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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2001

Justice Lewis F. Powell:: A Biography by Jeffries, John C.
The citizen's manual of government and law by Young, Andrew W. (Andrew White)
Early Indiana trials: and sketches. Reminiscences by Hon. O. H. Smith. by Smith, Oliver Hampton
Bench and bar: a complete digest of the wit, humor, asperities, and amenities of the law / by L.J. Bigelow. by Bigelow, L. J.
Decisions of the Interior department in public land cases, and land laws passed by the Congress of the United States; by Lester, William Wharton Comp
The trial of Ebenezer Haskell by Haskell, Ebenezer
Subject-matter index of patents for inventions issued by the United States Patent office from 1790 to 1873, inclusive ...Volume 1 by United States Patent Office
Corporate Power in Civil Society by Sciulli, David
Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia: Czech Republic, E by European Bank for Reconstruction and Dev
International Responsibility for Environmental Harm by Francioni, Francesco
The Earth Summit by Johnson, Stanley P.
Civil Liability for Transfrontier Pollution by Betlem, Gerrit
Korea's Banking Law Reform: Post Asian Crisis: Post Asian Crisis by Byung-Tae Kim
Globalism: People, Profits and Progress: People, Profits and Progress, La Mondialisation by Canadian Council on International Law
Nyu Selected Essays on Labor and Employment Law by Yelnosky, Michael J.
International Dispute Resolution: Towards an International Arbitration Culture: Towards an International Arbitration Culture by Berg, A. J. Van Den
Strengthening Relations with Arab and Islamic Countries Through International Law: E-Commerce, the Wto Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Foreign Invest by Of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The International Bur
Legal Issues in Electronic Banking by Horn, Norbert
The Conflict and Culture Reader by
Sexuality in the Legal Arena by Stychin, Carl
The Frontiers of the European Union by Bort, E., Anderson, M.
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
Speech, Media and Ethics: The Limits of Free Expression by Cohen-Almagor, R.
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
Law and Justice in China's New Marketplace by Keith, Ronald C.
The United Nations and Human Security by Newman, Edward
Defining a British State: Treason and National Identity, 1608-1820 by Steffen, L.
Interpreting Convergence in the European Union: Patterns of Collective Action, Social Learning and Europeanization by Paraskevopoulos, C.
An Introduction to Islamic Finance by Usmani, Mufti Muhammad Taqi
Building Regulation, Market Alternatives, and Allodial Policy by Cobin, John M.
The Conflict and Culture Reader by
Lex Naturalis Bei Thomas Von Aquin by Kluxen, Wolfgang
Mutual Assistance for the Recovery of Tax Claims by Ruiz, Maria Amparo Grau
Judicial Review in European Union Law by O'Keeffe, David, Bavasso, Antonio
Dimensionen Der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit by Dietrich, Frank
Bodenschutzrecht -- PRAXIS: Kommentar Und Handbuch Für Die Geo- Und Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Praxis. Band 1 by
Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria by
Fighting Corruption in Uganda. The Process of Building a National Integrity System by
Labour Law in Nigeria by Uvieghara, Egerton E.
Farting Presidents and Other Poems by Omoniyi, Tope
Introducing Ewe Linguistic Patterns. a Textbook of Phonology, Grammar, and Semantics by Duthie, A. S.
Intellectual Property: A Guide for Engineers by
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law 1992 Vol. III - 1 by Academy of European Law
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business by Campbell, Dennis
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business by Campbell, Dennis
International Environmental Law by Kiss, Alexandre
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business by Campbell, Dennis
Natural Gas in the Internal Market by Mestmäcker, Ernst J.
European Community Energy Law by Macdougall, David S.
Intellectual Property and the Internal Market of the European Community by Groves, Peter, Martino, Tony, Miskin, Claire
Environmental Pollution Control by Bellinger, E. G., McLoughlin, J.
Environmental Protection and International Law by Lang, Michael, Neuhold, H. P.
The Antarctic Environment and International Law by Bruce, Maxwell, Verhoeven, Joe, Sands, Philippe
Harmonization and Hazard: Regulating Workplace Health and Safety in the European Community by Daintith, Terence, Baldwin, Robert
Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry by Peng, David Dezhi
International Oil and Gas Investment by Wälde, Thomas W., Ndi, George K.
Evidence in International Arbitration Proceedings by Eijsvoogel, Peter V.
International Banking Operations and Practices: Current Developments: Current Developments by Fletcher, I., Chia-Jui Cheng, Norton, Joseph J.
International Banking Regulation and Supervision: Change and Transformation in the 1990s: Change and Transformation in the 1990s by Norton, Joseph J., Chia-Jui Cheng, Fletcher, I.
World Population - Turning the Tide: Three Decades of Progress by Johnson, Stanley P.
Privatisation - Current Issues by Brown, Meredith M., Giles, Christina W.
Derivative Instruments by Swan, Edward J.
An Introduction to the Regulation of the Petroleum Industry: Laws, Contracts and Conventions by Taverne, Bernard G.
Potential Benefits of Integration of Environmental and Economic Policies: An Incentive-Based Approach to Policy Integration by Cec, Dg For Environmental Policy, Policy, Dg For Environmental
International Technology Transfers by Rubin, Harry
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law 1993 Vol. IV - 1 by Academy of European Law
The Law of International Trade Finance by Horn, Norbert
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law 1993 Vol. IV - 2 by Academy of European Law
Adaptation and Renegotiation of Contracts in International Trade and Finance by Horn, Norbert
International Mergers and Acquisitions by Brown, Meredith M.
A Law Unto Itself?: Essays in the New Louisiana Legal History by
How and When to Be Your Own Lawyer: A Step-By-Step Guide to Effectively Using Our Legal System by Schachner, Robert W.
The Right to Bear Arms by Sommers, Michael
The Right to Privacy by Garrett, Brandon
Paralegal by Cefrey, Holly
Product Safety Handbook: The Manufacturer's Guide to Legal Requirements and Management Strategies by Longacre, Susan A., Kalin, Stanley R.
Decisions on the U.S. Courts of Appeals by Songer, Donald, Kuersten, Ashlyn
Modern Indian Family Law by Menski, Werner
Winning Custody: A Woman's Guide to Retaining Custody of Her Children by Hunter, Deedra, Monte, Tom
Elektronische Fußfessel als Sanktionsalternative by Schulte, Kai
The Telecoms Trade War: The United States, the European Union and the World Trade Organisation by Naftel, Mark, Spiwak, Lawrence J.
Shark Infested Waters: Procedural Due Process in Constitutional Immigration Law: Immigration and the Constitution by
Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Reports by
Towards a European Nationality: Citizenship, Immigration and Nationality Law in the EU by Weil, P., Hansen, R.
Vorlaeufiger Rechtsschutz im Kommunalverfassungsstreit by Lin, Ming-Hsin
Punishment, Responsibility, and Justice: A Relational Critique by Norrie, Alan
Law and Justice in China's New Marketplace by Keith, Ronald C.
Speech, Media and Ethics: The Limits of Free Expression by Cohen-Almagor, R.
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
Textsammlung Sterbehilfe by Wolfslast, Gabriele, Conrads, Christoph
Angewandte Ethik: Naturrecht - Menschenrechte by Schwinger, Elke
Zivilprozeß by Posener, Paul
Erbrecht Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches by Posener, Paul
Gerichtsverfassung by Posener, Paul
Brandenburg-Preußische Rechtsgeschichte by Posener, Paul
Sachenrecht Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches by Posener, Paul
Familienrecht Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbüches by Posener, Paul
Recht Der Schuldverhältnisse Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches by Posener, Paul
Militärrecht by Posener, Paul
Allgemeiner Teil Des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches by Posener, Paul
Speaking of Abortion: Television and Authority in the Lives of Women by Press, Andrea L., Cole, Elizabeth R.
Law in the Western United States, Volume 6 by Bakken, Gordon Morris
Drugs & Doping in Sports by O'Leary, John
Religious Freedom and Indian Rights: The Case of Oregon V. Smith by Long, Carolyn N.
Comparative Healthcare Law by de Cruz, Peter
Applied Crime Analysis by Nahoun, Joel, Vellani, Karim
Biomedizin Im Zeitalter Der Globalisierung Und Medizinische Versorgung in Zeiten Knapper Kassen: Herausforderungen Für Recht Und Ethik by
Discrimination and Equality in Contemporary Immigration Law: Immigration and the Constitution by
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
A Constitutional History of the United States by McLaughlin, Andrew C.
Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada by Macklem, Patrick
Violent Racism: Victimization, Policing and Social Context by Bowling, Benjamin
Legitimate Expectations in Administrative Law by Schønberg, Søren
Last Rights: The Struggle Over the Right to Die by Woodman, Sue
A Corporate Form Of Freedom: The Emergence Of The Modern Nonprofit Sector by Silber, Norman
Schutz VOR Rechtsproblemen Im Internet: Handbuch Für Unternehmen by Werner, Ulrich, Zimmerling, Jürgen
Die Europäische Restschuldbefreiung: Zu Den Rechtsvergleichenden Und Kollisionsrechtlichen Aspekten Der Restschuldbefreiung Im Europäischen Insolvenzr by Schulte, Johannes
International Law Reports by
Delinquent-Prone Communities by Weatherburn, Don, Lind, Bronwyn
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Organ Transplantation by Price, David P. T.
Aliens in Medieval Law by Kim, Keechang
Contract Law in Electronic Commerce by Holthöfer, Ralf
Aspects of Peacekeeping by
Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of Prof. George Makdisi by Lowry, Joseph, Toorawa, Stewart, Devin J.
New Europe in Transition by
Sociology of Law by Gurvitch, Georges
Eine Verfassung Für Die Europäische Union: Beiträge Zu Einer Grundsätzlichen Und Aktuellen Diskussion by
Frankreich-Jahrbuch 2001: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Geschichte, Kultur by Christadler, Mariluise, Bock, Hans Manfred, Asholt, Wolfgang
Handbook of Justice Research in Law by
Readings in American Legal History by
State Responsibility for Transboundary Air Pollution in International Law by Okowa, Phoebe
Judicial Remedies in the Conflict of Laws by Elias, Olusoji
Implementing Amsterdam: Immigration and Asylum Rights in EC Law by
Domestic Structures and International Trade: The Unfair Trade Instruments of the United States and European Union by Molyneux, Candido Garcia
The Guyana Court of Appeal by Ramcharan, Bertrand
Japan's Contested Constitution: Documents and Analysis by McCormack, Gavan, Hook, Glenn D.
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
Long-Term Care in Transition: The Regulation of Nursing Homes by Smith, David Barton
A New Landlord and Tenant by Sparkes, Peter
Keyword Index: 1999 FDA Model Food Code by Barnes, Gary
Proximity to Death by McFeely, William S.
Antitrust in Germany and Japan: The First Fifty Years, 1947-1998 by Haley, John O.
Bush V. Gore: The Court Cases and the Commentary by
Take My Land, Take My Life: The Story of Congress's Historic Settlement of Alaska Native Land Claims, 1960-1971 by Mitchell, Donald Craig
The Genesis of Justice: Ten Stories of Biblical Injustice That Led to the Ten Commandments and Modern Morality and Law by Dershowitz, Alan M.
Stars and Strife: The Coming Conflicts Between the USA and the European Union by Redwood, J.
The Theory of Contract Law: New Essays by
Law of Obligations & Legal Remedies by Samuel, Geoffrey
Prenups for Lovers: A Romantic Guide to Prenuptial Agreements by Dubin, Arlene
Organisation der Sonderabfallbeseitigung aus ökonomischer und rechtlicher Sicht by Essen, Thomas Von
The Legal Geographies Reader: 1598-1648 by Blomley, Nicholas
War Crimes and Collective Wrongdoing by
Die internationale Zuständigkeit als Anerkennungsvoraussetzung nach § 328 I Nr. 1 ZPO unter besonderer Berücksichtig... by Schreiner, Birgit
Telearbeit in der betrieblichen Praxis: Eine Untersuchung der individual- und kollektivrechtlichen Auswirkungen by Eidner-Hubatschek, Cordelia
White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers by Weisburd, David, Waring, Elin
Religionsfreiheit Zwischen Individueller Selbstbestimmung, Minderheitenschutz Und Staatskirchenrecht - Völker- Und Verfassungsrechtliche Perspektiven by
The British Year Book of International Law 1999: Seventieth Year of Issue Volume 70 by
Law, Politics, and Local Democracy by Leigh, Ian
Rethinking English Homicide Law by
Law and Literature: Journeys from Her to Eternity by Aristodemou, Maria
Punishment and Democracy: Three Strikes and You're Out in California by Kamin, Sam, Hawkins, Gordon, Zimring, Franklin E.
The Liberal Mind by Minogue, Kenneth
Immovable Laws, Irresistible Rights: Natural Law, Moral Rights, and Feminist Ethics by Pierce, Christine
Dispute Settlement Reports 1998: Volume 6, Pages 2199-2752 by
Trusts: A Comparative Study by Lupoi, Maurizio
Dispute Settlement Reports 1998 by
Pharmaceutical Medicine, Biotechnology and European Law by
Majority Rule or Minority Will: Adherence to Precedent on the Us Supreme Court by Spaeth, Harold J.
The Expert Witness: A Manual for Experts by Crawford, Robert J.
Contempt of Court: The Turn-Of-The-Century Lynching That Launched a Hundred Years of Federalism by Curriden, Mark, Phillips, Leroy
Die Gesellschaft der Freunde des Verbrechens: Kriminologisch relevante Aspekte der Thematisierung der Gewalt bei Marquis de Sade by Bohn, Olaf
International Law and International Relations by Barker, J. Craig
Money to Burn: The True Story of the Benson Family Murders by Mewshaw, Michael
Strafrecht Und Selbstschädigung: Die Strafbarkeit "Opferloser" Delikte Im Lichte Der Rechtsphilosophie Kants by Mosbacher, Andreas
White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers by Weisburd, David, Waring, Elin, David, Weisburd
Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations by
Zisterzienser: Norm, Kultur, Reform -- 900 Jahre Zisterzienser by
Reconstruction and Black Suffrage: Losing the Vote in Reese and Cruikshank by Goldman, Robert M.
A Vision of American Law: Judging Law, Literature, and the Stories We Tell by Schaller, Barry R.
The Four Faces of Affirmative Action: Fundamental Answers and Actions by Gray, W. Robert
Verbraucherschutz im Internet by Schneider, Christian
Facing Judicial Discretion: Legal Knowledge and Right Answers Revisited by Iglesias Vila, M.
English Law in the Age of the Black Death, 1348-1381: A Transformation of Governance and Law by Palmer, Robert C.
Comparative Legal Reasoning and European Law by Kiikeri, Markku, Kiikeri, Marrku
The Prince and the Pauper: The Case Against Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court by Cooper, John L.
Legal Aspects of Health Care Reimbursement by Buchanan and Minor, Buchanan, Robert J.
The Special Law Governing Public Service Corporations, Volume 1: And All Others Engaged in Public Employment by Wyman, Bruce
Democracy by Force?: A Study of International Military Intervention in the Civil War in Sierra Leone from 1991-2000 by Bundu, Abass
Nothing But the Truth: Why Trial Lawyers Don't, Can't, and Shouldn't Have to Tell the Whole Truth by Lubet, Steven
Peace Agreements and Human Rights by Bell, Christine
Personal Autonomy, the Private Sphere and Criminal Law: A Comparative Study by Brants, C. H.
Trade, Foreign Policy and Defence in EU Constitutional Law: The Legal Regulation of Sanctions, Exports of Dual-Use Goods and Armaments by Koutrakos, Panos
The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review by Elliott, Mark
Jurists and Judges: An Essay on Influence by Duxbury, Neil
Governing by Numbers: Delegated Legislation and Everyday Policy-Making by Page, Edward C.
Always on the Same Path - Volume II: Essays on Foreign Law and Comparative Methodology by Markesinis, Basil S.
Tort Law by Gerven, Walter Van, Lever, Jeremy F.
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
Information Disclosure: Consumers, Insurers and the Insurance Contracting Process by Tarr, Julie-Anne
Medical Terminology: A Student Workbook by Rener, Linda
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