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General Law in 2003

Opening Doors: A Presentation of Laws Protecting Filipino Child Workers (Third Edition) by Atenwo Humand Rights Center, International Labour Office
The Last Liberal: Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. and the Decisions That Transformed America by Eisler, Kim Isaac
The Bill of Rights: A Primary Source Investigation Into the First Ten Amendments to the Constitution by Stair, Nancy
Revenue Law Principles & Practice (Third Edition) by Butler, D., Olowofoyeku, A. a., Kirkbride, James
This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land: The Property Rights Movement and Regulatory Takings by Olivetti, Alfred M., Worsham, Jeff
Feminist Legal Theory: An Anti-Essentialist Reader by Dowd, Nancy E., Verchick, Robert R. M.
The Deregulation of the Banking and Securities Industries by Goldberg, Lawrence G., White, Lawrence J.
Ausfuhrlicher Entwurf Einer Vollstandigen Historie Der Wolffischen Philosophie: Zum Gebrauche Seiner Zuhorer Herausgegeben. Band 1 by Ludovici, Carl Gunther
Government Procurement in the Wto by Arrowsmith, Sue
Polish Business Law by Brodecki, Zdzislaw
Nationality Discrimination in the European Internal Market by Davies, Gareth
The Aesthetics of Free Speech: Rethinking the Public Sphere by Roberts, J.
Czech-German Relations and the Politics of Central Europe: From Bohemia to the EU by Tampke, Jürgen
Social Movements in France: Towards a New Citizenship by Waters, S.
Republican Legal Theory: The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State by Sellers, M.
Colombian Criminal Justice in Crisis: Fear and Distrust by Restrepo, E.
Challenging Racism in Britain and Germany by Wilpert, C., Layton-Henry, Z.
Controversies in Critical Criminology by
Language and Power in Court: A Linguistic Analysis of the O.J. Simpson Trial by Cotterill, J.
The Challenge of Religious Discrimination at the Dawn of the New Millennium by Ghanea-Hercock, Nazila
Feminist Legal Theory: An Anti-Essentialist Reader by Dowd, Nancy E., Verchick, Robert R. M.
High-Tech Protectionism: The Irrationality of Anti-Dumping Laws by Barfield, Claude E.
The Library's Legal Answer Book by Minow, Mary
Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice by
Paperless Trade by Laryea, Emmanuel T.
The Fraud Rule in the Law of Letters of Credit: A Comparative Study: A Comparative Study by Xiang Gao
Settlement of Disputes in Tax Treaty Law by Lang, Michael, Züger, Mario
Das Recht der Weltgesellschaft by Lieckweg, Tania
A Social Theory of International Law: International Relations as a Complex System by Kawaguchi, Kazuko Hirose
Customary Law in Nigeria Through the Cases by Kolajo, A. A.
Journal of the Federal Convention Kept by James Madison by Madison, James
Perversions of Justice: Indigenous Peoples and Angloamerican Law by Churchill, Ward
Unpublished London Diaries: A Checklist of Unpublished Diaries by Londoners and Visitors with a Select Bibliography of Published Diaries by
Die Grundlegenden Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts Und Des Reichsmilitärgerichts Auf Dem Gebiete Des Strafrechts: Für Das Studium Und Die PRAXIS by
Migration Control in the North-Atlantic World: The Evolution of State Practices in Europe and the United States from the French Revolution to the Inte by
Disinflation in Transition Economies by
The Dilemmas of Dissidence in East-Central Europe: Citizen Intellectuals and Philosopher Kings by Falk, Barbara J.
Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Labour Law by Blanpain, Roger
Communications in EU Antitrust Law: Market Power and Public Interest by Bavasso, Antonio
Direct Taxation: Recent Ecj Developments: Recent Ecj Developments by Lang, Michael
Blood Evidence: How DNA Is Revolutionizing the Way We Solve Crimes by Tirnady, Frank, Lee, Henry C.
The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories by
Rechtsbegriffe im Mittelalter by
Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms by
The Psychology of Interrogations and Confessions: A Handbook by Gudjonsson, Gisli H.
Essentials of Patents by DeMatteis, Bob, Gibbs, Andy
Vertriebsrecht Im Internet: Der Vertrieb Und Fernabsatz Von Waren Und Dienstleitungen by Ruff, Andreas
Anarchy and Elegance: Confessions of a Journalist at Yale Law School by Goodrich, Chris
Kriminalität, Ökonomie Und Europäischer Sozialstaat by
Folk Law Folk Law Folk Law: Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex Non Scripta Essays in the Theory and Practice of Lex Non Scripta Essays in th by Renteln, Alison Dundes
Festschrift Für Peter Ulmer Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 2. Januar 2003 by
Die Forschungs- Und Technologiepolitik Der Europäischen Gemeinschaft ALS Referenzgebiet Für Das Europäische Verwaltungsrecht by Pfeiffer, Annette
ALL Anybody Needs to Know About Independent Contracting: With Forms, Instructions and Other Helpful Items by Waxman, Shelly
Die Patentfähigkeit Von Arzneimitteln: Der Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz Für Pharmazeutische, Medizinische Und Biotechnologische Erfindungen by Müller, Eva-Maria
The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well by Goldstein, Tom, Lieberman, Jethro K.
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Money Laundering Law: Forfeiture, Confiscation, Civil Recovery, Criminal Laundering and Taxation of the Proceeds of Crime by Alldridge, Peter
Das Reichsgesetz, Betreffend Die Gesellschaften Mit Beschrankter Haftung by
Stephan Gerhard: Die Geltenden Preussischen Gesindeordnungen. Band 2 by Gerhard, Stephan
Die Rechtsverhältnisse Des Bayerischen Wirthes Auf Grund Der Reichs- Und Bayerischen Landesgezetzgebung Sowie Der Einschlägigen Rechtsprechung, Mit Ei by
Bayerische Ausführungsgesetze Zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche, Zur Civilprozess Ordnung Und Zum Gerichts-Verfassungs-Gesetz by
Der Erbschein Nach Dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche Für Das Deutsche Reich by Eßlinger, Wilhelm
Die Trennungsbefugnis Des Civilrichters: Nach §145 Der Reichs-Civilprozessordnung by Hübler, Gerhard
Das Bayerische Gesetz Betreffend Die Zwangserziehung: Vom 10. Mai 1902 Nebst Den Ausführungsbestimmungen. Mit Einleitung, Erläuterungen Und Sachregist by Pfordten, Th Von Der
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 2 by
Zur Vorbereitung Des Strafgesetzentwurfs by Liszt, Franz V.
Die Kurtaxe by Kohler, J.
Alphabetisches Haupt-Sachregister Zum Justizministerialblatt (Jahrgang 1896 Bis 1901 Einschließlich) Für Das Königreich Bayern: Nach Dem Stande Der Ge by Huber, Hugo
Die Miete Von Wohnungen Und Anderen Räuman Nach Dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche by Brückner, Hermann
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 49 by
Der Einredebegriff de Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs in Seiner Praktischen Bedeutung by Suppes, Ernst
Surprise Heirs II: Illegitimacy, Inheritance Rights, and Public Power in the Formation of Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889 by Lewin, Linda
Surprise Heirs I: Illegitimacy, Patrimonial Rights, and Legal Nationalism in Luso-Brazilian Inheritance, 1750-1821 by Lewin, Linda
Res in Economic History Rehi21 H by
Testamente Und Erbverträge in Bayern: Nebst Einer Kurzen Darstellung Des Gesetzlichen Erbrechtes, Des Pflichtteilsrechtes Und Nachlaßverfahrens, Sowie by Sauer, Karl
Abortion and Social Responsibility: Depolarizing the Debate by Shrage, Laurie J.
Abortion and Social Responsibility: Depolarizing the Debate by Shrage, Laurie J.
Misuse of Drugs ACT: A Guide for Forensic Scientists by King, Leslie A.
UK's Legal Responses to Terrorism by
Expanding Global Military Capacity for Humanitarian Intervention by O'Hanlon, Michael E.
Die marxistisch-leninistische Staats- und Rechtstheorie Karl Polaks by Reichhelm, Nils
Die Problematik der Ehe als Vertrag und Sakrament in der Entwicklung des kirchlichen Eherechts by Fischer, Georg
Skiunfall! Wer haftet?: Schadenersatz im oesterreichischen Skirecht by Schenner, Patrick
Demonic Possession On Trial: Case Studies in Early Modern England and Colonial America, 1593-1692 by Coventry, William W.
The EU Principle of Subsidiarity and Its Critique by Estella, Antonio
Conflict and Cooperation on South Asia's International Rivers: A Legal Perspective by Salman, Salman M. a., Uprety, Kishor
Trial and Error: The American Controversy Over Creation and Evolution by Larson, Edward J.
Die rechtliche Beurteilung der Direktansprache nach §1 UWG by Luger, Patrick Franz
Trans-Pacific Relations: America, Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century by Zahniser, Marvin R.
Beiträge Zur Ökonomischen Theorie Im Öffentlichen Recht by
Aktienrecht Zwischen Markt Und Staat: Eine Ökonomische Kritik Des Prinzips Der Satzungsstrenge by Bak, Jacek
Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome by McGinn, Thomas A. J.
Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England by Malcolm, Gaskill, Gaskill, Malcolm
Disputes and Settlements: Law and Human Relations in the West by
Deciding to Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court by Ward, Artemus
International Arbitration in Latin America by Lindsey, David, Spinillo, Alessandro, Blackaby, Nigel
Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspective by
Adversarial Versus Inquisitorial Justice: Psychological Perspectives on Criminal Justice Systems by
Consent: Bridging the Gap Between Doctor and Patient by Donnelly, Mary
Globalization and the Limits of National Merger Control Laws by Wilson, Joseph
Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader by
Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader by
Judicial Discretion in European Perspective by Wiklund, Ola
The Rise of Judicial Management in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, 1955-2000 by Wilson, Steven Harmon
United States Practice in International Law by Murphy, Sean D.
The Whole Duty of Man, According to the Law of Nature by Pufendorf, Samuel
Accountability in the European Union by Harlow, Carol
Policing World Society: Historical Foundations of International Police Cooperation by Deflem, Mathieu
Regulating Contracts by Collins, Hugh
Repair or Revenge: Victims and Restorative Justice by Strang, Heather
Law, Regulation, and Governance by MacNeil, Michael, Sargent, Neil, Swan, Peter
In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men, and the Quest for Economic Citizenship in 20th-Century America by Kessler-Harris, Alice
The Myth of the Imperial Judiciary: Why the Right Is Wrong about the Courts by Kozlowski, Mark
Working Within Two Kinds of Capitalism: Corporate Governance and Employee Stakeholding - Us and EC Perspectives by Lynch-Fannon, Irene
Legislating Morality: Is It Wise? Is It Legal? Is It Possible? by Turek, Frank, Geisler, Norman L.
Law on the Web: A Guide for Students and Practitioners by Stein, Stuart
Rape and the Legal Process by Temkin, Jennifer
Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency by
The Jd Jungle Law School Survival Guide by
Deciding to Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court by Ward, Artemus
Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court Vs. the American People by Raskin, Jamin B.
Methoden Der Konfliktbewältigung Bei Grenzüberschreitenden Umweltproblemen Im Wandel: Überwindung Der Grenzen Herkömmlicher Streitbeilegung Durch Syst by Ohlhoff, Stefan
Verwaltungskooperation Am Beispiel Administrativer Informationsverfahren Im Europäischen Umweltrecht by Sommer, Julia
Rezeption Des Völkerrechts: Eine Rechtsvergleichende Studie Zur PRAXIS Des U.S. Supreme Court, Des Gerichtshofes Der Europäischen Gemeinschaften U by Keller, Helen
Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law by
Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law by
British Year Book of International Law: 2001 Volume 72 by
The Online Copywriter's Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Copy That Sells by Bly, Robert W.
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Rights and Liberties Under the Law by Melusky, Joseph Anthony, Pesto, Keith A.
Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence by
Free Movement of Persons Within the European Community by Mei, A. Pieter Van Der
Philosophy Law and Legal Theory by
Courts and Trials: A Reference Handbook by Smith, Christopher
Epistemology and Method in Law by Samuel, Geoffrey
We Gotta Have More Jails by Clement, Alvin H.
Murder as a Business Decision: An Economic Analysis of Criminal Phenomena by Marché, G. E.
Leistungsgrenzen des Verfassungsrechts. Öffentliche Gemeinwohlverantwortung im Wandel by
The Use of Force in Un Peace Operations by Findlay, Trevor
Global Governance, Economy and Law: Waiting for Justice by Mehmet, Ozay, Mendes, Errol
Ark of the Broken Covenant: Protecting the World's Biodiversity Hotspots by Kunich, John Charles
Resolution of International Water Disputes by Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Bureau of the
The United Nations and Iraq: Defanging the Viper by Krasno, Jean, Sutterlin, James
The United Nations and Iraq: Defanging the Viper by Krasno, Jean E., Kranso, Jean E., Sutterlin, James S.
Islamic Law, Epistemology and Modernity: Legal Philosophy in Contemporary Iran by Dahlen, Ashk
Ceterus Paribus Laws by
Financing Terrorism by
Arzt Und Sozialrecht: Rechtliche Grundlagen Der Sozialmedizin Und Der Sozialmedizinischen Begutachtung by Erlenkdmper, Arnold
Ontology of Cyberspace: Philosophy, Law, and the Future of Intellectual Property by Koepsell, David R.
Money Laundering Control in the Caribbean (Series: Studies in Commparative Corporate and Financial Law Volume 16) by Ali, Shazeeda A.
Computer Software and Information Licensing in Emerging Markets: The Needs for a Viable Legal Framework by Singsangob, Aunya
Comparative Corporate Governance: A Chinese Perspective: A Chinese Perspective by Yuwa Wei
Changing Industrial Relations and Modernisation of Labour Law: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Marco Biagi by Blanpain, Roger, Weiss, Manfred
The Bill of Rights, the Courts, and the Law by
Rethinking Corporate Crime by Punch, Maurice, Gobert, James
Restorative Justice in Context by
Restorative Justice in Context by
The Law School Bible by Loughlin, Peter J.
New Borders for a Changing Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation and Governance by
Principles of European Contract Law - Part III by Prüm, André, Clive, Eric, Lando, OLE
Marco Biagi Selected Writings by Tiraboschi, Michele
Finland in the European Union by Raunio, Tapio, Tiilikainen, Teija
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Due Process of Law: A Brief History by Orth, John V.
Effective Writing: A Handbook with Stories for Lawyers by Warnock, John Phelps
Neues Schuldrecht und Bankgeschäfte. Wissenszurechnung bei Kreditinstituten by Hopt, Klaus J., Hadding, Walther, Schimansky, Herbert
Litigation Support Report Writing: Accounting, Finance, and Economic Issues by Weil, Roman L., Friedman, Jack P.
The Tax Treatment of Financial Instruments: A Survey to France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom by Theisen, Manuel, David, Cyrille, Michielse, Geerten
International Judicial Double Taxation of Income by Pires, Manuel
International Taxation of Services by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Issues in International Partnership Taxation: With Special Reference to the United States Germany and the Netherlands by Daniëls, A. H. M.
Die Geschichte des deutschen Konkursrechts, insbesondere die Entstehung der Reichskonkursordnung von 1877 by Meier, Anke
Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Great Priory of Ireland by Order of the Temple
Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management by Al-Ali, Nermien
What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States by Simon, James F.
Fragmentarisches Strafrecht: Beitraege zum Strafrecht, Strafprozeßrecht und zur Strafrechtsvergleichung- Fuer Manfred Maiwald aus Anlaß seiner Emer by
Law and Development: Facing Complexity in the 21st Century by Hatchard, John, Perry-Kessaris, Amanda
Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union by
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 14 by The Institute of Jewish Law, Boston Univ
Challenging Racism in Britain and Germany by Layton-Henry, Z., Wilpert, C.
The Argument from Injustice: A Reply to Legal Positivism by Alexy, Robert
Importing the Law in Post-Communist Transitions: The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Right to Human Dignity by Dupré, Catherine
From Promise to Contract: Towards a Liberal Theory of Contract by Kimel, Dori
Unfree Speech: The Folly of Campaign Finance Reform by Sellinger, Samantha
Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professionals by Ahia, C. Emmanuel
Protocol on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trad by World Trade Organization
Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization: Volume 1: Doha 10 No by World Trade Organization
ADR in Employment Law by Gibson, Jerry, Chapman, Chris, Hardy, Stephen
Reconcilable Differences: 7 Keys to Remaining Together from a Top Matrimonial Lawyer by Cohen, Robert Stephan
Freedom of Speech: Rights and Liberties Under the Law by Kersch, Kenneth Ira, Kersch, Ken I.
Between Light and Shadow: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and International Human Rights Law by Darrow, Mac
Comparative Law in the Courtroom and Classroom: The Story of the Last Thirty-Five Years by Markesinis, Basil S.
The Mirror of Justice: Literary Reflections of Legal Crises by Ziolkowski, Theodore
International Law Reports by
From Nuremberg to the Hague: The Future of International Criminal Justice by Wawro, Geoffrey
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2000 by World Trade Organization
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