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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 1999

Premises Security: A Guide for Security Professionals and Attorneys by Blake, William F., Bradley, Walter F.
Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations 1733 - 1766 by Black, John, Hitchcock, Tim
The Distinguished Jurist's Primer 2-Volume Set: Bidayat Al-Mujtahid Wa Nihayat Al-Muqtasid by Rushd, Ibn
Essence of Law: The legal system in XIXth c. Africa by Feyou de Happy, Joseph, Feyou De Happy
Die Uebernahmeregelung - eine Alternative zum Schutz von Minderheitsaktionaeren abhaengiger Aktiengesellschaften? by Munscheck, Karsten
Free to Work: Labor Law, Emancipation, and Reconstruction, 1815-1880 by Schmidt, James D.
Interracial Justice: Conflict and Reconciliation in Post-Civil Rights America by Yamamoto, Eric K.
Notes of a Racial Caste Baby: Color Blindness and the End of Affirmative Action by Fair, Bryan K.
Die Versorgung Und Entsorgung Von Mieterhaushalten: Eine Untersuchung Der Rechtsbeziehung Zwischen Den Leistungserbringenden Unternehmen Und Den Mietv by Meier, Solveig
Judicial Retirement Laws of the 50 States and the District of Columbia by Meyer, Bernard S.
Judicial Retirement Laws of the 50 States and the District of Columbia by Meyer, Bernard S.
The Distinguished Jurist's Primer Volume I: Bidayat Al-Mujtahid Wa Nihayat Al-Muqtasid Volume 1 by Rushd, Ibn
Supreme Court Decision-Making: New Institutionalist Approaches by
Employee Representation in the Emerging Workplace: Alternatives/Supplements to Collective Bargaining: Proceeding of New York University 50th Annual Co by Estreicher, Samuel
The Frame of the Century? by Schulman, J. Neil
Cosmopolitan Citizenship by
South African Political Exile in the United Kingdom by Israel, Mark
The Challenge of East-West Migration for Poland by
Vom Stil Der Verfassung by Isensee, Josef
Law of Contract in Uganda by Bakibinga, David J., Bakibinga, D. J.
Tradition of Natural Law: A Philosopher's Reflections by Kuic, Vukan, Simon, Yves R.
American Arbitration: Its History, Functions and Achievements by Kellor, Frances
Hittite Diplomatic Texts, Second Edition by Beckman, Gary
Medicines, Medical Devices and the Law by
Ten Cents on the Dollar: Or the Bankruptcy Game by Rutberg, Sidney
Impeachment: The Constitutional Problems, Enlarged Edition by Berger, Raoul
The Fall of the Duke of Duval: A Prosecutor's Journal by Clark, John E.
Marine Specially Protected Areas, The General Aspects and the Mediterranian Regional System by Scovazzi, Tullio
European Community Law and the Automobile Industry by Swaak, Christof R. a.
Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York Convention: 40 Years of Application of the New York Conven by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Tadzhikistan Legal Texts: The Foundation of Civic Accord by Butler, William E.
CQ's Desk Reference on American Courts: Over 500 Answers to Questions About Our Legal System by Barnes, Patricia G.
Impeachable Offenses: A Documentary History from 1787 to the Present by Finkelman, Paul
Emancipation: The Making of the Black Lawyer, 1844-1944 by Jr.
Strategic Bankruptcy: How Corporations and Creditors Use Chapter 11 to Their Advantage by Delaney, Kevin J.
Drug Legalization by Berent, Irwin
Constitutional Law in the United States: A Systematic Inquiry Into the Change and Relevance of Supreme Court Decisions by Bland, Randall Walton, Brogan, Joseph V.
International Law, Human Rights, and Japanese Law: The Impact of International Law on Japanese Law by Iwasawa, Yuji
Verfassungsrechtsprechung Zum Steuerrecht: Vortrag Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 16. September 1998 by Vogel, Klaus
Introduction to the Philosophy of Law: Readings and Cases by White, Jefferson, Patterson, Dennis
Persuasion: The Litigator's Art by Tigar, Michael E.
Accidental Justice: The Dilemmas of Tort Law by O'Connell, Jeffrey, Bell, Peter A.
Greed, Chaos, and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law by Mashaw, Jerry L.
Property Rights and Economic Development: Land and Natural Resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania by
A Companion to Justinian's Institutes by
A Companion to Justinian's "institutes" by
Kriminalität Im Grenzgebiet: Wissenschaftliche Analysen by
Die Rechte Des Wohnraum- Und Des Gewerberaummieters Zur Realisierung Einer Bedarfsänderung: Gesellschaftsrechtlichen Umstrukturierung Der Mieterseite by Kandelhard, Ronald
Europäische Union by Woyke, Wichard, Weindl, Josef
International Law Reports by
International Law Reports by
Islamisches Recht Und Sozialer Wandel in Algerien: Zur Entwicklung Des Personalstatus Seit 1962 by Dennerlein, Bettina
Analyzing Law by
Preventing Torture: A Study of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by Morgan, Rod, Evans, Malcolm
Haftungsrecht Des Straßenverkehrs: [Sonderausgabe Der Kommentierung Zu §§ 7 Bis 20 Straßenverkehrsgesetz Und Zum Haftpflichtgesetz Unter Einschluß Des by
Decision-Making in the Un Security Council: The Case of Haiti, 1990-1997 by Malone, David
God's Peace and King's Peace: The Laws of Edward the Confessor by O'Brien, Bruce R.
Communications Policy and the Public Interest: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 by Aufderheide, Patricia A.
Making Environmental Laws Work: Law and Policy in the UK and USA by Wilson, William
Abschluß von Kaufverträgen im Internet by Hoffmann, Lars
Heritage Resources Law: Protecting the Archeological and Cultural Environment by National Trust for Historic Preservation
Der Status Des Gmbh-Geschäftsführers: Rechte Und Pflichten Anstellungsvertrag Vergütung Und Versorgung by Jula, Rocco
Technisierte Behörden: Verwaltungsinformatisierung Und -Forschung Im Zeitalter Der Computernetze by
Die Pacht nichtsächlicher Gegenstände by Cebulla, Mario
Colorblind Injustice: Minority Voting Rights and the Undoing of the Second Reconstruction by Kousser, J. Morgan
O. J. Unmasked: The Trial, the Truth, and the Media by Rantala
Negotiating Space by Rosenwein, Barbara H.
Jim Bakker: Miscarriage of Justice? by Albert, James
Arbeitsrecht by Linnenkohl, Karl
Legitimacy and the European Union: The Contested Polity by
Public Services and Citizenship in European Law: Public and Labour Law Perspectives by
Self-Determination of Peoples by Cassese, Antonio
How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa by
Deutschland Polen Tschechien -- Auf Dem Weg Zur Guten Nachbarschaft by
Constitutional Dialogues in Comparative Perspective by Kenney, S., Reisinger, W., Reitz, J.
How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa by
Libraries, Immigrants, and the American Experience by Jones, Plummer A.
Crime, Public Opinion, and Civil Liberties: The Tolerant Public by Lock, Shmuel
Sexual Harassment in America: A Documentary History by Stein, Laura W.
Intellectual Property in the Information Age: The Politics of Expanding Ownership Rights by Halbert, Debora
Preventing Shoplifting Without Being Sued: Practical Advice for Retail Executives by Budden, Michael
Sanctions In Haiti: Human Rights and Democracy under Assault by Gibbons, Elizabeth
Judicial Protection of Human Rights: Myth or Reality? by
Litigating Federalism: The States Before the U.S. Supreme Court by Waltenburg, Eric N., Swinford, Bill
Europäische Sozialpolitik: Ausgangsbedingungen, Antriebskräfte Und Entwicklungspotentiale by Kowalsky, Wolfgang
The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Qaradawi, Yusuf, Qaraodaawai, Yausuf, Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf
Covering the Courts: Free Press, Fair Trials, and Journalistic Performance by Giles, Robert
Handbuch Des Museumsrechts 7: Öffentliches Recht by
Working with Victims of Crime: Policies, Politics, and Practice by Williams, Brian
The Constitution & Religion: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State by
Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: Practice and Procedure by Mavroidis, Petros C., Palmeter, N. David
Teaching and the Law by Gilliatt, Jacqui
Private Property and the Endangered Species ACT: Saving Habitats, Protecting Homes by
From Direct Action to Affirmative Action: Fair Employment Law and Policy in America, 1933--1972 by Moreno, Paul D.
Immigrants in Courts by
Getting Away with Murder: The Canadian Criminal Justice System by Paciocco, David
Customs and Trade Laws of the European Community: Customs and Trade Laws of the European Community by Inama, Stefano, Vermulst, Edwin
The Process of Industrialization and the Role of Labour Law in Asian Countries by Blanpain, Roger, Yamakawa, Ryuichi, Araki, Takashi
National Constitutions in the Era of Integration by Antero Jyrandauml, Nki
Principles of European Trust Law by Kortmann, S. C. J. J., Hayton, David J., H. L. E. Verhagen
Planning for Intervention, International Cooperation in Conflict by Handler Chayes, Antonia, Chayes, Abram
Sports and the Law: Major Legal Cases by
White Women's Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States by Newman, Louise Michele
Readings in Juvenile Justice Administration by Feld, Barry C.
Failure and Forgiveness: Rebalancing the Bankruptcy System by Gross, Karen
Planning for Intervention by Chayes
New Approaches to Disability in the Workplace: Explorations in Time, Memory, and Futures by
Law, Law Reform and the Family by Cretney, Stephen
Legislator of the World: Writings on Codification, Law, and Education by Bentham, Jeremy
National Minorities and the European Nation-States System by Jackson Preece, Jennifer
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
The English Legal System in Action: The Administration of Justice by White, Robin C. a.
Constitutional Problems of the European Union by Hartley, Trevor
Administrative Justice in the 21st Century by
Rules and Reasoning by
Europeanisation of UK Competition Law by
Verfahrensmodelle Zum Schutz VOR Rassendiskriminierung: Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung Zum Verfassungsauftrag in Art. 3 Abs. 3 Gg by Rädler, Peter
Bankruptcy & Distressed Restructurings: Analytical Issues and Investment Opportunities by
Eingreifen Auf Einladung: Zur Völkerrechtlichen Zulässigkeit Des Einsatzes Fremder Truppen Im Internen Konflikt Auf Einladung Der Regierung by Nolte, Georg
Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860 by Morris, Thomas D.
The Abortion Debate in the World Arena by Kulczycki, A.
Mandantenorientierte Sachbearbeitung: Sicher in Die Mündliche Prüfung Für Steuerfachangestellte by Wachner, Peter
Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations by Forster, A.
Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations by Forster, A.
Yearbook of International Environmental Law: Volume 8: 1997 by
The Law of Obligations: Essays in Celebration of John Fleming by
War & Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power by Smith, Jeffrey a.
A Book of Legal Lists: The Best and Worst in American Law, with 150 Court and Judge Trivia Questions by Schwartz, Bernard
War and Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power by Smith, Jeffrey a., Smith, Jeffery a.
Regulation and Deregulation: Policy and Practice in the Utilities and Financial Services Industries by
Fremdwährungsverbindlichkeiten: Das Recht Der Geldschulden Mit Auslandsberührung. Kollisionsrecht - Materielles Recht - Verfahrensrecht by Grothe, Helmut
Besteuerung Von Personengesellschaften Im Verhältnis USA -- Deutschland by Mittermaier, Johannes E.
The Judicial Development of Presidential War Powers by Sheffer, Martin S.
Contract Law and Morality by Mather, Henry
Law and the Arts by
Psychology and Law: The State of the Discipline by
Psychology and Law: The State of the Discipline by
The Upperworld and the Underworld: Case Studies of Racketeering and Business Infiltrations in the United States by Kelly, Robert J.
Genetic Information: Acquisition, Access, and Control by
Law and Empire in Late Antiquity by Jill, Harries, Harries, Jill
Freedom Not to Speak by Bosmajian, Haig
Making Development Work: Legislative Reform for Institutional Transformation and Good Governance by Seidman, Robert B., Seidman, Ann
Webvertising: Unfair Competition & Trademarks on the Internet by Stecher, Matthias W.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, the EC Directive from a Comparative Legal and Economic Perspective by Backes, Chris, Betlem, Gerrit
The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy by Vig, Norman J., Axelrod, Regina S.
Agrarianism and Reconstruction Politics: The Southern Homestead Act by Lanza, Michael L.
Caring for Justice by West, Robin
The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy by Vig, Norman J., Axelrod, Regina S.
The Spirit of Vengeance: Nativisim and Louisiana Justice, 1921-1924 by Baiamonte, John V.
The Hypocrisy of Justice in the Belle Epoque by Martin, Benjamin F.
International Letters of Credit: Resolving Conflict of Law Disputes: Resolving Conflict of Law Disputes by Gozlan, Audi
European Air Law Association Series Volume 12: Ninth Annual Conference In Madrid by Beteta, F., Dagtoglou, P. D.
Modern Trends in Tort Law, Dutch and Japanese Law Compared by Hondius, Ewoud
Directors Liability in Case of Insolvency by Rensen, Anker Sandostrok
Developments in European Company Law: The Quest for an Ideal Legal Form for Small Businesses by Rider, Barry A. K.
Modern International Developments in Trust Law by Hayton, David J.
The Early Drug Courts: Case Studies in Judicial Innovation by
The Abortion Debate in the World Arena by Kulczycki, A.
Fingerprint Detection with Lasers by Menzel
Audit, Accountability and Government by Hollingsworth, Kathryn, White, Fidelma
European Citizenship Practice: Building Institutions Of A Non-state by Wiener, Antje
Secrecy and Open Government: Why Governments Want You to Know by Robertson, K.
Qualitätsmanagement in Steuerberatung Und Wirtschaftsprüfung by
A Practical Companion to the Constitution: How the Supreme Court Has Ruled on Issues from Abortion to Zoning, Updated and Expanded Edition of the Evol by Lieberman, Jethro K.
Dokumente Zum Europäischen Recht: Band 1: Gründungsverträge by
The Politics of the British Constitution by Foley, Michael
Rechtsscheintatbestände Und Ihre Rückwirkende Beseitigung by Kindl, Johann
A New Birth of Freedom: Human Rights, Named and Unnamed by Black
Readings in American Health Care: Current Issues in Socio-Historical Perspective by Rothstein, William G.
The Tilted Playing Field: Is Criminal Justice Unfair? by Uviller, H. Richard
Out of Hearing: Representing Children in Court by Masson, Judith, Oakley, Maureen Winn
Custom, Power and the Power of Rules: International Relations and Customary International Law by Byers, Michael, Michael, Byers
Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought by Brown, Daniel
The Constitution of Europe: 'Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?' and Other Essays on European Integration by Weiler, J. H. H., J. H. H., Weiler, Weiler, Joseph
Innovation in Multilateralism by
Judging War Criminals: The Politics of International Justice by Beigbeder, Y.
Kartengesteuerter Zahlungsverkehr, außergerichtliche Streitschlichtung by
Free Markets and Social Justice by Sunstein, Cass R.
War Crimes Law Comes of Age: Essays by Meron, Theodor
Bad Kids: Race and the Transformation of the Juvenile Court by Feld, Barry C.
Studies in Crime and Public Policy by Feld, Barry C.
Causation and Risk in the Law of Torts: Scientific Evidence and Medicinal Product Liability by Goldberg, Richard
The Principle of Proportionality in the Laws of Europe by
Strategic Issues of Industrial Property Management in a Globalizing World by
Personal Liability and Disqualification of Company Directors by Griffin, Stephen
Die Normativen Verknüpfungen Von Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit Und Währungsunion Im Eg-Vertrag by Molzahn, Ralf
The Democratic Accountability of Central Banks: A Comparative Study by Amtenbrink, Fabian
Interfacing Between Lawyers and Computers: An Architecture for Knowledge-Based Interfaces to Legal Databases by Matthijssen, Luuk
When the Nazis Came to Skokie: Freedom for the Speech We Hate by Strum, Philippa
Medical Ethics and the Elderly: practical guide by Rai, Gurcharan S.
Medical Ethics and the Elderly: practical guide by Rai, Gurcharan S.
Cases and Materials on Marine Insurance Law by Hodges, Susan
Alone Together: Law & the Meanings of Marriage by Regan, Milton C., Jr.
Custom, Power and the Power of Rules: International Relations and Customary International Law by Byers, Michael
Moral Combat: The Dilemma of Legal Perspectivalism by Heidi, Hurd, Hurd, Heidi M.
The Constitution of Europe: 'Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?' and Other Essays on European Integration by Weiler, Joseph, Weiler, J. H. H.
Majority Rule or Minority Will: Adherence to Precedence on the U.S. Supreme Court by Spaeth, Harold J.
Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies by
Development and Rights: Negotiating Justice in Changing Societies by
The Southern Essays of Richard M. Weaver by Weaver, Richard M.
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