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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2009

Enlargement of the European Union by Tatham, Allan F.
The Regulation of Boxing: A History and Comparative Analysis of Policies Among American States by Rodriguez, Robert G.
Law and Faith in a Sceptical Age by Bradney, Anthony
Pro-Justice Ethics: From Lament to Nonviolence by Hughes, Richard A.
Ansatz und Bewertung von selbst geschaffenen immateriellen Vermögensgegenständen des Anlagevermögens - nach IFRS und BilMoG by Chanier, Almut
Msu Contributions to International Business and Innovation by Cavusgil, Tamer
Practical Hints to Believers in the Gospel of Universal Grace and Salvation by Adams, John Greenleaf
Sermons on the Creed of Pope Pius IV by Griffin, John Nash
God and the Future Life: The Reasonableness of Christianity by Nordhoff, Charles
New England Chronology: From the Discovery of the Country, by Cabot, in 1497, to 1800 by Bradford, Alden
Memories of Old Friends: Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, Volume I by Fox, Caroline
My Sword for Lafayette by Pemberton, Max
Self-Help a Hundred Years Ago by Holyoake, George Jacob
Sermons on the Creed of Pope Pius IV by Griffin, John Nash
Medical Advice to the Indian Stranger by McCosh, John
Krankenhäuser ALS Leistungserbringer in Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung by Szabados, Tibor
The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2009 by Howells, Geraint, Nordhausen, Annette
Die Goldene Bulle: Politik - Wahrnehmung - Rezeption by
Guide to Billing and Collecting Public Enterprise Utility Fees for Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Services by Millonzi, Kara A.
Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht by Wilhelm, Jan
Social Rights and Market Freedom in the European Constitution: A Labour Law Perspective by Giubboni, Stefano
Solidarität im Recht: Die Wirkungen der Solidarität auf die invitatio ad offerendum im deutschen Recht vor dem Hintergrund der brasilianisch by Ferrão Pereira Borges, Maurício
Natural Law in Jurisprudence and Politics by Mark C., Murphy, Murphy, Mark C.
Kapitalmarktinformationshaftung in Deutschland und den U.S.A.: §§ 37b, 37c WpHG und SEC Rule 10b-5 by Eckner, David
Constitutional Democracy in a Multicultural and Globalised World by Basta Fleiner, Lidija, Fleiner, Thomas
Circumcision and Human Rights by
Networks, Innovation and Public Policy: Politicians, Bureaucrats and the Pathways to Change Inside Government by Lewis, Jenny M., Alexander, Damon, Considine, M.
Networks, Innovation and Public Policy: Politicians, Bureaucrats and the Pathways to Change Inside Government by Considine, M., Lewis, Jenny M., Alexander, Damon
Property Rights in Investment Securities and the Doctrine of Specificity by Johansson, Erica
A History of Scottish Economic Thought by Dow, Alexander, Dow, Sheila
Das betriebliche Eingliederungsmanagement im Sinne des § 84 Abs. 2 SGB IX by Schils, Meike
Everyday Law for Latino/as by Carrasco, Gilbert Paul, Bender, Steven W., Aldana, Raquel
Unanwendbarkeit des § 357 StPO zu Gunsten eines früheren Mitangeklagten, für den die Revision wegen § 55 Abs. 2 JGG unzulässig war: Zugleich Besprechu by Heite, Mathis
Rechtstellung ausländischer Investitionen in der Republik Belarus und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Pankratow, Paul
Änderungen im Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht im Zuge des Gesetzes zur Stärkung des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements by Zengerling, Matthias
Aeltere Menschen und Sterbenskranke im Strafvollzug: Eine rechtsstaatliche Analyse des Vollzugsalltags von Gefangenen mit besonderem Pflegebedarf by Legat, Maria-Rebecca
A Guide to Mediating in Scotland by
The Nearest Relative Handbook: Second Edition by Hewitt, David
The Use of Forensic Anthropology by Pickering, Robert B., Bachman, David
Dispossession and Access to Land in South Africa. An African Perspective by Yanou, Michael Akomaye
Classics in Environmental Criminology by
American Indians and the Law by Duthu, N. Bruce
Equal: Women Reshape American Law by Strebeigh, Fred
How To Safely Buy Real Estate In Thailand by Dubout, Rene-Philippe R.
Digital Forensics: Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations by Marshall, Angus McKenzie
Cross-Examination in Criminal Trials by Stone, Marcus
Fraud Investigation by Coenen, Tracy L.
The Last Witch of Langenburg: Murder in a German Village by Robisheaux, Thomas
Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment by Newcombe, Andrew
Healing at the Borderland of Medicine and Religion by Cohen, Michael H.
Less Safe, Less Free: Why America Is Losing the War on Terror by Cole, David, Lobel, Jules
ADHD on Trial: Courtroom Clashes over the Meaning of Disability by Gordon, Michael
Effect Prosec Police CPS Part Bbps: Ncs P by Moreno, Hughes
Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives by
Law Lit: From Atticus Finch to the Practice: A Collection of Great Writing about the Law by
Presidential Constitutionalism in Perilous Times by Matheson, Scott M.
Law, Politics and Society in Early Modern England by Brooks, Christopher W.
Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa by
An Essay On The Trial By Jury by Spooner, Lysander
Fraud Investigation: Criminal Procedure and Investigation by Ramage, Sally
Synergies in Minority Protection by
IP and Competitive Strategies in the 21st Century 2nd Edition Revised by Alikhan, Shahid
Multicultural Jurisprudence: Comparative Perspectives on the Cultural Defense by
Multicultural Jurisprudence: Comparative Perspectives on the Cultural Defense by
The Torrens System in Two Parts by Hurd, Harvey Bostwick
Poetical Works of the Late Thomas Warton, Volume I by Warton, Thomas
Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, Volume II by Seemann, Berthold
Leading Cases on the Law of Evidence by Cockle, Ernest
American Indian Sovereignty and Law: An Annotated Bibliography by
The Right to Damages in European Law by
Justice and Science: Trials and Triumphs of DNA Evidence by Clarke, George
Copyright - Its History and Its Law. Being a Summary of the Principles and Practise of Copyright with Special Reference to the American Code of 1909 a by Bowker, Richard Rogers
The Book of Climates: Acclimatization, Climatic Diseases, Health Resorts and Mineral Springs, Sea Si by Cullimore, Daniel Henry
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest by Roby, Henry John
Perils of Prosperity: Realities, Risks and Rewards of the Global Knowledge Economy by Sarno, John J.
Perils of Prosperity: Realities, Risks and Rewards of the Global Knowledge Economy by Sarno, John J.
A Simple Common Lawyer: Essays in Honour of Michael Taggart by
Zwischen Produktion und Reproduktion: Frauenarbeit und Arbeitsschutz von der Industriellen Revolution bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg by Greiner, Florian
Friendly Hints To The Young Naval Lieutenant (1858) by Liardet, Francis
Ashes Of Evidence (1921) by Levison, Eric
Clement's Trial And Victory: Or Sowing And Reaping (1875) by M. E. B.
Benevolence In Punishment: Or Transportation Made Reformatory (1845) by Seeley Burnside and Seeley
Englisches Grundbuchrecht (1906) by Zeerleder, Gotthold
Guide to Representing Religious Organizations by Frey, Jeannie Carmedelle, Runquist, Lisa
Die Besteuerung gemeinnütziger Vereine by Jozefczuk, Ricarda
Chinese Policing; History and Reform by Kam C Wong
Das System der Erbschaftsteuer: Steuerprinzipielle Begründbarkeit, wirkungsanalytische Beurteilung und spezifische Ausgestaltungsfragen by Richtsteig, Mirko
Clement's Trial And Victory: Or Sowing And Reaping (1875) by M. E. B.
Captain Gardiner Of The International Police (1916) by Allen, Robert
Free Ships Under Enemy's Flags (1866) by Aegidi, Ludwig Karl James, Klauhold, Alfred
Free Trade Under Protection (1889) by Gill, Richard
Carl Georg Von Waechter (1880) by Windscheid, Bernhard
Auditors: Their Duties And Responsibilities Under The Companies Acts And Other Acts Of Parliament (1896) by Pixley, Francis William
Codigo Civil, 1898 (1898) by Republica de Honduras
Criminalpolitische Bekampfungsmethoden (1893) by Thomsen, Andreas
Bluntschli's Life Work (1884) by Adams, Herbert Baxter
Boat Armament Of The U.S. Navy (1856) by Dahlgren, John Adolphus
El Derecho Internacional Americano (1900) by Tudela, Francisco
E. E. Hochweisen Raths Der Stadt Leipzig Gesetze Der Schule Zu S. Thomae (1733) by Leipzig
Calendar Of The Deeds And Documents Belonging To The Corporation Of Walsall, In The Town Chest (1882) by
Die Religionsfreiheit Und Die Massnahmen Der Kantone Und Des Bundes (1895) by Streiff, David
Csend Es Rend Legyen! A Kihagasi Bunteto Torvenykonyv Peldakban (1900) by Nagy, Sandor
Bourguignon: Jurisconsulte (1898) by Clement, Paul
Before The Central American Court Of Justice: The Republic Of Costa Rica Against The Republic Of Nicaragua (1916) by Central American Court of Justice
Friendly Hints To The Young Naval Lieutenant (1858) by Liardet, Francis
Canoe and Boat Building: A Complete Manual for Amateurs (1885) by Stephens, William Picard
Forensic Facts And Fallacies: A Popular Consideration Of Some Legal Points And Principles (1885) by Williams, Sydney Edward
Canonical Elections (1917) by Galliher, Daniel Michael
Belgium's Case: A Judicial Enquiry (1916) by Visscher, Charles De
Annales Du Barreau Francais V5, Part 2: Des Plaidoyers Et Memoires Les Plus Remarquables (1825) by B. Waree
Benevolence In Punishment: Or Transportation Made Reformatory (1845) by Seeley Burnside and Seeley
Essay On The Commercial Principles Applicable To Contracts For The Hire Of Land (1877) by Campbell, George Douglas
Federal Power: Its Growth And Necessity (1918) by West, Henry Litchfield
Discours Prononces A L' Installation Des Nouveaux Magistrats Du Peuple (1798) by Correvon, Pierre-Francois
El Derecho Internacional Codificado (1871) by Bluntschli, Johann Caspar
50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward by
Preconditions for Contingency Fee Agreements in Australia and Germany by Kramp, Ole
Therapieassoziierte Myelodysplastische Syndrome: Epidemiologie und Prognose in einer konsekutiven Studie anhand 121 Patienten by Nowak, Peter
Ersatzansprüche Dritter bei Tötung: Insbesondere nach ABGB, EKHG sowie luftverkehrsrechtlichen Bestimmungen by Vallaster, René P.
International Law Reports: Volume 135 by
Öffentliche Übernahmen in Indien - Ein Praxishandbuch by Parameswaran, Benjamin
Eigentum an Körperteilen: Rechtsfragen Der Kommerzialisierung Des Menschlichen Körpers by Roth, Carsten
Liquidated Damages Extensions 3e by Eggleston, Brian
Law Market by Ribstein, Larry E., O'Hara, Erin A.
The New Income Tax Scandal: How the Income Tax cheats workers out of MILLION$ each year and the corrupt reasons why this happens by Garrison, J. Christopher
The New Income Tax Scandal: How the Income Tax cheats workers out of MILLION$ each year and the corrupt reasons why this happens by Garrison, J. Christopher
Corruption and the Secret of Law: A Legal Anthropological Perspective by Anders, Gerhard
Völkerrecht als Rechtsordnung: Kritische Gegenargumente zu Goldsmiths und Posners "Limits of International Law" by Gragl, Paul
The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker by Greenhouse, Steven
Points in Minor Tactics by Smylie, Charles Albert
More Pages from the Day-book of Bethia Hardacre by Maitland, Ella Fuller
The Book of Climates: Acclimatization, Climatic Diseases, Health Resorts and Mineral Springs, Sea Si by Cullimore, Daniel Henry
Leading Cases on the Law of Evidence by Cockle, Ernest
Some Elements Towards the At-One-Ment of Knowledge and Belief by Routh, William
Penruddock of the White Lambs: A Tale of Holland, England and America by Church, Samuel Harden
Madame de Maurescamp: A Story of Parisian Life by Feuillet, Octave
Observations on Some of the Dialects in the West of England, Particularly Somersetshire: With a Glos by Jennings, James George
Points in Minor Tactics by Smylie, Charles Albert
Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism, in Their Physiological and Therapeutical Relations by Bird, Golding
Remarks on the Fable of the Bees by Law, William
Ganztägige Betreuung an öffentlichen Pflichtschulen in Österreich by Mayer, Anne
Geltung und Geld: Sichere Wege zum gesunden Geldstrom by Hoffmann, Siegfried
Failure to Protect: America's Sexual Predator Laws and the Rise of the Preventive State by Janus, Eric S.
The Second Amendment: The Intent and Its Interpretation by the States and the Supreme Court by Charles, Patrick J.
Disquiet - the Justifiable Homicide of an Australian Vietnam Veteran by Tapp, Paul
Das Zinsverbot in der Praxis des Islamic Banking by Pfannkuch, Katharina
Observations on Some of the Dialects in the West of England, Particularly Somersetshire: With a Glos by Jennings, James George
The Autotoxicoses by Stern, Heinrich
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest by Roby, Henry John
Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, Volume II by Seemann, Berthold
The Middle English Penitential Lyric: A Study and Collection of Early Religious Verse by Patterson, Frank Allen
Madame de Maurescamp: A Story of Parisian Life by Feuillet, Octave
Lawrence's Adventures Among the Ice-cutters, Glass-makers, Coal-miners, Iron-Men, and Ship-builders by Trowbridge, John Townsend
Methoden, Erkenntnisse und Deliktsfelder der kriminologischen Dunkelfeldforschung sowie die Problematik der, häuslichen Gewalt'' by Wendel, Philipp
The European Union and Global Governance by
Das Gewaltmonopol des Staates als Grenze der Privatisierung von Staatsaufgaben: Dargestellt am Beispiel des Strafvollzuges by Schimpfhauser, Eva
Die Besteuerung in- und auslaendischer Investmentfonds nach dem Investmentsteuergesetz: Unter besonderer Beachtung der steuerrechtlichen Behandlung de by Teichert, Sascha
Die Entkriminalisierung des § 173 StGB by Karst, Sandra
Zur Lehre von der Geschaeftsgrundlage nach altem und neuem Recht by Huang, Zhe
Ein oesterreichischer Jurist im Vormaerz: Selbstbiographische Skizzen des Freiherrn Karl Josef Pratobevera (1769-1853) by Neschwara, Christian
The Scottish Mental Health Tribunal: Practice and Procedure by Auchie, Derek, Carmichael, Ailsa
Vertragsklauseln zur Rügeobliegenheit nach deutschem und UN-Kaufrecht: Anleitung zur Vertragsgestaltung by Rosenhäger, Phillipp
Palestine and International Law: Essays on Politics and Economics by
Rationality in Company Law: Essays in Honour of DD Prentice by
The Legitimacy of Highest Courts' Rulings: Judicial Deliberations and Beyond by
Sterbehilfe - Wandel in der Terminologie: Eine integrative Betrachtung aus der Sicht von Medizin, Ethik und Recht by Habicht, Annekatrin
The Making of the ASEAN Charter by
Macht man sich strafbar, wenn man einen Außerirdischen tötet?: Wohlgemute Anmerkungen zu einer wenig erforschten Rechtsfrage by Stephkohn, Erich
Solvenztest oder Bilanztest. Das vorzugswürdige Kapitalerhaltungssystem der Europäischen Privatgesellschaft by Preisser, Maximilian
Homöopathie und Mediation: Beides Methoden zur Überwindung von Pathologien beim Menschen: Eine vergleichende Betrachtung by Kohlenz, Gerhard
Practical Reason in Law and Morality by Maccormick
Fathers of Conscience: Mixed-Race Inheritance in the Antebellum South by Jones, Bernie D.
Legal Systems of Scottish Churches by
Fathers of Conscience: Mixed-Race Inheritance in the Antebellum South by Jones, Bernie D.
The European Court's Political Power: Selected Essays by Alter, Karen
Racism and Equality in the European Union by Bell, Mark
The Voice of a Child in Family Law Disputes by Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick
Rediscovering a Lost Freedom: The First Amendment Right to Censor Unwanted Speech by Garry, Patrick
Code Ottoman D'Instruction Criminelle (1884) by Vithynos, Yanco
Landmarks in Australian Intellectual Property Law by
How Our Laws Are Made: The Legislative Process, Introducing a Bill or Resolution, Parliamentary Reference Sources, Committee of the Whole, Co by Koempel, Michael, Johnson, Charles W., III
Creon's Ghost Law Justice and the Humanities by Tomain, Tomain, Joseph P.
Rechtssicherheit als Freiheitsschutz: Struktur des verfassungsrechtlichen Bestandsschutzes by Riechelmann, Frank
Bugle Signals, Calls And Marches For Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue Cutter Service And National Guard (1917) by Canty, Daniel Joseph
Code Penal D'Haiti (1826) by Haiti
Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Case Studies by
International Criminal Law Practitioner Library by Bischoff, James L., Reid, Natalie L., Boas, Gideon
Strategy on the United States Supreme Court by Brenner, Saul, Whitmeyer, Joseph
Constitution Of Virginia (1915) by Virginia
Commentaire Sur L'Edit: Portant Creation De Conservateurs Des Hypotheques Sur Les Immeubles Reels Et Fictifs, Et Abrogation Des Decrets Volont by M. R.
General Information Regarding The National Monuments Set Aside Under The Act Of Congress Approved June 8, 1906 (1917) by Department of the Interior
Catalogue Des Livres Defendus Par La Commission Imperiale Et Royale: Jusqu'a L'Annee 1786 (1788) by Commission Imperiale Et Royale
Considerations On The Polity Of Entails In A Nation (1765) by Dalrymple, John
Consular Jurisdiction In Her Majesty's Protectorate Of The Niger Coast (1895) by
Causes Celebres Et Interessantes V4: Avec Les Jugemens Qui Les Ont Decidees (1752) by Pitaval, Francois Gayot De
Breslauer Burgerbuch: Sammlung Von Polizei-Verordnungen, Ortsstatuten Und Regulativen Fur Die Stadt Breslau (1893) by Breslau
Injured In The Course Of Duty (1910) by Hard, William
Census Of Shipbuilding: Including Boat Building 1916 And 1914 (1919) by Hartley, Eugene Fuller
Code Ottoman D'Instruction Criminelle (1884) by Vithynos, Yanco
Carwell: Or Crime And Sorrow (1830) by Sheridan, Caroline Henriette
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