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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2008

Maqaaosid Al-Sharaiah: A Beginner's Guide by Auda, Jasser
Mania, Mania, Mania by Sushi, I. Toy
The Reproductive Rights Reader: Law, Medicine, and the Construction of Motherhood by
Enemy Combatants, Terrorism, and Armed Conflict Law: A Guide to the Issues by
Humanitarian Intervention After Kosovo: Iraq, Darfur and the Record of Global Civil Society by Hehir, Aidan
Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds Apart? by Maley, William
Risk Regulation in the Single Market: The Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Foodstuffs in the European Union by Krapohl, Sebastian
Constitutional Futures Revisited: Britain's Constitution to 2020 by
Commonwealth: Inter- and Non-State Contributions to Global Governance by Shaw, Timothy M.
Forensic DNA Analysis: A Laboratory Manual by McClintock, J. Thomas
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 17 by
Nita Fire V. Rubino: Case File by Natali, Louis M., Bocchino, Anthony J.
Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games Governments Play in Brussels by
Forensic Procedures for Boundary and Title Investigation by Wilson, Donald A.
The Dynamics of Law by Hamilton, Michael S., Spiro, George W.
Assisted Dying: Reflections on the Need for Law Reform by McLean, Sheila
Splitting Heirs: Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives by Blue, Ron
Legal Executions in New England: A Comprehensive Reference, 1623-1960 by Hearn, Daniel Allen
Das Reichsgesetz Über Die Erwerbung Und Den Verlust Der Reichs- Und Staatsangehörigkeit Vom 1. Juni 1870: Erläutert Mit Benutzung Amtlicher Quellen Un by Cahn, Wilhelm
The Constitutional History of England by Maitland, Frederic William, Maitland, Frederic W., Maitland, F. W.
Slee's Health Care Terms by Slee, Debora A., Slee, Vergil N., Schmidt, H. Joachim
The Reproductive Rights Reader: Law, Medicine, and the Construction of Motherhood by
The Constitutionalization of the European Union by
Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery by Newcomb, Steven
America's Priorities: How the U.S. Government Raises and Spends $3,000,000,000,000 (Trillion Per Year by Konigsberg, Charles
ASEAN by Severino, Rodolfo C.
America's Priorities: How the U.S. Government Raises and Spends $3,000,000,000,000 (Trillion) Per Year by Konigsberg, Charles
Einführung in das neue Schuldrecht (Stand 2003) by Vuia, Mihai
How to Represent Yourself Against the IRS in the United States Tax Court by Okwuosah, Greg
Die Herausforderungen des Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes für Arbeitgeber: Pflichten, Risiken, Strategien by Altemark, Kim
Jurisdiktionskonflikte in Mehrebenensystemen: Die Entwicklung Eines Modells Zur Lösung Von Konflikten Zwischen Gerichten Unterschiedlicher Ebenen in V by Sauer, Heiko
Direktinvestitionen im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht by Diekmann, Moritz
Entwicklung der internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit by Flesch, Ines
Entwicklung der internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit - von Nürnberg nach Den Haag by Flesch, Ines
Federal Prison & Federal Prison Camp a Beginner's Guidebook for First Time Inmates by Vincent, Steve
Prohibition of Propaganda for War in International Law by Kearney, Michael
From IVF to Immortality: Controversy in the Era of Reproductive Technology by Deech, Ruth, Smajdor, Anna
Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development: The United States, the European Union and the International Community by
Strategic Legal Writing by Zillman, Donald N., Roth, Evan J.
The Trafficking of Persons: National and International Responses by McCabe, Kimberly A.
Accountability of Armed Opposition Groups in International Law by Zegveld, Liesbeth
Biodiversity Conserv Law Livelihood by
The Decline of the Death Penalty and the Discovery of Innocence by de Boef, Suzanna L., Baumgartner, Frank R., Boydstun, Amber E.
How International Law Works: A Rational Choice Theory by Guzman, Andrew T.
Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law by Husak, Douglas
Legal Guide to Purchasing and Contracting for North Carolina Local Governments: 2004 Edition & 2007 Supplement by Bluestein, Frayda S.
How to Divorce a Millionaire by Miller, Gloria
The Streets Ran Red by Lawrence, Morgan
The Streets Ran Red by Lawrence, Morgan
Gesetzliche Vertretung bei der Heilbehandlung im ungarischen Recht by Esztegar, Balazs
Folter damals und heute - Eine vergleichende Darstellung by Schoeps, Miriam
Social Legislation In Illinois: Needs And Opportunities In 1921 (1921) by Eldridge, Seba
A Vision of Taxes Within and Outside European Borders by
Joseph Gurney Cannon: Proceedings In The House Of Representatives On The Eightieth Anniversary Of His Birth (1916) by House of Representatives United States
Specifications For Sewer Construction: American Society Of Municipal Improvements, 1914 (1914) by Tillson, George W.
Charter Of The Chicago, St. Paul And Fond Du Lac Railroad Company (1855) by John W Amerman Publisher
Organization Directory: Showing Stations And Post Office Addresses Of Organizations Of The Army, October 25, 1919 (1919) by United States Adjutant General's Office
A System Of The Law Of Marine Insurances V2: With Three Chapters On Bottomry, On Insurances, On Lives, On Insurances Against Fire (1809) by Park, James Allan
Martin's Bench And Bar Of Philadelphia: Together With Other Lists Of Persons Appointed To Administer The Laws In The City And County Of Philadelphia ( by Martin, John Hill
San Francisco Municipal Reports Fiscal Year 1861-1862 (1862) by Board of Supervisors San Francisco
Modern Theories Of Criminality (1911) by De Quiros, Constancio Bernaldo
The Gist Of Real Property Law (1916) by Aron, Harold Guthrie
Marvels Of Scientific Invention (1917) by Corbin, Thomas W.
Immigrants In Industries V2: Leather Manufacturing; Boot And Shoe Manufacturing; Glove Manufacturing (1911) by United States Immigration Commission
Immigrants In Industries: Diversified Industries V1 (1911) by United States Immigration Commission
Delegation of Governmental Power to Private Parties: A Comparative Perspective by Donelly, Catherine
Global Responsibility for Human Rights: World Poverty and the Development of International Law by Salomon, Margot E., Foreword by Stephen P. Marks
Bills of Rights and Decolonization: The Emergence of Domestic Human Rights Instruments in Britian's Overseas Territories by Parkinson, Charles
Regulating Labour in the Wake of Globalisation: New Challenges, New Institutions by
National Respon Global Justice Opt C by Miller
Incorporation of a North Carolina Town by Millonzi, Kara A., Lawrence, David M.
Bürgerrechte - Staatspflichten - Rechtssprechung - Bürokratie: Beiträge zur Justizkritik by Albrecht, Richard
Taking Back the Workers' Law: How to Fight the Assault on Labor Rights by Dannin, Ellen
Presumed Guilty: What the Jury Never Knew about Laci Peterson's Murder and Why Scott Peterson Should Not Be on Death Row by Dalton, Matt
Der Pflichtteilsergänzungsanspruch - ein kurzer Überblick by Abeling, Christian
An Unforgiving Jealous Mistress: My Life in the Practice of Law by Moschetti, Joseph V.
Minimas Capacidades Culturales a Desarrollar En Un Mundo Globalizado by Macip Toral, Acacio Edmundo
"Beleidigung" - Materialien zur Kritik eines justiziellen Phantomdelikts by Albrecht, Richard
(Buch 3: Handelsgeschäfte) by
Die Idee eines Handgeldes als Anreiz für die Präsenz von Aktionären in der Hauptversammlung by Kümper, Kerstin
Fallstudie zum Todespfleger von Sonthofen: Konsequenzen für die pflegerische Praxis by Lediger, Barbara
The Decline of the Death Penalty and the Discovery of Innocence by de Boef, Suzanna L., Boydstun, Amber E., Baumgartner, Frank R.
Strategic Legal Writing by Zillman, Donald N., Roth, Evan J.
"Nachbar gegen Muezzin" - Der Streit um den islamischen Gebetsruf by Hoberg, Katarina
The Moral Conditions of Economic Efficiency by Schultz, Walter J.
Legal Reform and Administrative Detention Powers in China by Biddulph, Sarah
Entscheidungen Des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen. Band 34 by
Staat, EU und Wettbewerb: Zur Kontrolle hoheitlicher Wettbewerbseingriffe der Mitgliedstaaten by Groschoff, Jan
Das Dumping aus volks- und betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht by Groteloh, Philipp
Verkehrsüberwachung durch Private - Rechtliche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen am Beispiel der Geschwindigkeitsüberwachung by Schlatzer, Johann
Der Strafverteidiger im Verfahren gegen Jugendliche: Organ der Rechtspflege, Interessenvertreter, Erzieher? by Steffen, Saskia-Veronique
Strategies for Investing in Intellectual Property by Ruder, David S.
Standards and Thresholds for Impact Assessment by
Harry A. Blackmun: The Outsider Justice by Yarbrough, Tinsley
Die NATO - Transformation, Aufgaben, Ziele by Hauser, Gunther
Constitutional Politics in the Middle East: With Special Reference to Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan by
Jugendstrafrecht: Erziehung durch Sanktion und Verfahren?: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Jugendgerichtsgesetzes mit Blick auf die sogenannte Diversion by Bokhari, Sascha T.
Forced Federalism: Contemporary Challenges to Indigenous Nationhood by Corntassel, Jeff, Witmer, Richard C.
Bill of Rights by Mason, George, Madison, James
Sinn und Notwendigkeit strafrechtlichen Schutzes vor Bedrohung, Verfolgung und Gewalt: am Beispiel der Stalking-Entwürfe und des Gewaltschutzgesetzes by Schaut, Andreas
Legal Minds: Detecting Rogue Police Officers and Other Important Law Enforcement Issues by Davis, Robert L.
Political Correctness and the Surgeon by Kirwan, Liam
Political Correctness and the Surgeon by Kirwan, Liam
Is the Death Penalty Dying?: Special Issue by
Die Bedeutung des Art. 6 EMRK für den deutschen Verwaltungsprozess by Traub, Thomas
Das europäische Deliktsstatut im Werden by Krampl, Ute
Auswirkung des neuen Eigenkapitalersatzrechtes nach MoMiG auf den Wettbewerb der Gesellschaftsformen by Dinn, Marita
Regulation of Government Procurement within the WTO - Procurement Policies and Multilateral Trade Rules by Gelbrich, Astrid
Ascent to Freedom: Practical and Philosophical Foundations of Democratic World Law by Martin, Glen T.
Introduction to Greek Law, 3rd Revised Edition by
Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues by Radetzki, Marian, Juth, Niklas, Radetzki, Marcus
The Time Is Now: Choose Your Trustee Wisely by Moore, Michele
Gender and the Constitution by Irving, Helen
Gender and the Constitution by Irving, Helen
The EU and Third Countries: Direct Taxation by
The Domestic Analogy and World Order Proposals by Suganami, Hidemi
United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law by Farrall, Jeremy Matam
United States Hegemony and the Foundations of International Law by
Money Laundering by Stessens, Guy
Why Are There So Many Banking Crises?: The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation by Rochet, Jean-Charles
The Patient Abuse and Neglect of Our Vulnerable Adults: America's Shame by Bostwick, Joseph S.
The Patient Abuse and Neglect of Our Vulnerable Adults: America's Shame by Bostwick, Joseph S.
The Myth of Judicial Activism: Making Sense of Supreme Court Decisions by Roosevelt, Kermit
Current Issues in Educational Policy and the Law (PB) by
Current Issues in Educational Policy and the Law (Hc) by
Two Guys From Barnum, Iowa And How They Helped Save Basketball: A History Of U.S. Patent 4,534,556: Paul D. Estlund And Kenneth F. Estlund, Inventors by Francois, Francis B.
The Meaning of Criminal Law by Wattad, Mohammed Saif-Alden
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XXXII - 2007 by Van Den Berg, Albert Jan
Justification Defenses and Just Convictions by Schopp, Robert F.
Governing Cities in a Global Era: Urban Innovation, Competition, and Democratic Reform by Hambleton, R.
Governing Cities in a Global Era: Urban Innovation, Competition, and Democratic Reform by Hambleton, R.
Das Steuer-Taschenbuch: Der Ratgeber Für Studierende Und Eltern by Dürr, Gerhard
Contract Manufacturing of Medicines by Krekora, Magdalena
Convergence in Shareholder Law by Siems, Mathias M.
Capital Markets Law and Compliance by Nelson, Paul
Conflict of Interest and Public Life by Trost, Christine
Expanding Membership of the European Union by
Die gerechte und rechtmäßige Verteilung knapper Organe by Opper, Ingmar A.
Force majeure et Imprévision: Une analyse comparatiste entre le droit français, le droit anglais et le droit allemand by Hujo, Philipp
Global Multi-Level Governance: European and East Asian Leadership by de Prado, César
The Bulletproof Firearms Business - The Legal Secrets to Success Under Fire by Langlotz, Angela V., Langlotz, Bennet K.
Current Legal Issues by Harrison, Ross, Freeman, Michael
Von Triest Nach Osttimor: Der Völkerrechtliche Rahmen Für Die Verwaltung Von Krisengebieten Durch Die Vereinten Nationen by Kiderlen, Hans Fabian
Offences and Defences: Selected Essays in the Philosophy of Criminal Law by Gardner, John
International Regulation of Natural Health Products by Harrison, John R.
Stalking. Anwendungsbereich und Dogmatik des § 238 StGB by Hoffmann, Nadine Dominique
Schadensersatz nach Vergaberechtsverstößen by Wilke, Sven
On Earth as in Heaven by Boers, Arthur Paul
What's Wrong with the Europe Union and How to Fix It by Hix, Simon
Ein neues ius divinum?: Zur Theologie des Rechts der Bahá'í by Tober, Tajan
Academic Freedom in the Wired World: Political Extremism, Corporate Power, and the University by O'Neil, Robert
Elemente des Föderalismusprinzips nach dem Grundgesetz by Kurt, Turhan
Swedish Studies in European Law - Volume 2 by
Retroactivity and the Common Law by Juratowitch, Ben
Contingent Fees for Legal Services: Professional Economics and Responsibilities by MacKinnon, F. B.
Plunder: When the Rule of Law Is Illegal by Mattei, Ugo, Nader, Laura
Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation? by
Geistiges Eigentum: Schutzrecht Oder Ausbeutungstitel?: Zustand Und Entwicklungen Im Zeitalter Von Digitalisierung Und Globalisierung by
Skeletal Trauma: Identification of Injuries Resulting from Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict by Kimmerle, Erin H., Baraybar, Jose Pablo
The Sociology of Law: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives by Trevino, A. Javier
Law, Orientalism and Postcolonialism: The Jurisdiction of the Lotus-Eaters by Haldar, Piyel
Segregation: The Rising Costs for America by
Genetic Policing: The Uses of DNA in Police Investigations by Williams, Robin, Johnson, Paul
Segregation: The Rising Costs for America by
Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation? by
Deadly Game of Tug of War by Key, Craig
The Center Holds: UN Reform for 21st-Century Challenges by Mizner, Nadia
Grenzen Der Zulässigkeit Von Wahltarifen Und Zusatzversicherungen in Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung by Klaue, Siegfried, Schwintowski, Hans-Peter
Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization by Spiro, Peter J.
How to Mediate Like a Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes by Greenwood, Mary
Supreme Conflict: The Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court by Greenburg, Jan Crawford
Die Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern aus den MOE-Staaten auf Werkvertragsbasis nach der EU-Osterweiterung: Eine Untersuchung der grenzueberschreitenden Be by Maiß, Sebastian
Law in Japan: A Turning Point Volume 19 by
In Search of Land and Housing in the New South Africa: The Case of Ethembalethu Volume 130 by Van Den Brink, Rogier, Marrengane, Ntombini, deGroot, Dave
Law, Mystery, and the Humanities: Collected Essays by
Die Federalist Papers als Staatsphilosophie und Kommentar zur Nordamerikanischen Verfassung: Die Idee des Bundesstaats in den Federalist Papers by Mayer, Markus Andreas
Punktstrafe und Spielraumtheorie: Wahrheit und Vertretbarkeit im Recht by Hoffmann, Nadine Dominique
North Carolina Guardianship Manual, 2008 by Saxon, John L.
A Nation of Statesmen: The Political Culture of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohicans, 1815-1972 by Oberly, James W.
An Introduction to Criminal Evidence: A Casebook Approach by Thompson, R. Alan, Nored, Lisa S., Worrall, John L.
Understanding Supreme Court Opinions by Geel, T. R. Van
The Legend of St Yves: Law, Justice and Mediation (Colour Edition) by Gibson, Bryan
Shari'ah Law: An Introduction by Kamali, Mohammad Hashim
Kirstin Blaise Lobato's Unreasonable Conviction: Possibility Of Guilt Replaces Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt by Sherrer, Hans
Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: Volume I: International and Comparative Perspectives by
Stock Options - Die Zuordnung des geldwerten Vorteils zur Auslandstätigkeit im DBA-Fall by Aigner, Philipp
Parental Rights in Children's Medical Care: Where Is Our Freedom to Say No? a Look at the Injustice of the American Medical System by Cheng, Shirley
Unsettled International Intellectual Property Issues by Kongolo, Tshimanga
The termination of stay of aliens: A comparative study between Japan and Austria by Ackerer, Arnold
Driving Innovation by Gollin, Michael a., Michael a., Gollin
The Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe by
Driving Innovation by Gollin, Michael a., Michael a., Gollin
Sovereignty Over Natural Resources: Balancing Rights and Duties by Schrijver, Nico, Nico, Schrijver
Abortion: The Legal Truth, the Religious Truth, the Philosophical Truth (Moral/Ethical) by Bordeau, Stephane, Bordeau, Stphane
The Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security by
Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice by MacPherson, Ayesha, Lau, Ayesha MacPherson, Flux, David
Die Bewertung von Grundstückssachvermächtnissen im Erbschaftsteuerrecht: Insbesondere die Auswirkungen des BFH-Urteils II R 9/02 vom 2. Juli 2004 by Pfahler, Stefanie
Vanderbilt Law School: Aspirations and Realities by Welch, D. Don
Derivative Actions and Corporate Governance by Reisberg, Arad
Judicial Activism in Common Law Supreme Courts by
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