhaus Im Brennpunkt: Risiken -- Haftung -- Management by
Arzneimittel Und Medizinprodukte: Neue Risiken Für Arzt, Hersteller Und Versicherer by
Inquisition and Medieval Society: Power, Discipline, and Resistance in Languedoc by Given, James B.
Political Legitimacy and Housing: Singapore's Stakeholder Society by Chua, Beng-Huat
Managed Care Quality: A Practical Guide by Al-Assaf, A. F., Assaf, R. Robyn
Feminists Negotiate the State: The Politics of Domestic Violence by Daniels, Cynthia R.
Zukunftsprobleme der Europäischen Union by
Lives and Families: I'migrants, Laws and Customs / Des vies et des familles: Les immigrés, la loi et la coutume by Rude-Antoine, Edwige
Measurement of Building Services by Murray, George
"Race," Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada: Historical Case Studies by
The Gatekeepers: Federal District Courts in the Political Process by Lyles, Kevin L.
Judicial Entrepreneurship: The Role of the Judge in the Marketplace of Ideas by Unknown, Cates, Cynthia L., McIntosh, Wayne V.
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