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General Law in 2004

Legalines on Administrative Law, 10th, Keyed to Strauss by Dempsey, Paul Stephen
The Trident Practical Guide to International Trusts. by
Carcer II. Prison Et Privation de Liberte Dans l'Empire Romain Et l'Occident Medieval: Prison Et Privation de Liberte Dans l'Empire Romain Et l'Occide by
The Development of Positive Obligations Under the European Convention on Human Rights by the European Court of Human Rights by Mowbray, Alastair
Legal Academics: Cultures and Identities by Cownie, Fiona
The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council by Wet, Erika De
Basic Legal Instruments for the Liberalisation of Trade: A Comparative Analysis of EC and Wto Law by Ortino, Federico
True European: Essays for Judge David Edward by
The Ombudsman, Good Governance and the International Human Rights System by Reif, Linda C.
Human Rights with Modesty: The Problem of Universalism by Sajó, András
Studies in International Law and History: An Asian Perspective by Anand, R. P.
The Enigma of Comparative Law: Variations on a Theme for the Twenty-First Century by Örücü, Esin
Political Empowerment of Women: The Netherlands and Other Countries by Leijenaar, Monique
United Nations Disarmament Processes in Intra-State Conflict by Hill, S.
Hobbes, Realism and the Tradition of International Law by Covell, C.
The European Union and Enlargement: The Case of Cyprus by Christou, G.
Redress for Victims of Crimes Under International Law by Bottigliero, Ilaria
Deciding Communication Law: Key Cases in Context by Ross, Susan Dente
Success Without Victory: Lost Legal Battles and the Long Road to Justice in America by Lobel, Jules
Racism and Human Rights by Walden, Raphael
Counsel in the Caucasus: Professionalization and Law in Georgia by Waters, Christopher P. M.
Governance and International Legal Theory by Werner, W. G., Loparo, Kenneth A., Dekker, I. F.
Reservations to Human Rights Treaties and the Vienna Convention Regime: Conflict, Harmony or Reconciliation by Ziemele, Ineta, Loparo, Kenneth A.
Identity, Crime and Legal Responsibility in Eighteenth-Century England by Rabin, D.
Der Krankenhausmanager: Praktisches Management Für Krankenhäuser Und Einrichtungen Des Gesundheitswesens by
Source Book of Uganda's Land Law by Mugambwa, John T., Mugambwa, J. T.
Constitutional Debate in Action: Governmental Powers by Pohlman, H. L.
Polish Liberal Thought Before 1918 by Janowski, Maciej
Winning in Traffic Court by Stern, Seymour
Legal History: A European Perspective by Caenegem, R. C., Van Caenegem, R. C.
About the Rules of Evidence for the New International Criminal Court by del Cacho, Fernando
Law and Community: The Case of Torts by Ackerman, Robert M., Cochran, Robert F.
Unification of Tort Law: Contributory Negligence: Contributory Negligence by Magnus, Ulrich, Martin-Casals, M.
South Pacific Property Law by Farran, Sue, Paterson, Donald
Guardians of the Moral Order by Bailey, Mark Warren
Controlling the Law by Reid, John Phillip
Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity, and Adoption by Kennedy, Randall
Private Property and Environmental Responsibility, a Comparative Study of German Real Property Law by Raff, Murray
Effektiver Jugendschutz im Internet im Lichte der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit nach deutschem öffentlichen Recht by Weidner, Ruth
Dealing with Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations by
Funktionen der Guenstigkeit im kollektiven Arbeitsrecht: Eine Untersuchung zum deutschen und franzoesischen Recht by Pahl, Simone
Pathology and Law: A Practical Guide for the Pathologist by Davis, Gregory
Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters by Johns, C. H. W.
Strukturen der Besteuerung by Bareis, Peter, Siegel, Theodor
Women Who Offend by
The Creation of American Common Law, 1850-1880: Technology, Politics, and the Construction of Citizenship by Schweber, Howard
Australian Constitutional Landmarks by
Summaries of Leading Cases on the Constitution by Menez, Joseph F., Vile, John R.
Das Reichsgesetz, Betreffend Die Erwerbs- Und Wirthschaftsgenossenschaften by Parisius, Ludolf
Deutsch-Preußisches Notariatsrecht by Jastrow, Hermann
Preußisches Privatrecht by Posener, Paul
Eisenbahnrecht by Posener, Paul
Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre by Posener, Paul
Sachenrecht by
Der Grundstücksgesamthypothek in Der Zwangsversteigerung by Hartmann, Kurt
Der Strafrechtliche Schutz Des Geschäfts- Und Betriebsgeheimnisses by Friedlaender, Eugen
Die Rechtsstellung Der Frau ALS Gattin Und Mutter: Geschichtliche Entwicklung Ihrer Persönlichen Stellung Im Privatrecht Bis in Das Achtzehnte Jahrhun by Bartsch, Robert
Übersicht Über Die Arbeiten Der Haager Friedenskonferenz: Insbesondere Das Abkommen Zur Friedlichen Erledigung Internationaler Streitfälle Vom 29. Jul by Meurer, Christian
Entwurf Eines Gesetzes Über Den Versicherungsvertrag: Nebst Den Entwürfen Eines Zugehörigen Einführungsgesetzes Und Eines Gesetzes, Betreffend Abänder by
Coping with Cross-Examination and Other Pathways to Effective Testimony by Brodsky, Stanley L.
Voices from the Edge: Narratives about the Americans with Disabilities ACT by
Einführung in Das Behindertenrecht by Kaiser, Daniel, Wagner, Rainer
Recounting the Law: Delving into the Origins of the Judicial Imagination / Raconter la loi: Aux sources de l'imaginaire juridique by Ost, François
Tell the Court I Love My Wife: Race, Marriage, and Law-An American History by Wallenstein, Peter
The Divorce-Custody Game: Winning Rules & Strategies of Play by Michael, I.
Irish Peacock and Scarlet Marquess: The Real Trial of Oscar Wilde by
Annexation Law in North Carolina: Volume 2 - Voluntary Annexation by Lawrence, David M.
Beschleunigungspotential im Jugendstrafverfahren by Mann, Holger
Das Institut der außerordentlichen Beschwerde nach dem Zivilprozessreformgesetz: Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Grenzen des § 321a ZPO by Kutsch, Ulrich
Labour Relations in the Asia-Pacific Countries by
Section 403(b) Compliance Guide for Public Education Employers by Lowder, Ellie
Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan: From Minamata to Mad Cows by Nottage, Luke
Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science by Thomas, Ronald R., Ronald R., Thomas
The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business: Volume 25, 2003 by
Global Business Workforce Restructuring: Labour and Employment Law and Benefits by
The Triangle of Law by Bosco, John
The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe (Large Print Edition) by Schimmelfennig, Frank
Fire Investigation by Daeid, Niamh Nic
Courts and Conflict in Twelfth-Century Tuscany by Wickham, Chris
Freedom of Commercial Expression by Shiner, Roger A.
Parlamente Im Exekutivföderalismus: Eine Studie Zum Verhältnis Von Föderaler Ordnung Und Parlamentarischer Demokratie in Der Europäischen Union by Dann, Philipp
Peace Agreements and Human Rights by Bell, Christine
Telebesprechungen in Der Planenden Ministerialverwaltung: Entwurf Und Evaluation Eines It-Gestützten Kooperationsmediums by Kaiser, Siegfried
Die Umsetzung Von Un-Wirtschaftssanktionen Durch Die Europäische Gemeinschaft: Völker- Und Europarechtliche Rahmenbedingungen Für Ein Tätigwerden Der by Osteneck, Kathrin
Poor People's Knowledge: Promoting Intellectual Property in Developing Countries by USA, Oxford University Press
The Renewal of Islamic Law: Muhammad Baqer As-Sadr, Najaf and the Shi'i International by Mallat, Chibli
Unity and Diversity in Development Ideas: Perspectives from the Un Regional Commissions by
AIDS and the Sexuality of Law: Ironic Jurisprudence by Rollins, J.
Six Lives in Jerusalem: End-Of-Life Decisions in Jerusalem -- Cultural, Medical, Ethical and Legal Considerations by Sturman, Randy L.
The Glossary of Property Terms by
Securing Compliance: A Principled Approach by Yeung, Karen
The Quistclose Trust: A Critical Analysis by
Families by Law: An Adoption Reader by
Innocent: Inside Wrongful Conviction Cases by Christianson, Scott
Dispossessing the Widow by Kamanga, Dorothy Nyakaunda, Kachika, Tinyade, White, Seodi Venekai-Rudo
International Environmental Law: 3rd Edition by Shelton, Dinah
Toxic Tort by Chiodo, Ernest P., J. D., Ernest P. Chiodo M. D.
Tendenzen in der Entwicklung des Jugendstrafrechts seit der Jugendgerichtsbewegung by Kraft, Bettina
Abgetrennte Koerpersubstanzen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Persoenlichkeitsrecht und Vermoegensrecht: Deutsch-franzoesischer Rechtsvergleich ueber die Zu by Zerr, Christian
Elektronische Dokumente als Beweismittel im Zivilprozess by Becker, Arnd
Sarbanes-Oxley and the New Internal Auditing Rules by Moeller, Robert R.
Law, Liberty, and Parliament: Selected Essays on the Writings of Sir Edward Coke by
Law, Liberty, and Parliament: Selected Essays on the Writings of Sir Edward Coke by
Herzchirurgie Und Recht by Ennker, J., Debong, B.
Regulation in the States by Teske, Paul
Das Recht Auf Bio-Materielle Selbstbestimmung: Grenzen Und Möglichkeiten Der Weiterverwendung Von Körpersubstanzen by Halasz, Christian
Democratic Deficit?: Institutions and Regulation in the European Union, Switzerland, and the United States by Zweifel, Thomas D.
The Wto Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters' Studies by
Judge for Yourself: Famous American Trials for Readers Theatre by Barchers, Suzanne I.
Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence by
Transatlantic Economic Disputes: The Eu, the Us, and the Wto by
Transatlantic Economic Disputes: The Eu, the Us, and the Wto by
Judge Advocates in Combat: Army Lawyers in Military Operations from Vietnam to Haiti by Borch, Frederic L.
Nationalstaatliche Institutionen im Wettbewerb by Wegner, Gerhard
Current Developments in European Integration: Financial Services/Transport Policy--Legal and Economic Contributions to the Fortis Bank Chair Lectures, by
Pennsylvania Constitutional Development by Branning, Rosalind L.
Right to Manage & Service Charges by Jones, Brian
Contract and Property in Early Modern China by
The Words We Live by: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution by Monk, Linda R.
Women and the United States Constitution: History, Interpretation, and Practice by
Spain and Portugal in the European Union: The First Fifteen Years by Royo, Sebastian
Public Interest Environmental Litigation in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh by Razzaque, Jona
Oil and Gas Law in Kazakhstan: National and International Perspectives by Bantekas, Ilias, Paterson, John
Chirurgie Und Recht by Fenger, Hermann, Eickhoff, Ulrich
§§ 1587-1588 (Inkl. Barwert Vo); Vahrg: (Versorgungsausgleich) by
Townshend-Smith on Discrimination Law: Text, Cases and Materials by
Orthopädie Und Recht by Steinbeck, Jörn, Fenger, Hermann
Military Intervention: Cases in Context for the Twenty-First Century by
Local Remedies in International Law by Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix
Sterbehilfe in Europa by Wernstedt, Thela
Copyright, Limitations and the Three-Step Test: An Analysis of the Three-Step Test in International and EC Copyright Law by Senftleben, Martin
Die Haftung des unentgeltlichen Erwerbers gemaeß § 822 BGB by Bockholdt, Frank
Psychiatric Rights (Rites?): A Treatise on Involuntary Mental Hospitalization and Thomas Szasz by Vellucci, Mark
Powers in Media Policy: The Challenge of the European Parliament by Sarikakis, Katharine
Parallel Imports in Asia by
Legal Remedies: How to prepare yourself for legal issues with or without a lawyer by Lopez-Gale, Myrna B.
Overruled?: Legislative Overrides, Pluralism, and Contemporary Court-Congress Relations by Barnes, Jeb
Standards of Review in Wto Dispute Resolution by Oesch, Matthias
Exploitative Contracts by Bigwood, Rick
Spain and Portugal in the European Union: The First Fifteen Years by
The Idea of Public Law by Loughlin, Martin
Legality and Legitimacy by Schmitt, Carl
Civil Rights Implications Of Post-September 11 Law Enforcement Practices In New York by The U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, New
From '9-11' to the 'Iraq War 2003': International Law in an Age of Complexity by McGoldrick, Dominic
The Unity of Public Law by
The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues by
A Search for Leadership - 2014 by Dahut, Henry
Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity by
Mexican Americans and the Law: ¡El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido! by Valencia, Reynaldo Anaya, Flores, Henry, García, Sonia R.
Children, Courts, and Custody: Interdisciplinary Models for Divorcing Families by Schepard, Andrew
Children, Courts, and Custody: Interdisciplinary Models for Divorcing Families by Schepard, Andrew
The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century by McChesney, Robert D.
The Work of Uncitral on Arbitration and Conciliation by Sanders, Pieter
Frontiers of Legal Theory by Posner, Richard A.
No Crueler Tyrannies: Accusation, False Witness, and Other Terrors of Our Times by Rabinowitz, Dorothy
The United Nations, Intra-State Peacekeeping and Normative Change by Aksu, Esref
Juvenile Justice in the Making by Tanenhaus, David Spinoza
Happiness and Marriage by Towne, Elizabeth
Implementing Change in Health Systems: Market Reforms in the United Kingdom, Sweden and The Netherlands by Harrison, Michael I.
Legitimacy and Law in the Roman World: Tabulae in Roman Belief and Practice by Meyer, Elizabeth A., Elizabeth a., Meyer
Doha and Beyond: The Future of the Multilateral Trading System by
Justice on Trial- Justice en question: The French 'juge' in question- Le juge mis en examen by
Medicine on Trial: A Handbook with Cases, Laws, and Documents by Cawthon, Elisabeth
Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron by Swartz, Mimi, Watkins, Sherron
Essentials of Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology by Hagan, Frank E.
Eine Verfahrensordnung fuer Absprachen im Strafverfahren durch den Bundesgerichtshof? by Moldenhauer, Gerwin M.
The Law of State Aid in the European Union by
Polls and Politics: The Dilemmas of Democracy by
The Free Sea by Grotius, Hugo
Monitoring International Labor Standards: International Perspectives: Summary of Regional Forums by Policy and Global Affairs, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
RAPED by the STATE: Fractured Justice - Legal Abuse by Chance, Randal R.
The Free Sea by Grotius, Hugo
Arbitration and Rent Review by Beaumont, Ben
The School Law Handbook: What Every Leader Needs to Know by Kaminski, Kate R., Vacca, Richard S., Bosher, William C., Jr.
Foreign Approaches to the Division of Matrimonial Property by Library of Congress, Law Library
Ausgewählte Rechtsprobleme von Adoption und anderen Formen doppelter Elternschaft by Macek, Maria
Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review by Ely, John Hart
Partners for Democracy: Crafting the New Japanese State Under MacArthur by Robinson, Donald L., Moore, Ray A.
The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece by Lanni, Adriaan, Chaniotis, Angelos
Developing a Constitution for Europe by
Der Ermittlungsbeauftragte des parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschusses by Rathje, Jörn
Ebay & Recht: Ratgeber Für Käufer Und Verkäufer by Dittrich, Jörg, Schlömer, Uwe
A Dialogue on the Law of Kingship among the Scots: A Critical Edition and Translation of George Buchanan's De Iure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus by Mason, Roger A., Smith, Martin S.
State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption by Green, Penny, Ward, Tony
Peace Time: Cease-Fire Agreements and the Durability of Peace by Fortna, Virginia Page
White Women, Rape, and the Power of Race in Virginia, 1900-1960 by Dorr, Lisa Lindquist
The Politics of American Religious Identity: The Seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon Apostle by Flake, Kathleen
The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices: Contract, Consumer and Competition Law Implications by Collins, Hugh
The U.S. Federal Prison System by Bosworth, Mary
Unwelcome and Unlawful: Sexual Harassment in the American Workplace by Gregory, Raymond F.
Unwelcome and Unlawful: Sexual Harassment in the American Workplace by Gregory, Raymond F.
Blue Laws and Black Codes: Conflict, Courts, and Change in Twentieth-Century Virginia by Wallenstein, Peter
Das Regierungssystem Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Bd 1: Text. Bd 2: Materialien by Hesse, Joachim Jens, Ellwein, Thomas
A Democratic Audit of the European Union by Lord, C.
Beschränkungen Des Handels Mit Kulturgut Und Die Eigentumsgarantie by Sprecher, Jörg
Neues Leistungsstörungs- und Kaufrecht by Lorenz, Stephan
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: An Exercise in Law, Politics, and Diplomacy by Kerr, Rachel
Interessenkonflikte von Wertpapierdienstleistern und -analysten bei der Wertpapieranalyse by Göres, Ulrich L.
Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity by
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy: A Boston Review Book by Abou El Fadl, Khaled
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