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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2006

Reading, Writing and Analysing Judgments by Goodman, Andrew
Prévenir la discrimination à l'embauche: Pourquoi et comment agir ? by Gavand, Alain
My Internment and Testimony at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial: The Account of Friedrich Rainer, Austrian Nazi by Rainer, Friedrich
Towards Understanding the Qur'aan: Abridged Version of Tafhaim Al-Quraan by Maudoodi, Syed Abul Ala
The Administration and Conduct of Corporate Meetings: With Appendixes, Precedents and Shareholders' Questions by Phillips, Glenville W.
International Dispute Resolution in Latin America: An Institutional Overview by Leathley, Christian
Harmful Tax Competition in the European Union: Code of Conduct, Countermeasures and EU Law by Kiekebeld, B. J.
Commercial Arbitration in the Arab Middle East: Shari'a, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt by Saleh, Samir A.
Intellectual Property Rights and the EC Competition Rules by Korah, Valentine
Religion in Criminal Justice by Miller, Monica K.
Republican Principles in International Law: The Fundamental Requirements of a Just World Order by Sellers, M.
Identity, Interests and Attitudes to European Integration by McLaren, L.
Germany's Eu Policy on Asylum and Defence: De-Europeanization by Default? by
The European Union at the United Nations: Intersecting Multilateralisms by
Understanding Conflict Between Russia and the EU: The Limits of Integration by Prozorov, S.
Emotion and Reason in Social Change by Girling, J.
Multilevel Union Administration: The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe by
Economic and Management Perspectives on Intellectual Property Rights by
Victims in the War on Crime: The Use and Abuse of Victims' Rights by Dubber, Markus Dirk
Making Innovation Pay: People Who Turn IP Into Shareholder Value by
The European Union: A Critical Guide by McGiffen, Steven P.
Marriage Proposals: Questioning a Legal Status by
Paradoxes and Inconsistencies in the Law by
International Poverty Law: An Emerging Discourse by
Brown V. Board of Education at Fifty: A Rhetorical Retrospective by
Revenue Law in Uganda by Bakibinga, David J.
Handbook on Decentralisation in Uganda by Kisembo, S. W.
Frequently Asked Questions on Decentrali by Kisembo, S. W.
Company Law in Uganda by Bakibinga, David J.
Section 403(b) Compliance Guide for Public Education Employers by Lowder, Ellie
The Political Economy of International Trade: U.S. Trade Laws, Policy, and Social Cost by Chung, Jae Wan
The Political Economy of International Trade: U.S. Trade Laws, Policy, and Social Cost by Chung, Jae Wan
Party Funding and Campaign Financing in International Perspective by
The Victim in Criminal Law and Justice by Kirchengast, T.
Forensic sculpting step by step in photographs by Wolfson, Seth
Though the Heavens May Fall: The Landmark Trial That Led to the End of Human Slavery by Wise, Steven M.
Privacy, Property and Personality by Beverley-Smith, Huw
Family and Court: Legal Culture and Modernity in Late Ottoman Palestine by Agmon, Iris
Court of Remorse: Inside the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda by Cruvellier, Thierry
The Place of Families: Fostering Capacity, Equality, and Responsibility by McClain, Linda C.
Black Trials: Citizenship from the Beginnings of Slavery to the End of Caste by Weiner, Mark S.
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society by Sarat, Austin
On Common Laws by Glenn, H. Patrick
Informing and Consulting Employees: The New Law by Healy, Kathleen, Broadbent, Joanna, Squire, Nicholas
Psychological Knowledge in Court: Ptsd, Pain, and Tbi by
Between God and the Sultan: A History of Islamic Law by Vikr, Knut S.
The Biker Trials: Bringing Down the Hells Angels by Cherry, Paul
Latin American Lawyers: A Historical Introduction by Pérez-Perdomo, Rogelio
UK Election Law: A Critical Examination by Watt, Bob
Environmental Taxation Law: Policy, Contexts and Practice by Souza, Jeremy De, Snape, John
The Enlargement of the European Union and NATO: Ordering from the Menu in Central Europe by Jacoby, Wade
Arbitration Law in America by Brunet, Edward, Speidel, Richard E., Sternlight, Jean E.
United States Practice in International Law by Murphy, Sean D.
Euthanasia: Legal Principles and Policy Choices by Besirevic, Violeta
Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Research by
Principles of Law Relating to International Trade by Kouladis, Nicholas
The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective by
The Changing Rules on the Use of Force in International Law by Gazzini, Tarcisio
Die Reichsgesetzgebung Über Münz- Und Untenbankwesen, Papiergeld, Prämienpapiere Und Reichsschulden by
Strafprozeßordnung Und Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz: Nebst Den Gesetzen Betr. Die Entschädigung Der Im Wiederaufnahmeverfahren Freigesprochenen Personen by Hellweg, A.
Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Stadtverfassung, Band 1: Das Bürggrafenamt Und Die Hohe Gerichtsbarkeit: In Den Deutschen Bischofsstädten by Rietschel, Siegfried
Das Reichsgesetz, Betreffend Die Erwerbs- Und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften by
Wenzeslaus Gleispach: Die Veruntreuung an Vertretbaren Sachen. Teil 1 by Gleispach, Wenzeslaus
Reichszivilprozeß by Posener, Paul
1892 Bis 1904 by Liszt, Franz Von
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 3 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 4 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 5 by
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15 by
Entschädigung Für Unschuldig Erlittene Untersuchungshaft: Eine Systematisch-Kritische Darstellung Des Reichsgesetzes Vom 14. Juli 1904 by Brandis, Ernst
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 9 by
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 10 by
Zur Reform Des Reichsstrafgesetzbuches (Allgemeiner Teil): Berichte Über Die Literatur Der Jahre 1902-1904 by
Eheliches Güterrecht Im Erzherzogtum Österreich Im Sechzehnten Jahrhundert by Bartsch, Robert
Mai 1905 by
Das Friedensrecht Der Haager Konferenz by Meurer, Christian
Der Gemeindewaisenrat in Bayern: Mit Den Wichtigsten Diesbezüglichen Gesetzesbestimmungen Und Ministerialbekanntmachungen, Insonderheit Auch Dem Zwang by Dennler, Wilhelm
Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research by
The Wto, the Internet and Trade in Digital Products: Ec-Us Perspectives by Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha
Compendium of Trial Advocacy Drills by Rubinowitz, Ben B., Stein, Robert
Relocation in Later Years: Aging-in-Place in America's Urban Neighborhoods by Fornaro, Michael A.
Discrimination by Default: How Racism Becomes Routine by Wang, Lu-In
International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Treaties, Cases, and Analysis by Schnably, Stephen J., Wilson, Richard, Martin, Francisco Forrest
Admiralty and Maritime Law Volume 2 by Davies, Martin, Force, Robert, Yiannopoulos, A. N.
freedom of Religion: UN and European Human Rights Law and Practice by Taylor, Paul M.
Democracy, Minorities and International Law by Wheatley, Steven
Freedom of Religion: Un and European Human Rights Law and Practice by Taylor, Paul M.
Property Law: Commentary and Materials by Kohler, Paul, Clarke, Alison Solicitor
Vessel-Source Marine Pollution: The Law and Politics of International Regulation by Khee-Jin Tan, Alan
Die Handlungsform Der Interinstitutionellen Vereinbarung: Eine Untersuchung Des Interorganverhältnisses Der Europäischen Verfassung by Alemann, Florian
Project 2000: The Rise and Fall of Oldsmobile Division of General Motors by Horvath, Robert J.
Comitology: Delegation of Powers in the European Union and the Committee System by Bergström, Carl Fredrik
Human Rights and International Trade by
Das Spruchverfahrensgesetz by Wittgens, Jonas
You Can Keep the Damn China!: And 824 Other Great Tips on Dealing with Divorce by
Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law by Nussbaum, Martha C.
The European Company by
Trade and Human Health and Safety by
The History of the Supreme Court of the United States by Wiecek, William M.
Mediation und Verwaltungsentscheidung: Sinn, Struktur und Ablauf von Mediationsverfahren und ihr Verhältnis zu gesetzlichen Verwaltungsverfahren by Scheidereit, Ursula
The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah: Conflict or Conciliation by Al-Matroudi, Abdul Hakim I.
The Couples Contract for a Lasting Relationship [With CDROM] by Janke, Bruce, Sherman, Ed
Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China: Civil Process and Economic Perspective by Jiang, Qing-Yun
The Information Society: Emerging Landscapes: Ifip International Conference on Landscapes of ICT and Social Accountability, Turku, Finland, June 27-29 by
Your Lawyer: An Owner's Manual: A Business Owner's Guide to Managing Your Lawyer by Krasnow, Henry C.
Punishment and Retribution by Zaibert, Leo
Legal Issues in Property Valuation and Taxation: Cases and Materials by Youngman, Joan
Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion: Rhetoric in the Peer-To-Peer Debates by Logie, John
Von den Anfaengen der Drogengesetzgebung bis zum Betaeubungsmittelgesetz vom 1.1.1972 by Wriedt, Jan
Schwangerschaftsabbrueche kranker/geschaedigter Foeten und Neugeboreneneuthanasie: Im rechtsvergleichenden Ueberblick mit den Niederlanden, Oesterreic by Mattisseck-Neef, Maria
People, Property, or Pets? by Hauser, Marc D.
Professional Identity Crisis: Race, Class, Gender, and Success at Professional Schools by Costello, Carrie Yang
The Anti-Rent Era in New York Law and Politics, 1839-1865 by McCurdy, Charles W.
Non-Governmental Organisations in International Law by Lindblom, Anna-Karin
The Truth about Check Fraud by LaBonte, Jay
Between Light and Shadow: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and International Human Rights Law by Darrow, Mac
Chemicals in the Environment: Assessing and Managing Risk by
Rule Making in North Carolina by Whisnant, Richard B.
Broken Trust: Greed, Mismanagement & Political Manipulation at America's Largest Charitable Trust by King, Samuel P., Roth, Randall W.
Criminal Punishment and Restorative Justice: Past, Present and Future Perspectives by Cornwell, David J., Cornwell
Die Auswirkungen der Grundfreiheiten des EG-Vertrages auf das deutsche Steuerrecht by Kaiser, Thomas
Patterns of Regionalism and Federalism: Lessons for the UK by
An Introduction to the U.S. Congress by Cushman, Charles B.
Improvisational Negotiation: A Mediator's Stories of Conflict about Love, Money, Anger -- And the Strategies That Resolved Them by Krivis, Jeffrey
Steal This Music: How Intellectual Property Law Affects Musical Creativity by DeMers, Joanna
The Court as a Stage: England and the Low Countries in the Later Middle Ages by
A Sociology of Jurisprudence by Schiff, David, Nobles, Richard
Murder on Maryland's Eastern Shore: Race, Politics and the Case of Orphan Jones by Moore, Joseph E.
The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century by Linebaugh, Peter
Goodbye, Judge Lynch: The End of the Lawless Era in Wyoming's Big Horn Basin by Davis, John W.
The New German Law of Obligations: Historical and Comparative Perspectives by Zimmermann, Reinhard
Latino-Anglo Bargaining: Culture, Structure and Choice in Court Mediation by Rack, Christine
Scientific Evidence and Equal Protection of the Law by Ancheta, Angelo N.
Accounting Principles for Lawyers by Holgate, Peter
Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws by Napolitano, Andrew P.
Fraud--The Company Law Background: Fraud Law-Book Three by Ramage, Sally
Social Rights and Market Freedom in the European Constitution: A Labour Law Perspective by Giubboni, Stefano
Introduction to International Human Rights Law by Doebbler, Curtis Fj
Das Rechtsinstitut der Liebhaberei: Ein Ergebnis einer einzelfallabhängigen Rechtsprechung des BFH by Schramm, Manuel
Handbuch Des Emissionshandelsrechts by Kopp-Assenmacher, Stefan, Adam, Michael, Hentschke, Helmar
Die Zeugnisverweigerungsrechte von Geistlichen und kirchlichen Mitarbeitern by Fischedick, Walter
Women In Academia & Equality Law. Aiming High - Falling Short? by
Unfair Competition Law: European Union and Member States by Henning-Bodewig, Frauke
Der Zugang Zu Nothäfen Und Sonstigen Notliegeplätzen Für Schiffe in Seenot by Gadow-Stephani, Inken
Overcoming Sexual Terrorism: 60 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual Predators by Goldenflame, Jake
This Is Your Divorce (Not Your Lawyer's): How You Can Save Yourself Thousands of Dollars by Reading a Simple Book by Weiss, Alan
Overcoming Sexual Terrorism: 60 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual Predators by Goldenflame, Jake
Changing Face of the Law: A Global Perspective by Dasgupta, Riddhi
The Royal Mail Case by
The Baccarat Case by
Changing Face of the Law: A Global Perspective by Dasgupta, Riddhi
One More Story and I'm Out the Door: A Life, with Recollections about Jimmy Hoffa, the Mafia, G. Gordon Liddy, and Guardian Angels, Among Others by Kennelly, Thomas A.
Courtroom 302: A Year Behind the Scenes in an American Criminal Courthouse by Bogira, Steve
The State: Elements Of Historical And Practical Politics by Wilson, Woodrow
The European Contract Law: Scots and South African Perspectives by
The Personal Employment Contract by Freedland, Mark
La bioéthique au carrefour des disciplines- Bioethik im Spannungsfeld der Disziplinen - La bioetica crocevia delle discipline: Hommage à Alberto Bondo by
La Science de La Purification Du Coeur by Kabbani, Cheikh Mouhammad Hicham
Agriculture and Climate Beyond 2015: A New Perspective on Future Land Use Patterns by
The Role of Customary Law in Sustainable Development by Orebech, Peter, Bosselman, Fred, Bjarup, Jes
Lemba Jewish Rights: A Case for Religious Freedom by Sibanda, Ken
Übungen im Völkerrecht by Kunig, Philip, Uerpmann-Wittzack, Robert
71-200 Fgg by
Neue Fragen Des Deutschen Und Internationalen Insolvenzrechts: Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium Der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 10./11. Juni by
Verbrauchervertragsrecht und allgemeines Vertragsrecht by Vogel, Alexander Von
Anleger- und Funktionsschutz durch Kapitalmarktrecht by
Differenzierte Integration in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion by Beutel, Jochen
Geography of Law: Landscape, Identity and Regulation by
Luhmann on Law and Politics: Critical Appraisals and Applications by
Luhmann on Law and Politics PB: Critical Appraisals and Applications by
Council Tax Handbook by Parsons, Geoff, Smith, Tim
Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International Law by
EU Law and the Welfare State: In Search of Solidarity by
EU Law and the Welfare State: In Search of Solidarity by
The Wto Anti-Dumping Agreement: A Commentary by Vermulst, Edwin
Constitutional Law and National Pluralism by Tierney, Stephen
Global Governance and the Quest for Justice - Volume I: International and Regional Organisations by
Emotion and Reason in Social Change: Insights from Fiction by Girling, J.
The Art of Reading the Internal Revenue Code: Practical Skills and Techinques by Chang, Keith
Environmental Law: Cases and Materials by Weinberg, Philip
Affirmed: Teachers as Citizens: A Case Study by Hall, Maggi Smith
Affirmed: Teachers as Citizens: A Case Study by Hall, Maggi Smith
The ABCs of Title Closing by Zirogiannis, Marc
Dope Double Agent: The Naked Emperor on Drugs by Agar, Michael
Law and Justice in the Courts of Classical Athens by Lanni, Adriaan
From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument by Koskenniemi, Martti
The Regulation of International Financial Markets: Perspectives for Reform by
The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada: A Practical Introduction to Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration by Barin, Babak, Little, Andrew D., Pepper, Randy
Measuring Corruption by Galtung, Fredrik, Shacklock, Arthur
Spreading Democracy and the Rule of Law?: The Impact of EU Enlargemente for the Rule of Law, Democracy and Constitutionalism in Post-Communist Legal O by
Constitutionalising Europe: Processes and Practices by Longo, Michael
Influencing the Judicial Mind: Effective Written Advocacy in Practice by Goodman, Andrew
Practicing Law in Frontier California by Bakken, Gordon Morris
Costs and Cautionary Tales: Economic Insights for the Law by Ogus, Anthony I.
Law and New Governance in the EU and the Us by
Environmental Law for Sustainability: A Reader by
Landmark Cases in the Law of Restitution by
The Harmonisation of European Contract Law: Implications for European Private Laws, Business and Legal Practice by
The Law of Electronic Commerce and the Internet in the UK and Ireland by Hedley, Steve
International Trade and Business: Law, Policy and Ethics by Gillies, Peter, Moens, Gabriel
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