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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2005

The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke Vol 1 CL by Coke, Edward
The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke Vol 2 CL by Coke, Edward
The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke Vol 3 CL by Coke, Edward
The Trident Guide to British Virgin Island Trusts. by
The Rule of Law and the Law of War: Military Commissions and Enemy Combatants Post 9/11 by Cutler, Leonard
Legal Aspects of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management by Ian Longdin
Carl Schmitt, Crown Jurist of the Third Reich: On Preemptive War, Military Occupation, and World Empire by Stirk, Peter M. R.
Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence by Moore, Robert
Copyright Catechism: Practical Answers to Everyday School Dilemmas by Simpson, Carol
Compulsory Compassion: A Critique of Restorative Justice by Acorn, Annalise
No Bond But the Law: Punishment, Race, and Gender in Jamaican State Formation, 1780-1870 by Paton, Diana
Intellectual Property and Private International Law: Heading for the Future by
Comparative Remedies for Breach of Contract by
The Environmental Regulatory Dictionary by King, James J.
The European Policy of the German Social Democrats: Interpreting a Changing World by Sloam, J.
International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory by Schiavone, G.
Sustaining Language Diversity in Europe: Evidence from the Euromosaic Project by Williams, G.
Humanitarian Intervention and Safety Zones: Iraq, Bosnia and Rwanda by McQueen, C.
The State of Law in the South Caucasus by
Cohesion Policy in the European Union: The Building of Europe by Leonardi, R.
The Language of Police Interviewing: A Critical Analysis by Heydon, G.
The Language of Jury Trial: A Corpus-Aided Analysis of Legal-Lay Discourse by Heffer, C.
Law and Religion by
Just Exchange: A Theory of Contract by Buckley, Francis H.
Global Justice Reform: A Comparative Methodology by Chodosh, Hiram E.
Gender Myths V. Working Realities: Using Social Science to Reformulate Sexual Harassment Law by Beiner, Theresa M.
The Case Against Punishment: Retribution, Crime Prevention, and the Law by Golash, Deirdre
The Common Law by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
The Search for a National Consensus. the Making of the 1995 Uganda Constitution by Odoki, B. J., Odoki, Benjamin
The Seven Deadly Sins by Meunier, Pierre
A Sourcebook of Income Tax Law in Tanzan by Makiniyika, Luoga, Makinyika, Luoga, Luoga, F. D. a. Makinyika
Aime Cesaire. Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Irele, Abiola
Criminal Law in Uganda. Sexual Assaults and Offences Against Morality by Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, Lillian
Zimbabwe. The Political Economy of Transition 1980-1986 by
Drafting the EU Charter: Rights, Legitimacy and Process by Schönlau, J.
Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture by Bollier, David
Intellectual Property Rights in Frontier Industries: Software and Biotechnology by Hahn, Robert W.
Toward Fundamental Tax Reform by
Implementing the Climate Regime: International Compliance by Stokke, Olav Schram
Climate Change and Carbon Markets: A Handbook of Emissions Reduction Mechanisms by
Trial and Error: The Education of a Courtroom Lawyer by Tucker, John C.
Customs Modernization Handbook by
Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat E verybody Else by Johnston, David Cay
An Introduction to Family Law by Douglas, Gillian
Judicial Deliberations: A Comparative Analysis of Judicial Transparency and Legitimacy by Lasser, Mitchel de S. -O -l'e
Workers, Establishment, and Services in the European Union by White, Robin C. a.
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America by Levin, Mark R.
Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 by Godbeer, Richard
Towards a Science of International Arbitration: Collected Empirical Research: Collected Empirical Research by Naimark, Richard W., Drahozal, Christopher R.
Children and the Criminal Law in Connecticut, 1635-1855: Changing Perceptions of Childhood by Steenburg, Nancy Hathaway
Justice by
General Theory of Law and State by Kelsen, Hans
Human Rights in Africa: From the OAU to the African Union by Murray, Rachel
International Climate Change Regime by Yamin, Farhana, Depledge, Joanna
Building an EU Securities Market by Ferran, Eilis
The Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts by
The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law by
The Laws Of Fesole by Ruskin, John
M&A: Protecting the Purchaser by
Netherlands Antilles Civil Code: Book 2. Companies and Other Legal Persons by Thomas, Richard, Warendorf, Hans C. S.
Self-Control Or Life Without A Master: A Short Treatise On The Rights And Wrongs Of Men by Wilson, Jacob
NAFTA Chapter Eleven Reports: Volume One: Primary Materials by Dodge, Brower, Coe
The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American Government by Dubber, Markus Dirk
(Un)thinking Citizenship: Feminist Debates in Contemporary South Africa by
Remembrances: My Life with Chesterfield Smith: America's Lawyer by Jamieson, Michael L.
Remembrances: My Life with Chesterfield Smith: America's Lawyer by Jamieson, Michael L.
Rights, Liberties & the Rule of Law by Zihala, Maryann
Die Einwendung Aus Dem Rechte Dritter Und Gegen Dritte by Rauchenberger, Max
Through A Glass Darkly by Melville, Thomas R.
Finanzwissenschaft by Posener, Paul
Landwirtschaftsrecht by Posener, Paul
Besondere Volkswirtschaftslehre by Posener, Paul
Wasserrecht by Posener, Paul
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 1 by
Die Nebenleistungsaktiengesellschaft by Ebert, Erich
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 2 by
Die Nebenleistungs-Aktiengesellschaft by Ebert, Erich
Die Nicht Auf Den Parteiwillen Gegründete Zurechnung Fremden Verschuldens Nach Dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch: Eine Privatrechtliche Studie by Fischer, Karl
Dezember 1904 by
Mai 1904 by
Naturgesetze Und Rechtsgesetze by Affolter, A.
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 5 by
Die Rechtliche Stellung Der Kirche Auf Dem Gebiete Des Bayerischen Volksschulwesens by Muehlon, Wilhelm
Die Vorläufige Vollstreckbarkeit by Raydt, Ernst
Global Monitoring: The Challenges of Access to Data by Harris, Ray, Browning, Richard
Wege Zur Koordinierung Völkerrechtlicher Verträge: Völkervertragsrechtliche Und Institutionelle Ansätze by Matz, Nele
Internat Environ Law Reports v4 by
The International Climate Change Regime by Yamin, Farhana, Depledge, Joanna
Legal Ethic Anas Crit Care Peri Med by White, Stuart M., Baldwin, Timothy J.
Die Übernahme internationalen Rechts in die russische und deutsche Rechtsordnung. Eine vergleichende Analyse zur Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit der Verfas by Hussner, Manja
Von der Erbbescheinigung des Preußischen Rechts zum Erbschein des Buergerlichen Gesetzbuchs: Historische Entwicklung und hoechstrichterliche Rechtspre by Hirsch, Mirco Peter
Is the Bible Really the Law? by Smallwood, Judge Tennant M., Jr.
Is the Bible Really the Law? by Smallwood, Judge Tennant M., Jr.
Die Selbstverantwortung des Opfers im Strafrecht by Murmann, Uwe
Neue Steuerungsinstrumente: Die Emissionshandelsrichtlinien by Loritz, Oliver
Law of the Sea in East Asia: Issues and Prospects by Zou, Keyuan
Child Custody A to Z: Winning with Evidence by White, Guy J.
Ireland and International Peacekeeping Operations 1960-2000: A Study of Irish Motivation by Ishizuka, Katsumi
Wtg Expres: Gezondheidswetgeving in de Praktijk by Debets, H. H. M.
Housing Segregation in Suburban America Since 1960: Presidential and Judicial Politics by Lamb, Charles M.
The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development by
Housing Segregation in Suburban America since 1960 by Lamb, Charles M.
Employment Discrimination Litigation: Behavioral, Quantitative, and Legal Perspectives by Landy, Frank J.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974: A Political History Volume 11 by Wooten, James
Manual de Derecho Penal Internacional by Plana, Miguel Alia
Car Accident Secrets by Ds Publications
Unfallbegutachtung by Meindl, Renate Ch, Muhr, Gert, Mehrhoff, Friedrich
The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib by
Choice of Law by Spaeth, Edmund B., Jr.
Environmental Assessment: The Regulation of Decision Making by Holder, Jane
The Taxing Power: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution by Jensen, Erik
Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza by Hajjar, Lisa
Crimes of the Holocaust: The Law Confronts Hard Cases by Landsman, Stephan
Dispute Settlement in the Un Convention on the Law of the Sea by Klein, Natalie
The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke by Coke, Sir Edward
The Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke by Coke, Sir Edward
The Best American Legal Commentary by Passantino, Rosemary
Doing Justice: A Trial Judge at Work by Satter, Robert
The Constitution of Private Governance: Product Standards in the Regulation of Integrating Markets by Schepel, Harm
Principles of European Antitrust Enforcement by Wils, Wouter
Monitoring Fundamental Rights in the EU: The Contribution of the Fundamental Rights Agency by
Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan by Burns, Catherine
Patent Laws for Scientists and Engineers by
Alienated: Immigrant Rights, the Constitution, and Equality in America by Romero, Victor C.
DNA Fingerprinting in Plants: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition by Weising, Kurt, Nybom, Hilde, Pfenninger, Markus
Speaking of Crime: The Language of Criminal Justice by Solan, Lawrence M., Tiersma, Peter M.
Presidential Powers by Krent, Harold J.
Our Republican Constitution by Tomkins, Adam
The Law and Ethics of Medical Research: International Bioethics and Human Rights by Plomer, Aurora
Judicial Politics: Readings from Judicature by Slotnick, Elliot E.
Study Guide for African Americans in the U.S. Economy by Mason, Patrick L., Whitehead, John, Conrad, Cecilia A.
American Law in a Global Context: The Basics by Fletcher, George P., Sheppard, Steve
Staat und Reich bei Ernst Rudolf Huber: Sein Leben und Werk bis 1945 aus rechtsgeschichtlicher Sicht by Jürgens, Martin
Die Maßgeblichkeit von Art. 49 EG fuer nationale rundfunkpolitische Ordnungsentscheidungen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Art. 151 EG: Eine Un by Jury, Christine
Die Rechtfertigung der Tabaksteuer by Kempf, Tillman
Einlage, Tausch und tauschaehnlicher Vorgang im Zivilrecht und im Steuerrecht by Adam, Ralf
Practitioner's Guide to the Land Registration ACT 2002 by Dowden, Malcolm
How to Close Your Estate with Ease by Bradford, Janise L.
Justice by Brighouse, Harry
Thinking About the Insanity Defense: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions With Case Examples by Fersch, Ellsworth L.
International Law in the 21st Century: Rules for Global Governance by Joyner, Christopher C.
Brennan and Democracy by Michelman, Frank I.
High-Performance Government: Structure, Leadership, Incentives by Klitgaard, Robert
International Legal Argument in the Permanent Court of International Justice: The Rise of the International Judiciary by Ole, Spiermann, Spiermann, Ole
What To Expect From A Police Academy: Useful Tips, Suggestions, and Pearls of Wisdom To Help Prepare You For Your Own Academy by Kinsey, Shawn
The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective by Quigley, John
International Law in the 21st Century: Rules for Global Governance by Joyner, Christopher C.
Blackstone's Guide to the Asylum and Immigration ACT 2004 by Doughty Street Chambers
War and Self-Defense by Rodin, David
Sustainable Development Law: Principles, Practices, and Prospects by Cordonier Segger, Marie-Claire, Khalfan, Ashfaq
International Trade and Agriculture: Theories and Practices by Kennedy, P. Lynn, Koo, Won W.
A Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping by U. S. Department of Justice
Income Tax Compliance by U.S. Citizens and U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents Residing Outside the United States and Related Issues by Office of Tax Policy, U. S. Department of the Treasury
Selbständige wirtschaftsjuristische Beratung und die Änderung des Rechtsberatungsgesetzes (RBerG) by Schucht, Marko
ICSID Reports, Volume 7 by
Deterrent by Martin, R. Merial
Report on Copyright and Digital Distance Education: A Report of the Register of Copyrights by U. S. Copyright Office, The Library of Congress
The Homevoter Hypothesis: How Home Values Influence Local Government Taxation, School Finance, and Land-Use Policies by Fischel, William A.
When Law and Medicine Meet: A Cultural View by Romanucci-Ross, Lola, Tancredi, Laurence R.
Fidic: An Analysis of International Construction Contracts by Abraham, Wilfred
Justice: An Anthology by
Das tradierte Konzept der Staatswissenschaft by Peukert, Helge
Gesellschaftsrecht Und Verbraucherschutz - Zum Widerruf Von Fondsbeteiligungen: Vortrag, Gehalten VOR Der Juristischen Gesellschaft Zu Berlin Am 29. S by Armbrüster, Christian
Civil Liberties Law: The Human Rights ACT Era by Murphy, Thérèse, Livingstone, Stephen, Whitty, Noel
James' Introduction to English Law by Shears, Peter, Stephenson, Graham
Public Sector Housing Law by Hughes, David, Lowe, Stuart
Desisting from Crime: Continuity and Change in Long-Term Crime Patterns of Serious Chronic Offenders by Cohen, Lawrence E., Ezell, Michael E.
Provisional Measures in International Law: The International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea by Rosenne, Shabtai
Garner's Administrative Law by Thompson, Katharine, Jones, Brian
Regulating Procurement: Understanding the Ends and Means of Public Procurement Regulation by Trepte, Peter
Is it Rape?: On Acquaintance Rape and Taking Women's Consent Seriously by McGregor, Joan
Landmarks in the Law by Denning, Alfred, Denning, Alfred Thompson Dennin, Denning, Lord
Women, Madness and the Law: A Feminist Reader by
FDA Administrative Enforcement Manual by Parker, Florence R.
Truth Commissions and Courts: The Tension Between Criminal Justice and the Search for Truth by
The Legal Foundations of Public Administration by Barry, Donald D., Whitcomb, Howard R.
Giantkillers: The Team and the Law That Help Whistle-Blowers Recover America's Stolen Billions by Scammell, Henry
Die Anerkennung der privaten Ersatzschule und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Privatschulverhaeltnis by Seidel, René
Der Schuldzinsenabzug bei Personengesellschaften, insbesondere nach Maßgabe von § 4 Abs. 4a EStG by Friedemann, Pia
Critical Issues on Islamic Banking and Financial Markets: Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Investments, Takaful and Financial Planning by Rosly, Saiful Azhar
The Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts by
The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law by
Festschrift Für Thomas Raiser Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 20. Februar 2005 by
The Triangle of Law. Version 2.0 by Bosco Esq, John
Accounting in Business by Bull, R. J.
Studies in Constitutional Law by Munro, Colin R.
Sentencing in the Age of Information: From Faust to Macintosh by Franko Aas, Katja
International Sanctions: Between Wars and Words by
Medicine for Lawyers by Wetherill, Diana
Sentencing in the Age of Information: From Faust to Macintosh by Franko Aas, Katja
Law for Dummies by Ventura, John
Employment Discrimination Litigation: Behavioral, Quantitative, and Legal Perspectives by
The NAACP's Legal Strategy Against Segregated Education, 1925-1950 by Tushnet, Mark V.
Public Administration and Law by Beckett, Julia, Koenig, Heidi O.
Gateway to Justice: The Juvenile Court and Progressive Child Welfare in a Southern City by Trost, Jennifer
The Best From Yank the Army Weekly by
An Analysis Of Blackstone's Commentaries On The Laws Of England by Field, Barron
Courts and Criminals by Train, Arthur Cheney
The Spirit of Laws Part Two by Montesquieu, Baron de
India's Living Constitution: Ideas, Practices, Controversies by
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